ACEC_S4 - Customizing Message for Accrual Engine in S4 Version
The following messages are stored in message class ACEC_S4: Customizing Message for Accrual Engine in S4 Version.
It is part of development package ACE_S4 in software component FI-GL-GL-ACE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accrual Engine Adopted for S/4HANA".
It is part of development package ACE_S4 in software component FI-GL-GL-ACE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accrual Engine Adopted for S/4HANA".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Select the Review Required checkbox for item &1. |
002 | Accrual item type &2 is not defined in component &1. |
003 | &1 is of the actual item type. Delete the currency settings for &1. |
004 | &1 is of the utilized item type. Delete the currency settings for &1. |
005 | Can't review or approve &1, because is not managed by the accrual engine. |
006 | Create an entry with crcy type 00 for &3 (a combination of keys). |
007 | Select 'By Accrual Engine' for &3 (a combination of keys). |
008 | A default threshold amount for review is missing. |
009 | Threshold variant &1 doesn't exist. |
010 | Enter the adjustment tolerance currency. |
011 | &1 is of the actual item type. Delete the ledger group settings for &1. |
012 | &1 is of the utilized item type. Delete the ledger group settings for &1. |
014 | You can define only one default variant for threshold. |
015 | You can select only one time interval variant as the default variant. |
016 | Ledger &1 with key &2 belongs to multiple leger groups &3. |
017 | Currency type &1 doesn't exist for company code &2 and ledger &3. |
018 | Delete &1. Ledger &2 doesn't exist in any configured ledger groups. |
019 | No Currency conversion rule for currency type &1 company code &2. |
020 | The company code &2 is not assigned to ledger &1 in ledger configuration. |
021 | Define currency handling as By Accrual Engine for currency 00 with &1. |
022 | Accrual type assignment conflict for &1: &2 and &3 |
023 | Accrual item type &1 doesn't exist. |
024 | Configure key &1 in the currency settings for accrual items. |
025 | Activate the transaction currency for review for accrual item with key &1 |
026 | Select a default time interval variant for review and approval. |
027 | Define the time interval for period end date &1 in variant &2. |
028 | Can't adjust the periodic amounts for &1/&2/&3/&4. |
029 | Can�t activate the review process for currency type &1: &2. |
030 | The upper threshold amount must be larger than the lower one. |
031 | &1 records updated sucessfully in table &2 |
032 | No configuration result found for combination &1. |
034 | No cust. view maintained for account determination for application &1 |
036 | No errors found. |
037 | You haven't enabled review and approval for any accrual component. |
038 | You haven't configured any ledger group for accrual component &1. |
039 | Assign the time interval variant &1 to a ledger group entry. |
040 | Can't set By Accrual Engine for &1 with &2. |
041 | Missing ledger group for ledger &1 with key &2. |
042 | Delete ledger &1 with key &2. |
043 | Delete ledger &1 with key &2. &1 is not representative ledger for &3. |
045 | Leave the threshold variant and time interval variant empty for &1. |
046 | Choose &1 or &2 with key &3 and activate it for review. |
047 | Configure item type &1 with key &3 in Define Accrual Item Types. |
049 | Ledger &3 with key &1 belongs to an empty ledger grp and ledger grp &2. |
050 | &1 in &2 isn't aligned with the last day defined by the frequency field. |
051 | Please enter a planned cost accrual item type for accrual item type &1. |
052 | Please enter an actual cost accrual item type for accrual item type &1. |
053 | Plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings. |
054 | Actl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings. |
055 | Ldgr grp settings of plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
056 | Ldgr grp settings of actl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
057 | Plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings. |
058 | Actual cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings. |
059 | Crcy type settings of plnd cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
060 | Crcy type settings of actl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
061 | Check if variant &1 is assigned with multiple fiscal year variants. |
062 | Some accrual methods in &1 are missing. Excute Insert Accrual Methods. |
063 | Edit the following settings for accr item type &1: Ldgr grp &3, CoCd &4. |
064 | You haven't defined a rule for derived item type &1. |
065 | Derived item type &1 doesn't support uploading periodic data. |
066 | The frequencies of &1 and &2 (key &3) must be the same. |
067 | &1 is configured as reference of &2. However, item type &1 doesn't exist. |
