ACC_AA - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Funktionsgruppe ACC_AA

The following messages are stored in message class ACC_AA: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Funktionsgruppe ACC_AA.
It is part of development package AA_BAS_CUS in software component FI-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Accounting: General Tables and Customizing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Correct your entry
001Enter either a company code or an accounting principle
002Error when loading table &1 (inform your system administrator)
003Source and target company codes not allowed to be the same
004Asset Accounting is active in target company code &1
005Target company code &1 does not exist
006Asset Accounting is not active in source company code &1
007No chart of depreciation is assigned to source company code &1
008Depreciation area &1 does not exist in company code &2
009Chart of depreciation &1 does not exist
010Depreciation area &2 is not defined for chart of depreciation &1
011Chart of depreciation &1 is assigned to the wrong company code
012Combination &1 &2 &3 is not allowed (see long text)
013Acct principle does not require further data, therefore data is deleted
014Depreciation area &1 is adopted as target area
015Depreciation area &1 is not derived, therefore checkbox is deactivated
016Identical target entries for two areas of the same company code
017Deprec. area &1 in company code &2 does not post periodically
018Enter the target company code or no company code
019For direct posting with same co.code, deprec. area also has to be same
020Error in update indicator conversion, inform your system administrator
021Deprec. area &1 is defined as real depreciation area in company code &2
022Deprec. area &1 is defined as a derived depreciation area
023Internal error during call of view &1
024Source and target company code have different charts of accounts
025Dep. area &1 is a derived area, checkbox is therefore deactivated
026Alternative deprec. area &1 not allowed to be derived dep. area
027CoCd &1 chart of accounts &2 account group &3 depreciation area &4
028Chart of deprec. &2: constit. areas of derived area &1 have diff. crrcy
029Leading dep. area &1 posts to ledger group &2 without leading ledger
030Depreciation area &1 posts to ledger group &2 with leading ledger
031Plan &2, area &1: Set the "For Reporting Purposes Only" indicator
032Company code &2: Assign accounting principle &1 to ledger &4
033Chart &1, accounting principle &2: Assigned ledger not allowed
034No chart of depreciation is assigned to company code &1
035A restriction on company codes takes place in an update run
036It is not possible to restrict asset classes in an update run
037A detailed log is not possible with an update run
038Function not possible. First delete data in general ledger accounting
039Chart of depr. &2, area &1: Set indicator "For reporting purposes only"
040FI-GL (new) is active, but posting dep. area &1 has no assignment
041Area &1 does not post, ledger group assignment &2 ist obsolete
042Real area &1 has ledger group assignment &2
043Area Customizing in area &1 is inconsistent
044Derived deprec. area &1 does not have a net book value in chart of dep. &
045System error: area &1 missing from chart of depreciation &3 in table &2
046Source area &1 missing for depreciation area &2
047Parallel currency area (currency type &1) missing for area &2
050Set the purpose of delta area &1 as "1" in chart of depreciation &2
060Posting control is not allowed in derived area
061The valuation parameters of the derived area are adjusted
062Posting control of the depreciation area is being adjusted
063Depreciation area not allowed to be used more than once
064Customizing inconsistent for area &1 - see long text
065Only areas that post online can be entered here
070Only transaction type "*" is allowed for acct assignment type "Depr.Run"
078CoCd &1: FY variants not completely maintained at area level
079Activate the function "Allow Different Variants for Areas"
080Period distribution not defined for fiscal year variant &1
081Chart of depreciation &2: Assign a target ledger group to area &1
082Check the posting control for area &2 or area &3
083Adoption of values not allowed for area &1 in chart of depreciation &3
084Transfer of dep. terms is not allowed in area &1 of chart of dep. &3
085Chart of depreciation &1: Ledgers of assigned accounting princ. overlap
