5O - Meldungen im Bereich Stammdaten (�sterreich)
The following messages are stored in message class 5O: Meldungen im Bereich Stammdaten (�sterreich).
It is part of development package PB03 in software component PA-PA-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Master Data: Austria".
It is part of development package PB03 in software component PA-PA-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Master Data: Austria".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
*** | 000 to 999: Area reserved for RP: AUSTRIA |
000 | Message numbers 000 - 999 reserved for RP: Austria |
00* | 000 to 049 Social insurance |
001 | The SI number you entered is incorrect |
1** | Family allowance |
002 | Indicators and contributions will not be suggested |
2** | Sickness certificates |
003 | Indicators and contribution amounts have been retransferred |
004 | In the period entered, data already exists for SI group & |
005 | Second part of SI number differs from date of birth |
05* | 050 to 079 Tax |
006 | The date in the second part of the SI number is invalid |
007 | Always enter payroll period and year together |
008 | 'From period' must be before the 'to period' |
08* | 080 to 099 Commuter rate |
009 | There are no time limitations on payroll periods |
010 | You did not enter the first part of the SI number |
15* | Sickness certificates |
020 | No employer address found; no ELDA data records created |
25* | Previous employer |
049 | Social insurance up to here |
050 | No 'Challenge' data found |
051 | Family allowance according to Section 35 should be granted once only |
052 | Exemption reason not permitted according to table 5A2D |
053 | Tax number incorrect; please check |
055 | No annual tax declaration for earnings acc. to Sec. 69 (2) |
061 | Should a deductible amount for pensioners be granted more than once? |
064 | No tax-free amount for agricultural laborer during temporary employment |
065 | No message found for & |
068 | Employee will not be considered in annual tax declaration |
069 | Number of children TAX does not match personal data (&) |
070 | TK Marital status does not match master data marital status |
071 | Do not enter number of children before 01.01.2004 |
072 | Do not enter children or deduct. amt for single parent/sole wage earner |
073 | No children maintained in Family infotype |
074 | Number of children TAX (&) and "Children in Payroll Account" (&) differ |
079 | Maintain FLAF and municipal tax using actions only (see long text) |
080 | Tax data not available for the entire period |
081 | The period entered above includes data from other subtypes |
082 | Enter transport costs (personnel area transportation) |
083 | You are not permitted to enter transport costs here |
084 | Are you sure that the employee's journey is so long? |
099 | Tax/commuter rate up to here |
100 | To delete, place cursor on the relevant 'Child' field |
101 | Child has reached the age of 27 |
102 | Acc. to "Family Member/Dependents" infotype (0021), child does not exist |
103 | Child entered on family allowance card more than once |
104 | FA card number already exists |
105 | Child not available in infotype 0043 |
106 | Family allowance card number missing |
107 | FA entitlement key missing |
108 | Enter children on family allowance card |
109 | No children entered in Family Member/Dependents infotype (0021) |
110 | No valid FA entitlement |
111 | Family allowance child will also be deleted |
150 | Sickness certificate already issued for this quarter |
151 | Request for leave sickness certificate not permitted |
152 | 'From date' is not in current quarter |
153 | 'To date' is before the 'from date' |
154 | For leave sickness cert: Enter leave dates & country where leave is spent |
155 | No data stored for subtype & (Address infotype) |
156 | Family member is not entitled (Family infotype) |
157 | No data valid for quarter & / & |
158 | SI number does not exist (infotype &) |
159 | No original of duplicate exists |
160 | Records without a doctor ID will be deleted |
161 | Employee is not entitled in this quarter |
162 | A duplicate leave sickness certificate is not permitted |
163 | SI body not found (infotype 0044) |
164 | Sickness certificates printed... |
165 | Quarter is not in current year |
166 | No form found for ID & in table T5A5D |
167 | All forms have been printed ('P' indicator) |
168 | Employee not entitled on this date of issue & |
169 | Contribution group not maintained on date of issue |
250 | A maximum of & wage types can be saved |
251 | From & to &, & already exist |
252 | Period for previous employer records is not permitted |
300 | XPRA RPCXPRA1 Conversion of T5A1B to T5A1I/T5A1J |
301 | Application: HR Client: & Payroll Austria |
302 | No entries found in table T5A1B |
303 | &(&): & contribution groups read |
304 | &(&): & contribution groups inserted, & contribution groups rejected |
305 | No release information found |
350 | No leave deductions found for personnel number &1 &2 |
351 | No time quota deductions found for personnel number &1 &2 |
400 | 4** All infotype notifications (SI reg.,dereg.,and change notifications) |
