ADW - Advanced Developer Workplace

The following messages are stored in message class ADW: Advanced Developer Workplace.
It is part of development package AFX_ARCHIVINGENGINE in software component CA-GTF-TS-GMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Archiving: Archiving Engine Prototype".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Package disbandment
001Start indexing ...
002Indexing package &1 ...
004Function not yet implemented
005Introspection created for &1 tables
006Delta introspection determined; &2 of &1 are delta tables
007Introspection deleted
008Detail display not possible
010Index created
011Select at least one cell from one row
012No error symptoms occurred
013Log is not in database ...
014SAP business executable executed
015Navigation not possible (transaction does not link to report)
016Introspection could not be created
017Enterprise grid reorganized
018Select one cell
019High-volume tables need to be archived (see red entries)
020Not all fields are offered for changing
021Select one field only
022Data record could not be deleted
023Data record was deleted
024Only fields from the file part can be changed
025Data record was not added
026Index could not be deleted
027Not enough memory available; reduce the amount of selections
028No matches
029There are &1 matches
030Not enough memory available; restrict the search criteria
031Access to &1 tables outside of subject area; execute again
032Select line(s)
033Introspection could not be read
034Navigation not possible
035No entries were recorded
036&1 entries were recorded in transport request &2
037Tables with delivery class 'A' or 'L' cannot be transported
038&1 data records deleted
039Action not executed
040Action was executed
041Data record could not be added due to DUPLICATE KEY
042Data record was not changed
043Calculation of indicators is time-consuming
044Indicators were determined
045Subject area contains &1 executables in &2 packages
046Subject area includes &3 packages and contains &1+&2 tables + text tables
047Object &1 can be used in &2 of &3 packages
048Software Supply Chain indicators determined
049Permission granted for &1 objects
050Permission could not be granted
051Permission could not be deleted
052Permission deleted for &1 objects
053Enterprise ecosystem not yet implemented
054Conclusion: Serialization for shared objects ...
055Shared objects could not be read
056Serialization in shared objects terminated; insufficient memory space
057Indexing &1
058DynaTag &1 has been assigned
059&2 object(s) with &1 code line(s) were checked in
060&2 of &1 objects could not be checked in
061Generic function 02 is not yet implemented
062This source cannot yet be indexed; missing implementation
063Software Logistics
064&1 objects from the subject area were added
065You are not authorized to execute this transaction (see long text)
066Action on planet A executed
067Function not yet implemented
068Enter a search string
069System &1 not available
070Planet B is required as a reference when creating a delta index
071Function not yet implemented
072Planet B not specified; no changes were made
073Introspection saved to PC (&1 bytes, &2 of &3 tabs)
074Introspection was not saved; problems during deserialization
075Wrapper &1 is not defined on planet A; define this manually
076Planet A is specified; no changes were made
077Introspection loaded from PC (&1 bytes, &2 tabs) [&3, &4]
078Reduce code set to 30 lines; maximum of 30 breakpoints possible
079Multiple breakpoint created
080There are & matches
081& lines were changed
082Line was changed
083Line was cleared
084Line was decommented
085Line was commented
086Line is disregarded
087Line not changed
088&1 inserts, &2 updates, and &3 deletes undone
089Regular expression 1 is syntactically incorrect
090Regular expression 2 is syntactically incorrect
091There are &1 users with &2 usages. You have used this service &3 times
092Function cannot be performed
093There are &1 users with &2 usages. You have used this service &3 times
094Data records not saved; problems during deserialization
095Code of planet A and planet B is identical; no change made
096&2 data records saved to PC (&1 bytes)
097This galaxy is not yet registered
098&2 data records saved to PC (&1 bytes)
099No further galaxies and genres can be registered at present
100&1 data records imported from PC (&2 INS, &3 UPD, &4 bytes)
103Create an introspection first
104No file has been selected; load introspection again
105No file has been selected; load again
111No GUI available; download not possible
112No GUI available; upload not possible
113Introspection could not be saved to ABAP AS
114Introspection saved to ABAP AS (&1 bytes, &2 of &3 tabs)
115Introspection could not be loaded from ABAP AS
116Introspection loaded from ABAP AS (&1 bytes, &2 tabs) [&3, &4]
117Introspection could not be deserialized
118Data records could not be saved to ABAP AS
119Parallel processing mode was activated
120Serialization mode was activated
121Superuser was deactivated
122Superuser was activated
123&1 lines. Delta: &2 INSERTS, &3 UPDATES, &4 DELETES
124&2 data records saved to ABAP AS (&1 bytes)
125Data records could not be loaded from ABAP AS
