ACM_UI - Message-Class for all ACM-UIs

The following messages are stored in message class ACM_UI: Message-Class for all ACM-UIs.
It is part of development package SACM_COMMON in software component BC-SEC-AUT-DCL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common Objects for Access Control Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 &2
002&1 &2 &3
003&1 &2 &3 &4
004No entries selected
005No CDS entity was specified
006Object "&1" is not a valid active CDS entity
007Creation aborted
008Aggregate &1 checked and is consistent
009Aggregate &1 saved
010Aggregate with ID=&1 does not exist
011Do you really want to delete aggregate &1?
012Do you really want to delete the &1 marked aggregates?
013Aggregate &1 deleted
014&1 aggregates deleted
015No entries marked
016Aggregate &1 activated
017Aspect with ID=&1 does not exist
018Access condition with ID=&1 does not exist
019Invalid access condition path type &1
020Do you really want to unassign role &1 from user &2?
021Do you really want to delete the &1 marked assignments?
022No subject/user was specified
023No role was specified
024No entries marked for activation
025Directly used in &1 role (granting instance-based access)
026Directly used in &1 roles (granting instance-based access)
027DCL source &1 with status &2 does not exist
028Do you really want to delete the ABAP artifact of DCL &1?
029Do you really want to delete the ABAP artifacts of the &1 marked DCLs?
030ABAP artifact of DCL &1 deleted
031&1 of &2 selected ABAP artifacts are deleted (or were already deleted)
032DCL &1 contains no error
033All &1 DCLs contain no errors
034DCL &1 has an invalid state (<> 'I' or 'A')
035ABAP artifact of DCL &1 generated
036&1 of &2 selected ABAP artifacts are generated
037DCL source &1 has invalid type (neither role nor aggregate)
038Role with ID=&1 does not exist
039&1 conditions read and displayed
040Assigned to &1 User(s)
041Used in &1 Access-Condition of type: &2
042Used in &1 Access-Conditions of type: &2
043No orphaned ABAP artifacts of type: "&1" exists
044Do you want to delete &1 (&2+&3) orphaned ABAP artifact(s) of type: "&4"?
045&1 orphaned ABAP artifact(s) were deleted
046&1 orphaned ABAP artifact(s) and &2 orphaned DDIC view(s) were deleted
047Orphaned Aspect: "&1" cannot be deleted, because it is used in &2 role(s)
048Orphaned AC-Condition (ID=&1 / Entity=&2) is in use and cannot be deleted
049Rule with index = &1 does not exist
050"&1" is no valid/existing object
051A DDL source and a CDS entity with name "&1" exist. Specify one type
052Unknown object type: "&1"
053Type of object: "&1" could not be determined
054Object "&1" is not a valid active DDL source
055Object "&1" is not a valid SQL view
056Object "&1" is an orphaned authorization view
057Object "&1" is an authorization view with invalid path type: "&2"
058Object "&1" is a "normal" SQL view and not related to DDL
059Directly used in &1 role (granting functional access)
060Directly used in &1 roles (granting functional access)
061DT-Condition with ID=&1 does not exist
062Error at deleting user role assignment: &1&2&3&4
063Error at regenerating role : &1&2&3&4
064Warning at regenerating role : &1&2&3&4
065Error deleting role artifacts: &1&2&3&4
066No ABAP artifacts exist for DCL source: &1
067Cannot repair objects; system upgrade is running; try again later
068No entries marked for deactivation
069Do you really want to deactivate mapping-role: &1
070Do you really want to deactivate the &1 marked mapping-roles?
071Used in &1 Role(s)
072Aspects defined in this Aggregate / Access Policy
073PFCG-Mappings defined in this Aggregate / Access Policy
074Aspects and PFCG-Mappings defined in this Aggregate / Access Policy
075Error creating PFCG_AUTH aspect artifacts: &1&2&3&4
076Aspect-PFCG related to Aspect "&1" does not exist
077Used in &1 Access-Condition(s)
078PFCG-Mapping with ID=&1 does not exist
079Log root entry (hash =&1) cannot be read
080Used in &1 Access-Condition(s)
081Log entry (hash=&1; timestamp=&2) does not exist
082Deleting the marked 'Generated Hierarchy-View' and all its sub-objects?
