87 - Localization Croatia: Messages
The following messages are stored in message class 87: Localization Croatia: Messages.
It is part of development package J3KG in software component FI-LOC-FI-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Croatia: General".
It is part of development package J3KG in software component FI-LOC-FI-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Croatia: General".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Please enter valid date. Entered & can't be bigger than today's &. |
001 | Currency & in not defined. |
002 | Error, exchange rates not saved. Call Administrator. |
003 | New exchange rates successfully saved. |
004 | Exchange rates for date & already exist (Read Only). |
005 | You are not authorized to insert new exchange rates (Read Only). |
010 | House bank tax number &. |
011 | Payer address data. |
012 | Nema �ifre osnove pla�anja po dokumentu &. |
013 | �ifra instrumenta pla�anja, &. |
014 | ISO kod valute &. |
015 | Mati�ni broj za na�u �ifru poduze�a. |
016 | Na� mati�ni broj u ku�noj banci. |
017 | Podaci banke partnera &. |
018 | �ifra zemlje &. |
019 | Podaci adrese partnera &. |
020 | �ifra strane osobe &. |
021 | Klju� upute (tro�kovi ino-banke) za &. |
022 | Datum isporuke robe, dokument pla�anja &. |
200 | Form & is not active. |
201 | Processing terminated. |
202 | Entered data will be neither saved nor posted.This is only print program. |
203 | No bank data exist for vendor &. |
204 | No bank data exist for bank &, country/region &. |
205 | Incorrect bank account number format for house bank & - &. |
206 | Incorrect bank account number format for vendor &. |
207 | Internal program error (&, &). |
208 | Comp.code &, paym.document & has incorrect paym.method supplement. |
210 | Created data file is incorrect. |
212 | Comp.code &, paym.order & has incorrect paym.method supplement. |
213 | Comp.code &, paym.order & has no instructions defined. |
214 | Comp.code &, paym.document & has no instructions defined. |
215 | Bank acc.number for paym.order & in & is not allowed in this DME format. |
216 | Bank acc.number for paym.docum. & in & is not allowed in this DME format. |
217 | Bank acc.number for paym.order & in & has incorrect format. |
218 | Bank acc.number for paym.document & in & has incorrect format. |
401 | Data conflict between JMBG and date of birth |
402 | JMBG generated according to date of birth |
403 | Date of birth generated according to JMBG |
404 | JMBG & is incorrect |
500 | Invalid date |
501 | Invalid week |
502 | No rate found for & -> & |
503 | Conversion result for & -> & is too large |
504 | Quantity to reverse bigger than billed quantity |
505 | The billing doc & is not a billing doc in export |
506 | The billing document & was already cleared |
507 | Nothing to clear with billing document & |
508 | Clearences already saved |
509 | Error in saving clearances. Call Administrator. |
510 | Clearances successfully saved |
511 | Request & currently locked by user &. Clearances not saved. |
512 | UCD & currently edited by user &. Clearances not saved. |
513 | The billing doc & was not cleared. |
514 | Reversal allready saved |
515 | Nothing to reverse with billing doc & |
516 | Reversal successfully saved |
517 | Required entry not made |
518 | Fetch data first ('Fetch data' button) |
519 | Saving failed. Call system administrator! |
520 | The field may only contain numbers |
521 | The billing document & does not exist |
550 | File & created. |
600 | Material & doesn't belong to plant & ! |
601 | Material & doesn't exist! |
602 | & is not valid SD doc. number! |
603 | Bill of material's item(s) are added! |
604 | Bill.doc. & doesn't exist! |
605 | Item(s) are successfully deleted! |
606 | Please, select the item(s)! |
607 | Bill of material is deleted! |
608 | This bill of material already exists. Please, check your entry! |
609 | Bill of material is successfully changed! |
610 | Bill of material is successfully created! |
611 | Double documents are deleted! |
612 | Request & doesn't exist in company code &. Please, check your entry! |
613 | Customs quota request's item(s) are saved! |
614 | Double items are deleted! |
615 | Purch.doc. & doesn't exist in comp.code &. |
616 | Purch.doc. & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &. |
617 | Customs quota request is deleted! |
618 | This request already exists. Please, check your entry! |
619 | Customs quota request is successfully changed! |
620 | Customs quota request & is successfully created! |
621 | Imp.cust.decl. & / & already exists in year &. Please, check your entry! |
622 | ICD & / & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &. Please, check your entry! |
623 | Exp.cust.decl. & / & already exists in year &. Please, check your entry! |
624 | ECD & / & / & doesn't exist in comp.code &. Please, check your entry! |
625 | Import cust. decl. is successfully changed! |
626 | Import cust. decl. is successfully created! |
627 | Imp.cust.decl. is deleted! |
628 | Export cust. decl. is successfully changed! |
629 | Export cust. decl. is successfully created! |
630 | Exp.cust.decl. is deleted! |
631 | Double materials are deleted! |
632 | Prod.proc.code & doesn't exist in plant &! Please, check your entry! |
633 | Proc.prod.codes are successfully changed! |
634 | Plant & doesn't exist! Please, check your entry! |
635 | Proc.prod.codes don't exist in plant &. Please, check your entry! |
636 | Items are successfully added! |
637 | Bill of mat. & doesn't exist in plant &. Please, check your entry! |
638 | Bill.doc. & / & doesn't exist! |
639 | Please, select checkbox! |
640 | Comp. code & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry! |
641 | Plant & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry! |
642 | ImUCD & / & / & doesn't exit in comp.code. &. Please, check your entry! |
643 | Changes are saved! |
644 | Payment data are deleted! |
645 | Material & already exists. |
646 | Product & already exists. |
647 | Double products are deleted. |
648 | Clearances are not found! |
649 | Nothing is found (by import UCD). |
650 | Nothing is found (by export UCD). |
651 | Data are saved! |
652 | Purchasing document & doesn't exist. Please, check your entry! |
653 | Sales document & doesn't exist. Please, chek your entry! |
654 | Rec. in FT reg. & / & / & is succesfully deleted. |
655 | Purch.doc & doesn't have material &. |
656 | Please, select Import and/or Export! |
657 | Table for report 'Appendix 1' is successfully changed! |
658 | For agreement & vendor is not foreign country/region. Check your entry. |
659 | For agreement & customer is not foreign country/region. Check your entry. |
660 | You are going to create a record in register. |
661 | There is no material for selected commodity code! |
662 | There is no imp.cust.decl. for selected criteria. |
671 | There is nothing to add. |
672 | Items are successfully added. |
673 | Nothing is found! |
674 | Purch.doc. & has agreement & ! |
675 | Record in register already exists. You are going to change it. |
676 | Sales doc. & has agreement & ! |
677 | Vendor & doesn't exist. Please, enter again! |
678 | Customer & doesn't exist. Please, enter again! |
679 | FT reg. Import: Record & is created. |
680 | FT reg. Export: Record & is created. |
681 | For doc. & someone has already created FT record &! |
682 | Posting record & / & plant & doesn't exist in comp.code &. |
683 | Posting record & / & is created in comp. code &. |
684 | Posting record is successfully changed! |
685 | Payment data is going to be changed! |
686 | Please enter a non-zero value. |
700 | Instead of &, please enter a valid value for the decision |
701 | Required entry not made |