5ORA - Meldungen f�r L�nderversion �sterreich

The following messages are stored in message class 5ORA: Meldungen f�r L�nderversion �sterreich.
It is part of development package PC03 in software component PY-AT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Austria".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enhanced postal code check not activated
002Enter a location
003Postal code is being assigned
004City is being assigned
005Feature structure for feature &1 is not known; see long text
010No absence category exists with entitled/special leave property
011No absence type for absence category &1
012No Organizational Assignment 0001 infotype for &1
013No entry in T001P for personnel area &1, personnel subarea &2
014No entry in T503 for employee group &1, employee subgroup &2
015No absence categories defined in T566A for leaving date &1
016No time unit in infotype Payment Upon Leaving 0527 (table T538C)
017Different calendar days for various absences types
018No default value for calendar days because infotype (&1) does not exist
019No payroll simulation because infotype 0001 is not defined (&1)
020No entry in table T549A for payroll area &1
021No entry in table T549Q for period parameter &1 (&2)
022No default values due to canceled payroll simulation
023No variant assigned in feature PM004 for payroll simulation
024There is more than one date type for date indicator &1 in table T548Y
025Penalty must not be entered for action reason &1 upon leaving
026Employee is still active upon leaving
027No severance pay calculation since relevant Customizing is missing
028No payroll simulation because employee is not penalty candidate
029Remaining leave &1 (IT 2006) differs from quota in IT 0527
030Pers. no. &1: Payroll simulation to period 12 not possible
031Pers. no. &1: No corresponding special payment found for period &2.&3
050No reason specified for non-payment of LC/FLC
051No reason specified for non-payment of pay in lieu of notice
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