5Q - Fehlertexte �ffentlicher Dienst
The following messages are stored in message class 5Q: Fehlertexte �ffentlicher Dienst.
It is part of development package P01O in software component PY-DE-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Public Sector".
It is part of development package P01O in software component PY-DE-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Public Sector".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | 000 is not in use |
001 | 001 to 100 reserved for supplementary pension (PSG) |
002 | Error while reading feature VAGKY |
003 | Employer key & for & missing in employer table |
004 | Supplementary pension fund & is missing in SPI table |
005 | Date of birth & does not match first 6 characters of insurance number |
006 | All positions of the insurance number must be filled with numbers |
007 | Sequence number & does not match gender & |
008 | Check digit & of insurance number is incorrect; the correct one is & |
009 | Check digit procedure "&" is unknown |
010 | Supplementary pension fund cannot be determined |
011 | Supplementary pension fund number must have 8 digits (correct entry) |
012 | SPF number must only contain figures (correct entry) |
013 | Check digit & of the SPF number is incorrect; the correct one is & |
014 | SPF number has no leading zero (correct your entry) |
015 | Enter a deregistration reason |
016 | Automatic deregistration after org. change (delimitation not required) |
017 | Deregistration reason & belongs to insurance liability "Exempt" |
018 | Deregistration reason & belongs to insurance liability "SP-exempt" |
019 | No deregistration reasons for notif. key & with insurance liability & |
020 | Based on employer table, employer & does not use average procedure |
021 | No company code corresponds to this model (correct entry) |
022 | No personnel area corresponds to this model (correct entry) |
023 | No personnel subarea corresponds to this model (correct entry) |
024 | Employer &1 does not use average procedure with SPI &2 |
101 | Error messages 101 to 199 reserved for PSG |
102 | Cost distribution is assigned several times (&, &, &, &) |
103 | Also enter a service type |
104 | Also enter a service category |
105 | Only numeric entries and "XX" are permitted for the service type |
110 | Error while transferring file (refer to transfer log) |
111 | Error while reading table T577 or T577S |
112 | Corresponding entry missing in table for family characteristics text |
113 | Error after calling function module HR_MONAT_ABLAUF_LEBENSJAHR |
114 | Error after calling function module HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST |
115 | No current record exists for 'Organizational Assignment' infotype |
116 | Personnel area & does not exist |
300 | Error messages 300 - 399 are reserved for child allowance stats. (PS) |
301 | Invalid month |
302 | Invalid year (correct your entry) |
303 | Enter a number between 00 and 99 for the delivery number |
304 | Feature specified does not exist |
305 | Reason & is not permitted for child no. & in 'Child Allowance' infotype |
306 | No record for child no. & in 'Family Member/Dependents' infotype (0021) |
307 | No record exists for "Personal Data" infotype (0002) |
308 | No record exists for "Addresses" infotype (0006), subtype 1 |
309 | Country & does not exist |
310 | Error while reading feature & |
311 | Feature & is not generated |
312 | No record exists for the "Organizational Assignment" infotype (0001) |
313 | No address is maintained for personnel area &/personnel subarea & |
314 | No company number is maintained for personnel area &/subarea & |
315 | Select a line |
316 | Entitlement reason & does not exist |
317 | Maintain child allowance constant & for period & to & |
318 | Function module is valid from January 1, 1996; call to & |
319 | No record exists for infotype 0118 in period from & to & |
320 | No address available for personnel area &, personnel subarea & |
321 | Specify a sender for the pension office notification |
322 | Processing for client & |
323 | There are already entries with EIGSH = "7" in table T577 |
324 | Constant &: There are already entries in table T511P |
325 | Table &: & entries inserted |
326 | Relevant for PSG only; error: & key & |
327 | No currency could be determined |
328 | In table &, constant &, & entries were entered |
329 | There is no V0ZNR free - wage type &1 cannot be formed. |
