5L - Messages for Malaysian HRMS.
The following messages are stored in message class 5L: Messages for Malaysian HRMS..
It is part of development package PB14 in software component PA-PA-MY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: Malaysia".
It is part of development package PB14 in software component PA-PA-MY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: Malaysia".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Feature LTAXD contains invalid value, read feature documentation. |
001 | Tax number prefix should contain one or two alphabets. |
002 | Tax number should contain either seven or eight numerals. |
003 | Numeric value has to be entered. |
004 | The check digit is inconsistent with the tax no &. |
005 | There is no record for infotype & form & to &. |
006 | Male employees cannot have & in this field ( valid value is 0 ). |
007 | The field Tax category can only be maintained in create or copy mode. |
008 | The field marital status can only be maintained in create or copy mode. |
009 | The field wife working status can be maintained in create or copy mode. |
010 | No. of childern can be maintained only in create/copy mode (old value &) |
011 | Two digit numeric value has to be entered. |
012 | No infotype & with subtype & for this personnel number in period & - &. |
013 | Table additional tax contains invalid pay period for subtype & |
014 | The field Tax office can only be maintained in create or copy mode. |
015 | Begin date & is inconsistent with pay period begin date &. |
016 | End date & is inconsistent with pay period end date &. |
017 | Maximum of 22 records can be created at a time, rest will be omitted. |
018 | Parameter & is mandatory for the function module &. |
019 | Family characteristics table is not maintained. |
020 | The employee already has the maximum permissible number of spouse. |
021 | Family information is maintained on infotype 0198. . |
022 | Please specify a spouse number |
023 | Last spouse number assigned: & |
024 | Default spouse number will be displayed |
025 | There is no entry in table T5LTE, child will not get school-tax-credit |
026 | A valid subtype has to be entered for infotype 0198. |
027 | Employee & has a spouse record in infotype 0021 for period & to &. |
028 | In infotype 0002 Marital status of the employee is 'single' |
029 | Infotype & with subtype & has gaps between the periods & - &. |
030 | & Records created. |
031 | Default child number will be displayed |
032 | Sequence numbers of all employees deleted for year & |
033 | Sequence numbers of all employees under ER Ref No. & deleted for year & |
034 | All the subtypes are deactivated in table & |
035 | Specify a Valid Download Format. |
036 | Operation suspended |
037 | Previous Employment details shouldnot be maintained for this employee |
038 | A record already exists for the current financial year. |
040 | From 01.01.2013, Broadband Subscription Fee is not an Optional Deduction |
041 | From 01.01.2013, & and & are not an Optional Deduction |
043 | Parental care cannot be claimed together with medical expense for parents |
044 | Automatic calculation is switched on. Check constant 'SOCSW' in T511K. |
050 | Employee no. & : EPF no. in I196 differs from upload data. |
051 | EPF reference number has failed the validity check. |
052 | EPF number should be 8 digits. |
053 | EPF number should be a numeric value. |
054 | Field 'Contributing to EPF' can only be changed in Create mode. |
055 | When an amount is entered an operation must be specified. |
056 | Amount field has no value. |
057 | Personal rate is less than statutory rate and amount has no value. |
058 | End date evaluation modifier from the feature LEPFS is not correct. |
059 | Employee company rate is less than statutory rate. |
060 | Employer company rate is less than statutory rate. |
061 | Begin date modifier from feature LEPFS does not point to a valid record. |
062 | No record for infotype 0041 for &. Begin date for seniority is hire date |
063 | Amount must be a positive value |
064 | Amount must be a multiple of RM 1. No decimals allowed. |
065 | Please enter the tax assessment year |
066 | Pernr & has negative contribution amount |
074 | Employee & is exempted from Employment Insurance Scheme(EIS) in Infotype& |
075 | Please insert the disk |
076 | Unable to open file & |
077 | There is mismatch between the fileds table and data table |
078 | Please specify a file name, use pushbutton "Filename" |
079 | There is no vaild path ! |
080 | Please enter the name of the officer in-charge |
081 | Please enter the phone number |
082 | Please enter the designation |
083 | Please enter the IC number |
084 | There is no & wagetype for personnel no & in & |
085 | There is no record for this selection parameters |
086 | There is no payroll result for personnel no & |
087 | Error due to print problems |
088 | Please key in file name |
089 | Please specify the layout name |
090 | Please specify the layout language |
091 | Error occured during editing the name of & |
092 | Layout set & in language & does not exist |
093 | Date entered does not correspond to a month's begin and end date |
094 | There is no infotype & for personnel no & from period & to & |
095 | No corresponding personnel no link in infotype 105 for system user name & |
096 | Please use pushbutton 'Filename' to select a file. |
097 | There is no entry in table & for keys & & & |
098 | There are no Payroll results for your given selection criteria |
099 | Personnel no & does not have either IC / Passport number |
100 | Payroll area must be entered. |
