56 - HR-REISE: Nachrichten f�r Reisekostendialog
The following messages are stored in message class 56: HR-REISE: Nachrichten f�r Reisekostendialog.
It is part of development package PTRA_ADDON in software component FI-TV-COS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Travel Management Add-On".
It is part of development package PTRA_ADDON in software component FI-TV-COS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Travel Management Add-On".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No entry in table & for argument & & & |
002 | No entry in table &1 for argument &2 at time &3 |
003 | Entries can be made on first day of trip only. (Trip number: &) |
004 | & & |
005 | Error during initialization of accounting |
006 | Person edited was rejected. |
007 | No trip data could be found for selected criteria |
008 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
009 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
010 | No entry in &1 |
011 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
012 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
013 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
014 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
015 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
016 | & & & & |
017 | Settlement of trip & is incorrect |
018 | Simulation of trip & is incorrect |
019 | For PerNo & there are no documents in document buffer. |
020 | No authorization for & & & & |
021 | Access momentarily not possible due to data import in process. |
022 | The maximum number of selectable lines (now &) will be transferred. |
023 | Position cursor on a field for line selection |
024 | This credit-card document can momentarily not be deleted. |
025 | The document was written back to the document buffer |
026 | The selected credit-card documents were inserted in the trip |
027 | Entries are only allowed on first day of trip |
028 | The trip can not begin on & and end on & |
029 | Destination interval from &1 to &2 for trip &3 is already filled |
030 | Trip was entered for trip provision variant &1, currently valid is &2 |
031 | No permanent residence between & and & |
032 | Specify a job name |
033 | Enter a file name |
034 | Enter name of batch input session |
035 | No personal data between & and & |
036 | No organizational assignment between &1 and &2 |
037 | No banking details between &1 and &2 |
038 | Between &1 and &2 there is no infotype &3 |
039 | Reference vendor & does not exist |
040 | Reference vendor &1, company code &2 do not exist |
041 | Personnel number &1 already has vendor master record &2 |
042 | Personnel number & already has more than one vendor master record |
043 | Caution! Due to missing entries times have been generated/deleted |
044 | Field & contains unallowed value |
045 | Date inconsistencies: & |
046 | Entry & & & does not exist - check your entry |
047 | Enter a valid beginning date |
048 | Specify a real time interval |
049 | Period & is not defined in the period table |
050 | For monthly cumulation, specify month and year |
051 | Trip was deleted from calendar overview |
052 | There is no period data for trip & |
053 | 'From' time field of trip may not be left empty or be deleted. |
054 | There is no header data for period &1 of trip &2 |
055 | Enter the additional receipt information |
056 | Addnl info for receipt & of & required; check default values if necessary |
057 | The total amount can not be correctly displayed (field is too small) |
058 | Number exceeds maximum value of 999. Please check date entries |
059 | Entry T706D-waerskz is not set for trip provision variant & |
060 | Incorrect value for update parameter |
061 | The key fields for the data to be saved are not filled correctly |
062 | The data to be saved is not consistent |
063 | The trip status has been changed successfully |
064 | The trip already had the status wanted: & & & |
065 | Same paid-receipt wage types assigned for more than one expense code |
066 | You do not have authorization for this action |
067 | Error during database update |
068 | Parameter & & & is not permissible |
069 | Internal error occurred with &. Save not possible |
070 | Trip currency change from & to & & |
071 | Accounting area & does not exist |
072 | Do not enter periods |
073 | Enter a period |
074 | Period & & is not defined for period parameter &. |
075 | No personnel control record exists for accounting area & |
076 | Accounting area & does not exist |
077 | The period/subsequent period of person. control record does not exist |
078 | Error when reading personnel control record |
079 | No commitment updated -> Trip status was changed |
080 | Changed miles/kms entries have been reset. |
081 | HR Position Management active, create a new infotype record for & |
082 | Wrong cluster TE version |
083 | Enter numerical values only |
084 | To save the trip, set trip status to 'Request' 'Open' |
085 | Enter a personnel number |
086 | Error when reading personnel control record: System not available |
087 | Error when reading personnel control record: Communication error |
088 | Error when reading personnel control record: Error in ALE Customizing |
089 | Error when reading personnel control record: Receiver not unique |
090 | No authorization for personnel number & |
091 | No authorization for &1 trip &2 |
092 | Breakfast deduction not possible for paid receipt |
093 | Error when reading personnel control record: No RFC destination |
094 | Fast entry cannot be used for personnel number & |
095 | No entry in PTRV_PERIO for personnel no. &1, trip no. &2 |
096 | Data inconsistency, accounting of the trip had to be rejected |
097 | & breakfasts to be deducted but only & possible nights |
098 | Change weekly reports using weekly report entry type only |
099 | The receipt sum is too big for the sum field. |
100 | No authorization for & & |
101 | &1 for PersNo &2 missing betw. &3 and &4 |
102 | &1 for PersNo &2 missing between &3 and &4 |
103 | No infotype accounting status (0003) exists for PersNo & |
104 | The amount of the credit card document can not be raised. |
105 | Choose a valid trip |
106 | Entry is incomplete. |
107 | Choose a valid receipt |
108 | Change in accounting past |
109 | Change in posting past |
110 | Choose a valid stopover |
111 | Old version no. for cluster &1 : &2 instead of &3 |
112 | Choose a valid weekly report |
113 | Choose a valid travel request |
