5Z - IS-HR/PSG Personalabrechnung �ffentlicher Dienst Deutschland

The following messages are stored in message class 5Z: IS-HR/PSG Personalabrechnung �ffentlicher Dienst Deutschland.
It is part of development package P01O in software component PY-DE-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Germany: Public Sector".
Message Nr
Message Text
000000 is not in use
001001 to 100 reserved for supplementary pension (PSG)
002Error while reading feature VAGKY
003Employer key & for & missing in employer table
004Supplementary pension fund & is missing in SPF table
005Date of birth & does not match first 6 characters of insurance number
006All positions of the insurance number must be filled with numbers
007Sequence number & does not match gender &
008Check digit & of insurance number is incorrect; the correct one is &
009Check digit procedure "&" is unknown
010Supplementary pension institute cannot be determined
011SPI number must have 8 digits (correct your entry)
012SPI number must only contain figures (correct your entry)
013Check digit & of the SPI number is incorrect; the correct one is &
014SPI number has no leading zero (correct your entry)
015Infotype record for "Official Housing" already exists for the period
016IT 0321 record (Employee Accommodations) already exists for the period
017Specify the time required, unit, and frequency
018Enter the remuneration amount, currency, and payment interval
019Delimit record to month end & & if training has been completed
020No entry in table & for key & & &
021Create at least one payment in kind
022No payment in kind values exist for the data entered
023Sequential number will be proposed
024Enter a sequential number
025Last proposed sequential number was &
026The sequence number is not permitted.
027End date is before start date; correct your entry
028Maintain occupational code in infotype 0329, seq. no. &, personnel no. &
029Error while reading feature &
030Table VBL has a period gap between & and &
031Table VBL contains no entries in payroll period &
032No supplementary pension data exists for payroll period &
033Wage type & is not a primary, secondary, or absence wage type
034Wage type & cannot be assigned to any field in table ABSCHNITTE
035Personnel area & and subarea & missing in feature &
036No notification status exists from & to &
037West/East indicator for personel area &, subarea & missing
038Notification reason & is incorrect (check notification reason table)
039Notif. key &, notif. reason & missing (check notification reason table)
040Due to an error, the results could not be saved
041Acc. no. cannot be changed retroactively due to subsequent notifications
042No notification status exists for date &
043Personal registration data is missing for registration &
044Personal data table is empty (check payroll results)
045VBL table is empty
046No work center data exists on &
047Account no. missing for ZVEID &1, CoCode &2, personnel subarea &3 on &4
048Employee left on & (delimit 'VBL/SPI Data' infotype (0051))
049Payroll periods have a period gap between & and &
050No payroll results exist in the period &
051No part-time data exists for period between & and &
052Period from & to & could not be assigned to any registration
053Employee is liable to SP from & to &, but is not active for full period
054Duplicated or exchanged numbers in the output format for amount
055No personal registration data available
056Current date of notif. run & is before the last date of notif. run &
057Payroll must be run again due to retroactive deregistration on &
058Deregistration reason missing on & (check 'VBL/SPI Data' infotype (0051))
059Employee changed SPI without change of account number on &
060Entry missing in notification field table for key &, notification type &
061Entry missing in table & for sequence number &
062No entry in combination table for key & and insurance type &
063Error & while opening TemSe file
064Error & while writing to TemSe file
065Error & while closing TemSe file
066A record for notification reason & and SP key & exists for personnel no.
067& could not be written since no entry exists for notification reason &
068This function cannot be used for table &
069Table contains no entries for key &
070No SPI data for period from & to &, record type &
071Syntax error in feature DZVLA: & is not type &
072Cluster &: Imported version & is not identical to current version &
073Cluster CD not found
074No payroll results for data in cluster directory
075Wage type information
076Key length is not correct (correct the entry)
077Error while writing to transport request
078Entries for key & have been copied to key &
079Key & is not in customer namespace. Do you still want to copy it?
