6E - Messages for EMU currency conversion in Treasury
The following messages are stored in message class 6E: Messages for EMU currency conversion in Treasury.
It is part of development package FVDE in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "New objects for EURO functionality in TR-LO (loans)".
It is part of development package FVDE in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "New objects for EURO functionality in TR-LO (loans)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | * Messages for conversion of contract currency to EURO (Loans) ********** |
001 | Error occurred while reading the conditions for the loan |
002 | No basket currency has been defined |
003 | Exactly one currency must be defined as the euro currency |
004 | Loan currency &3 is not a basket currency |
005 | The loan was already converted on &3 |
006 | The rate &1/&2 is not defined for the basket currencies |
007 | Advance payments exist for this loan |
008 | Loan (&1 / &2) is being converted |
009 | Conditions are being converted |
010 | Planned flows entered manually or changed are being converted |
011 | Document items are being converted |
012 | Cash flow is being converted |
013 | Orders are being converted |
014 | Disbursement drawings are being converted |
015 | Currency swap and adjustment flows are being posted |
016 | Condition item contains a reference interest rate |
017 | Customer open items in FI are being transferred |
018 | Document item was not converted due to error during rate calculation |
019 | Cash flow was not converted due to error during rate calculation |
020 | Order was not converted due to error during rate calculation |
021 | Loan product type is set to borrowing business |
022 | Flow types for adjustment postings are not defined |
023 | No current condition header found |
024 | Open disbursements still exist |
025 | Company code &1 or local currency could not be determined |
026 | Flag for balance sheet transfer is being written |
027 | Transaction &1 is not permitted for executing the program |
028 | Flow types for premium/discount currency swap not defined |
029 | No reference flow type found for flow typ &3 |
030 | Error during update of the loan master record (in EURO) |
031 | Error while inserting the loan master record |
032 | Error while deleting the loan master record |
033 | Error while updating the conditions (in EURO) |
034 | Error while inserting the conditions |
035 | Error while deleting the conditions |
036 | Error while updating the cash flow (in EURO) |
037 | Error while inserting the cash flow |
038 | Error while deleting the cash flow |
039 | Error while updating the drawings (in EURO) |
040 | Error while inserting the drawings |
041 | Error while deleting the drawings |
042 | Error while updating the orders (in EURO) |
043 | Error while inserting the orders |
044 | Error while deleting the orders |
045 | Error while inserting the adjusted planned flows |
046 | Error while deleting the adjusted planned flows |
047 | Error while deleting the condition-based planned records |
048 | Error while updating the records for payment splitting (in euros) |
049 | Error updating the payment advice note data (in euros) |
050 | Loan &1 does not exist in company code &2 |
051 | The currency of the loan is &3 and cannot be converted |
052 | The loan is already in file &1 &2 &3 &4 |
053 | Conversion of the loan was terminated |
054 | Posting of adjustment records for loan &1 was terminated |
055 | Error while determining amounts for currency swap premium/discount |
056 | No inflow flow type found for outflow flow type &1 |
057 | No flow type defined for reference flow type &4 |
058 | Remaining premium/discount cannot be calculated for flow type &1 |
059 | Loan &1 /&2 has been archived by &3 - conversion by &4 no possible |
060 | Error while generating flow records for loan in currency &3 |
061 | Error while determining loan capital in currency &3 |
062 | Error while determining adjustment key date for capital adjustment |
063 | Error while determining the adjustment key date for interest calc.capital |
064 | Adjustment values for capital amounts exceed the limit values |
065 | The loan is flagged in file &1 &2 &3 &4 |
066 | Loan was not flagged in the file due to an error |
067 | Payment splitting amounts are being translated |
068 | Payment advice note data is being translated |
069 | Posting date for reset &1 is before changeover date &2 |
070 | Posting date before &2 not permitted |
071 | Posting date before &2 not permitted |
072 | Posting specifications for &1 &2 &3 &4 cannot be replaced |
073 | Balance adjustment not possible, since RSOLL/RHABEN has not been filled. |
074 | Loan &1/&2 was archived after the last CCC. Reversal not possible |
075 | Loan &1: Contract currency changeover is not supported for consumer loans |
079 | Account assignment reference for loan &1 &2 has been changed: &3 |
080 | Business operation data is being converted |
081 | Business operation record not converted due to rate calculation error |
082 | Error while updating the business operation data (in euros) |
083 | Error while inserting the business operation data |
084 | Business operation header not reset, since it is new or has been changed |
