ADS2KIPUPL_AL - SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning: Upload Appl. Layer Messages

The following messages are stored in message class ADS2KIPUPL_AL: SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning: Upload Appl. Layer Messages.
It is part of development package ADS2KIPUPL_AL in software component IS-AD-SPC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: File Readers/Parsers".
Message Nr
Message Text
000********** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages **************
001Opened Input File &1&2&3&4
002Input File &1 could not be opened: &2
003Closed Input File &1&2&3&4
004End of File Reached in the input file &1
005Reading Line &1
006Error Opening File &1
007Input File &1 is empty
008Invalid Input File
009File Identifier Code &1 is invalid.
010Record Rejected: EC Segment is Blank
011File Type could not be detected
012ADRF Repeated - Record Rejected
013Invalid CSN &1 - ADRF Rejected
014Invalid CSN &1 - ADRV Rejected
100**************** S File Parser Messages *********************************
101EC &1/&2/&3 repeated - Segment Rejected
102Unit of Measure is Blank
103Unit of Measure Clarification Text is Ignored as UNT is Blank
104At least one Optional Supplier Should be present - EC Segment Rejected
105Part Rejected - Invalid Change Code
106For New Parts there should be atleast one ADRF
107Invalid EC Segment &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected
108If SPC is 2/6 then URR/TCBSV/TCBO/TCC/MST should not be Initial
109If PRP is alpha, then an EC coded 11/13/14/15 must be present
110If PRCC is 1 then PNRV must be present with EC20
111If PRCC is 2 then PNRV must be present with EC56
112If PRCC is 4 then PNRV must be present with EC58
113If PRCC is 1/6, then UNP must be same as EC20 PBP
114If SPQ is given, then Start PBQ/End PBQ must be in multiples of SPQ
115If PRCC is 6, then MSQ should be given
116If PRCC is 6, then first Start PBQ should be equal to MSQ
117If Effectivity Overflow is 1, then ADRV must be present with EC48
118IF MOR is 1/6 & SPC 1/2/6, then ESS should be 1/2/3 otherwise always 0
119First Effectivity should not be initial for ADRF
120First Effectivity should not be initial for EC48
121Invalid Change Code: Explanation Code Segment &1/&2/&3 Rejected
122Text cannot be initial for Explanation Code Segment &1/&2/&3
123ADRF Rejected as change code is invalid
124ADRV EC48 occurs without Effectivity Overflow
125ADRV EC48 occurs without ADRF
126Literal is invalid for EC &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected
127EC Segment Text cannot be initial for &1/&2/&3 - Segment Rejected
128EC Segment &1/&2/&3 cannot be Revised - Segment Rejected
129Unit of measure &1 is not 'Each (EA)'
130EC80 required for non definitive Unit of Measure &1
131UNT is mandatory for new part
132Part Rejected - Customer Extensions
400***** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages (S & T File) ******
401File &1 Rejected-Header Record faulty
402Blank PNR-MFR - Record Rejected
403Invalid Record Type - Record Rejected
500**** SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Technical Check Messages ****
501Definition of TEI '&1' not found in customizing view VADS2KIPUPL_DTEL
502TEI '&1' value '&2' is less than the minimum length
503TEI '&1' value '&2' is greater than the maximum length
504TEI '&1' value '&2' is not alpha
505TEI '&1' value '&2' is not numeric
506Technical Check failed for TEI '&1' Value '&2'
507Value '&1' of TEI '&2' is invalid
508TEI '&1' Value '&2' is not a valid date
509TEI '&1' Value '&2' is not a valid time
600******* SPEC2000 IP Upload - Application Layer Messages (V File) ********
601&1-&2/RF01/File Rejected - Header Record faulty
602&1-&2/RF02/File Rejected - No data records
603&1-&2/Header Record Repeating
604Header TEIs &1 are mandatory
605&1/&2/&3/RR01/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format
606&1/&2/&3 RR02/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Value
607&1/&2/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format
608&1/&2/&3 RR03/Record Rejected-Record already existing
609&1/&2/&3 RR04/Record Rejected-Record not existing
610&1/&2/&3/RS01/Segment Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format
611Mandatory TEI(s) &1 missing
612&1/&2/&3 RS03/Segment Rejected-Segment already existing
613&1/&2/&3 RS04/Segment Rejected-Segment not existing
614No Provisioning Data Segment in record
615Neither CBS nor LMS Segment in record
616PNS must start with RTC 12/SEG PNS/CHG .../MFR .../PNR .../
617SEG &1/Invalid Segment - SEG should be PDS, LMS, EIS or CBS
618Mandatory TEI &1 missing
619&1/&2/&3/&4/RE02/TEI unknown
620&1/&2/&3/&4/RE03/TEI not according to DD-Format
621&1/&2/&3/&4 RE04/TEI not according to DD-Value
622&1/&2/&3/&4/RE05/TEI unknown in segment/record
623&1/&2/PDS Seg must start with SEG PDS/CHG .../SPL .../
624&1/&2/LMS Seg must start with SEG LMS/CHG .../CSN .../
625&1/&2/EIS Seg must start with SEG EIS/CHG .../EIM .../EIP .../
626&1/&2/CBS Seg must start with SEG CBS/CHG .../EIM .../EIP .../CSN .../
627PNR &1/MFR &2/SEG &3/TEI &4 Rejected - Repeating Element
628Invalid record in input file
629EIS and CBS should either exist together or not exist together
630&1/&2/&3/Segment Rejected - No CBS segment corresponding to EIS segment
631Segment Rejected - No EFF in LMS segment
632&1 &2/RR01/Record Rejected-Key Element not according to DD-Format
633TEI &1 not according to specified value
634Segment Rejected: &3 Change Code &1 Inconsistent with &4 Change Code &2
635CBS cannot occur without EIS for a new part
650Header TEI &1 repeated. File Rejected.
651Header TEI &1 unknown. File Rejected
652// occured in input file
653Header TEI &1 missing in input file. File Rejected
654Part Data Record must start with RTC 12/SEG PNS/CHG .../MFR .../PNR ...
655Invalid Change Code
656Additional (Overflow) Lines should start with PNR .../MFR .../CHG .../...
657&1 repeated in input - Element Rejected
658Unknown TEI &1 encountered - Element Rejected
659Unknown Segment &1 encountered - Segment Rejected
660Segment &1 is incomplete
661UNC is mandatory for non definitive unit of measure &1
662UNC &1 is erroneous
663File rejected in BADI implemention. TEI &1 Value &2
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