086Chart of depreciation &2, area &1: posting indicator not allowed
087Specify an area for accounting principle &1 that posts APC
088Base areas of posting delta area &1 do not have identical acctg principle
089Base area &2 has different accounting princ. than posting delta area &1
090The ledgers in accounting princ. &1 have different fiscal year variants
091Transfer of dep. terms is not allowed in area &1 of chart of deprec. &2
092Inconsistency exists between company code &1 and chart of deprec. &2
093Inconsistency exists between company code &1 and chart of deprec. &2
094Inconsistency exists between company code &1 and chart of deprec. &2
095Depreciation area &1: currency type &2 is defined incorrectly
096Ledger &2 defined in CoCd &1 is not active in chart of depreciation &3
097Fiscal year variant &1 and fiscal year var. &2 have different start dates
098Fiscal year variant &1 and fiscal year var. &2 have different end dates
099Fiscal year variants in company code &1 have differing start dates
100Fiscal year variants in company code &1 have differing end dates
101Ledger group &1 is not assigned to CoCd &2 and chart of depreciation &3
102Area &1 is not defined in chart of depreciation &2
103Area &1 is not a real depreciation area and posting to it is not allowed
104Area &1 is a parallel area and posting to it is not allowed
105Switch for FI-AA (New) active or in preparation;report cannot be executed
106Area &1 does not manage depreciation - no posting area can be determined
107No posting area found - area &1 does not manage revaluation
108No posting area found - area &1 does not manage investment support
109No posting area can be determined
110Switch PARALLEL_VAL (FI-AA (New)) cannot be activated
111Business function FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL is not activated
112Not possible to reverse Customizing switch PARALLEL_VAL (FI-AA (New))
113Switch for FI-AA (New) can only be set to 'In Preparation'
114Depreciation area &1 and ledger group &2 are not compatible
115APC values in company code &1 are not completely posted
116Parallel crcy area (crcy type &1) missing for area &3 ch. of deprec. &2
117Posting to multiple assets not possible; different amount entered
118Chart of deprecication &3: only one area allowed for quantity update
119Posting not possible; new Asset Accounting is inconsistent
120Transaction cannot be executed, switch for FI-AA (new) is not active
121Enter either a ledger group or a depreciation area
122No error found; requirements to activate Custimizing switch have been met
123Check not possible since Cust. switch PARALLEL_VAL is not active
124Activation of the Customizing switch PARALLEL_VAL was reset
125Cust. switch PARALLEL_VAL "In Preparation"; transport not possible
126Transport of order &2 not possible; object &1 is not in order
127Test run: no changes to the database
128System activity: checking data before activating the Cust. switch
129System activity: checking data after importing activation
130Switch for new Asset Accounting cannot be activated
131No error found; switch PARALLEL_VAL was activated
132Incorrect currency defined for deprec. area &1 in chart of deprec. &2
133Activation forced: Cust. switch activated despite error
134No posting depreciation area selected; select a posting deprec. area
135It is not possible to post write-up to posting depreciation area &1
136Customizing switch PARALLEL_VAL (FI-AA (New)) is not yet active
137Invest. support area &1 and base area &2 have diff. accounting principles
138Revaluation area &1 and base area &2 assigned to diff. acctg principles
139Activation has not taken effect in this client
140The transport does not contain the corresponding BF activation
141You are not authorized to execute the transaction
142Chart of depreciation &1 is not assigned to a CoCode; check not possible
143Alternative dep. area &3 of area &2 in chart of dep. &1 does not post
144Not possible to delete investment support area &1 from trans.type &2
145Not possible to delete revaluation area &1 from transaction type &2
146Enter a ledger group (required entry)
147Currency of area &1 in CoCd &2 differs from company code currency &3
148CoCd &2: Currency of realtime posting area &1 is diff. to CoCd currency
149JVA is active in company code &1; using FI-AA (new) is not possible
150Areas restricted with transaction type &1 do not have same acctg princip.
151Areas for APC reduction in inv.supp.meas. &1 do not have same acctg prin.