083Deleting the marked &1 'Generated Hierarchy-Views' and its sub-objects?
084'Generated Hierarchy-View' &1 deleted (including its sub-objects)
085&1 of &2 'Generated Hierarchy-Views' deleted (including sub-objects)
086Deleting all existing 'Generated Hierarchy-Views' and their sub-objects?
087All existing 'Generated Hierarchy-Views' (including sub-objects) deleted
088At least the following error occurred during deletion: &1&2&3&4
089Batch-report: '&1' executed for client: &2 (duration: &3 seconds)
090There is no related ACMTST log entry for timestamp: &1
091Error at regenerating aggregate : &1&2&3&4
092Warning at regenerating aggregate : &1&2&3&4
093No related aggregate exists for this PFCG-Mapping
094No object exists in the database for type = &1 and name =&2
095Unknown object type: &1
096No referenced entry exists in the database for type = &1 and name =&2
097Error deleting PFCG-Mapping artifacts: &1&2&3&4
098No related DCL source exists for this PFCG-Mapping
099Investigate DCL object: &1
100No detail screen exists for type: 'Initial load'
101Number of persisted results: &1 / &2
102No ABAP artifacts can be displayed. DCL has an unknown type
103No related baseview CTE exists for this CTE
104CTE with ID=&1 does not exist
105Used in &1 Aspect(s)
106Used in &1 role(s)
107CTE column name with ID=&1 does not exist
108Has &1 Predecessor CTE(s)
109Has &1 Successor CTE(s)
110Runtime header entry with ID=&1 does not exist
111Runtime condition entry with ID=&1 does not exist
112No object exists in the database for type = &1 and ID =&2
113Orphaned (sub-)objects cannot be displayed
114CDS entity &1 does not exist
115Access Controlled by &1 DCL(s)
116Is Baseview for &1 CTE(s)
117DCL-related metadata for DCL: &1 does not exist
118Role: '&1' has no persisted ABAP artifacts
119Aggregate: '&1' has no persisted ABAP artifacts
120Aspect: '&1' has no persisted ABAP artifacts
121PFCG Mapping: '&1' has no persisted ABAP artifacts
122DCL: '&1' has no persisted metadata
123No DDL source name can be determined for CDS entity: &1
124CDS entity: '&1' has no persisted metadata
125Metadata of DCL '&1' was updated successfully
126Metadata of DCL '&1' was not updated. Refer to the log for more info
127Metadata of all &1 DCLs were updated successfully
128Metadata of &1 of &2 DCLs were updated successfully
129Caution: Without ABAP artifacts, entity access results in runtime error!
131Related Aspect: &1
132Related Mapping: &1
133Related Runtime Header
134Getting the overall status of &1 access controls will take some time
135In-depth analysis result differ from its syntax check result
136Deprecated object type: &1
137Aspect with ID=&1 does not exist
138Warnings occurred when deleting ABAP artifact of DCL &1
139CTE with ID=&1 does not exit
140CTE: '&1' has no columns and therefore no displayable content
141CTE content cannot be displayed (error in built OpenSQL statement)
142Internal error: Parameter &1 does not exist in internal table
143Error when trying to initialize the selection screen (sy-subrc=&1)
144Error when trying to show the selection screen (sy-subrc=&1)
145Specify Parameter of Entity: &1
146Specify Parameters of Entity: &1
147All &1 parameters must be specified
148Specify Restrictions for the Content of CTE: &1
149Internal error: Selection field &1 is no valid CTE column
150DDIC type information for field: &1.&2 cannot be retrieved
151Internal error: CTE column name &1 has no column parts
152Showing CTE content is currently not supported for CTE type: '&1'
153Specify Restrictions for the Content of Entity: &1
154Internal error: CTEColname '&1' has unexpected value IS_FIELD=&2
155CTEColname/Element '&1' does not exist in CDS entity '&2'
156Number of logs containing &1 - e.g. NAMETAB updates
157Number of logs containing &1 - e.g. setting/generating colleacted DCLs
158Number of other logs, not containing any of the above search strings
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