8A - Messages for Argentina

The following messages are stored in message class 8A: Messages for Argentina.
It is part of development package J1AF in software component FI-LOC-FI-AR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI Localization (Argentina)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Master Data Messages ***********************************************
002& have been duplicated
003Enter valid data
004Percentage too high (max. 100%)
005Enter one ID number only
006Enter either a tax code 1 or a foreign national ID
007The first two characters of the CUIT are incorrect
008The CUIT check digit is incorrect
009You cannot maintain exemptions for this tax category
010When you enter data, select the line with &
011Enter valid data if the line is selected with &
012Enter the exemption number
013Proposed withholding tax code is not defined for withhholding tax type &
014Dates are in the past
015Dates are in the future
016Enter a tax category
017Customer is not liable to tax & during exemption period: Change date
018Personal data of blocked business partner has been encrypted
019BP data masked; you are not authorized to generate file(s)
020The amount &1 exceeds the permissible limit.
021The amount &1 &2 exceeds the permissible limit.
022You have no authorization for company code &
050 ** Master Data Messages / Batch programs ******************************
051Trans. & Tax category & ...
052... not defined in buffer.
053... not defined in T007C
054Trans. & Withholding type & ...
055... not defined in table T059P.
056No lower limit for internal document number
057No lower limit for posting date
058No lower limit for the official document number
060Enter the unit price in the following format ____.__ in Reference Field 3
100* Customizing messages************************************
101Withholding tax type with number & already exists
102Referenced number must be smaller than &
103Number & of referenced type is unknown
104Enter a withholding tax type number
105Enter account type D or K
106Tax group & does not exist. Delete the entry
107The withholding tax rate may not exceed 100%
108Withholding tax type & is not defined in country/region &
109Select an accumulation pattern
110Maintain the minimum/maximum amounts for the withholding tax codes
111Maintain the minimum base amounts for the withholding tax codes
112Maintain the minimum/maximum amounts for the withholding tax type
113Maintain the minimum base amounts for the withholding tax type
114Type number & already assigned
115Type number & has not yet been assigned to a withholding tax type
116Enter a company code
117Enter a withholding tax type
118Enter a date
119Do not select the formula with the posting indicator for grossing up
120Flag 'subjected' has not been selected
121The base of withholding tax type & is not defined as modified net amount
122The base of withholding tax type & is not defined as modified tax
123The coefficient must not be greater than 1
124The coefficients for the year & do not add up to 1
125Region & not defined for country/region &
126Error in WH tax cert. numbering for CC &, subsidiary &, WH tax type &
127Error in Argentine doc. numbering for cc &, subs. &, char. &, doc.type &
128Date error: Document date &1 inconsistent with last-assigned date &2
129Number must have 8 digits
130The branch number in Argentina must have 4 digits
131Document type & (specified for billing type &) does not exist
132Branch number for sales organization &, dist. ch. & division & is initial
133Gross income tax coefficients do not add up to 1
134Withholding tax type & is already defined as type with posting at payment
135Withholding tax type & is already defined as type with posting at invoice
136Use flg 'base chk on lvl of pay doc' only with 'no accum.' and 'CI prop.'
137Printing character could not be determined
138Select "Man. entry of WT tax" only if "Man. entry of WT base" is selected
139Enter reference in document before releasing to accounting
140Change in partner assignment. Check the data
141Enter validity dates if company code is marked as withholding agent
142Condition type &1 is not linked to a withholding tax type in ctry/reg. &2
143Withholding tax code &1 is not defined for withholding tax type &2
144Company code & does not go with branch &
145No matches found
146Check the printing character
147Data locked. Data can only be displayed
148No withholding tax types have been maintained for selfwithholding
149Enter a valid format for a 14-digit reference document number.
