ADS2KIPUPL_AL - SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning: Upload Appl. Layer Messages
The following messages are stored in message class ADS2KIPUPL_AL: SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning: Upload Appl. Layer Messages.
It is part of development package ADS2KIPUPL_AL in software component IS-AD-SPC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: File Readers/Parsers".
It is part of development package ADS2KIPUPL_AL in software component IS-AD-SPC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: File Readers/Parsers".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ********** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages ************** |
001 | Opened Input File &1&2&3&4 |
002 | Input File &1 could not be opened: &2 |
003 | Closed Input File &1&2&3&4 |
004 | End of File Reached in the input file &1 |
005 | Reading Line &1 |
006 | Error Opening File &1 |
007 | Input File &1 is empty |
008 | Invalid Input File |
009 | File Identifier Code &1 is invalid. |
010 | Record Rejected: EC Segment is Blank |
011 | File Type could not be detected |
012 | ADRF Repeated - Record Rejected |
013 | Invalid CSN &1 - ADRF Rejected |
014 | Invalid CSN &1 - ADRV Rejected |
100 | **************** S File Parser Messages ********************************* |
101 | EC &1/&2/&3 repeated - Segment Rejected |
102 | Unit of Measure is Blank |
103 | Unit of Measure Clarification Text is Ignored as UNT is Blank |
104 | At least one Optional Supplier Should be present - EC Segment Rejected |
105 | Part Rejected - Invalid Change Code |
106 | For New Parts there should be atleast one ADRF |
107 | Invalid EC Segment &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected |
108 | If SPC is 2/6 then URR/TCBSV/TCBO/TCC/MST should not be Initial |
109 | If PRP is alpha, then an EC coded 11/13/14/15 must be present |
110 | If PRCC is 1 then PNRV must be present with EC20 |
111 | If PRCC is 2 then PNRV must be present with EC56 |
112 | If PRCC is 4 then PNRV must be present with EC58 |
113 | If PRCC is 1/6, then UNP must be same as EC20 PBP |
114 | If SPQ is given, then Start PBQ/End PBQ must be in multiples of SPQ |
115 | If PRCC is 6, then MSQ should be given |
116 | If PRCC is 6, then first Start PBQ should be equal to MSQ |
117 | If Effectivity Overflow is 1, then ADRV must be present with EC48 |
118 | IF MOR is 1/6 & SPC 1/2/6, then ESS should be 1/2/3 otherwise always 0 |
119 | First Effectivity should not be initial for ADRF |
120 | First Effectivity should not be initial for EC48 |
121 | Invalid Change Code: Explanation Code Segment &1/&2/&3 Rejected |
122 | Text cannot be initial for Explanation Code Segment &1/&2/&3 |
123 | ADRF Rejected as change code is invalid |
124 | ADRV EC48 occurs without Effectivity Overflow |
125 | ADRV EC48 occurs without ADRF |
126 | Literal is invalid for EC &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected |
127 | EC Segment Text cannot be initial for &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected |
128 | EC Segment &1/&2/&3 cannot be Revised - Segment Rejected |
129 | Unit of measure &1 is not 'Each (EA)' |
130 | EC80 required for non definitive Unit of Measure &1 |
131 | UNT is mandatory for new part |
132 | Part Rejected - Customer Extensions |
400 | ***** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages (S & T File) ****** |
401 | File &1 Rejected-Header Record faulty |
402 | Blank PNR-MFR - Record Rejected |
403 | Invalid Record Type - Record Rejected |
499 | |
500 | **** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Technical Check Messages **** |
501 | Definition of TEI '&1' not found in customizing view VADS2KIPUPL_DTEL |
502 | TEI '&1' value '&2' is less than the minimum length |
503 | TEI '&1' value '&2' is greater than the maximum length |
504 | TEI '&1' value '&2' is not alpha |
505 | TEI '&1' value '&2' is not numeric |
506 | Technical Check failed for TEI '&1' Value '&2' |
507 | Value '&1' of TEI '&2' is invalid |
508 | TEI '&1' Value '&2' is not a valid date |
509 | TEI '&1' Value '&2' is not a valid time |
600 | ******* SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages (V File) ******** |
601 | &1-&2/RF01/File Rejected - Header Record faulty |
602 | &1-&2/RF02/File Rejected - No data records |
603 | &1-&2/Header Record Repeating |
604 | Header TEIs &1 are mandatory |
605 | &1/&2/&3/RR01/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format |
606 | &1/&2/&3 RR02/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Value |
607 | &1/&2/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format |
608 | &1/&2/&3 RR03/Record Rejected-Record already existing |
609 | &1/&2/&3 RR04/Record Rejected-Record not existing |
610 | &1/&2/&3/RS01/Segment Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format |
611 | Mandatory TEI(s) &1 missing |
612 | &1/&2/&3 RS03/Segment Rejected-Segment already existing |
613 | &1/&2/&3 RS04/Segment Rejected-Segment not existing |
614 | No Provisioning Data Segment in record |
615 | Neither CBS nor LMS Segment in record |
616 | PNS must start with RTC 12/SEG PNS/CHG .../MFR .../PNR .../ |
617 | SEG &1/Invalid Segment - SEG should be PDS, LMS, EIS or CBS |
618 | Mandatory TEI &1 missing |
619 | &1/&2/&3/&4/RE02/TEI unknown |
620 | &1/&2/&3/&4/RE03/TEI not according to DD-Format |
621 | &1/&2/&3/&4 RE04/TEI not according to DD-Value |
622 | &1/&2/&3/&4/RE05/TEI unknown in segment/record |
623 | &1/&2/PDS Seg must start with SEG PDS/CHG .../SPL .../ |
624 | &1/&2/LMS Seg must start with SEG LMS/CHG .../CSN .../ |
625 | &1/&2/EIS Seg must start with SEG EIS/CHG .../EIM .../EIP .../ |
626 | &1/&2/CBS Seg must start with SEG CBS/CHG .../EIM .../EIP .../CSN .../ |
627 | PNR &1/MFR &2/SEG &3/TEI &4 Rejected - Repeating Element |
628 | Invalid record in input file |
629 | EIS and CBS should either exist together or not exist together |
630 | &1/&2/&3/Segment Rejected - No CBS segment corresponding to EIS segment |
631 | Segment Rejected - No EFF in LMS segment |
632 | &1 &2/RR01/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format |
633 | TEI &1 not according to specified value |
634 | Segment Rejected: &3 Change Code &1 Inconsistent with &4 Change Code &2 |
635 | CBS cannot occur without EIS for a new part |
650 | Header TEI &1 repeated. File Rejected. |
651 | Header TEI &1 unknown. File Rejected |
652 | // occured in input file |
653 | Header TEI &1 missing in input file. File Rejected |
654 | Part Data Record must start with RTC 12/SEG PNS/CHG .../MFR .../PNR ... |
655 | Invalid Change Code |
656 | Additional (Overflow) Lines should start with PNR .../MFR .../CHG .../... |
657 | &1 repeated in input - Element Rejected |
658 | Unknown TEI &1 encountered - Element Rejected |
659 | Unknown Segment &1 encountered - Segment Rejected |
660 | Segment &1 is incomplete |
661 | UNC is mandatory for non definitive unit of measure &1 |
662 | UNC &1 is erroneous |
663 | File rejected in BADI implemention. TEI &1 Value &2 |