AFLE_DINP - Message class for direct input mapping

The following messages are stored in message class AFLE_DINP: Message class for direct input mapping.
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Mapping for structure &1 has failed because &1 does not exist.
001BTE&1 Field &2 in structure &3 has length 23, expected length &4
002BTE&1: unexpected field &2 defintion in the structure &3
003BTE &1: Importing parameter &2 not found in the function module &3
004BTE &1: Field &2 not found in the structure &3
005Inbound mapper cannot find the definition for parameter &1
006Outbound mapper cannot find the definition for parameter &1
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