152Areas for revaluation in reval. meas. &1 do not have same acctg principle
153Choose at least one area for posting
154Select at least one line
155Areas &1 cannot adopt any values from another area
156New Asset Accounting is active; not possible to run wizard
157Posting not possible to asset with asterisk (*) for subnumber
158Posting to asset &1 not possible with transaction type &2
160Transaction type &2 was transferred for transaction &1
161The transaction types could not be updated in table &1
162Request a transport of table &1
163Area &1: accounting principle is not assigned
164&1: Ledger group &2 is assigned to multiple accounting principles: &3, &4
165&1-&2: Periodical APC posting is no longer supported
166New Asset Accounting is active; check no longer needs to be performed
167Chart of dep. &1: Ledger &2 is not defined in company code &3
168Program &1 is no longer available; see long text
169Adjust the definition of the target depreciation area; see long text
170Leading area &1 or area for cost-accounting valuation missing
171AuC requires leading area &1 and controlling area currency &2
173CoCd &2: Currency of area &1 is different from company code currency
174Closed fiscal year not identical for all depreciation areas in CoCode &1
176CoCd &1: Acc. &2 is managed on open item basis; account cannot be cleared
178CoCd &1: Fiscal year &2 is not yet closed
179Assignment to ledger group &1 cannot be changed
180Transfer variant & & &: Methods are not allowed to be mixed
181Transfer variant & & &: generic global area not allowed
182Trsfr variant & & &: method & retirement-BWA no intracompany transfer-BWA
183Transfer variant & & &: method & only allows relationship type '02'
184Update run for chart of depreciation &1 completed; see job log
185Test run for chart of depreciation &1 completed; see job log
190Chart of depr. &1: Parallel currency area &2 cannot post to G/L
191Chart of depr. &1: area &2 does not post and cannot have a parall. crcy
192Chart of depr. &1: foreign currency area &2 is not allowed to post to G/L
193Company code &1: indicator "Post Revaluations" for area &2 not set
194Chart of dep.&1/area &2: derived area like real area not allowed to post
195APC differences not allowed in area for reserve for sp. depr.; s. lg text
196Chart of depreciation &1: Base deprec. area of derived area &2 not unique
201New Asset Accounting is not compatible with classic RE
203Requests with reference to asset exist; FI-AA (New) cannot be activated
204New Asset Accounting is not compatible with JVA
205FI-AA (New) is not compatible with the Lease Accouting Engine (LAE)
206CoCd &1: APC values in company code &1 are not completely posted
207The prerequisites for new Asset Accounting are not met
208No errors found; you can use new Asset Accounting
209New General Ledger Accounting is not active; see long text
210FI-AA (new) is not compatible with old deprec. calculation; see long text
211Periodical asset postings are posted; Check again before installing
212&1-&2: Periodical APC posting is no longer supported
213CoCd &1: Data for Asset Accounting is not archived
214CoCd &1: Fiscal year in depreciation area &3 is not yet closed
215Number of calculation periods differing from deprec. key. CC &1 Asset &2
216Chart of dep. &1: Paral. cry area &3 of area &2 not active in asset cl.&4
217Company code &2: Currency type of realtime posting area &1 is not initial
218Company code &1: Parallel currency area &2 not in asset master record
219Company code &1: Parallel area &2 does not exist in asset class &3
220AFAPL &1:&2 not allowed to manage reserves & invmt subsidies at same time
221AFAPL &1: Area &2 not allowed to manage reserves and reval. at same time
230Area &1 is not allowed to be the alternative deprec. area for area &2
233CCode &1: No identical default value in area &2 and area &3
234CCode &1: No identical default value in area &2 and area &3
240Last posted period was adjusted automatically (key &1/&2)
241CCode &3: Posted period for area &1 differs from leading area &2
242CCode &3: Posted period for area &1 does not match transfer date &2
243Cmpy Code &4: Posted period &1 does not match fiscal year variant &2
244System error when processing field "Period of Last Depreciation Posting"
251CoCode &1/chart of deprec. &2: currency type &4 not allowed for area &3
252"Posting in G/L" changed:Data inconsistency may occur in follow-on system
253Area &2, chart &1: "Posting in the G/L" is not allowed to be changed
270Currency for company code &1 is not maintained in Financial Accounting
271No chart of accounts assigned to company code &1 in Financial Accounting
272No fiscal year variant is assigned for cmpny code &1 in Financial Accting
273Input tax code for non-taxable transactions for company code &1 missing
274CCode &2: Ledger &1 has currency settings that are not supported
275Retirement type2-Balance revenue-is not supported for group assets
276CoCode &1: deactivation not possible as ledger &2 is assigned in FI-AA
300+++ Reserved for implementation of new ledger +++
301No entry found with project ID &1, chart of deprec. &2 and source area &3
302Project &1 with chart of depreciation &2 does not exist.
