57 - Komponente 709: Anschlu� an Fremdabrechnung

The following messages are stored in message class 57: Komponente 709: Anschlu� an Fremdabrechnung.
It is part of development package PC_PU12 in software component PY-XX-TL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Development of Interface Toolbox".
Message Nr
Message Text
005File modifier & is still not available
008Table "&" does not exist
024Specify an include that contains the data description
025Include & is not available
048Enter a program name
049Program & does not exist
051Form routine & does not exist in program &
065Enter the file layout name
066Enter the interface format name
089You only have display authorization
094Export program "&" does not exist (generate export program)
095The country grouping is not correct
096Enter a file name
097File "&" could not be opened
109Interface format "&" does not exist
110File layout "&" does not exist
123Import macro & is not defined in the include
128The results cluster could not be read on the basis of table T500L
129The data base table "&" does not exist
131Previous Include "&" was replaced by "&"
132The import macro is missing. (Specify a cluster and press RETURN)
133Macro &'s definition is not contained in include &
136Program "&" is not an Include (incorrect program type)
137An error occurred while checking import macro "&"
138An error occurred while scanning for data structures
139Source field "&" already exists
140Conversion length must be specified
141Conversion length must be between 1 and 20
142Specified key is incorrect (syntax: <table>-<field>)
143Key table "&" is incorrect (it must be "&" or "SY")
144Table field "&" is not available
145Specify values for all key fields in the form 'table field'
146Field "&" does not exist in table "&"
147Wage type "&" does not exist
149The export program for the interface format & was successfully generated
150The export program was not successfully generated
151The secondary file & was successfully generated
152The secondary file & could not be generated
153Interface format "&" is already being processed by "&"
154System error occurred while locking data
156TemSe object & could not be displayed
157File & was created
158PC file "&" could not be created
162There are no interface results for this selection
163There are no suitable references for this field
164References can only be assigned for direct value conversion
166File layout "&" does not exist
167File layout "&" was generated successfully
168No conversion program or Includes for file layout "&"
171Selections allowed within one hierarchy level only
172Selections must not cover more than one field
173File "&" does not exist
174Choose a reference field (see input help)
175Reference field "&" is invalid (see input help)
177Field & already exists
178Constant value specification must begin and end with "
179Program type of program & is incorrect
180Parameter & is not permitted
181Field "&" is not part of a table structure
182Field "&" is not permitted (see input help)
183Specify value of field "&"
184"First table entry" must be active for value restrictions
185File layout "&" is being processed by user &2
186Specify a table name
187Table "&" is invalid (see input help)
189Field name & is invalid
191Flags cannot be set for more than one block
192Specify a file layout
193File layout "&" already exists
195The block name is invalid
196Block & already exists
197The structure name is invalid
198Structure & already exists
204Source file layout "&" does not exist
205Target file layout "&" already exists
208Interface format "&" does not exist
209Interface format "&" already exists
211Possible entries cannot be displayed
212Generate the secondary file for interface format "&"
213Target interface format "&" already exists
214Source interface format & does not exist
215Specify a source interface format
216Specify a target interface format
217Specify an interface format
219Interface format "&" does not exist
221The entry "****" already covers all of the wage types
222The entry "****" means that all of the other entries must be deleted
223No table exists with the same characteristics as "&"
224This function is not available for table "&"
225Data definition include "&" was created
226Data definition include and import macro are not compatible
227Data on macro "&" missing from program "&"
228First flag the objects you want to delete
229The operation you require is not possible for this object
230First flag the objects you want to move
231Please position the cursor outside the marked area
232The assigned interface format has been changed (check consistency!)
233The restrictions function is not permitted for data types C and N
234The restrictions function is not allowed for field strings
236TRDIR entry & does not exist
237Include & could not be created
238Include & could not be found
241An error occurred in function module & (return code &2)
242The name of the export program or includes is missing for IF &
243Syntax error in program &1 (line &2 : &3)
244Generation of the export program had to be terminated
245Successful transfer of object &1 to task &2
246Conversion program generation was terminated
247Object &1 in development class &2 was not transferred to a task
248Change program name &, otherwise you will overwrite existing programs!
250Missing data in table &1 for interface version &2
252Export file in SAP standard file layout is downloaded in binary form
253The TemSe file '&' could not be opened
254PC file "&" was created
255No write authorization for target file &
256Include &1 is inactive. Please activate it before you continue
257It is not possible to delete the Payroll Status infotype
258Changes can lead to an inconsistent dataset
259Generation error in program &1 (Test: Conversion of cluster IF necessary?
260&1 / &2: 'exported to' was changed
261&1 / &2: 'Earliest master data change' was changed
262Earlist MD change & is before the earliest personal RA date &
264Enter the date to which you wish to delete the results
265Error during deletion. Check the status of cluster IF using RPCLSTIF
266The selected interface results have been deleted successfully
267Error in function module 'DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET'
268Error in function module POPUP_TO_DECIDE_WITH_MESSAGE
269Enter a TemSe object
270TemSe object '&' was imported successfully
271No comparison possible (&1 is an interface without payroll)
274Place the cursor on a cluster, table or field object
275Place the cursor on a cluster object
276Place the cursor on a table object
277Place the cursor on a field object
278Select at least one entry
279No suitable entry found
280No other entry found
281No conversions are defined for the field object &
282No restrictions are defined for the field object
283This operation is not possible for wage type tables
284Place the cursor on a table or wage type object
285Place the cursor on a field or relation object
286First activate the single field validation for table &
287Place the cursor on a LGART field or wage type object
288First define wage type restrictions in the interface format
289The export program must be regenerated before the next export!
290The file layout must be regenerated before the next conversion!
292No key fields can be defined for field strings
293Moving objects is only possible in the block view
294The field length for constant field contents can be a maximum of 28
295Field contents longer than field : contents were reduced by & sign
296Field longer than contents (contents were filled with & spaces)
297Place the cursor on a block or structure object
298Field length must be greater than 0
299Generation error in &1 (line &2 : &3)
300All & were already inserted
301Place the cursor on the object required
302Interface format & was created successfully
303File layout &1 was successfully created for interface format &2
304Deletion terminated (data was not deleted)
305Table/value-dependent repetition not recommended at this time
306No further usable & exist
307Firstly, add fields to structure &
308TemSe object & does not exist
309Missing entries in conversion tables T532K / T532L
310Error when converting interface result &1
311Regenerate Interface Format &1.
312Error when importing the data (TemSe object invalid / damaged)
313The corresponding interface format could not be determined
314The profile for interface format & does not exist
316Error in data interpretation - (go into TemSe view)
317You are editing an SAP object
318You are editing a customer object
319Error when creating control &
320Error when calling method &
321The interface format was deleted successfully
322File-layout & was deleted successfully
323Report category & does not exist
324The "Delimit" function requires key fields to be defined
325IT &1 is missing for pers.no &2 indirect valuation is thus not possible
326Variable &1 is not filled at the time &2
327Personnel number &1 is locked. Your results will not be deleted.
328Name of transported interface formats " &1 " is invalid
329Name of transported file layout " &1 " is invalid
330Interface format &1 could not be generated
331File layout &1 could not be generated
332Record &1 was deleted from cluster IF
333&2 records were deleted from cluster IF of interface &1
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