401 | Enter workdays (either use the day vector or enter your own text) |
402 | Work relationship not ended: Do not enter any further data |
403 | Enter the termination date for 'Work Relationship Was Ended' |
404 | Always specify from and to dates for pay in lieu of notice together |
405 | Always specify from and to dates for UA/UE together |
406 | "No. Days" and "Type/Quantity" only in connection w/ "Payments in Kind" |
407 | Always specify the number of days and type/quantity for payments in kind |
408 | Always enter "Payment From"/"Payment To" and "Payment Amount" together |
409 | Always enter "From"/"To" dates for part. remun. and "Percentage" together |
410 | Always enter "Prev. Illness From" and "Prev. Illness To" together |
411 | From date cannot be later than To date |
412 | Specify the deregistration reason for 'Work Relationship Was Ended' |
413 | Spec. payment info only in connection w/ 'Entitlement to Special Payment' |
414 | Specify monthly and weekly payments for special payment |
415 | Always enter "Suspension From" and "Suspension To" dates together |
416 | Specify entitlement more precisely |
420 | No absence found between & and & |
421 | Generate personal calendar as of & (evaluation until &) |
422 | No continued pay data found in |
423 | The system could not load the personal calendar ( & & ) |
424 | No social insurance data found; no ELDA record created. |
500 | 5** Payslip L16 error messages from 500 - 550 |
501 | Enter a period |
502 | Use this report for periods as of 01/1994. |
503 | Specify a date of issue |
504 | Enter a form ID for &1 &2 |
505 | Which payslip do you want to print? & |
506 | Which output type would you like? & |
507 | No form background (T512P) found &1 &2 &3 |
508 | No entries found in T512Q &1 &2 |
509 | No entries found in T549Q &1 &2 |
510 | No payroll period & exists in ABRPER |
511 | Incorrect value for "Create which payslip?" |
512 | No entries found in T512N &1 &2 |
513 | There are multiple entries in T512N for rule & |
514 | No entries exist in T512E & & |
515 | Enter an action/reason for action (for date of death) |
516 | Specify a logical file name for DME |
517 | Invalid conversion &1 for personnel number &2 |
518 | ++++++++++free text element+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
519 | No entry in T005, key = &1 for personnel number: &2 |
520 | Control printout only possible in conjunction with DME |
521 | Invalid record ID in data record & |
522 | Invalid payslip type & |
523 | Suspended work relationship cannot be checked |
524 | File could not be opened &1 &2 |
525 | Database update not permitted for payslip output & |
526 | Invalid error indication |
527 | Error indication 'J' permitted for corrections only |
528 | Specify valid sort criteria (1234) |
529 | No employer data maintained in table T5A2L |
530 | The field from T512N is missing in DME: & |
531 | The name of the subapplication is missing in table T5A09 for report & |
532 | Address key & in T5A0A does not have any data in T536C |
533 | Tax number & in T5A2L not found in T5A0A |
534 | && |
535 | Invalid determination of work relationship & |
536 | No absences relevant for L16 maintained in table T5A4Q |
537 | The deadline for payroll periods 01-11 is the 15th of the following month |
538 | The parameters for creating ELDA notifications are deactivated |
540 | Incompatible ELDA versions for notification types &1 and &2 on &3 |
541 | Incompatible ELDA record lengths for notification types &1 and &2 on &3 |
542 | ELDA: Maintenance error in view &1 for key &2 &3 &4 |
543 | No ER data for social insurance. No ELDA record created. |
550 | 550 - 600 Nightshifts of heavy labor/heavy labor |
551 | Enter either time quota or leave type, but not both |
560 | BAdI &1 implemented |
561 | Method &1 is active |
562 | Technical error in &1 |
563 | &1 is younger than the age limit &2 |
564 | This personnel number will not be processed further |
565 | Period of proof changed from &1 to &2 |
566 | The counting period is from &1 to &2 |
567 | BAdI &1 not implemented |
568 | Method &1 not active |
569 | Heavy labor category &1 acc. to position &4 from &2 to &3 |
570 | Heavy labor category &1 acc. to infotype 3205 from &2 to &3 |
571 | Heavy labor category &1 acc. to job &4 from &2 to &3 |
572 | No obligation to contribute to pension insurance from &1 to &2 |
573 | Nightshifts: &1; weeks = &2; Z1 condition fulfilled from &3 to &4 |
574 | Too few workdays = &1 from &2 to &3 with heavy labor category &4 |
575 | Payroll results available up to &1 |
576 | Nightshifts: &1; weeks = &2; Z1 condition not fulfilled from &3 to &4 |
577 | Workdays = &1 from &2 to &3 with heavy labor category &4 |
600 | 6** Statements of employment error messages from 600 - 650 |
601 | Table T5A9A cannot be unlocked |
602 | Table T5A9A cannot be locked |
603 | Processing canceled |
606 | Select a valid reason for nonpayment of UE/UA (01, 02, 03, 04) |
607 | Select a valid reason for pay in lieu of notice (03, 04) |
608 | Restrict the selection period |
611 | Error while reading feature ADDR1 |
612 | Error while reading feature DGSVN |