080No SP notifications exist for the selection
081Notif. for seq. no. &, notif. reason & has no complete insurance number
082Unpermitted special character in character string &
083Notification reason for & could not be determined
084No errors found
085No target file has been specified (repeat export)
086Data medium has been copied to the following target file: &
087Error while determining target file (repeat export)
088Error while importing TemSe object (repeat export)
089Error while copying file (repeat export)
090There is a gap or overlap in the periods between & and &
091No remuneration exists in insurance period & from & to &
092& not created due to incomplete insurance number in infotype 0051
093Employee has taken unpaid absence on key date
094Entry for selection missing in table &
095Recipient data is missing from 'Supplementary Insurances' table (T5D1H)
096Sender data is missing in the Addresses table (T536A)
097Employee is under 17 years old
098Phase & not permitted on date &
099Cannot lock target table
100Source table empty
101Error messages 101 to 199 reserved for PSG
102Cost distribution has been assigned several times (&, &, &, &)
103Also enter a service type
104Also enter a service category
105Only numeric entries and "XX" are permitted for the service type
106No catalog of service types assigned to company code &
107Statistics evaluation area & is missing
108& of the internal statistics indicator & cannot be assigned
109Form & with customer wage types for calculating VE value is missing
110Error while transferring file (refer to transfer log)
111Cannot assign using statistics tables
112No or multiple assignment using statistics tables
113Combination of career group/classification & & not allowed for &
114A maximum of 7 fields can be taken into account in individual evaluations
115Not all selected wage types can be taken into account
116Manual age pay scale determination: highest level cannot be granted auto.
117Fields for month/year of entry can only be filled for headcount 2, 5, 6
118Pension reason field can only be filled if headcount is 2, 5, 6, or empty
119For this headcount, enter values in the 'Month/Year of Entry' group box
120For this headcount, enter the pension reason
121Invalid period
122Validity period of infotype is not valid
123Infotype is not evaluated for January
124Time unit & is not permitted
125Conversion in client & for table name & is not possible
126Database insert for client & could not be performed
127Database update for client & could not be performed
128Automatic adjustment for table T588M in client & not possible
129Enter a wage type for the standard net amount
130Function model & does not exist for country grouping &
131Function model & does not exist for country grouping &
132Function model & does not exist for country grouping &
133Function model & does not exist for country grouping &
134Function model & does not exist for period & - &
135Function model & does not exist for period & - &
136File not found
137Error while processing the output file
138Amount must be positive
139End of the validity period is proposed
140No country key could be selected for company code &
141No payroll periods have been generated
142Date must also be entered for a repeat run
143Error in log output
144No data exists for ...
145Function model & does not exist for period & - &
146Error & while closing form
147Error & while opening form &
148Error & while writing form element &
149Career group/classification combination is not permitted
150Personnel number & rejected (create record for infotype &)
151Entry missing in table & for key &
152& & & &
153Error in function module &
154Error reported by TemSe C system
155Required TemSe object does not exist
156You are not authorized to perform this operation
157Error with handles at the CALL interface
158Required conversion not possible
159File was not created using an HR application
160Version number invalid
161This file is not intended for this report
162Error while determining FTE value
163Record type for university statistics cannot be determined
164Currency for reporting period cannot be determined
165Error in currency translation
166No currency maintained on &
167Function model & does not exist for function &
168Exception indicator "SON" is permitted only for VdR
169Negative amount & in field & was set to zero
170170 - 200 reserved for pension (PSG)
171Referenced personnel number cannot be accessed
172You may not make an entry in only one field of this section
173Sequential number will be proposed
174Enter a sequential number