068 | &2 can't be derived from &1 as &1 is already a derived accrual item type. |
069 | Don't select Review Required checkbox for derived accrual item type &1. |
070 | Don't select Review Required checkbox for accrual item type &1 (key &3). |
071 | Leave the planned and actual item types empty for derived item type &1. |
072 | No ledger of ldgr group &2 assigned to CoCode &3 (accrual item type &1) |
073 | Ledger &2 is not assigned to company code &3 (accrual item type &1). |
074 | There are some calculation rules for &1. Select derived for &1. |
075 | &2 is not deferral item type. Inception posting is not supported in &1. |
076 | Review is not required for &1. You can't assign threshold variant. |
077 | Review is not required for &1. You can't assign time interval variant. |
078 | Co. code &1: G/L acct &2 in chart of accts &3 isn't a balance sheet acct. |
079 | Please assign a ledger group to company code &2. |
080 | Correct configuration of item type &1 in comp &2 for company code &3. |
081 | Assign company code &1 to item type &2 with a ledger. |
082 | Currecny doesn't exist. |
083 | Please enter threshold variant. |
084 | Please enter threshold currency. |
085 | Can't activate review on &2. &1 is not a item type for planned cost. |
086 | Company code &2 is not assigned to &1 for legacy data transfer. |
087 | Company code &2 in &1 is not for test purposes for legacy data transfer. |
088 | Company code &2 in &1 is not only for legacy data transfer. |
089 | &1 entries are deleted from table &2. |
090 | No accrual object found by this selection criteria. |
091 | &1 in &2 is an item type for planned or actual cost. Can't do post on it. |
092 | Make sure closing frequency is less frequent than posting frequency. |
093 | Make sure posting and closing frequencies follow the same rule. |
094 | The closing frequency of &1 does not exist. |
095 | The posting frequency of &1 does not exist. |
096 | &1 is for periodic accrual amounts. Can be used only in periodic posting. |
097 | &1 is for periodic accrual amounts and cannot be posted online. |
098 | &1 is for inception posting amounts.Please deselect post periodically. |
099 | &1 is for inception posting amounts. Can only be posted online. |
100 | &1 is auto release/late release posting. Select periodic, online posting. |
101 | &1 is for purchase ord auto release/late rel. Select periodic posting. |
102 | &1 is for utilization post. Select at least periodic post. |
103 | Select post deltas for entry &1. |
104 | &1 is configured as online posting. &2 with ledger group &3 not allowed. |
105 | &1 has closing frequency. Assign FP and FL for &2 in posting schemas. |
106 | &1 has closing frequency. Assign UP and UL for &2 in posting schemas. |
107 | Opening and periodic posting is configured for &1. Delete &2. |
108 | Please enter a legacy data transfer date for &1. |
109 | Zero amount shuold be allowed for &1 in ledger group &2. |
110 | &1 not support quantity based calculation. Change quantity handling of &2 |
111 | &1 is for purchase ord auto release/late release. Can't be post online. |
112 | &1 is manual release/late rel posting. Select periodic, online posting. |
113 | You can't assign an empty accrual item type to PO transfer variant &1. |
114 | &1 can't be assigned to item category Enhanced Limit in PO trans var &2. |
115 | &1 has closing frequency. Assign RP and RL for &2 in posting schemas. |
116 | Posting schema &1 can't be assigned to transaction type &2 with &3. |
117 | The account of &1 for company code &2/item type &3 would be ignored. |
118 | &1 is for periodic upload, &2 should allow zero amount. |
121 | &1 is &2. No item type can be assigned to it as &3. |
122 | &1 has deferral item type. It also should have &2 assigned. |
123 | Ldgr grp settings of defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
124 | Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in ldgr group settings. |
125 | Crcy type settings of Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 must match &3. |
126 | Defrl cost item type &1 with key &2 doesn't exist in crcy type settings. |
127 | &1 is assigned as deferral item type, &2 should allow zero amount. |
128 | Please enter accrual object category. |
129 | Item type category of &1 should be &2. |
130 | Item type category of &1 should be &2. |
131 | Accrual configration contains error. |
132 | Configuration error occurs for &1. |
133 | &1 is invalid. Enter a method in &2 for transfer variant &3. |
134 | Change the posting type. IP, PP, FP and FL are allowed for deferrals. |
135 | Either &1 or &2 with key: &3 can be activated for review. |
136 | You can define only one default PO transfer variant. |
137 | &1 is configured as online posting. &2 with ledger group &3 not allowed. |
138 | &1 is deferral item type. Please don't activate review on &2. |
139 | Change quantity handling to "Enable Quantities" for &2. |