613 | Maintenance error in table T5A0P; no employer assignment unit specified |
614 | Maintenance error in table T5A0A; no address key specified |
615 | Company address not determined |
616 | Employer account number not determined for SI |
617 | No calendar days for UE/UA entered in IT0527 or IT0015 |
618 | Configure the Customizing settings for the organizational structure |
619 | Employee &1 is still active on &2 |
620 | Registration/deregistration date must be the same as end date |
621 | No reason specified for nonpayment of UE/UA |
622 | No reason specified for non-payment of pay in lieu of notice |
623 | No statement printed/saved for & & |
631 | Employer was not UI liable; there are no grounds for entitlement |
632 | Leaving and deregistration reason ('grace period') are incompatible |
633 | Duplicate already exists for issue date & |
634 | Original statement already exists for date of leaving & |
635 | No original found; a duplicate could not be created |
636 | Statement created matches original; no corrections required |
637 | Leaving date & is not in the period selected |
638 | No original found; no corrections required |
639 | A canceled statement exists with the same key |
651 | 65* Infotype 527 Payment Upon Leaving 651-700 |
652 | Last action is not 'Left company' or 'Inactive': & & & & |
653 | Infotype start date must be within the active period: & & & |
654 | Infotype end date must be at the end of the payroll period: & |
655 | Specify the number of calendar days for UE. |
656 | Specify the bases for UE. |
657 | You must specify the assessment basis for quarterly income. |
658 | Specify voluntary severance pay when specifying no. of employment years |
659 | No. employment yrs not specified; no taxation acc. to Sec.67(6) Cl.2 EStG |
660 | System did not find 12 payroll periods; periods evaluated: & |
661 | Check the 'Run Payroll To' date field in infotype 3: & |
662 | 'Run Payroll To' date in infotype 3 is set to & |
663 | Employee is not a candidate for a penalty |
664 | No payroll result found in the previous payroll period |
665 | Specify the number of calendar days for UA. |
666 | Specify the bases for UA. |
667 | Specify a severance pay basis for garnishment months. |
668 | Specify a pension severance pay basis for garnishment months. |
669 | Garnishment/cession &1/&2 is probably repaid in month &3/&4. |
700 | 7** Conversion for the table-oriented organizational model 700 - 750 |
701 | Saved entries in table &: |
705 | Update canceled; no table entries saved |
706 | Table entries already exist; database not updated |
707 | Error during write access to table &1 |
751 | 75* Infotype 0632 Semiretirement 751 - 800 |
752 | &2 does not have a record for personnel number &1. |
753 | Personnel number &2 has insufficient authorization for &1. |
754 | &2 does not have a record for pers. no. &1 before semiretirement starts. |
755 | &2 does not have a record for pers. no. &1 in the SR period selected. |
756 | In field &1, select a value between &2 % and &3 %. |
757 | Enter the necessary substitute employee data. |
758 | &1 &2 of &3 did not match &4 and will therefore be updated. |
759 | The personnel no. of the substitute employee and SR employee must differ. |
760 | &1 must have the following format: 'dd.mm.yy'. |
761 | &1 is provided in acc. with &2 &3 (not as &4). |
762 | In the case of &1, &2 cannot be derived from &3 (&4). Please check &2. |
763 | Record delimited w/ &1 = &2 because EE &3 partially inactive acc. to &4. |
764 | Record delimited w/ earliest inactive period from &1 in acc. w/ &2:&3-&4. |
765 | Acc. to &2, employee &1 is not active at the start of the period. |
766 | Section &2 in the operation field of feature &1 has an invalid format. |
767 | Rcrd delimited w/ &1=&2 because &3 partly outside AT pers.area acc. to &4 |
768 | &2 does not have a record for &1 from &3 to &4 w/ an Austrian pers. area. |
769 | Acc. to &2, employee &1 is not active in the period selected. |
770 | Data for pers. no. &1 can only be retrieved from the master data created. |
771 | Feature &1 not generated. |
772 | Feature &1 returns a table instead of a field value. |
773 | &4 does not have any suitable records for pers. no. &3 in interval &1-&2. |
774 | Delimitation date moved forward (from &1 to &2). |
775 | &1 &2 not synchronous with &3. Check &3. |
776 | A record with the status "&2" already exists before &1. |
777 | The contract period before &1 has no records w/ the status "&2" or "&3". |
778 | Check the notification status. Validity period unchanged. |
779 | You have not specified a notification reason. |
780 | &1 &2 expected for processed SR contract period and month |
781 | Valid from and valid to dates in different months |
782 | Acc. to &4, &1 &2 &3 is not in an SR contract period. |
801 | Entry not possible; retroactive acctg must be possible until at least & |
802 | Group absences together? &2 &3 &4 |
803 | No value for "&1" &2 expected for personnel no. &3 |
804 | Value "&1" &2 expected for personnel no. &3 |
805 | No value for "&1" &2 expected for personnel no. &3 |
806 | Group &1 records together? &2 &3 &4 |
816 | Both partners must be of the same gender |