175Reimbursement basis missing (correct entry)
176Enter a reimbursement rate
177Percentage is greater than 100.00
178& Percentage is greater than &
179Denominator is less than or equal to zero
180Reduction is greater than 100.00
181No record exists for Pension Payments infotype (0322) in the period & - &
182Reimbursement provider for reimbursement missing
183Value must be greater than or equal to 100
184Denominator is zero
185Total of reimbursement percentages is greater than 100
186Subtype is invalid
187Record for subtype & must first be delimited
188No gaps are permitted in the Pension Payments infotype (0322)
189Field is not evaluated if the pension payment is calculated manually
190Reimbursements can only be stored for pension holder
191No pension exists in the period & - & for type & and sequence number &
192Only an imputation with an exemption amount is permitted
193A query exists in period & - & for type & and sequence no. &
194Query must be created before it can be deleted
195Date of death field can only be filled if cession status is "2"
196Data for BEN record is incomplete
197Error while reading feature DOV01
198Voluntary remuneration points are greater than sum of remuneration points
199Remuneration points for bonus are greater than total remuneration points
200Previous employment periods exceed no. of insurance years
201Value & in feature D0V01 is not permitted
202Default value & in feature DOV01 is not permitted
203PI number check: Positions 1 and 2 do not contain a valid area number
204PI number check: Positions 3-8 do not contain a date of birth
205PI number check: Position 9 must contain a letter
206PI number check: Position 10 must contain a digit
207PI number check: Positions 1-8 and 10-12 must only contain digits
208PI number check: Position 12 contains an incorrect check digit
209Upper limit rate has not been entered in the Pension Payments infotype
210& & Required pension not found, or information is not permitted
211& & Incorrect, invalid or illegal data in query record
212Numerator is zero
213& & There are already 9 inquiries from other pension offices
214There is no correct query for pension information (reference no. &)
215& & Status error: Query status &, cession status &
216No pension for pension ID & in period from & to &
217Difference between reported and saved pension amount is too large
218Pension percentage is larger than the upper limit percentage
219Status of public officer was established pension entry
220No update of infotype 0406 & & &
221No personnel number could be determined
222Subtype can be changed in special cases only
223Pension equalization payment for pension holder is not taken into account
224No pension exists on & for type & and sequence number &
225No infotype 0406 for authority key & and reference number &
226Combination of authority key & and reference no & assigned more than once
227No query for acceptance confirmation with authority key & and ref. &
228No infotype & exists on date &
229Incorrect pension office
230Spool number & created
231Error while creating the new spool request
232Information type &1 is not valid
233Old pension amount for type &1, number &2 is &4 instead of &3
234Competition rule 99 (numerator/denominator), denominator = 0
235Unknown competition rule &
236Pension amount for &1 &2 is &4 instead of &3
237Payroll number in infotype 0326 and information data record are different
238Identifiers in infotype 0326 and information data record are different
239No control indicator with DME approval in table T5D80
240Pension type &1, number &2 is not permitted for data medium exchange
241Payment start does not match the start date in infotype 0326
242Error in program; see long text
243Extension & is unknown
244Statutory pens. & and statutory accident/supplementary pens. & submitted
245Personnel number is already locked
246Internal error from enqueue server
247Error while locking personnel number
248Investment institution is not specified
249Payee data is missing
250250 - 279 Reserved for Pension Recipient Statistics
251Error while reading feature &1
252No Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) exists in reporting period
253Type of previous work relationship is missing in infotypes 0322 and 0271
254No infotype 0322 record exists for pension holder (&1)
255Neither municipality key, nor postal code and municipality are specified
256Reason for pension entry must be entered since balance is 2,5,6, or blank
257Error while reading payroll results
258Logical program error has occurred
259If "No change in headcount" applies, no regular payments can take place
