ACEC_S4 - Customizing Message for Accrual Engine in S4 Version

The following messages are stored in message class ACEC_S4: Customizing Message for Accrual Engine in S4 Version.
It is part of development package ACE_S4 in software component FI-GL-GL-ACE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accrual Engine Adopted for S/4HANA".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Select the Review Required checkbox for item &1.
002Accrual item type &2 is not defined in component &1.
003&1 is of the actual item type. Delete the currency settings for &1.
004&1 is of the utilized item type. Delete the currency settings for &1.
005Can't review or approve &1, because is not managed by the accrual engine.
006Create an entry with crcy type 00 for &3 (a combination of keys).
007Select 'By Accrual Engine' for &3 (a combination of keys).
008A default threshold amount for review is missing.
009Threshold variant &1 doesn't exist.
010Enter the adjustment tolerance currency.
011&1 is of the actual item type. Delete the ledger group settings for &1.
012&1 is of the utilized item type. Delete the ledger group settings for &1.
014You can define only one default variant for threshold.
015You can select only one time interval variant as the default variant.
016Ledger &1 with key &2 belongs to multiple leger groups &3.
017Currency type &1 doesn't exist for company code &2 and ledger &3.
018Delete &1. Ledger &2 doesn't exist in any configured ledger groups.
019No Currency conversion rule for currency type &1 company code &2.
020The company code &2 is not assigned to ledger &1 in ledger configuration.
021Define currency handling as By Accrual Engine for currency 00 with &1.
022Accrual type assignment conflict for &1: &2 and &3
023Accrual item type &1 doesn't exist.
024Configure key &1 in the currency settings for accrual items.
025Activate the transaction currency for review for accrual item with key &1
026Select a default time interval variant for review and approval.
027Define the time interval for period end date &1 in variant &2.
028Can't adjust the periodic amounts for &1/&2/&3/&4.
029Can�t activate the review process for currency type &1: &2.
030The upper threshold amount must be larger than the lower one.
031&1 records updated sucessfully in table &2
032No configuration result found for combination &1.
034No cust. view maintained for account determination for application &1
036No errors found.
037You haven't enabled review and approval for any accrual component.
038You haven't configured any ledger group for accrual component &1.
039Assign the time interval variant &1 to a ledger group entry.
040Can't set By Accrual Engine for &1 with &2.
041Missing ledger group for ledger &1 with key &2.
042Delete ledger &1 with key &2.
043Delete ledger &1 with key &2. &1 is not representative ledger for &3.
045Leave the threshold variant and time interval variant empty for &1.
046Choose &1 or &2 with key &3 and activate it for review.
047Configure item type &1 with key &3 in Define Accrual Item Types.
049Ledger &3 with key &1 belongs to an empty ledger grp and ledger grp &2.
050&1 in &2 isn't aligned with the last day defined by the frequency field.
051Please enter a planned cost accrual item type for accrual item type &1.
052Please enter an actual cost accrual item type for accrual item type &1.
053Plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings.
054Actl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings.
055Ldgr grp settings of plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
056Ldgr grp settings of actl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
057Plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings.
058Actual cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings.
059Crcy type settings of plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
060Crcy type settings of actl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
061Check if variant &1 is assigned with multiple fiscal year variants.
062Some accrual methods in &1 are missing. Excute Insert Accrual Methods.
063Edit the following settings for accr item type &1: Ldgr grp &3, CoCd &4.
064You haven't defined a rule for derived item type &1.
065Derived item type &1 doesn't support uploading periodic data.
066The frequencies of &1 and &2 (key &3) must be the same.
067&1 is configured as reference of &2. However, item type &1 doesn't exist.
068&2 can't be derived from &1 as &1 is already a derived accrual item type.
069Don't select Review Required checkbox for derived accrual item type &1.
070Don't select Review Required checkbox for accrual item type &1 (key &3).
071Leave the planned and actual item types empty for derived item type &1.
072No ledger of ldgr group &2 assigned to CoCode &3 (accrual item type &1)
073Ledger &2 is not assigned to company code &3 (accrual item type &1).
074There are some calculation rules for &1. Select derived for &1.
075&2 is not deferral item type. Inception posting is not supported in &1.
076Review is not required for &1. You can't assign threshold variant.
077Review is not required for &1. You can't assign time interval variant.
078Co. code &1: G/L acct &2 in chart of accts &3 isn't a balance sheet acct.
079Please assign a ledger group to company code &2.
080Correct configuration of item type &1 in comp &2 for company code &3.
081Assign company code &1 to item type &2 with a ledger.
082Currecny doesn't exist.
083Please enter threshold variant.
084Please enter threshold currency.
085Can't activate review on &2. &1 is not a item type for planned cost.
086Company code &2 is not assigned to &1 for legacy data transfer.
087Company code &2 in &1 is not for test purposes for legacy data transfer.
088Company code &2 in &1 is not only for legacy data transfer.
089&1 entries are deleted from table &2.
090No accrual object found by this selection criteria.
091&1 in &2 is an item type for planned or actual cost. Can't do post on it.
092Make sure closing frequency is less frequent than posting frequency.
093Make sure posting and closing frequencies follow the same rule.
094The closing frequency of &1 does not exist.
095The posting frequency of &1 does not exist.
096&1 is for periodic accrual amounts. Can be used only in periodic posting.
097&1 is for periodic accrual amounts and cannot be posted online.
098&1 is for inception posting amounts.Please deselect post periodically.
099&1 is for inception posting amounts. Can only be posted online.
100&1 is auto release/late release posting. Select periodic, online posting.
101&1 is for purchase ord auto release/late rel. Select periodic posting.
102&1 is for utilization post. Select at least periodic post.
103Select post deltas for entry &1.
104&1 is configured as online posting. &2 with ledger group &3 not allowed.
105&1 has closing frequency. Assign FP and FL for &2 in posting schemas.
106&1 has closing frequency. Assign UP and UL for &2 in posting schemas.
107Opening and periodic posting is configured for &1. Delete &2.
108Please enter a legacy data transfer date for &1.
109Zero amount shuold be allowed for &1 in ledger group &2.
110&1 not support quantity based calculation. Change quantity handling of &2
111&1 is for purchase ord auto release/late release. Can't be post online.
112&1 is manual release/late rel posting. Select periodic, online posting.
113You can't assign an empty accrual item type to PO transfer variant &1.
114&1 can't be assigned to item category Enhanced Limit in PO trans var &2.
115&1 has closing frequency. Assign RP and RL for &2 in posting schemas.
116Posting schema &1 can't be assigned to transaction type &2 with &3.
117The account of &1 for company code &2/item type &3 would be ignored.
118&1 is for periodic upload, &2 should allow zero amount.
121&1 is &2. No item type can be assigned to it as &3.
122&1 has deferral item type. It also should have &2 assigned.
123Ldgr grp settings of defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
124Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings.
125Crcy type settings of Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3.
126Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings.
127&1 is assigned as deferral item type, &2 should allow zero amount.
128Please enter accrual object category.
129Item type category of &1 should be &2.
130Item type category of &1 should be &2.
131Accrual configration contains error.
132Configuration error occurs for &1.
133&1 is invalid. Enter a method in &2 for transfer variant &3.
134Change the posting type. IP, PP, FP and FL are allowed for deferrals.
135Either &1 or &2 with key: &3 can be activated for review.
136You can define only one default PO transfer variant.
137&1 is configured as online posting. &2 with ledger group &3 not allowed.
138&1 is deferral item type. Please don't activate review on &2.
139Change quantity handling to "Enable Quantities" for &2.
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