7F - HR-PSF : messages d'erreur (Secteur Public France)

The following messages are stored in message class 7F: HR-PSF : messages d'erreur (Secteur Public France).
It is part of development package P06P1 in software component PY-FR-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No. of hours requested is more than the maximum allowed.
002Change no. of hours
003This unit & is not authorized
004No. of hours requested is less than the minimum no. of hours
006Date & cannot be modified
010Expected end date is earlier than the start date of the infotype
011End date '31.12.9999' must be entered.
012Renewal number 00 is obligatory
013You cannot delete this situation
014Value 0 is not accepted
015No entry can be displayed in this place
016& & & &
017Calendar generated for person &1
018Dates (&1 - &2) of IT 2001 are different to those in IT 601
019Calendar already generated for person &1
022Date of death is earlier than date of birth
028End of certificate date is not valid
029End date is before start date
033Invalid date of death
034Invalidity rate more than 100%
035Situation incompletely defined between & and &
036Ambiguous situation between & and &
037Min. age greater than max. age
040Please descrtibe Fam.All. reason
042Change reason does not exist
050Messages 50 - 80 reserved for administrative position
051Administrative position &1 &2 not authorized between &3 and &4
052Administrative position &1 &2 not authorized for person &3 &4
053Person &1 &2 cannot be in the administrative pos. &3 &4 for this period
054This subtype is not allowed in absence of the main infotype
055Maiin position disallows any secondary positions
056Administrative position &1 &2 cannot be secondary
057Admin. pos. &1 &2 obligates closure of current secondary positions
800At least one field is not required for subtype & has been deleted
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