AFWCH_BP - AFW: Business Partner Conversion

The following messages are stored in message class AFWCH_BP: AFW: Business Partner Conversion.
It is part of development package CFM_AFWCH in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RDB: Analyzer Characteristic Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Messages for Business Partner Conversion ****************************
001Data element &3 with domain &4 belongs to characteristic &1 (&2)
002Change data element &1 to domain &2
003Data element &: Unable to read object catalog; check the object catalog
004Checking customer characteristics for domains of old business partner
005No characteristics found with domains of old business partner
006No changes are necessary
007Conversion for characteristic &1 (&2)
008Field catalog: Data element &1, check table &2
009Data Dictionary: Data element &1, check table &2
010Check the characteristics of analysis structure &
011Field catalog: Data element &
012Data Dictionary: Data element &
013Field catalog entry has been changed
014&1: &2
015Domain & is not registered for BP conversion; check this
016Unable to read fields from table &; check the fields
017Field catalog is only being checked (test run)
018Field catalog is being checked and changed (update run)
019No characteristics with conversions found
020Error while changing the field catalog entry in the database
021Portfolio hierarchies are only being checked (test run)
022Portfolio hierarchies are being checked and changed (update run)
023Client &1, view &2, portfolio hierarchy &3 (&4)
024Portfolio hierarchy: Data element &1, domain &2
025Field catalog: Data element &1, domain &2
026& table entries changed successfully
027Error occurred while changing data in the database
028At least one portfolio hierarchy is locked by user &
030Applicat. class &1, (characteristic) domain &2, hierarchy variant &3 (&4)
031Error while copying the hierarchy: Function &1, return code &2
032Old characteristic hierarchy: Domain &1, variant &2
033Copied characteristic hierarchy: Domain &1, variant &2
034No characteristic hierarchy with conversions found
035Characteristic hierarchies are only being checked (test run)
036Characteristic hierarchies are being checked and changed (update run)
037Table entries changed successfully (&1 nodes, of which &2 are text nodes)
038At least one characteristic hierarchy is blocked by user &
039Character. hierarchy destination (domain &1, variant &2) already exists
040Encode portfolio hierarchy / portfolio hierarchy node values
041Portfolio hierarchy / backup portfolio hierarchy - Encode values
042Porfolio hierarchy: No value changes to the values found
043Error while converting central BP to TR BP (business partner management)
044Identical numbers: Set BP conversion indicator from &1 to &2
045Update generation time for portfolio hierarchy in JBRPHGE
046Activity was cancelled by the user
047Error while converting central BP to TR BP (charact. &1, value &2)
048A step earlier in the conversion process was not performed
049Error while making entry in RM status management (task: &1)
050Status management for analysis-specific conversion
051Field catalog was not converted
052Field catalog was converted (&1)
053Information about characteristics in portfolio hier. was not converted
054Information about characteristics in portfolio hier. was converted (&1)
055Characteristic hierarchies were not converted
056Characteristic hierarchies were converted (&1)
057Nodes of the portfolio hierachy were not converted
058Nodes of the portfolio hierarchy were converted (&1)
059Conversion of PH with identical numbers is NOT complete
060Conversion of PH with identical numbers is complete (&1)
061Generated objects have NOT been converted centrally
062Central conversion of generated objects completed
063Changeover to central business partner with identical numbers
064Changeover to central business partner with conversion
065Analysis-specific conversion was cancelled by the user
066Analysis-specific conversion has been completed (&1)
067Central conversion of generated objects is not complete
070Checking custom characteristics for domains of old business partner role
071No characteristics were found that have domains of the old BP role
072Charactistic &1 (&2) is not used in any analysis structures
073It is recommended that you delete characteristic &
074Characteristic &1 (&2) is used in analysis structure &3
075Analysis structure & must be changed
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