114 | Select a valid line |
115 | Mark one field only in each of the two columns |
116 | Choose a valid line in the cost assignment specification |
117 | Error with assignment of facsimile: incorrect object name |
118 | There is no facsimile for this trip. |
119 | You still have to assign the original/facsimile |
120 | Save the trip first |
121 | No trips exist for key &1 |
122 | Data for this trip can only be displayed |
123 | This trip cannot be deleted |
124 | Receipt &1 was created &2 &3 from receipt &4 |
125 | Receipt &1 was created with addit.info and cost ass.specif.from rcpt &2 |
126 | Receipt &1 was deleted including additional info and cost assignm.specif. |
127 | Choose a valid line in the miles/kms distribution |
128 | Receipt &1 was copied &2 &3 |
129 | Receipt &1 was deleted &2 &3 |
130 | No cost assignment exists |
131 | There is no trip for keys &1 &2 &3 &4 |
132 | To sort, please select a column |
133 | No period data exists for header pers.no. &1 trip no. &2 and hd. vers.&3 |
134 | No header data exists for trip period with &1 and &2 |
135 | Changing number assignment from old &1 to new &2 not allowed |
136 | Error in number assignment for pers.no. &1 (trip number has leading 0) |
137 | No trip exists for pers. no. &1 |
138 | Change in trip prov. var. (from &1 to &2) is not allowed when copying |
139 | No number assignment specified for trip schema |
140 | Internal number assignment (Trip number entry unnecessary) |
141 | External number assignment (Enter a trip number) |
142 | Trip number &1 already exists |
143 | Reference trip number &1 does not exist for personnel no. &2 |
144 | Trip schema 'new trip' must be same as 'reference' (= &1) |
145 | Overlap with trip &1 |
146 | Trip data for the period from &1 &2 to &3 &4 already exists |
147 | A one-day domestic trip already exists on &1 |
148 | Enter a valid trip number |
149 | No cluster TE with key Pers.no &1 Trip no. &2 Per. vers. &3 exists |
150 | &1: Date &2 time &3 is not within trip duration |
151 | Date & duplicated (entry ignored) |
152 | Border crossing for outward trip is within destination. |
153 | Border crossing for return trip is within destination. |
154 | Border crossing is within destination &. |
155 | Date &1 is not within travel time &2 |
156 | The end must be later than the beginning |
157 | Trip duration shows & overnight stays. |
158 | Set the indicator for per-diem settlement of accommodations |
159 | Border-crossing data must be entered on last trip day. |
160 | No entry in TCURR for local currency &1, foreign currency &2 |
161 | Travel expense type & is not stored in Customizing |
162 | No authorization for travel expense type &1 on &2 |
163 | Conversion from &1 to &2 is not possible |
164 | No authorization for travel expense type & & on & |
165 | Personnel number & locked for accounting (See infotype 0003) |
166 | & is not allowed (reserved for per-diem accounting) |
167 | Master account assignment is not valid |
168 | Per-diem settlement and individ.receipt not allowed for & |
169 | Data may be lost when schema is changed |
170 | Argument & & & & not in table T706F |
171 | & domestic miles/kms total is greater than the & total miles/kms |
172 | Change the trip schema |
173 | Domestic PD/FR settlement and individual receipts not allowed for & |
174 | International PD/FR settlement and indiv.receipts not allowed for & |
175 | Internal error: No entry in table KONTI for key & |
176 | All receipt - destination assignments will be reset |
177 | Receipt - destination assignment for receipt & was reset |
178 | All miles/kms distrib.- destination assignments will be set up again |
179 | Destination assignment of selected miles/kms distri. was set up again |
180 | Still incorrect &; Number: &. Trip cannot be saved. |
181 | Changes are not being saved because of display mode |
182 | Trip & has more than 9999 km |
183 | Trip data not yet saved (end of current processing) |
184 | Set trip status before saving |
185 | Trip & was saved |
186 | Trip &: still incorrect &:&. A save cannot be performed |
187 | Number of stopover nights: & > total nights for trip: & |
188 | Stopover nights: &1 > total nights for trip: &2. Save not possible |
189 | Stopover nights will also be maintained |
190 | Stopover nights will also be deleted |
191 | Trip & & & cannot be deleted because it has already been posted. |
192 | Receipt date not within trip dates (Please correct or confirm) |
193 | The changes in trip & have been reversed |
194 | No entry in table & |
195 | The current version of trip & was deleted |
196 | Trip & (Trip duration shows & overnight stays) |
197 | For trip &1, maximum possible overnights are &2. |
198 | Per diem accounting for accomm. is not selected, 'No.nights' deleted |
199 | The trip can not be saved |
200 | Distribution model not maintained -> Transfer program can not be used |
201 | Interval too big (Please use travel manager for trips that are too long) |
202 | Trip duration is not within interval. |
203 | Beginning of interval is greater than end of interval |
204 | Time intervals for trip on & are not complete (unique) |
205 | A trip cannot end before it has begun. |
206 | Trip durations overlap |
207 | Trip number occurs more than once |
208 | Trip duration is &1 nights; a maximum of &2 nights are allowed |
209 | Deleting impossible (Please cancel trip) |
210 | Trips for interval were saved |
211 | Schema 99 for travel calendar does not exist |
212 | Status & for changing a receipt does not exist |
213 | Schema SP for the weekly report does not exist |
214 | Key & & locked by user |
215 | Key & & is locked by another user |
216 | Locking not possible (internal error) |
217 | It is impossible to edit periods which extend into the next year. |
218 | Trip &1: Trip end must be later than end of archiving (&2) |
219 | Trip end must be later than end of archiving (&1) |
220 | Domestic trip should have destination &1, but &2 is entered |
221 | International trip with destination & is not possible |
222 | Trip & has more than 99.999 km |
223 | International stopover ends after return to domestic country |
224 | International stopover begins before international border crossing |
225 | Period name for cumulation procedure 2 not found (date: &) |
226 | Miles/kms were copied & |
227 | Miles/kms were deleted & |
228 | Miles/kms were created & |
229 | Deduction: An overnight stay for &1 is not possible. &2 |
