AD_SUBCON - Messages for Subcontracting

The following messages are stored in message class AD_SUBCON: Messages for Subcontracting.
It is part of development package AD_SUBCON_MM in software component IS-AD-SUC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Subcontracting Enhancements: Materials Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& only permitted for subcontracting type if item category is L
001Subcontracting type indicator contains an unallowed value
002Serial numbers already entered
003Serial number management is not possible
004Serial number management only possible for item category 'subcontracting'
005No serial number profile is assigned to part &1
006Serial number management not possible because schedule line exists
007Schedule line not possible, because serial numbers already entered
008Subcontracting type indicator does not permit schedule lines
009Assignment of serial numbers not possible because item is deleted
010Assignment of serial numbers not possible because item is blocked
011Entry of serial numbers requires entry of a material number
012No serial number profile is assigned
013Material number &1 does not equal material number &2 of order item
014Material number &1 equals material number &2 of order item
015Do not select more than one component
016Material provision indicator cannot be used
017Select the material provision indicator for one component
018Matl &1 does not have a serial number profile in the matl master record
019Serial number management only possible for unit of measure Unit
020Component quantity does not match order quantity
021Different serial number profiles for materials &1 and &2
022No serial numbers entered
023Cannot change subcontracting type indicator
024Subcontracting type cannot be changed
025Cannot change serial number assignment because it is a statistical item
026Subcontracting type is defined only for item category L
027Serial numbers not completely maintained
028Reservation not for display (see purchase requisition)
029Check serial number assignment in purchase order
030Delivery has already been created for purchase order &1
031Delivery and material document already exist for &1
032Material document already exists for &1
033Cannot generate subcontracting type 2 in the purchase requisition
034Maintain components and/or serial numbers for item &
035& serial numbers already maintained which exceeds the item quantity
036MIGO is not possible for the item - use MB01 or ADSUBCON for posting
037Do not use more than 1 material prov. indicator &1.
038Selected type of subcontracting cannot be set
040Special stock indicator &1 not defined in language &2
041&1 requires input of a WBS element
042&1 requires input of a customer
043&1 requires input of a sales document
044&1 requires input of an owner
049&1 &2 permits no input of a subcontracting type
050&1 &2 permits no input of special stock for subcontracting
051&1 &2 permits no input of a WBS element
052&1 &2 permits no input of a customer
053&1 &2 permits no input of a sales document
054&1 &2 permits no input of an owner
060No change of item category from &1 to &2 allowed
061No change of material from &1 to &2 allowed
062No change of plant from &1 to &2 allowed
070Select either purchase orders, requisitions, or deliveries
071Goods receipt for purchase order & & not possible
072Goods issue for purchase order & & not possible
073Creation of purchase order via purchase requisition & & not possible
074Creation of delivery for purchase requisition & & not possible
075Creation of delivery for purchase order item & & not possible
076Select either purchase orders or purchase requisitions
077Purchase orders not found
078Purchase requisitions not found
079Deliveries not found
080Carry out transfer posting for purchase order & & via delivery
081Tree level is negative
082Display parameters of purchase requisitions are set
083Display parameter of deliveries are set
084Select account assignment either to order or to WBS element
085Double click on document in overview to select
086Purchase order & & with different vendor & ignored
087GI not possible w/o selecting deliveries and material documents
088GR not possible w/o selecting material documents
089Creation of deliveries not possible w/o selecting deliveries and material
090Creation of purchase order for purchase order & & not possible
091Create delivery and post GI not possible w/o selecting deliveries
092Create delivery and post GI/GR not possible w/o selecting material doc.
093Change of & not allowed
094This account assignment and special stock combination is not allowed
095Only one schedule line in item & is allowed
096For PO & &, batches on serial numbers are inconsistent
097Item category & is not allowed for subcontracting
098Selected type of subcontracting cannot be set manually
099No &1 selected
100MPI & for material & not allowed because Subcontracting ind. not set
101New material from exchange not in selection criteria
102Incorrect movement type from BADI_ADSUB_MVT_TYPES
103Total quantity of selected items exceeds purchase order quantity
104No materials selected for exchange
105Unexpected program behavior; contact your system administrator
106Negative qty in operation & not allowed for material to subcontractor
107Positive qty in operation & not allowed for material from subcontractor
108Qty to and from subcontractor must be the same in operation &
109Op. & must have exactly one component as 'Rework Material to Subcontr.'