260No regular payments exist for the reporting month January
261Technical error while importing payroll result with no. &1
262Inconsistency in IT 0271: If you enter EF16, you must also enter EF17
263Salary group (EF13) cannot be determined (table T5D5L)
264Pay scale group in infotype 0008 (Basic Pay) for holder is not filled
265No infotype 0008 record exists for pension holder (&1)
266No Personal Data infotype (0002) exists for the reporting period
267Legal Basis field empty in record for infotype 0322 (Pension Payments)
268Return value of feature DOVS1 is not complete: EF2, EF3, or EF4 is empty
269Error reading table T5D80 with control indicator &1 specification &2
270Error while reading table T503 with employee group &1, EE subgroup &2
271Personnel area &1 does not exist
272Feature &1 is not generated
273Payroll area & not found
274Payroll period & & for period modifier & not found
275Split indicator for input wage type ist not in VBL table
276Investment institution cannot be determined
277No infotype & exists for personnel number &
278No infotype & exists in interval & - &
279No infotype 0002 exists on date &
280End date of action was changed in infotype
281No infotype for record in results table
282Wage type /047 missing in payroll result
283Error reading social insurance split
284No payroll results exist
285Payroll result was deleted
286Payroll period for payroll result was deleted
287Payroll period was not generated
288Error when importing payroll results
289Error while reading feature &1
290Error while determining the rehabilitant group
291Program sponsor could not be determined
292Employer address could not be determined
293Bank name could not be determined
294Name could not be determined
295Characteristics of rehabilitation program could not be read
296Error while determining country grouping
297Error while determining administrator
298This function is currently deactivated
299Split indicator for input wage type is not in WPBP table
300 300-320 Reserved for Bonuses
301Enter the wage type assessment basis for the adjustment amount (sec. 81)
302Feature DOFAM is not generated; see SAP Note 315209
303Wage type cannot be assigned to VBL split
304No active version of form & exists
305Function module for form & cannot be generated
306Error while determining the function module for form &
307Error while opening form & with function module &
308Format error while filling form & using function module &
309Error while completing form printing
310Error & while reading data for personnel area reporting (T596M)
311Error & while generating log category
312Personnel area/subarea could not be determined
313Country grouping could not be determined
314Error & while adding log node
315Error & while adding log line
316Error & during log output
317Cannot determine employee's address
318Entry missing from backup table PDPBSTVOED_UEB
319Comparison remuneration contains error
320Error & while determining the components of cumulation wage type &
321 321-349 Reserved for Substitute's Allowance / Higher Duty
322Personnel no. &1 has no infotype &2 between &3 and &4
323Pers. no. &1 has ref. pers. no. (&2) without infotype &3 on &4 in IT 0509
324Object type for active plan version &1 is not defined
325Object type for position &1 is not defined
326Object type for person &1 is not defined
327Reference pers. no. or position missing for personnel no. &1 in IT 509
328No entry in T539J for country grouping &1 module &2 wage type &3 date &4
329Error in feature &1
330No entry in table T5DPBS1C for &1 &2 &3 on &4
331Personnel no. &1 has no infotype &2 on &3
332No entry in table &1 for &2 &3
333No entry in table &1 for &2 between &3 and &4
334Percentage field must be filled for this calculation type
335Wage type for bonus (higher duty) must be specified
336Wage type for bonus (higher duty) is not permitted
337Personnel number has not yet been transferred
338Error & during indirect valuation
339Error during indirect valuation; pay scale & is not col. agreement PS
340Error & during log output
341At least one comparison field is already filled on &
342Infotype record 8 valid on & does not represent coll. agreement for PS
343Comparison pay scale data cannot be assigned due to selection
344Notional pay scale data on transition key date differs from previous day
345Screen change due to change of pay scale type
346Pay seniority deleted
347Numerator and denominator reduced by factor of 10
348Var. key & not permitted for pay scale type &, pay scale area &, group &
349Negative amount is not permitted in input field EF19