305Proj.&1,chart of depr.&2:Setup trgt area &3 and source area &4 not ident.
307Project &1, chart of depreciation &2: No relevant company code found
308Project &1: All active company codes of chart of deprec. must be assigned
309Perform year-end closing for company code &1
310Chart of depr. &1: Value maint. in source areas &2/&3 does not match
311Chart of depr. &1: Alternative area of area &2 does not match source area
312Company code &1: Fiscal year variant must match &2/&3
313Chart of depr.&1: value maint. does not match for source-&2/trgt area &3
314Project &1, Chart of depr. &2: source area &3 has no target area
315Chrt of dep.&1: srce area &2/ trgt area &3 do not match in field T093B-&4
316Chart of depr. &1: Source area &2/ target area &3 have diff. group assets
318Chart of depr. &1: target area &2 has no investment support measure
319Chart of dep.&1: Source-&2/target area &3 diff. transfer hist. values
320Project &1, chart of depreciation &2: Lock company code &3
321Prjt &1, chart of depr.&2: All real posting depr. areas must be assigned
322Chart of deprec. &1: Statistical areas &2 are not allowed to be assigned
323Enter project and chart of depreciation (required entries)
324Project &1 with chart of depreciation &2 can no longer be changed
325Chart of depr. &1/asset &2:Srce area could not be dtrmnd for tgt area &2
326Chart of depr. &1/asset &2: Target area &2 was assigned to source area &3
327Project &1, Chart of dep. &2: Realtime posting area &3 has no target area
328Project &1, chart of dep. &2: Parallel crcy area &3 of area &4 not found
329Project &1, Chart of dep. &2: Realtime posting trgt area &3 not assigned
330Prjct &1, Chart of dep.&2: Parallel Crcy area &3 of area &4 not assigned
331Chart of depr. &1: Source deprec. area &3 is not active in asset class &2
332Chart of depr. &1: Target depr. area &4 is not active in asset class &2
333Chart of depr. &1/asset &2:invest.supp. key &3 assigned to target area &4
334Chart of depr. &1/asset &2:invest.supp. key for target area &4 not unique
335Project &1, chart of depr. &2: Parallel currency area &3 has no trgt area
336Chart of depr. &1: No matching invest. support measure for trgt area &2
337Project &1, Chart of dep.&2: Data is proposed; postprocessing necessary
338Chart of depreciation. &1:Parallel currency area &2 has no target area
339Table:&1 Entries match for source area &2/target area &3/CCode &4
340Table:&1 Entries do not match for source area &2/trgt area &3/CCode &4
341Project &1: Assign source and target depr. areas to active company codes
342Ledger &2 is not assigned to any ledger group of chart of depreciation &1
343Project &1,Chrt of dep. &2: Trgt AP &3 contains statistical area &4
344Project &1, company code &3: There is more than one legacy data transfer
345Company code &1 cannot be locked
346Company code &1 cannot be unlocked
347CoCd with status deactivated is not allowed to be assigned in project &1
348Chrt of dep.&1: Trgt area &2 has a diff. currecy type as source area &3
349Chart of dep.&1: Trgt area &2 for prll crcy area &3 is not a par.crcy ar.
350Project &1: More than one not similar named ledger group assigned
351Project &1/Company Code &2: No Support for Account Approach
352Depreciation area &1 is not assigned in company code &2
353No standard settings for asset class &1 in company code &2
354No standard settings per accounting principle exist for asset class &1
355Project &1/ ChDep &2/Source dep. area &3 and &4: acct dtrm. not identical
401Specify the depreciation area to be newly created
402Depreciation is calculated for the new depreciation area
403Depreciation area is added without transaction data
404Chart of Depr. &2, Area &1: Area can only be used for reporting purposes
405CoCode &1: Derived parallel currency area &2 does not have a target area
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