150Only the first five digits of the reference document number may be filled
151Enter the official document number in the reference document field
152No entries allowed in positions 2 - 16 of reference document field
160Document type &1 does not allow postings to account type &2
167No official number for comp.code &1, branch &2, char. &3, doc. class &4
168Currency class must be numerical. Change your Customizing settings.
171Official document class is not defined for doc.type &1 and D/C indic. &2
200* Messages for tax-processing, because dialog box is not used currently
201Customer & has an exemption of & % for & (valid: &).
202Customer & is subject to &.
203Vendor & withholds for &.
204Vendor & withholds for & with an exemption of & % (valid: &).
210G/L account & is relevant for gross income.
211& . Amount of & is below minimum amount of &.
212Enter a region
213Enter a distribution type
214Enter an activity code
220G/L account is gross income relevant
221G/L account is not gross income relevant
222Document could cause errors in reporting.
230Enter a CITI code for this type
250SD messages *************************************************************
251Cannot determine branch for company code & and shipping point &
252Branch determination not possible for cc &, plant &, stor.loc. &.
253Could not determine branch for sales area & & &
254No event defined for numbering sales organization &
255Could not find lot for company code &1 and document &2
256Could not book for company code &1 and document number &2
257Could not update prenumbered document &1/&2
258Lot &1 does not exist in company code &2
259Document &1 not contained in lot &2
260Could not select documents in lot &1
261Lots can only be updated if you enter a lot number
288Fatal error when trying to lock document
300* Messages for withholding tax processing
303Enter a valid withholding tax code
304Enter an action type A, V, or H
305Withholding tax base amt for WT type &, WT code & has been recalculated
306Could not find form for C/R, currency key &, WT type &, and WT code &
307No form found for ctry/reg., curr.key & WT type & WT code & WT ctry/reg.
308Could not find form for C/R, currency key &, WT type &, and WT code &
309Total WH tax amount in line item & exceeds the vendor/customer amount
310Withholding tax amount entered manually. Enter a base amount as well
311Invoice reference not possible
312Total WH tax amount in line item equals the vendor/customer amount
313WH tax base amount for WT type & was entered manually: no recalculation
320Company selfwith.agent for tp &. Code,Pstg indctr correct? line & cd &
321Vendor selfwith.agent for tp &. Code,Pstg indctr correct? line & cd &
322Grossing up for A/R? Posting indicator correct? line & tp & cd &
323Company no selfwith.agent for tp &. Code,Pstg indctr correct? line & cd &
324Vendor no selfwith.agent for tp &. Code,Pstg indctr correct? line & cd &
325Amount entered will be posted instead of amount calculated by the system
326Withholding tax entries for current line item deleted
327Items could not be activated, withholding information changed
328> Withholding tax data has changed, item cannot be paid
329> Change withholding tax information from corresponding invoice
330Clearing currency is different from document currency
331Particular document header changes are not allowed
332Another relevant document exists with the same official document number
333Error updating official document number on corresponding SD document
334Official document number already issued; change entry on overview screen
340Line item does not contain any withholding tax data
350Doc. & record &: transaction & is not allowed for withholding tax entries
351Doc. & record &: no line item data before withholding tax data
352WH tax information from account and sample document does not match
400* Messages for payment program - discount documents
401> Discount document
402No branch defined for company code &, doc. type & in Customizing table &
403Discount document will be posted without branch information
404No document type defined in table & for company code &, document type &
405>------------ Additional log for discount document posting
406Discount document will be posted with document type &
407> Document & company code & currency &
408No number range defined for additional no. for company code & doc. type &
409Document will be posted without additional number
410Select a valid line
411Internal error while processing open items posted by SD