230 | &1 &2: Payment amount either in &3 or in &4 |
231 | Cumulation by year not possible with employee-spec.beginning for PerNo & |
232 | Cumulation according to period parameter not possible for PerNo & |
233 | Enter additional information for this receipt in the editor |
234 | No entry in table PTRV_HEAD for argument &1 &2 &3 |
235 | Receipt type & was automatically generated and can not be copied |
236 | Receipt type & was automatically generated and can not be deleted |
237 | Change in trip schema from &1 to &2: no data was lost |
238 | The trip schema was not changed |
239 | Relevant change in schema not possible due to trip advance |
240 | Trip schema &1 has number assignment(NV) &2, trip schema &3 has NV &4 |
241 | No advance trip schema 'VS' exists for trip provision variant & |
242 | For trips > & days choose a trip type S with full taxation |
243 | The selected trip schema & does not allow advances |
244 | Have you set up a cost distribution for the trip receipts? |
245 | No layouts exist |
246 | Delete or cancel not possible |
247 | During change of schema from &1 to &2, no data was lost |
248 | Trip no. missing |
249 | Error with filter object company code |
250 | To perform trip settlement, approval status must be '... approved' |
251 | To perform trip settlement, settlement status must be 'to be settled' |
252 | To print trip data, settlement status must be 'settled' |
253 | Error during insert - table: &1 |
254 | Error during update - table: &1 |
255 | Wage type & is assigned to two cost elements. Save is not possible |
256 | Display variant &1 not found |
257 | Entry in Infotype 0105 missing for your user name |
258 | Error in ALE Customizing |
259 | Error during determination of receiver system |
260 | Still incorrect &: & (Simulation is not possible) |
261 | Comparison accounting is not possible (not accommodations receipts) |
262 | Comparison accounting is not possible (per diem accommodations) |
263 | Error during creation of IDoc |
264 | Error during posting of commitment |
265 | Country/Region for miles/kms does not coincide with that of stopover |
266 | Country/Region for stopover does not coincide with that of miles/kms |
267 | Display not possible due to missing authorizations |
268 | Display incomplete due to missing authorizations |
269 | Vehicle type/class does not correspond with entries in Infotype 17 |
270 | Travel privileges between &2 and &3 do not exist for pers. no &1 |
271 | Travel privileges between &1 and &2 are not unique |
272 | Travel expense assignment guidelines not unique between &1 and &2 |
273 | Master cost center missing for PersNo & |
274 | Current cursor position (&1): Line &2 Column &3 |
275 | Employee is inactive (events) between &1 and &2 |
276 | Organizational assignment between &1 and &2 not unique |
277 | Cursor was not positioned within header line |
278 | No name found for personnel number |
279 | This trip cannot be deleted |
280 | Direct posting only allowed for single trip |
281 | Subtotals only possible for individual statement block |
282 | Individual statement block can not be suppressed |
283 | The sort attribute can only be set in individual statement block |
284 | The trip can not be saved |
285 | Reimbursed amounts were updated |
286 | Update currently not possible |
287 | The trip to be saved entailed no costs |
288 | Trip provision variant &1 in client &2 was deleted |
289 | Trip provision variant &1 in client &2 was copied to client &3 |
290 | Trip provision variant &1 in client &2 was copied to &3 |
291 | Error during deletion - table: & |
292 | To select blocks, please select two lines |
293 | Copying a trip provision variant to itself is not possible |
294 | Statistic update mode could not be determined |
295 | Print request generated |
296 | Modules of form variant & successfully copied |
297 | Trip provision variant & does not exist |
298 | Form variant &1 does not exist in trip provision variant &2 |
299 | Copying a form variant to itself is not possible |
300 | Number assignm.: No number interval for obj. &1 and personnel area &2 |
301 | Number assignment: Number range not external |
302 | Number assignment: Object & not found |
303 | Number assignment: Number & is not in no.interval (external) |
304 | Explicit entry & (Internal number assignment not possible) |
305 | Number assignment: Number range not internal |
306 | Assigned number is in critical range (-> percent in TNRO) |
307 | Number assignment: Last number has been assigned |
308 | No maintenance authorization for Customizing tables |
309 | No number range found for & & & & |
310 | Entry & is not allowed |
311 | &1 &2 is not in foreign currency; payment currency changed to &3 |
312 | Trip can not be saved due to errors in simulation |
313 | Start this program on a batch-enabled server |
314 | For trips < & days, choose a trip ty. statutory with normal taxation |
315 | Country grouping 10 (USA): Input tax calculation is not allowed. |
316 | The number of nights to be reduced is larger than possible nights |
317 | Distribute accommodations receipt by percent only |
318 | & % still to be assigned |
319 | & % still to be assigned |
320 | Order/project/cost center (Combined entry is not allowed) |
321 | Order/proj./cost cntr (One entry only required) |
322 | Percent without account assignm. |
323 | Percentage total is & % too high |
324 | Percentage entered > & |
325 | Order/project/cost center cannot be assigned twice |
326 | Account assignm. without percent |
327 | Specified destination is unknown |
328 | An error occurred during cost center validation |
329 | Please specify a company code. |
330 | Correct the percentages |
331 | Enter a positive percentage |
332 | Correct the partial amounts |
333 | Amount & & still to be assigned |
334 | & % will be assigned acc. to trip costs assignment guidelines |
335 | & & will be assigned acc. to trip costs assignment guidelines |
336 | Total exceeds receipt amount by & & |
337 | Assignment of receipt &1 (RcptNo. &2) will be deleted |
338 | Assignment of negative rcpt amounts is prohibited |
339 | Status & is not allowed |
340 | Enter a positive amount |
341 | Account assignment edited already exists. Shares will be accumulated |
342 | Old account assignm. will be deleted |
343 | Fill in the mandatory fields |
344 | The amount > & & |
345 | No financial management area for company code & |
