ACMTST - ACMTST: Messages for the ACMTST-Package

The following messages are stored in message class ACMTST: ACMTST: Messages for the ACMTST-Package.
It is part of development package SACMTST in software component BC-SEC-AUT-DCL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Objects for Testing the ACM functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
002&1 &2
003&1 &2 &3
004&1 &2 &3 &4
005XML transformation error: &1&2&3
006Error at reading MIME Repository: &1&2&3
007DB-Modify for table: "&1" failed. Delete all ACMTST-Entries before.
008Creation of Testuser: "&1" failed. &2&3&4
009Table "&1" has &2 ACMTST-Entries, but table "&3" has &4
010Entry "&1" of table "&2" differs from entry "&3" of table "&4"
011Wrong testcase-type: "&1" for MIME-XMLFile: &2&3&4
012Designtime MIME XML-File: "&1" is either of type AGGREGATE nor ROLE
013AT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3" contains no Subjects/Users
014AT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3" contains no Roles
015Invalid number of SUBJECTs in RT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
016Invalid number of RESOTYPEs in RT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
017Invalid number of RESOURCEs in RT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
018Invalid number of OPERATIONs in RT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
019Invalid/Empty ROLE_NAME in RT-PfcgRole MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
020No to-be-tested DCL-Source in DT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
021Invalid/Empty DCL-Source name in DT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
022Invalid/Empty DCL-Source type in DT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
023Invalid DCL-Source type: "&1" in DT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&2&3&4"
024Length of MIME XML-File(=&1) exceeds maximum of 132 (&2&3&4)
025Error during PFCG-Role setup: "&1&2&3&4"
026Error during PFCG-Role teardown: "&1&2&3&4"
027Deletion of Testuser: "&1" failed. &2&3&4
028Deletion of Testuser: "&1" was rejected
029Error generating DCL-Source: &1 --- &2&3&4
030Error deleting Aggregate-DCLSrc: &1 --- &2&3&4
031Error deleting Role-DCLSrc: &1 --- &2&3&4
032Error deleting (Mapping)Role-DCLSrc: &1 --- &2&3&4
033Error deleting User-Role-Assignment --- &1&2&3&4
034Error creating User-Role-Assignment --- &1&2&3&4
035Error activating User-Role-Assignment --- &1&2&3&4
036Error during PFCG-Role cleanup: "&1&2&3&4"
037Invalid number of View-Params(>1) in RT-Testcase MIME XML-File: "&1&2&3"
038Wrong DT testcase results: &1&2&3&4
039Wrong AT testcase results: &1&2&3&4
040Wrong RT testcase results: &1&2&3&4
041Error in http-client/server: &1&2&3&4
042Failing preconditions for RT-Testcase: &1&2&3&4
043SQL error: &1&2&3&4
044No password stored for testuser: &1 - So no http-connection possible
045Batch Job execution failed: &1&2&3&4
046FROM-Merging returned &1 entries; WHERE-Merging returned &2 entries
047In the database no SQL view exists to CDS entity: &1
048Error when calling a method dynamically: &1&2&3
049DYN_PROG allowlist error: &1&2&3
050No ACMTST log entry exists for timestamp: &1
051Error deleting artifacts of DCL: &1 --- &2&3&4
052PFCG authorization object '&1' must not be used within ACMTST
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