110Op. & may not have more than one component as 'Rework Matl from Subcontr'
111Negative qty in operation & not allowed for material for consumption
112Purchase order update failed - see application log
113Application log of reference document &1 item &2
114General error in purchase requisition for operation &
115General error in reservations for operation & &
116Goods receipt to storage location not allowed
117Automatic assignment of serial numbers is not complete
118Error in interpretation of field & in BAPI parameter EXTENSIONIN
119In recursive repair, both materials (item and comp.) must be serialized
120Goods receipt in decentralized warehouse (&1/&2) is not supported
121Storage location &1/&2 managed for handling units
122Automatic distribution of consumables took place - Check PO
123Automatic distribution of serial numbers took place - Check PO
124Quantity of recursive component must not be zero in operation &
125No data has been selected. Please specify selection criteria
126Rework material no. &1 equals rework material no. from subcontractor &2
127Subcontracting requires inforecord with material and category 3
128Subcontracting indicator cannot be set for operation &
129MPI cannot be used for components of operation &
130Goods issue for forward exchange purchase order item &1/&2 not possible
131You have no authorization to create fwd exchange items in purchase orders
132Forward exchange not possible: item &1/&2 already has subitems
133It is not possible to combine different delivery types (&1/&2)
134Internal error during forward exchange
135Forward exchange completed for purch. order item &1/&2
136Forward exchange only possible for items with 'refurbishment'
137There are already follow-up documents. Forward exchange is not possible
138The purchase order is already invoiced. Forward exchange is not possible
139Subcontracting with fwd exch. not supported (purch.requisition &1/&2)
140Combination of material provision indicators for forw. exch. inconsistent
141Customizing of material provision indicators incomplete
142Forward exchange only possible for main items
143Material provision indicator &1 missing in table T417 (see long text)
144Forward exchange requires type of subcontracting 'replacement'
145&1 customer stock &2
146&1 total customer stock &2
147&1 customer stock with vendor &2
148&1 total customer stock with vendor &2
149&1 sales order stock with vendor &2
150&1 total sales order stock with vendor &2
151&1 vendor stock with vendor &2
152&1 total vendor stock with vendor &2
153&1 project stock with vendor &2
154&1 total project stock with vendor &2
155Ship-to-party for delivery missing
160PO already created, order change is not possible
161Goods receipt for inbound delivery is not allowed in A&D Subcontracting
162Material number cannot be changed in RMA
163No special stock allowed
164The quantity of the PO main item must be the same as for the component
165GR non-valuated flag has been set to 'X'
170No authorization for unplanned material exchange
171No authorization for manual material exchange
172The process code for A&D UME is missing in material exchange settings
173Materials for exchange were not selected
174Only manual entries can be deleted
175Material &1 is already in the list of interchangeable materials
176Material &1 does not exist
177No interchangeable materials found - use manual entry
178No material exchange allowed for A&D subcontracting item
180Enter batch/valution type for component before assigning serial numbers
181Purchase order item is not relevant for subsequent adjustment
182New BOM explosion is not possible
183Special Stock Ind. has to be unique for all components of operation &1.
184Update component of subcontracting order & item & not possible
185Manually adapt component quanties (partial issues)
186Missing Customizing Setting for Work Area &1
187Cannot add component to operation, PO already created
188&1 selected serial number(s) are already assigned to a delivery
189Item &: component batch has been initialized
190Serial number assignment in this case not supported (see long text)
191Usage of valuated subcontractor special stock not allowed
192Schedule line not found for purchase order &1 item &2
200Partial quantity &1 for unplanned exchange not allowed for &2
201Refurbishment order with subcontracting is not valid (see long text)
202planned modif. is not possible, goods receipt is post for the order &
203Order & has more than one component with 'Rework Material from Subcontr.'
205Workflow is not available for the maintenance planners
206Workflow is not available for the purchasing group
207Header update with the plant &1 from the component &2 item &3
208Forward exchange is not supported
209Material provision indicator 'Deferred Delivery' is not supported
210Header update with storage location &1 and batch/valuation type &2
211BAdI: Different storage locations: &1 copied from equipment &2
212Serial number management require quantity
213Selected serial numbers were deleted
214Stock information only possible if subcontracting type is maintained
215Serial numbers only possible if subcontracting type is maintained
216Master batch &1 of equipment &2 different from component batch &3
217Upgrade order is not supported by serial numbers
218Copy stock information not possible, serial numbers are maintained
219Decentralized warehouse storage location (&1/&2) is not supported
220HU-managed storage location (&1/&2) is not supported
221Order &1 is only relevant for external subcontracting processing
222Special stock indicator &1 cannot be used for Transfer Posting
223Goods receipt for prior subcontracting operation &1 is not finished
224BAdI: different &1 are not allowed
225Different batch management in material &1 and &2
226Component &1 in operation &2 of the task list is deleted
227Planned modification is not possible with order type &1
228Delivery completed indicator must be set in case of UME
229Valuation category of &1 differs from valuation category of &2
230Components of operations were adjusted
231Incorrect special stock assignment in main components of operation &1
232Goods movements not executed in correct order (operation &1)
233Incorrect material number or quantity in main components of operation &1
234MRP relevance display is not valid (operation &1)
235Different special stock types between component and item
236Plant change is not allowed in case of transfer posting
237Disallowed changes made to BAdI => Selected serial numbers were deleted
238Material does not exist in header data: &1 &2 &3 &4
239Valuation type &1 of the header is not available for &2 in plant &3
240Incorrect material provision indicator assignment in main components
241Stock information &1, &2, &3 is copied into the refurbished component &4
242Goods receipt for prior refurbishment operation &1 is not finished
243Workflow has been started
244Schedule line cannot be deleted.
245Order & has the order category &
246Valuation type changed from &1 to &2, adjust component val. type manually
247Consider the follow-up documents for item &1
248Upgrade Order with order type &1 is not supported!
249Subcontracting flag cannot be set when follow-up material added already
250Follow-up material not added as component when subcontracting flag set
251Initial material number not allowed for A&D subcontracting item &
252Subcontracting allowed for external processing operations only
253You cannot add this task list to the refurbishment order
254Serial numbers reassignment can not be completed during material exchange
255Special Stock Ind. has to be unique for all components of PO item &
256Goods receipt is not allowed for enhanced refurbishment order in MIGO
257Specify a valid purchase order.
258Special stock type &1 not supported for inspection stock.
259Rounding not possible. Check serial number assignment in purchase order.
260Special stock type &1 not supported.
261Serial number or material number in master data changed after transfer.
263No material number exists as component for repairable spare
265No messages were issued in test mode.
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