346 | Total exceeds total miles/kms by & miles/kms |
347 | Enter a percentage |
348 | Specify a currency for the amount |
349 | Maintain the currency for currency indicator 3 |
350 | Deleting the advance is not permitted |
351 | Trip can not be deleted; Miles/kms cumulation limit exceeded |
352 | Display contains trips with more than one reimb. amount. See long text |
353 | Assign trip provision variant & to a MOLGA in V_T706D |
354 | Function not allowed for receipts with country currency & or EUR |
355 | & nights according to trip duration. Begin trip at 24:00 of previous day |
356 | Printing not possible - no data for printing |
357 | Customizing action is not possible for the selected form variant |
358 | Choose only one trip number or one personnel number |
359 | Function not allowed for receipts with country currency & or EUR |
360 | Trip transferred with accounting currency & can not be copied |
361 | Overlap with destination from &1 &2 to &3 &4 |
362 | Arrival at destination before departure from domestic country |
363 | The departure from destination country is before landing in dom. country |
364 | List wider than 1000 characters. Reduce size of table |
365 | There is a maximum D rate for this travel expense type |
366 | Contact person could not yet be determined |
367 | Your contact person for questions |
368 | Plan and travel expense report of trip no. &1 were deleted |
369 | Select an 'Additional destination' in the itinerary |
370 | Select a request, plan or expense report first |
371 | Select a personnel number in the list first |
372 | User group & already exists |
373 | Trip schema & already exists |
374 | New trip schema has different number assignment. Change is not possible |
375 | Trip of & already has a travel request |
376 | Trip of & already has a travel plan |
377 | Trip of & already has a travel expense report |
378 | A travel request with a new trip number will be created |
379 | A travel plan with a new trip number will be created |
380 | Travel expense report with a new trip number will be created |
381 | Select the top node of a trip first |
382 | Choose a request, a plan or expense report |
383 | Enterprise-specific trip type - Breakfast was deleted! |
384 | No entry in view &1 for key &2 (check entries) |
385 | Event is not between & & and & & |
386 | Following per diems/flat rates not found for your entries: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
387 | Field overflow -> Calculation not possible |
388 | Check combination of accommodations receipt and per diem |
389 | Trip country for 'Additional destination' same as 'First destination' |
390 | Receipt date & is not valid |
391 | The currency quotation was entered incorrectly |
392 | Pers.no. &1, trip &2 is blocked by user &3 |
393 | Pers.no. &1 is blocked by user &2 |
394 | Creation of trips for pers.no &1 is blocked by user &2 |
395 | The info system was started in a new window ... |
396 | Request, plan and expense report of trip number &1 have been deleted |
397 | Request and expense report of trip number &1 have been deleted |
398 | Choose a flight |
399 | Close the currently edited trip &1 first |
400 | View & is locked. Database changes are not possible at present time |
401 | The entry corresponds with a standard scenario |
402 | Enter exactly one wage type |
403 | Enter both wage types |
404 | Expense type & can only be used in weekly reports |
405 | The service provider can only be recorded for paid receipts |
406 | Enter a jurisdiction code (use F4 help) |
407 | No country version of Travel Management is available for & |
408 | Enter an input tax code for lump-sum input tax |
409 | Check Customizing for indiv. receipt type & and assignment to wage type |
410 | User & has not been created |
411 | Personnel no.& has not been created |
412 | Enter an input tax code for 0% input tax |
413 | Check the defaulted jurisdiction |
414 | A maximum D rate for meals receipts (category M) is not allowed |
415 | Enter a personnel number |
416 | Position the cursor on a valid miles/kms field |
417 | Record two wage types for this travel expense type |
418 | Entries not within the trip date interval have been deleted |
419 | Currency &1 does not exist (Check your entry) |
420 | Approval not possible for current status |
421 | In this client no transport connection is active |
422 | Trip schema &1 in morei &2 does not exist in table T706S |
423 | Overlap with trip &1 from &2 to &3 |
424 | Reference trip was moved & days. Please check the trip! |
425 | More than one trip per day is only allowed for one-day trips |
426 | Check the from and to dates of the receipt |
427 | Several business trips on one day require an active stopover screen |
428 | Travel item is already reserved, cancel plan and then delete the trip |
429 | Trip schema &1 does not permit trips of more than one day |
430 | Enter a personnel number |
431 | No suitable trip schema could be found |
432 | Fill or delete all flight time fields completely |
433 | Check your 'additional destinations' in trip itinerary |
434 | Time & &1 o'clock can not be later than & &2 o'clock |
435 | Invalid industry sector ID |
436 | Trip provision variant & is not yet assigned to a country group |
437 | Comparison calculation is not possible |
438 | You have entered more than 3 meals receipts for & |
439 | Personnel number &1 was not yet created for time &2 |
440 | Account for personnel number & is not unique |
441 | Choose 'original language' and/or 'English' |
442 | Choose at least one option |
443 | File contains no data for the selected trip provision variant |
444 | File contains no data |
445 | Check the documents created from the travel plan |
446 | The advances in reference trip & will not be copied |
447 | No documents could be copied from the travel plan |
448 | Manual changes to travel plan documents will be overwritten |
449 | Value-added tax indicator must be tax type 'Input Tax' |
450 | Data was saved successfully |
451 | Data was not changed. Save is not necessary |
452 | Deletion of trip schema & is not allowed |
453 | Deletion of user group & is not allowed |
454 | Error when creating trip statistics for PerNr &1, Trip &2 (long txt) |
455 | Destination beginning on &1 at &2 is not allowed |
456 | Additional destination not possible due to overlap with general data |
457 | Select 'Settle Travel Requests' and/or 'Settle Trips' |