330 | No path name specified; file will be copied to your default directory |
331 | Two entries exist for constant &1 in period &2 to &3 |
332 | No entry exists for constant &1 in period &2 to &3 |
333 | Two entries exist for constant &1 in period &2 to &3 |
334 | No entry exists for constant &1 in period &2 to &3 |
335 | Child &1: Field "&2" in infotype "&3" has not been maintained. |
336 | Field "&1" could not be determined. |
337 | Spec. rule for challenged child of age of majority valid from Jan.1, 2000 |
338 | Special rule only permitted for children for whom child allowance is paid |
339 | Error reading payroll results |
340 | Bonus number does not match master data; request new number if required |
341 | Bonus number does not match master data; new number requested |
342 | Selected entries will be deleted |
343 | Specify path and file name |
344 | Specify a permissible notification type |
345 | Start date/time after end date/time |
346 | Specify a notification date |
347 | Specify start date/time |
348 | Notification & & already exists in cluster |
349 | ZB01 notifications are still awaiting processing in cluster |
350 | Selected data records already imported into infotype |
351 | Update for infotyp 0745 was not successful (bonus number &) |
352 | Personnel number is locked |
353 | Error occurred; check the error list |
354 | Infotype 0745 updated succesfully |
355 | Processing indicator invalid |
356 | No infotype 0745 record found (bonus number &) |
357 | Notification for selected reporting year already created |
358 | ZK01 notification ZUSY-ID & has already been imported into cluster |
359 | No child data exists |
360 | Notification reason & unknown |
361 | No personnel no. found with last name &, first name & and date of birth & |
362 | ZfA error number & |
363 | Place of birth could not be determined |
364 | Unable to determine (full) street name |
365 | Unable to determine postal code |
366 | No personnel number found with last name & and first name & |
367 | Multiple personnel numbers found with last name &, first name & and DOB & |
368 | Multiple personnel numbers found with last name & and first name & |
369 | Data record with ZUSY-ID & contains an inconsistent name or date of birth |
370 | Notification type & does not exist for record number & |
371 | Error while importing XML data |
372 | XML file & could not be fully processed |
373 | Error during opening of file & |
374 | No employees could be selected |
375 | No error message exists |
376 | No payroll result available |
377 | Inbound directory does not exist |
378 | Directory for processed files does not exist |
379 | Inbound directory and directory for processed files must be different |
380 | No XML files in inbound directory |
381 | Error while importing XML data |
382 | No data selected |
383 | Master data cannot be updated in test mode |
384 | Notification for year & and child & & was already created |
385 | Infotype 0745 is already up-to-date (bonus number &) |
386 | Infotype 0745 conflicts with notification (bonus number &) |
388 | No bonus number or PI number found |
389 | Infotype 0745 cannot be updated due to lock (bonus number &) |
390 | Child &2 with date of birth &3 not found (Zusy ID &1) |
391 | &1 notifications |
392 | Non-Assigned ZK01 Notifications |
393 | Processed Files |
394 | Files Moved to Outbound Directory |
395 | Files with Errors |
396 | Notifications Read In |
397 | Invalid files |
398 | Files Read |
399 | Non-assigned notification with Zusy ID &1 already exists in system |
400 | Error while updating table &1, Zusy ID = &2 |
401 | ZK01 notification does not have ZUSY-ID |
402 | "Manually Allocated" status cannot be changed |
403 | Status "Replied with 'Child Unknown'" cannot be changed |
404 | Choose one row only |
405 | Select data records first |
406 | No notifications selected |
407 | Select at least one status |
408 | Specify an inbound directory |
409 | Specify an outbound directory |
410 | Do not use this report anymore; see documentation |
418 | Notification &1 &2: invalid child allowance period &3 - &4 |
419 | Notification & & does not exist in database |
420 | Notification & &: Current status cannot be determined |
421 | Notification & &: status cannot be changed from '&' to '&' |
422 | Notification & &: error while updating table & |
423 | Notification & &: cannot be deleted |
424 | Notification & &: status '&' is not permitted |