350350 - 379 reserved for determining pensionable employment periods
356Record for 'Personal Data' infotype missing for pers. numbers &1 to &2
380380-389 for IT0322 and IT0326
381No. of months in different pay scale area exceeds total no. of months
382Do not enter months outside first 36 months for different pay scale area
383Old 0322 record for subtype & must first be deleted
384Number of months in diff. TRFGB outside first 36 months is too high
400400-410 reserved for view IT0001
401Service type must be entered
420420-439 reserved for foreign service bonus
421No country level is assigned to employment location &1 &2 in table T5D94
450450-479 reserved for child allowance and family-related bonus (new)
451Reference personnel number &1 has an invalid format
452Reference personnel number &1 has an invalid format
453Reference personnel number &1 has an invalid format
454Alternative personnel number cannot be accessed
456Enter an existing bonus element
457No 'Family Member/Dependents' infotype for spouse in period &1 - &2
458No 'Family Member/Dependents' infotype for child in period &1 - &2
459Start date of validity period will be modified
460End date of validity period will be modified
461Start and end dates of validity period will be modified
462Spouse component (single) already exists in the validity period
463Spouse component already exists in the validity period
464Number of months &1 must be positive
465A period of &1 months duration is proposed
466Period, entitlement, and reason are proposed
467No errors in checked personnel numbers
468Family-related bonus data from IT0021 has not yet been converted
469Child allowance data has not yet been converted
470No payroll result available
471No payroll result with status indicator 'A'
472Error while reading error list
473No errors for personnel numbers; however messages were logged in program
474BAdI HRPAYDE_B_OZ_ANTEIL_KINDER has been implemented several times.
480No 'Family Member/Dependent' infotype for child &1 in period &2 - &3
481No entry in 'Family-Related Bonuses' table (T510Q) (&1,&2,&3)
482No entry in table for family-related bonus classes (T5D5L) (&2,&3)
483No infotype &2 record exists for personnel number &1
484System attempted to divide by zero
485Module variant &1 is not permitted for module ORTSZ
486Period and child component proposed with reason and child increase amount
487Entry does not exist in pay scale groups table (T510)
488Entry does not exist in payroll parameters table (T511K)
489Entry does not exist in base wage type valuation table (T539J)
490Entry does not exist in value of remuneration groups table (T5D7M)
491Total of bonuses for calculation of family-related bonus is negative
492Entry does not exist in value of remuneration groups table (T5D7M)
493Pay scale level cannot be determined; table &1 is inconsistent
494No previous record for infotype &1 exists without wage type &2, &3 &4
495No family infotype exists for stepchild in period &2 - &3
496No entry exists in guaranteed payments table (T510QN)
500 500-549 Reserved for Infotypes 0008 and 0052 (MPV00800 and MPV05200)
501Capacity utilization level > 100 percent (check numerator/denominator)
502Denominator cannot be zero (enter a different value)
503BDA contains errors; enter month and year for BDA
504BDA cannot be entered for BDA model &1; BDA will be deleted
505Enter a valid value for the BDA month
506Enter a valid value for the BDA year
507BDA cannot be determined for key &1 and start date &2
508BDA cannot be determined for key &1, date &2, and age &3
509BDA cannot be determined automatically due to change of scale
510BDA model is not defined for action type &3; check BDA
511Pay scale cannot be determined for key &1 and start date &2
512Advance granting of &1 pay scale level(s) exceeds highest level &2
513COLA model not defined; cost of living allow. level cannot be determined
514Cost of living allowance level not determined for COLA model &1
515BDA cannot be determined when change is made to pay scale group &2
516Enter a pay scale level
517Highest level E is specified (delete pay scale levels granted in advance)
518Date on which threshold limit age is reached exceeds start date
519Infotype 0052 is not supported for pension recipient
520"Entry: Pension Event" field in infotype 0322 is empty
521Level progression delay from &1 to &2
522No pay scale level increase on &1 due to temp. level progression delay
523Pay scale level period ends on &1; pay scale level increase starts on &2
524IT0509 must be split manually for increase from intermed. pay scale level
525Ind. val. wage type &1; no entry in T510 for TRFAR TRFGB TRFGR LGART &2