458 | The beginning date entered is not allowed to be before the & |
459 | The end date entered is not allowed to be after the & |
460 | Trip belongs to object 'Travel Request/Plan' and cannot be copied |
461 | The beginning date must be before the end date |
462 | No posting runs could be found for the selected criteria |
463 | Only the last period (not per. &1) of trip &2 may be deleted |
464 | The current version of trip &1 period &2 was deleted |
465 | No authorization for maintaining separation allowances for pers. no. & |
466 | Schema name/description was copied from language & |
467 | &1 active from &2, create a new Infotype record for &2 |
468 | Trip could not be approved (problems with assoc. separation allowance) |
469 | Enter the destination address using the location input help |
470 | Extend the destination address using the location input help |
471 | Enter destination address using the input help for the first destination |
472 | Extend destination address using the input help for the first destination |
473 | First trip destination does not have destination address: Use input help |
474 | At least one additional trip destination has no destination address |
475 | Destination address for first trip destination is incomplete. See F4 Help |
476 | Trip destination has incomplete destination address, use input help! |
477 | At least one trip destination does not have a destination address |
478 | Travel calendar currently not available |
479 | Screen &1 &2 is deactivated for trip schema &3 |
480 | The default text with name &1 could not be found |
481 | Deletion not possible (request has already been approved or canceled) |
482 | Error transferring data to SAP system - inbound container corrupt |
483 | Offline Travel Manager is not active for trip provision variant '&1' |
484 | No request or accounting versions exist |
485 | Trip data was transferred to a Batch Input Folder |
486 | Service provider &2 is not allowed for expense type &1 |
487 | Trip cannot be copied as it does not contain a plan |
488 | Select at least one trip |
489 | BC Set &1 was activated successfully |
490 | Activation of BC Set &1 was terminated |
491 | No authorization to read trip & |
492 | No authorization to write trip & |
493 | No authorization to delete trip & |
494 | No authorization for accounting of trip & |
495 | No authorization to set relevant trip status in trip & |
496 | Activation of BC Set &1 is not complete |
497 | BC Set &1 was activated but errors occurred |
498 | BC Set &1 was activated with warnings |
499 | Activation status for BC set &1 could not be determined |
500 | No entry for trip provision variant & in table T706D |
501 | System &1 does not use Travel Management. Extension EA-TRV is inactive |
502 | Client &1 in System &2 uses Travel Management: |
503 | The "Travel Management" extension (EA-TRV) could not be activated |
504 | Country grouping & is not in table T001P |
505 | The 'Travel Management' extension (EA-TRV) was activated successfully |
506 | Country & is not in table T005 or T706L |
507 | The 'Travel Management' extension (EA_TRV) was activated incompletely |
508 | Maximum amount & x & & is exceeded |
509 | Exch.rate variance & % too high for comp.code & |
510 | T001T CC &: Max. % exch.rate variance missing(check not poss.) |
511 | There is no real conversion rate within the local currency |
512 | Breakfasts can only be deducted from accommodations receipts. |
513 | Please enter country for accommodations. |
514 | Number of breakfasts to be deducted missing. |
515 | No template exists for personnel number &1 |
516 | Amount exceeds maximum amount & x & & |
517 | Accommodations documents for a one-day trip? |
518 | Rate fixing between & and &. Explicit entry not allowed |
519 | You are not authorized to use the Statistics Manager |
520 | Select one trip only |
521 | No travel plans exist for personnel number &1 |
522 | Activate the Travel Management Extension (EA-TRV) in Reference IMG |
523 | Check the Number |
524 | You cannot sort this column |
525 | Sopt options have already been saved |
526 | Sort options have been saved |
527 | You are not authorized to maintain additional info for the traveler |
528 | Enter the country in which the document was issued |
529 | The input tax code of document &1 was adjusted |
530 | To determine the input tax code, check the document date |
531 | The input tax code of the document was adjusted |
532 | To determine the input tax code, check the document country |
533 | Data in the clipboard cannot be used |
534 | Error while reading master account assignment |
535 | More than 95 destinations are not supported |
536 | No authorization for posting run & |
537 | No authorization for & of posting run & |
538 | Trip is a weekly report and cannot be copied |
539 | Document cannot be transferred without jurisdiction code |
540 | Inconsistency while determining RFC destination |
541 | Individual receipt for &2 not allowed with statutory trip type &1 |
542 | Trip data is incomplete |
543 | Information on payroll area and payroll period incomplete |
544 | Date & of receipt & & is not within trip duration |
545 | Trip cannot extend over more than one month. You must split the trip |
546 | Statutory trip type & cannot be used due to 4-day rule |
547 | Statutory trip type & for trip provision variant & does not exist |
548 | Statutory trip type & invalid for trip with foreign destination |
549 | For separate systems: Enter the company code for the system search |
550 | Date cannot be in the future |
551 | If trip duration is shortened, statutory trip type & cannot be used |
552 | Start of per diem reduction moved to & |
553 | Deductions generated from & to & |
554 | Deductions generated on & |
555 | Enter either a group or single value(s) |
556 | TC cluster for personnel number & is locked |
557 | The credit card receipt cannot be deleted. See long text |
558 | Credit card clearing is active. Trip version cannot be deleted |
559 | The online system already has control of the credit card buffer |
560 | Trip contains credit card receipts. Delete these first |
561 | Cluster TC data import for personnel number & not successful |
562 | Number assignment: number is initial |
563 | If FM is active you can only create receipts per trip |
564 | Trip has already taken place. Please delete expense type & from & |
565 | Company code must not be different than master company code |