425 | No notification found for GLBID |
426 | Notification & & : error during status update |
427 | Administrator error; no notifications exist |
428 | File &; error during import |
429 | File &; error during status update |
430 | No address defined for payroll no./branch office &1/&2 on &3 |
431 | No bank details defined for payroll no./branch office &1/&2 on &3 |
432 | File &; error during XML generation |
433 | File & is invalid. An error occured during XML processing. |
434 | Error in B2A Manager |
435 | Error while determining sender |
436 | Invalid file &; notification reason cannot be determined |
437 | Invalid file &; notification reason & cannot be processed |
438 | Allowance entitlement acc. to Sec.10a P.1 Sent.4 EStG is valid as of 2008 |
439 | Public sector pensions feature '4' was changed to '1' |
440 | Negative amount &1 in &2 |
441 | Amount too high &1 in &2 |
442 | File &1: Invalid status &2 |
443 | Cumulation Wage Type Salary: &1 |
444 | Cumulation Wage Type Pension: &1 |
445 | Pension due to incapacity to work is only relevant for bonuses as of 2008 |
446 | Pension payment &1 in contribution year &2 not permitted |
447 | Wage type &1 is added to pension (&2) AND salary (&3) |
448 | Wage type &1 is added to pension (&2) AND notional gross SI (&3) |
450 | Status administration active, XML_Erstellung occurs separately |
451 | Status administration not active |
455 | File &1 contains no notifications |
456 | File &1: ZK01 notification with same Zusy-ID &2 already imported |
457 | ZK01 notification with same Zusy-ID &2 already exists |
458 | File &1: ZKNN notification with same Zusy ID &2 already imported |
459 | File &1: ZKNN notification with same Zusy ID &2 already exists |
460 | Personnel number & does not exist in system |
461 | ZK01: Identification - child allowance number = personnel number |
462 | ZK01: Identification through matching name and date of birth |
463 | ZK01: Identification through matching name |
464 | ZK01: Identification through matching date of birth and name |
465 | Function 'Responded Manually' is permitted only for the status 'New' |
466 | &1 return notification: Original notif. for pers. no. &2 does not exist |
468 | Response to other notification with same Zusy-ID &1 is still pending |
469 | ZK01: Identification using name and date of birth of child |
470 | Several children with last name &1, first name &2, date of birth &3 found |
471 | Personnel no. is not assigned to the requested family equalization fund |
472 | Cannot determine the family equalization fund for personnel number &1 |
473 | No data exists for family equalization fund &1 &2 |
474 | Mulitple family equalization funds are created for company number &1 |
475 | &1: Assignment based on file number &2 not possible |
476 | &1: Assignment made based on file number &2 |
477 | &1: Assignment made based on last name &2 and first name &3 |
478 | &1: Assignment based on last name &2 and first name &3 not possible |
479 | &1: Assignment to a personnel number not possible |
480 | Error when determining the sender (subapplication &1) |
481 | File does not have a valid XML structure |
482 | ZK01 notification with same Zusy ID &1 has already been imported |
483 | Collection of addit. KZNN notification with same Zusy ID &1 not done yet |
484 | Still waiting for response to other notification with same key |
485 | ZfA Error: First name &2 of child &1 does not meet the ZfA requirements. |
486 | ZfA Error: Last name &2 of child &1 does not meet the ZfA requirements |
487 | &1: The assignment based on file number &2 is made despite different name |
488 | An error occurred when calling method for XML processing for file &1&. |
489 | XML error at position &1: &2 &3 &4 |
490 | An error occurred when creating XML string:&1 &2 &3 &4 |
491 | ID no. of child &1 and ID no. from ZK01 request do not match. |
492 | Child allowance beneficiary ID no. and ZK01 request ID no. do not match. |
493 | ZK01: Identification by matching ID no. of child allowance beneficiary |
494 | ZK01: Identification by matching ID no. of child |
495 | Several personnel numbers with tax ID &1 were found. |
496 | Several children with tax ID &1 were found. |
497 | Notification &1 &2 has already been reversed. |
498 | ZfA error &2: Name at birth &1 of child all. rec. does not meet ZfA req. |
499 | ZfA error &2: Last name &1 of child all. recipient does not meet ZfA req. |