126No database changes possible in theme 'Introspector Analytics'
127Introspection created for &1 tables; [&2, &3] tabs have errors
128Data records could not be deserialized
129Create index first and store result in intrastore
130&1 records imported from ABAP AS (&2 INS, &3 UPD, &4 bytes)
133Index was not saved; problems during deserialization
134Index saved to PC (&1 bytes, &2 packages, &3 lines)
137Indexing &1% There are &2 BOTs active in the enterprise grid
140Document is assigned to more than one Customizing activity
142No Customizing activity found for document; direct display of document
143Role &1 cannot be displayed
145Enterprise Executables function is not yet implemented
146Software Supply Chain function is not yet implemented
147Include &1 refers to different methods/function modules; no change
148Index for &1 in locat. A and locat. B inconsistent; no change made
150Table &1 is disregarded; conversion problem
151Introspection could not be saved to PC
152Download not possible due to system setting
153Upload not possible due to system setting
154Data records could not be saved to PC
156Code (&1,&2) on planet B does not exist; no change made
158Code on planet A does not exist
159Genre does not match genre of intrastore; indexing not possible
160Code on planet B does not exist
161Introspection could not be loaded from PC
162Error when loading introspection from PC
163Download not possible due to system setting
164Index could not be saved to PC
165Index could not be saved to ABAP AS
166Index saved to ABAP AS (&1 bytes, &2 packages &3 lines)
167No file selected; load index to intrastore again
168Index could not be loaded from PC to intrastore
169Index could not be loaded from ABAP AS
170Index could not be deserialized
171Index loaded from PC (&1 bytes, &2 packages, &3 lines)
172Index loaded from ABAP AS (&1 bytes, &2 packages, &3 lines)
173No data available or error when loading data from PC
174Index upload not possible due to system setting
176Package APIs not active
177Include &1 has no methods or function modules; no change possible
178Include &1 has no methods or function modules; no change possible
179Crawler was started; BOTs are in transit in the enterprise grid landscape
181Workload = &1 data clouds in the enterprise grid
182Workload = dynamic selections
184Index loaded from database (&1 bytes, &2 packages, &3 lines)
185Index saved to database (&1 bytes, &2 packages, &3 lines)
186Introspection saved to database (&1 bytes, &2 of &3 tabs)
188Intropsection loaded from database (&1 bytes, &2 tabs) [&3, &4]
189&2 data records saved to database (&1 bytes)
191&1 records imported from database (&2 INS, &3 UPD, &4 bytes)
196Generic function 01 is not yet implemented
200&1 objects inactive. &2 objects were activated. &3 cannot be activated
201All objects are active; activation not necessary
202Mass activation
205Function not yet implemented
207Supraindex is inactive for genre 'all'
209No objects have been recorded
210Action canceled; no transport recording made
211Code expanded
212Line inserted below
213Line inserted above
214Space already fully shown
215No change made
216Code collapsed
217No change made
218All permissions granted (&2) have been deleted for user &1
219Crawler stopped at &1% Increase of BOTs has been stopped
220Indexing completed. Last update on &1 at &2
221Crawler continued at &1%
222Indexing already active
223Indexing ended at &1% Last update on &2 at &3
224Enterprise grid is reorganized
225Select rows
228&1 data records ignored
229&1 uploaded data records already exist in the database
230Data records could not be saved to PC
231No data records reloaded
232&1 data records could not be imported; no change made
300No changes were made
301No changes were made
304Result list is already completely expanded
305Result list is already completely expanded; insert not possible
307Do not select an entry
308Select one row only
309&1 cells have been cut and copied to the clipboard
310The complete table &1 with &2 rows has been copied to the clipboard
311&1 cells have been copied to the clipboard
312&1 cells have been inserted from the clipboard
313Select one cell
314Clipboard is empty; insert not possible
315Clipboard is empty; undo not possible
316Frozen state with &1 rows was restored
317Database content with &1 rows and clipboard with &2 rows were exchanged
318Clipboard is empty; exchange not possible
319Exchange not necessary since DB table and clipboard have same content
320No data records stored
321Action not executed; entries not changed
322The database could not be changed
323No rows could be deleted
327Data record could not be added to the database
328No activation; amount of packages empty
329Create an index first
330Entries have been saved for all sessions
331Entries have been saved for all sessions
332Select at least one row
333Upper left corner has been selected; now select lower right corner
334Column has been selected to the end; select lower right corner
335Area has been selected
336Upper left corner has been selected; now select lower right corner
337Entries have been saved for all sessions
338Select lower right corner
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