566 | Trip has been copied from template. Please check the trip. |
567 | Use expense type for estimated costs only in a business trip |
568 | Error while initiating travel form |
569 | Enter trips with 'Post Explicit Trips Subseq.' selected |
570 | Form block 12 must be used for this form variant |
571 | No attributes can be created for this form block |
572 | Use a maximum of 16 characters for the name of the user data |
573 | ISO currency code & is not unique |
574 | Document transfer failed during conversion from & to & |
575 | & GUID already exists in trip: & |
576 | Trip &1 is locked by posting run; recalculation terminated |
577 | Error while unlocking IDOCs |
578 | Personnel number & could not be locked after the Commit Work |
579 | Error while locking personnel number & after the Commit Work |
580 | No cProject data exists within the selected time frame |
581 | CO object for cProject number & unknown |
582 | CO object for cProject number & is not yet linked |
583 | Function & does not exist in destination & |
584 | No CO object for project & task/role number & exists |
585 | Trip is separation allowance and cannot be copied |
586 | Trip schema &1 cannot be maintained in table T706S_RECEIPT |
587 | Credit card receipts with invalid expense types are not displayed |
588 | Travel request & was saved |
589 | Expense report & was saved |
590 | Address entry must be active |
591 | Payment card type for payment card company & is missing in T706_CCOMP |
592 | You have not selected any entries with credit card numbers to be migrated |
593 | No entries with credit card numbers have been migrated |
594 | Security level with encrypted storage not configured |
595 | Credit card companies with active encryption do not exist |
596 | Security level for encrypted storage: decryption is not possible |
597 | Restrict the payment card type further |
598 | Press Enter after entering the interval |
599 | Lunch cannot be deducted when receipt is paid |
600 | Dinner cannot be deducted when receipt is paid |
601 | Trip prov.variant &: No 24-hour entries found valid until 12/31/9999 |
602 | Settlement currency & must match currency & of total amount |
603 | Trip currency & must match currency & of total amount |
604 | Trip currency of employee & could not be determined |
605 | Credit card no. &1 is not maintained in IT 0105, subtype 0011. Pers.no.&2 |
606 | Settlement amount plus fees must equal the total amount |
607 | The amounts of the details must not be larger than the transaction amount |
608 | & meals to be deducted, but only & days are possible |
609 | ISO country & could not be converted |
610 | Error while processing credit card transactions |
611 | Error while converting data type & |
612 | Processing of credit card transaction & ( & - & ) |
613 | End of processing of credit card transaction & ( & - & ) |
614 | Sender & of credit card data is unknown ( & - & ) |
615 | Processing of credit card message & was terminated |
616 | Credit card document & of employee & was transferred to the buffer |
617 | Credit card receipt & of employee & was transferred to the error table |
618 | & % still to be assigned |
619 | Processing of credit cards resumed |
620 | Import of previous credit card data was not completed |
621 | Duplicate read of credit card message not possible |
622 | Percent without account assignm. |
623 | Processing of detail record & for transaction & will be started |
624 | Enter a cost assignment relevant for cost accounting |
625 | Processing of charge rate & for transaction & will be started |
626 | Account assignm. without percent |
627 | Processing of credit card message & was started |
628 | Processing of credit card message & completed |
629 | Specify a company code |
630 | Error reading trip provision var. and feature TRVPA for pers. no. & on & |
631 | Credit card clearing is not active for pers. no. & in feature TRVPA |
632 | No authorization to edit credit card buffer for personnel no. & |
633 | & & still to be assigned |
634 | Credit card buffer of personnel no. & is locked |
635 | Error while opening credit card buffer for personnel no. & |
636 | Credit card buffer of personnel no. & was changed successfully |
637 | The faulty transactions were moved to table PTRV_CCC |
638 | Use transaction PRCCE to process the faulty transactions |
639 | Personnel number &: receipt & was transferred to trip & |
640 | You can deduct meals only from accommodations receipts |
641 | When selecting taxation, also enter the addresses |
642 | Error while canceling the posting run |
643 | No travel request exists for trip & |
644 | Significant official interest is selected in travel request &1 |
645 | Significant official interest is selected in expense report &1 |
646 | Significant official interest cannot be selected in travel request &1 |
647 | Significant official interest cannot be selected in expense report &1 |
648 | Overlapping with duty allocation &1 not permitted |
649 | Trip saved; error while updating matchcode T |
650 | No authorization for program/transaction & |
651 | Select one item only |
652 | Enter both the personnel number and the date |
653 | Enter the personnel number or the company code along with the date |
654 | No authorization for the criteria entered |
655 | Enter the start and end dates |
656 | List has been shortened due to insufficient authorization |
657 | Assessors have access to archived data only |
658 | Assessors have no access |
659 | Paper receipt is required if amount of &1 x &2 &3 is reached |
660 | Trip &1 ends on &2; combine the trips in expense report &1 |
661 | Trip &1 starts on &2; combine the trips in expense report &1 |
662 | Enter a business partner number |
663 | Structure of statistical data when saving trip is a prerequisite |
664 | Updating of version table is a prerequisite for archiving |
665 | There is no data to be converted |
666 | Processing client : & |
667 | Entries for table &1: &2 |
668 | Run time in seconds: & |
669 | Client &1: selected cluster TE...........: &2 |
670 | Client &: cluster TE, already converted : & |
671 | Client &: cluster TE, to be converted...: & |
672 | Client &: converted TE cluster..........: & |
673 | Client &: selected TS cluster...........: & |
674 | Client &: TS cluster, already converted : & |
675 | Client &: TS cluster, to be converted...: & |
676 | Client &: converted TS cluster..........: & |