526Ind. val. wage type &1; no entry in T5D7M for TRAR TRFGB TRFKZ TRFGR: &2
527Ind. val. wage type &1; check "Activity with Higher Rate of Pay" infotype
528No regulation for activity with higher rate of pay found for employee
529Wage type &1 is not permitted (entry missing in table T539J)
530Inactive period until &1: previous employment not included
531Check unpaid interruption time from &1 to &2 reclassification date
532Check end of sick pay supplement on &1 reclassification date
533Feature &1 does not provide a return value
534Error when determining the level in the higher pay grade group
535BAdI method GET_RECL_DATE does not return an entry from table T510_PSRCL
536New record of infotype 0008 ends on &1. Check future records
537Ind. eval. wage type &1: Not possible to implement fict. level increase
550 550-569 reserved for infotype 0271 (MP027100)
551Selected logging does not permit further entries for statistics
552Enter FTE value 1 as either a numerator/denominator or an absolute value
553Enter either an exception indicator or an FTE value
554Absolute FTE value must not be greater than 1.0 (modify the FTE value)
555The numerator must not be greater than the denominator (modify fraction)
556Numerator must not be zero (modify the numerator)
557Exception indicator &1 is not defined for evaluation area &2
570Special rule is not applicable for this pay scale
571Sick pay supplement period is not taken into account for this employee
572The last notification run cannot be repeated
600Notifications 600-699 reserved for SPI
601Maintain feature ZVDTA for your house bank (see long text)
602Error when reading account number &1 of house bank &2 in company code &3
603Error when determining the bank key of bank &1 in company code &2
604Error when determining the bank data of bank &1
605Data cannot be saved to the DB during the test procedure
606Error during modification of DB table
607A taxing feature for wage type &1 cannot be determined for &2
608Insurance type &1 cannot be converted to an insurance feature
609No tax key found for & and & in feature DOZSM
610Table T5D5H does not contain an entry for tax key & for &
611Insurance feature cannot be determined from modules (contract model & &)
612V0 type is not AVmG-specific
613IT 0699 investment institution & does not match V0 invest. institution &
614Employee is not SP-liable between & and &
615Insurance feature for contract model & & for & cannot be read from T5D5I
616Error opening batch input session
617Error & occurred when opening batch input session
618Error & occurred when appending data to the batch input session
700Internal error when calling HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST
701Problems occurred during printing, see HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST
702Specify a currency in the "Susp. Part of Pens." amount field
703Specify a currency for the "Pension Length of Marriage" amount field
704Specify a currency for the "Total Pension" amount field
705Corresponding information type missing for information type &
706Pension amounts & and & differ for transfer types & and &
707Payt strt & for type & same as payt strt & of INL data record info type &
708The following PC file was generated: &
709Insurance number &1 was rejected
710Insurance number &1 was deregistered in error
711Income acc. to section 61(2) BeamtVG not permitted for manual psn payment
713&1: Neg. confirmation: Pension is not available or inquiry not permitted.
714&1: Neg. confirmation: Query data record is incorrect.
715&1: Neg. confirmation: Query type in query data record is incorrect.
716&1: Neg. confirmation: There are already too many queries.
719&1: Change of pension number and/or PAN and change of payment amount
720&1: Change of benefit amount and payment amount
721&1: Information type leads to an action
722&1: Pension number/PAN: &2
723&1: Changed benefit type: &2
724&1: New address: &2
725&1: Pension cession due to change of residence
726&1: Pension change: &2 -> &3
727&1: Correction to cession notification
728&1: Pension cession as of &2, reason: &3
729Confirmation of query data record: &1 (&2)
730Pension case found but no infotype 0326 available. Check case.
731No pension case found but infotype 0326 is available. Check case.
732Pension case found, no infotype 0326 (&3, &4) available. Check case.
733No pension case found, infotype 0326 (&3, &4) is available. Check case.
734Pension case found but no infotype 0326 (&3) available. Check case.
735No pension case found but infotype 0326 (&3) is available. Check case.