412Error in discount document posting; payment not possible
450*********** Reporting ***************************************************
451Update of historical table only possible if "Run with Version" is set
452Update of historical table only possible with compressed data
453File can only be written if "Compress" is set
454Specify name for local file
455File deleted from application server
456Could not delete file from application server
457Enter name for file on application server
458Historical table is not updated for magnetic output
459File will only be created if you select "Run with Magnetic Output"
460Select Customer Accounts or Vendor Accounts or both
500Change not allowed - change payment amount in group & & &
501Change not allowed - change payment amount in group & & &
502Main item & & & in central invoice still blocked
503Withholding tax will be recalculated for changed accounts
504Recalculation leads to balance change in payment & & &
505Main item & & & of central invoice is still in this payment
550************ Messages for FI document processing ************************
551Format of reference document number is invalid
552Check official document number on overview screen before posting
553A recibo factura has already been created for factura de cr�dito &
554A recibo factura has not yet been created for factura de cr�dito &
555Fill out all fields for factura de cr�dito
556Format of reference document number is invalid
557Official document numbers invalid in lot management
560Credit invoice number not saved in accounting document &1
561Another user is processing the accounting document for invoice &1
562Invoice &1 does not exist
563There is no accounting document for invoice &1
565Do not accept any credit invoices from vendor &1
566Invoice &1 has not been transferred to accounting
600* Messages for online payment
601No document type defined for discount document. Document type AB used
602Document type 'AB' not defined. No discount document can be posted
603No number range defined. Discount document cannot be posted
604No automatic search possible for Argentine company code
605Could not create discount document
607No adequate record found in control table for &1, &2
650* Messages for global numbering
651Entry & is not defined as printing character
652No sufficient record found in control table for &, &
653Do not enter any values in digits 2-16 of the reference number
654Branch &1 is not defined for company code &2
655Do not enter any values in digits 6-16 of the reference number
656Document type (&) and date (&) not defined in V_OFNUM_TW_1
657No number range defined for J_1AOFFDOC/&/&
658Error when changing document &.
659Error during creation of document change log.
660Some documents are locked or cannot be changed by user &1
700*** Messages for withholding tax calculation log ***
701&: withholding tax code initial. Base amount set to zero
702&: user input: no automatic calculation of the base amount
703&: base amount (&) = gross amount (&) x taxable portion (&)/100
704&: grossing up: base amount (&) = base amt (&) x grossing up factor (&)
705& proport.tax amnt: & = tax amnt(&) * factor(&).
706&: tax code in line item: & ==> adding & to variable SUM; SUM = &.
707&: no entry found in J_1AT059K for trans.key &. SUM remains unchanged.
708&: tax code & does not match &: ==> SUM remains unchanged
709&: base amount (&) = gross amount (&) - SUM (&)
710&: Base amount(&) = SUM(&)
711&: base amount (&) = base amount (&) x taxable portion (&)/100
712&: Base amount = &
713&: WT amount(&) for WT type &, WT code & to be subtracted.
714&: Reduction of base amnt: base amnt'(&) = base amnt(&) - wt amnt(&).
715&: base amount below zero - set base amount to zero
716&: withholding tax type & not posted - do not subtract WH tax amount
717& Base chk,tp level,acc:sum of bases(&) + sum acc.base(&) >= min.base(&)?
718& & base check negative
719& Base chk,cd level,acc: base(&) + acc.base(&) >= min.base(&)?
720& Base chk,cd level,acc,CI: sum of bases(&) + acc.base(&) >=min.base(&)?
721& Base chk,cd level: base amount(&) >= min.base(&)?
722& Base chk,cd level,CI: sum of bases(&) >= min.base(&)?
723& & base check negative or line base amount equal to zero
724& Base exemption(&) exceeds base amount(&) for calc. => Set base to zero
725& Amount calcul.,& WT amnt(&) = F[calc. base(&)].
726& Base chk, tp level: sum of bases(&) >= min.base(&)?
727& Amount calcul.,acc.: amnt'(&) = amnt(&) - acc.amount(&).
728& Amount calcul.,acc.,CI: amnt'(&) = (amnt-acc.amount)(&) * prop.fac.(&).