677 | No trips found; therefore no trip conversion was processed |
678 | File && could not be opened |
679 | File && could not be closed |
680 | File && was successfully created |
681 | If ALE (HR-FI) is active, file name (without path) may only have 10 char. |
682 | HR - FI/CO link via ALE is not active |
683 | Coupling HR-PAY via ALE is active |
684 | Coupling HR-PAY via ALE is not active |
685 | Error writing table T706B1 |
686 | In client &, the trip provision variant & exists twice |
687 | Feature TRVCT has already been converted in client & |
688 | Feature TRVCT can not be converted in client & |
689 | Feature TRVCT was successfully converted in client & |
690 | & trip provision variants were converted in client & |
691 | Feature TRVCT in client & |
692 | FEature TRVCT must be activated in all clients |
693 | Error while writing table T706S |
694 | Errors while writing in table & |
695 | Commit work was executed |
696 | Feature TRVCT has not yet been converted |
697 | No entries in table & |
698 | Error while writing table T706_CONST |
699 | Error while writing table T706_CONSTTEXT |
700 | Error messages for advance transaction |
701 | Infotype '&1' for &2 does not exist for pers. no. &3 |
702 | Wage type & is maintained incorrectly in table T706B |
703 | Error during trip data read for personnel number & |
704 | Error during call of function module & |
705 | Trip data for personnel number & is inconsistent |
706 | Internal error in function module & occurred |
707 | Trip & for PersNo & could not be created (trip already exists) |
708 | Error during creation of trip & for personnel number & |
709 | Trip & for PersNo & could not be updated (Trip does not exist) |
710 | Error during update of trip & for personnel number & |
711 | Error during creation/update of trip & for personnel number & |
712 | Trip & for PersNo & could not be deleted (trip does not exist) |
713 | Error when deleting trip & for personnel number & |
714 | Error during call of save routine |
715 | Error during changing of miles/kms data |
716 | Trip & was not canceled |
717 | Trip & was not changed |
718 | Internal error when calling save routine |
719 | Trip could not be saved (trip data inconsistent) |
720 | Trips with periods can only be deleted in the period overview. |
721 | One-day separation allowance? |
722 | Overlapping with separation allowance event from & & to & & |
723 | Overlapping with trip from & & to & & |
724 | Event & was created with & period(s) |
725 | The end date can not be set back (periods transferred) |
726 | The end date can not be set back |
727 | Deletion not possible: Transferred/canceled periods exist |
728 | Stay at destination exceeds travel allowance dur.(->separation allowance) |
729 | Duration of main destination exceeds trav.allow.dur.(->sep. Allowance) |
730 | External trip number assignment. Create trip with trip manager |
731 | Execute comparison calculation for accommodations receipts |
732 | Feature TRVCT has not been generated |
733 | No period of the event has a status valid for accounting |
734 | Enter the number of miles/kms or passengers |
735 | Expense type & is only allowed for automatic generation |
736 | Capping or allowance documents for accommodations were deleted |
737 | The allowance is not allowed to exceed the capping amount ( & ) |
738 | The allowance amount can not be negative or zero |
739 | Accomm. deduction only allowed with accommodations per diem! (TripNo: &) |
740 | Only domestic trips (dest.country &) can be edited in the travel calendar |
741 | Accounting control for client & was set up from the standard client |
742 | Execute comparison calculation for accommodations receipts (trip &) |
743 | No exchange rate setting from &1 to &2 |
744 | Expense type & is not assigned to a wage type |
745 | Error during ISO code conversion |
746 | Error during currency amount conversion |
747 | Error during conversion from external to internal structures |
748 | Infotype & could not be found |
749 | Error during read of infotype & |
750 | Error while saving table PTRV_HEAD/PTRV_PERIO or cluster TE |
751 | Data was successfully saved |
752 | Create either a travel plan or a travel request |
753 | Country &1/region &2 (means of trans.) does not match that of stopover &3 |
754 | Error reading infotype & |
755 | The displayed data records have been changed - &1 |
756 | Error while displaying list |
757 | Error while checking selection &1 |
758 | Document cannot be displayed |
759 | Deletion of archived document unsuccessful |
760 | Transfer to target system unsuccessful, error in filter objects |
761 | Transfer to target system unsuccessful, error in ALE Customizing |
762 | Transfer to target system unsuccessful, error in IDoc creation |
763 | Transfer to target system unsuccessful, error in data conversion |
764 | Transfer to target system unsuccessful, error unknown |
765 | Transfer to target system failed, system crash in receiver system |
766 | Transfer to target system failed, error in communication setup |
767 | Adjacent trip breaks have been combined |
768 | Fields not required for trip break have been deleted |
769 | Trip break &1, &2 is not within the trip period |
770 | ALE receiver determination failed, error in filter objects |
771 | ALE receiver determination failed, error in ALE Customizing |
772 | ALE receiver determination failed, receiver not unique |
773 | ALE receiver determination failed, no RFC destination maintained |
774 | ALE receiver determination failed, unknown error |
775 | To display the summarized form, you need to save the travel calendar |
776 | Entries cannot be made on the first day of the trip (trip number &) |
777 | Trip is required to make an entry |
778 | Expense type & can be used once only; receipt will be deleted |
779 | Quantity exceeds the possible maximum; input will be adjusted |
780 | Number range object &: Interval not found |
781 | Number range object &: Number range is not internal |
782 | Number range object &: Object not defined in TNRO |
783 | Number range obj.&: Total numbers requested must be greater than 0 |
784 | Number range object &: Number of numbers requested must be 1 |
785 | Number range object &: Interval used up. Change not possible. |
786 | Number Range Object &: Overflow in Number Range Buffer |
787 | Number Range Object &: Other Error |
788 | Currency &1 for estimated costs must be the same as the trip currency &2 |
