87 - Localization Croatia: Messages

The following messages are stored in message class 87: Localization Croatia: Messages.
It is part of development package J3KG in software component FI-LOC-FI-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Croatia: General".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Please enter valid date. Entered & can't be bigger than today's &.
001Currency & in not defined.
002Error, exchange rates not saved. Call Administrator.
003New exchange rates successfully saved.
004Exchange rates for date & already exist (Read Only).
005You are not authorized to insert new exchange rates (Read Only).
010House bank tax number &.
011Payer address data.
012Nema �ifre osnove pla�anja po dokumentu &.
013�ifra instrumenta pla�anja, &.
014ISO kod valute &.
015Mati�ni broj za na�u �ifru poduze�a.
016Na� mati�ni broj u ku�noj banci.
017Podaci banke partnera &.
018�ifra zemlje &.
019Podaci adrese partnera &.
020�ifra strane osobe &.
021Klju� upute (tro�kovi ino-banke) za &.
022Datum isporuke robe, dokument pla�anja &.
200Form & is not active.
201Processing terminated.
202Entered data will be neither saved nor posted.This is only print program.
203No bank data exist for vendor &.
204No bank data exist for bank &, country/region &.
205Incorrect bank account number format for house bank & - &.
206Incorrect bank account number format for vendor &.
207Internal program error (&, &).
208Comp.code &, paym.document & has incorrect paym.method supplement.
210Created data file is incorrect.
212Comp.code &, paym.order & has incorrect paym.method supplement.
213Comp.code &, paym.order & has no instructions defined.
214Comp.code &, paym.document & has no instructions defined.
215Bank acc.number for paym.order & in & is not allowed in this DME format.
216Bank acc.number for paym.docum. & in & is not allowed in this DME format.
217Bank acc.number for paym.order & in & has incorrect format.
218Bank acc.number for paym.document & in & has incorrect format.
401Data conflict between JMBG and date of birth
402JMBG generated according to date of birth
403Date of birth generated according to JMBG
404JMBG & is incorrect
500Invalid date
501Invalid week
502No rate found for & -> &
503Conversion result for & -> & is too large
504Quantity to reverse bigger than billed quantity
505The billing doc & is not a billing doc in export
506The billing document & was already cleared
507Nothing to clear with billing document &
508Clearences already saved
509Error in saving clearances. Call Administrator.
510Clearances successfully saved
511Request & currently locked by user &. Clearances not saved.
512UCD & currently edited by user &. Clearances not saved.
513The billing doc & was not cleared.
514Reversal allready saved
515Nothing to reverse with billing doc &
516Reversal successfully saved
517Required entry not made
518Fetch data first ('Fetch data' button)
519Saving failed. Call system administrator!
520The field may only contain numbers
521The billing document & does not exist
550File & created.
600Material & doesn't belong to plant & !
601Material & doesn't exist!
602& is not valid SD doc. number!
603Bill of material's item(s) are added!
604Bill.doc. & doesn't exist!
605Item(s) are successfully deleted!
606Please, select the item(s)!
607Bill of material is deleted!
608This bill of material already exists. Please, check your entry!
609Bill of material is successfully changed!
610Bill of material is successfully created!
611Double documents are deleted!
612Request & doesn't exist in company code &. Please, check your entry!
613Customs quota request's item(s) are saved!
614Double items are deleted!
615Purch.doc. & doesn't exist in comp.code &.
616Purch.doc. & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &.
617Customs quota request is deleted!
618This request already exists. Please, check your entry!
619Customs quota request is successfully changed!
620Customs quota request & is successfully created!
621Imp.cust.decl. & / & already exists in year &. Please, check your entry!
622ICD & / & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &. Please, check your entry!
623Exp.cust.decl. & / & already exists in year &. Please, check your entry!
624ECD & / & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &. Please, check your entry!
625Import cust. decl. is successfully changed!
626Import cust. decl. is successfully created!
627Imp.cust.decl. is deleted!
628Export cust. decl. is successfully changed!
629Export cust. decl. is successfully created!
630Exp.cust.decl. is deleted!
631Double materials are deleted!
632Prod.proc.code & doesn't exist in plant &! Please, check your entry!
633Proc.prod.codes are successfully changed!
634Plant & doesn't exist! Please, check your entry!
635Proc.prod.codes don't exist in plant &. Please, check your entry!
636Items are successfully added!
637Bill of mat. & doesn't exist in plant &. Please, check your entry!
638Bill.doc. & / & doesn't exist!
639Please, select checkbox!
640Comp. code & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry!
641Plant & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry!
642ImUCD & / & / & doesn't exit in comp.code. &. Please, check your entry!
643Changes are saved!
644Payment data are deleted!
645Material & already exists.
646Product & already exists.
647Double products are deleted.
648Clearances are not found!
649Nothing is found (by import UCD).
650Nothing is found (by export UCD).
651Data are saved!
652Purchasing document & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry!
653Sales document & doesn't exist. Please, chek your entry!
654Rec. in FT reg. & / & / & is succesfully deleted.
655Purch.doc & doesn't have material &.
656Please, select Import and/or Export!
657Table for report 'Appendix 1' is successfully changed!
658For agreement & vendor is not foreign country/region. Check your entry.
659For agreement & customer is not foreign country/region. Check your entry.
660You are going to create a record in register.
661There is no material for selected commodity code!
662There is no imp.cust.decl. for selected criteria.
671There is nothing to add.
672Items are successfully added.
673Nothing is found!
674Purch.doc. & has agreement & !
675Record in register already exists. You are going to change it.
676Sales doc. & has agreement & !
677Vendor & doesn't exist. Please, enter again!
678Customer & doesn't exist. Please, enter again!
679FT reg. Import: Record & is created.
680FT reg. Export: Record & is created.
681For doc. & someone has already created FT record &!
682Posting record & / & plant & doesn't exist in comp.code &.
683Posting record & / & is created in comp. code &.
684Posting record is successfully changed!
685Payment data is going to be changed!
686Please enter a non-zero value.
700Instead of &, please enter a valid value for the decision
701Required entry not made
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