085 | Business operation item not reset, since it has been changed |
086 | Business operation data reset |
087 | Business operation header not reset |
088 | Business operation item not reset |
089 | Reorganization records are being converted |
090 | You do not have authorization for the euro contract currency changeover |
099 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
100 | * Messages for resetting the contract currency conversion *************** |
101 | Loan has not yet been converted |
102 | Loan is in file &1 &2 &3 &4 |
103 | Postings made after the conversion key date &3 &4 exist |
104 | Adjustment flows are being reversed |
105 | Reversal of adjustment flows contains errors |
106 | Not all back-up records of planned/actual flows reset |
107 | Currency swap flows are being posted |
120 | Condition header not reset |
121 | Condition item not reset |
122 | Document item not reset |
123 | Planned record not reset |
124 | Drawing not reset |
125 | Order not reset |
126 | Loan not reset |
127 | Condition header not reset because it was changed |
128 | Condition item not reset because it was changed |
129 | Document item not reset because it was changed |
130 | Planned record not reset because it was changed |
131 | Drawing not reset because it was changed |
132 | Order not reset because it was changed |
133 | Loan not reset because it was changed |
134 | Reversed document items not reset |
135 | Transfer OI: Error updating orig. value from contract currency changeover |
136 | Transfer OI: User data in flow record could not be filled |
137 | CoCd &1, loan &2, document &3: Several flows of same type in document |
138 | CoCd &1, loan &2, document &3: Payment block is set |
139 | OI transfer terminated - error in Customizing for flow types |
140 | CoCd &1, loan &2: Transfer of open items not supported for loans taken |
141 | Records for payment splitting will be translated - check amounts! |
142 | Payment advice note data will be translated - check amounts! |
143 | No subledger line item found for open item |
144 | No offsetting flows found for original flow |
145 | No offsetting flows found for residual item |
146 | Euro amount for loan document item not found |
147 | Euro amount for open item not found |
148 | Flow type &1 for doc.-related balance adjustment not defined correctly |
149 | Posting key &1 not defined |
150 | Account-related balance adjustments are being posted |
151 | Internal error: &1 |
152 | Original OI not found - balance differences may arise |
170 | No loans converted for this IP distribution level |
171 | No planned records have been updated for loan &1/&2 |
199 | ****** S I M U L A T I O N M O D E *********** |
200 | * Messages for contract currency conversion to the euro: Collateral **** |
201 | Collateral &1 does not exist for loan &2 in company code &3 |
202 | Currency &1 for the collateral is not a euro basket currency (&2/&3: &4) |
203 | Error in customer exit for collateral &3 (&1/&2) |
204 | Contract/credit balance for collateral &1 does not exist |
206 | Expiry date for collateral &1 does not exist (&2/&3) |
207 | ---> Company code &1, contract &2, collateral &3 |
208 | Loan collateral &1 according to BAV/DV4 does not exist |
209 | Collateral is already in euro |
210 | Collateral &1 in securities according to BAV/DV5 does not exist |
211 | &1 collateral objects have been read |
212 | &1 collateral objects have been converted |
213 | Collateral could not be converted from &1 to &2 |
214 | Contract/credit balance is already in euro |
215 | Collateral is currently locked by user &1 |
216 | Error in management of locking objects |
217 | Loan collateral according to BAV/DV5 is already in euro |
218 | No collateral exists for the criteria specified |
219 | Collateral has been converted |
220 | Collateral in securities according to BAV/DV5 is already in euro |
221 | Contract/credit balance has been converted |
222 | Loan collateral according to BAV/DV4 has been converted |
223 | Collateral in securities according to BAV/DV5 has been converted |
224 | User fields have been converted |
225 | Currency &1 in contract/credit bal. is not a euro basket curr.(&2/&3: &4) |
226 | Curr. &1 in collateral acc. to BAV/DV5 is not a basket currency(&2/&3:&4) |
227 | Curr. &1 Securities acc. to BAV/DV5 is not a basket currency (&2/&3: &4) |
228 | Currency in &1 user fields is not a euro basket currency (&2/&3: &4) |
229 | Curr. &1 of the special arrangmnt is not a euro basket currency(&2/&3:&4) |
230 | Special arrangments have been converted |
239 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
240 | ****** Messages for contract currency changeover to euro: Objects ****** |
241 | ---> Object &1: |
242 | &1 objects have been read |
243 | &1 objects have been converted |
244 | No objects exist for the criteria specified |
245 | Object &1 is currently locked by user &2 |
246 | You do not have authorization to change objects |
247 | Object &1 does not exist |
248 | &2: Currency &1 is not a euro basket currency |
249 | Object &3 could not be converted from &1 to &2 |
250 | &4 for object &3 could not be converted from &1 to &2 |
251 | Object &1: &2 &3 |
252 | &4 is already in &1 (&2/ &3) |
253 | &4: Currency &1 is not a euro basket currency (&2/&3) |
254 | &1 &2 &3 has been converted |