789 | Address entry not possible because trip overlapping is allowed |
790 | Error in currency conversion for personnel no. & , currencies: & , & |
791 | Expense type &1: Use wage type &2 for nonpayable receipts only |
792 | Expense type &: Wage type & may only be used for advance without cash |
793 | Expense type &: Wage type & may only be used for cash advance |
794 | You cannot delete receipts that have been paid by your company! |
795 | Paid expense type &1 cannot be changed to expense type &2 |
796 | Expense type &1 cannot be changed to paid expense type &2 |
797 | Expense type &1 cannot be changed to expense type &2 |
798 | Change in trip provision variant: Time interval has been adapted |
799 | Travel version &1 &2 &3 cannot be deleted |
800 | *** from here on error messages for BAPI/RFC interface |
801 | Beginning date of weekly report does not correspond with week beginning |
802 | The date & is not within current week from & to & |
803 | The selected trip & is not a weekly report |
804 | The selected method was performed successfully |
805 | At least one optional parameter must be specified when method is called |
806 | There is a trip for key & & |
807 | Errors occurred during data file import, see table ERRORS |
808 | Trip schema & is not allowed |
809 | Trip has no postable amounts |
810 | Posting run & already has the status 'rejected' |
811 | The RFC destination & is not available. && |
812 | Status of trip & per.no. & could not be reset |
813 | Posting run & already has the status 'posted' |
814 | Travel expenses source document &1 &2 could not be found |
815 | Posting run & does not have a valid status |
816 | Select an entry |
817 | Posting runs with 'Posted' status can no longer be rejected |
818 | Posting runs with 'Simulate' flag can not be posted |
819 | Posting runs with status 'rejected' can only be deleted |
820 | Status of posting run & could not be read |
821 | Posting run & not yet posted. Trip cannot be changed. |
822 | No posting run in status 'Receipts created/checked' exists |
823 | Deleting only possible in status 'rejected' or 'no documents created' |
824 | Simulated posting runs can not be rejected |
825 | No entry in table & with run number & |
826 | Posting runs in status 'zero postings' do not need to be checked |
827 | Posting run & not found |
828 | Posting run name &1 and posting run number &2 do not coincide |
829 | Posting run number 0000000000 is not valid |
830 | Trip & contains database inconsistencies, trip can not be changed |
831 | Rejection is not possible - no trip data in the current system |
832 | Cross-company code postings could not be reset |
833 | Posting run &1 could not be set to 'documents posted' |
834 | Only posting runs in status 'documents posted' have an FI/CO document. |
835 | Job cannot be created |
836 | No documents could be removed, completely disregard |
837 | Period was successfully added to posting run |
838 | You cannot change requests once they have been approved |
839 | Weekly report &1 needs to be edited in transaction PR04 |
840 | & |
841 | 'Create posting run' has already been started by user & |
842 | Posting/Document date per trip can extend runtime considerably |
843 | No documents could be found in FI/CO |
844 | Posting run & is locked |
845 | Error in function module & with SY-Subrc & in program & |
846 | No trips could be selected |
847 | No entry in table PTRV_PERIO with run number & |
848 | Job & was created |
849 | Posting run & has no data to be rejected |
850 | Posting run & has no data to be rejected |
851 | CO object was successfully replaced by master cost center & |
852 | Co object was successfully replaced by CO subsitute cost center & |
853 | Trip was successfully included in posting run |
854 | Trip could not be included in posting run |
855 | Trip not correctly included in posting run |
856 | Vendor no.: &: account & & is locked for posting |
857 | Vendor no.: &: account & & is marked for deletion |
858 | Customer no.: &: account & & is locked for posting |
859 | Customer no.: &: account is marked for deletion |
860 | No entry in table T702N with trip provision variant & |
861 | Infotype & could not be read |
862 | Beginning/End date of trip not allowed for active summarization |
863 | Summarization not allowed with date of trip as posting date |
864 | An error occurred in ALE Customizing |
865 | Travel Expenses control could be misread |
866 | Personnel number &1 is blocked by user &2 |
867 | Error reading travel expenses data in table Ptrv_Perio |
868 | Error reading trip header data in table Ptrv_Head |
869 | Inconsistencies when reading trip data |
870 | Account assignment elements of Budget Management can not be posted to |
871 | Processing mode neither 'D'(isplay) nor 'C'(hange) |
872 | Time sheet could not be processed |
873 | Trip duration &1 is before selection date &2 |
874 | Choose "Delete" and not "Cancel": Trip has not been transferred |
875 | Summarizations not allowed when exp. receipt date is used as posting date |
876 | Expense receipt date is not allowed when summarizations are used |
877 | Enter a positive amount |
878 | Enter a positive amount |
879 | Sum of advances exceeds maximum amount of &1 &2 |
880 | Your trip was saved in status '&1' '&2' |
881 | Choose an expense receipt |
882 | This change deactivates transaction PR02 |
883 | A change in the trip schema deactivated the transaction |
884 | Usage ind. of vehicle classes does not agree with mileage reimbursement |
885 | Veh.class/full mi.reimb.ind. have been modified: no signif.offcl interest |
886 | 'Domestic Departure' field should be hidden for domestic trips |
887 | Enter a negative amount |
888 | Tax amount &1 exceeds the gross amount &2 |
889 | Specify a reason |
890 | Company code changed to the company code valid for trip date |
891 | Select trips and/or separation allowances |
892 | Choose settlement of requests and/or trips and/or separation allowances |
893 | The trip segment comparison calculation is not current |
894 | No trip segment comparison calculation has been executed |
895 | Error in FM &1. Notify your system administrator |
896 | Table &1, argument &2 is not fully maintained |
897 | Selection &1 w/o separation allow. not possible. Flag &1 will be deleted |
898 | No trip versions have yet been created |
899 | You cannot create a new receipt |
900 | U receipt must be reduced by the amount of the meal displayed |