729& Amount calcul.,CI: amnt'(&) = amnt(&) * prop.fac.(&).
730& amount calculation, & WT amount (&) below zero - set amount to zero
731& Amount calcul., vendor exempted: amnt'(&) = amnt(&) * (1 - ex.rate(&))
732& Amount calcul., company exempted: amnt'(&) = amnt(&) * (1 - ex.rate(&))
733& user input: no automatic calculation of the withholding tax amount
734& Amount calcul.: amount'(&) = amount(&) - amount already withheld(&).
735& Amount chk,tp level: sum of amounts(&) >= min.amnt(&)?
736& Amount chk,tp level: min.amnt(&) <= sum of amounts(&) <= max.amnt(&)?
737& Amount chk,cd level: amount(&) >= min.amnt(&)?
738& Amount chk,cd level: min.amnt(&) <= amount(&) <= max.amnt(&)?
739& amount check negative
740& amount calculation: amount (&) = base (&) x WH tax rate (&)/100
741& amount calculation: amount (&) = base (&) x reduced WH tax rate (&)/100
742& amount calc. using J_1AT059F: amount (&) += base (&) x WT rate (&)/100
743& amount calc. J_1AT059F: amt or base during calc. negative - amount = 0
750Accumulation for vendor & may be incorrect. Contact SAP
751Data sent to interface of the WH tax calculation routine is inconsistent
752Data (complement) sent to interface of WT calc. routine inconsistent
770Global official numbering: Input parameter incomplete
800*** Messages for reports & Modulpools ***********************************
801Choose a function
802No documents found
803New entry
804No changes were made
805Entry changed: & & &
806The vendor has not been created for company code &
807Select one run type only
808Select a run type
809Enter a period
810Select at least ONE document type.
811Enter the name of the dataset
812ERROR when opening the dataset &
813Dataset(s) is/are created.
814Enter a date
815The DEFINITIVE RUN now has more entries than exist in the table -> Help
816Posting period & is still open.
817Period & is closed.
818No processing type has been defined for this report
819Enter a processing type
820Check the program log, change the data, and start again
821Enter one company code only
822Check the log
823Number range object & & & & not found
824Number range not definied as internal for & & & &
825Execute the batch input session that has been created
826Number range has not been definied for printing char. &
827Number range interval not found for Object & & & &
828Printing character has not been defined for SAP document type &.
829First period must come before last period
830Only periods from 01 to 12 can be chosen.
831No suitable posting to cash flow acct found for withhold.tax adjustment
832Define the withholding tax number range for & & & &
833Select different file names
834Enter an account number
835Enter one account number only
836New entries can only be created if a new file is created.
837Select a valid period
838Enter a document type or document number
839Tax rate missing for region & activity & in table J_1AGICD.
840The layout form for tax juristiction & is missing in table J_1A GILTS.
841Program desgined for only one period intervall.
842Program is designed for only one calendar year.
843Last printed date is &. Selection will start with the next one.
844The values in the chronological table are no longer sequential.
845Enter a report version
846No version has been definied for this report. Please delete the report.
847Define a version for company code & in Customizing
848Define processing method for company code & and version & in Customizing.
849Report &1: Conversion of J_1A002 into 30F table J_1A102 completed
850Report &1: Conversion of J_1A004 into 30F table J_1A104 completed
851Use report &
852Select a valid correspondence type
853Could not assign a country/region to company code &1
854Invalid time dependency: &
855Fiscal year and period selection reset due to posting date selection
856You are not authorized to change documents with company code &1
857You are not authorized to display documents of document type &1
858You are not authorized to change documents of document type &1
859Print character could not be determined
860Specified print character and determined print character are different
861& & & &
862Company code &1 invalid
865Accounting document generated
872Transaction not available for country/region of company code &1
882Text file displays truncated amount.
891Could not find official lot number
892Document type invalid
893Document not available in this lot
894Reference number format incorrect
899& & & &
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