101 | SOCSO number must start with an alphabet. |
102 | SOCSO number should end with an alphabet. |
103 | SOCSO number should be of length 9. |
104 | SOCSO number has not been entered. |
105 | Employee should be above 55 years of age. |
106 | The second to the 8th digits of SOCSO number should be numeric only. |
107 | No records in T5LRN for the specified key. |
108 | Records for the specified condition have been deleted from T5LRN. |
109 | Operation suspended |
110 | Employee can be a self contributor only if contributing to EPF |
111 | Minimum amount for Self contributor should be greater than RM 50 |
112 | Age cannot be left blank |
113 | Checkbox for Personal Retirement Age not selected |
114 | Personal Retirement Age should be between 55 to 60 |
115 | Tax category information read error for pernr & in period & - & |
116 | Infotype record has not Begin date after date &1 |
151 | Employee rate less than statutory rates between & and & |
152 | Employer rate less than statutory rates between & and & |
153 | Type &1 undefined |
154 | File not generated for ER with Ref. No. & due to missing mandatory fields |
155 | Record of pernr & not appended to file due to missing mandatory fields |
160 | Please select categories 1 to 3 only |
161 | No tax dependants for category 1 |
201 | First six digits of the IC number must be the birthdate (yymmdd) & |
202 | The IC number must begin with the alphabets A, H or K |
203 | The IC number should start with A,H or K |
204 | Old IC number should have a length of eight digits |
205 | Old IC number should have a length of seven digits |
206 | This part of the IC number must be a numeric value of length &. |
207 | Old IC number must be a numeric value. |
208 | IC number & for personnel number & is not unique. |
209 | Error in finding the right record in tax ! |
210 | Characters 2-8 of old IC number should be numeric |
211 | Report EA form or PCB 2(II) & |
300 | Regular payment : Please key in date of payment. |
301 | Off-cycle payment: Please key in payment type. |
302 | Off-cycle payment: Please key in pay id. |
303 | Off-cycle payment: Please key in payment date. |
304 | Feature activation : Please key in rate or amount. |
305 | Feature activation : Low limit > high limit. |
306 | Recover advance payment: Please key in recover date. |
307 | Recover advance payment: Please key in recovery wage type. |
308 | Recover advance payment: Please key in recovery date and rate. |
309 | Recover advance payment: Total recover rate must be 100%. Current total & |
310 | Molga does not exist. |
311 | Rejected by feature LFSTV. |
312 | Religion group is not eligible. |
313 | Basic pay data not available (P0008). |
314 | Ethnic group is not eligible. |
315 | No error report generated. |
316 | Error in indirect evaluation. (P0008). |
317 | Employee is not active. |
318 | PSP not generated. |
319 | Please key in name of batch input session. |
320 | Feature activation: Please key in wage type. |
321 | Recover advance payment: Please key in wage type. |
322 | Invalid wage type for & . |
323 | Eligibility type & not found. |
324 | Eligibility category & not found. |
325 | Not eligible. Refer to infotype 0374. |
326 | Please key in advance type (subtype). |
327 | Please key in advance payment from date. |
328 | Please key in advance type (category). |
329 | Eligibility date changed. Please check data again, if any. |
330 | Total entries for this eligibility type must not exceed 20. |
331 | Download period format is YYYYMM. |
332 | Details for financial month & year & does not exist in table T5LTC |
333 | Cannot update table T5LSQ. |
334 | Employee no. & & was not assigned in the system. |
335 | Error reading file & |
336 | Employee no. & & from upload data was not processed. |
337 | Displayed information saved to database |
338 | Receipt and cheque details updated in table T5LTC for month & year & |
339 | Receipt and cheque details not updated for table T5LTC for month & year & |
340 | Benefits in kind code text updated in table T5LBT |
341 | Cannot update table T5LBT for & |
342 | Payroll Area entered does not exist in Table T549A |
343 | Period & & for Payroll Area entered does not exist in Table T54C1 |
344 | Enteries Missing in Table T549Q for Period Modifier . |
345 | Period entered is not the Last Period of the current month . |
346 | Payroll Area is not entered. |
347 | Please enter a valid reason for the offcycle |
348 | IC number & is not unique. It is used for employee & |
350 | No fields selected. |
351 | Please Enter a Valid Month. |
352 | Please specify start date of tax assessment period |
353 | Please specify end date of tax assessment period |
354 | End date selected is before start date |
355 | The field should be empty |
400 | Sucessful Updation of Table & |
401 | Please enter the tax year. |
402 | No payroll results for & between & and & |
403 | Cessation to be reported if employee has ceased job and left Malaysia |
405 | Gender and form of address (Mr./Ms.) are inconsistent |
406 | Unable to open file & & |
407 | & successfully created |
408 | Error when writing to file & |
409 | Error has occured during the download of & |
410 | Employee is not terminated |
411 | Employee processsing completed |
412 | & - & |
413 | For Income Tax Number, select a value from the input help. |
414 | Please check your input about the latter half of Income Tax No. |
415 | With effect from 2016,the CP39A form and text file is irrelevant. |
416 | Please specify the address of the Employer &1 |
417 | Employee & is married but has no Spouse Record in infotype 0021 |