736Pension case found but no infotype 0326 (&3) available. Check case.
737No pension case found but infotype 0326 (&3) is available. Check case.
738Personnel number &1 is not available in the system
739Payroll number (PAN) &1 is not numerical.
740No pension case found, no infotype 0326 available: everything ok.
741Pension case found, infotype 0326 is available: everything ok.
742Confirmation query data record &1 is not known.
743Data record name &1 is not permitted.
744Pos.acceptance confirmation
745Total balance notif.
746&1: Access from transfer to other benefits provider
747&1: Omission with transfer to other benefits provider.
748Chanage of payroll number (PAN): from &2 to &3
749Change of pension number: from &2 to &3
750Change to pension amount: &3 instead of &2
800An address has not been assigned to accounting office &1 in table T536C
801Assignment in table & to & & & does not exist.
802Assignment of pay scale group & could not be determined
803Check: employee has infotype &
804Pay grade group cannot be assigned due to missing career assignment
805The period of employment could not be determined
806Check whether the comparison pay scale group/PS level are available in &
807Database could not be modified
808Action number & specified does not exist
809Infotype &: A future record exists for date &
810Action reason & specified does not exist
811Special rule for assigning pay scale level of pay grade group &
812Special rule for assigning remuneration group Kr.V and Kr.VA
813Error no. & while downloading file &
814Pay scale increase required on transition key date
815File & could not be opened
816Cannot perform front-end function in batch
817File to be imported: & contains no data for hospital number: &, & &
818File to be imported: & already contains data for record types 3, 4
819File to be imported: & contains no data for record type 1, 2, or 5
820Pers. no. & is flagged as "Log for Information Purposes Only" in IT 0271
821Personnel no. & is flagged as "Do Not Log" in IT 0271
822Type of personnel level statistics cannot be assigned due to selection
823Spouse component of cost-of-living allowance in PDPBSTVOED_UEB is invalid
824Error during DB modific. (pers. no. &1, progression &2, org. PS grp &3)
825No entry in table T5DPBS3D for &1 &2 with transfer data
826Modifying these fields may lead to a retroactive accounting difference
827Structure equalization wage type &1 exists in the selection period
828Field &1 in table PDPBSTVOED_UEB is not maintained
829Delimitation date of basic pay &1 lies outside the selection period
830No reason for entitlement to structure equalization payment (&1, &2)
831Entry missing from backup table PDPBSTVOED_UEB
832No previous record available for infotype 8 at time &
833No entitlement to structure equalization
834File to be imported: & contains no data for eStatistics ID &, & &
835File to be imported: & contains no data for state: &, & &
836Original PS group cannot be assigned due to missing career assignment
837Internal SAP pay scale group &1 (&2, &3, &4) cannot be assigned
838XML file created successfully: &
839The structure equalization amount cannot be determined
840Transition date & does not match & for subtype &
841Transition must be carried out manually due to wage type &
842Infotype & does not exist for reference personnel number &
843Check the manual pension payment in infotype 0008
844Check the manual pension payment in infotype 0014
845Pay scale increase due was carried out during transfer
846Case group has been used and should be checked
847Personnel number has already been transferred
848Check spouse component in infotype 0595
849Signing keys 2000-3999 are no longer used for EF33 as of 2008
850The wage type for personal bonus &1 is available in the selection period
851The pay scale data for the current key date differs from the previous day
852Comparison remuneration is less than the value of level 1
853Multiple assignmnt of int. pay scale grou &1 in tab. T5DPBS3B (&2 &3 &4)
880No entry in table & for key & & &
881No entry in table & for key & & for date &
882Error during currency determination for country grouping &
883Version error during reading of CU cluster
884No authorization to read the CU cluster
885Error reading payroll results
886The end of the evaluation period was set to &
887Entry lies in the future in the evaluation period
888No entry in table T549Q in time interval & - & for period parameter &
889Employee has wrong country grouping &
890Use report RPXKHSD0
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