The following messages are stored in message class APB_FPM_CONF: .
It is part of development package APB_FPM_CONF in software component BC-WD-CMP-FPM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FPM: Configuration Editor".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a valid target configuration ID
001Target configuration &1 already exists
002Configuration is used by & different application configurations
003Configuration is used within & different component configurations
004Enter a valid configuration ID
005Cannot classify configuration; not possible to assign application area
006Enter a valid prefix or suffix
007Configuration & does not involve an FPM Application Hierarchy
008Deep-copy &1 of configuration &2 successfully created
009Enter all required fields
010Web Dynpro application &1 already exists
011Deep-copy: Not all configurations have been copied
012You are not authorized to create a WD application
013Enter a package name
014Package does not exist
015Transport request does not exist
016Web Dynpro component & does not exist
017& does not exist
018Web Dynpro application name contains invalid characters
019Web Dynpro configuration &1 already exists
020Web Dynpro application and configurations successfully created
021You cannot proceed without proposing the configuration names
022Configuration creation was inconsistent; navigation not possible
023Configuration saved under the reference application
024Transfer configuration to application manually
025Application cannot be launched
026Enter a valid Element ID
027BAdI & is implemented multiple times
028Enter a valid message context
029Enter valid data
030Record already exists
031Entry cannot be overridden
032Record added successfully
033Record modified successfully
034Record(s) deleted successfully
035No entries match the search criteria
036Select an entry to update
037Select only one entry to update
038Select an entry to delete
039SAP entries cannot be deleted
040Enter a valid message category
041Launchpad customizing does not exist in the system
042Enter a valid category
043Configuration editor is being launched
044Enter a valid namespace
045Invalid original message
046Invalid alternate message
047Category &1 is referenced in message mapping
048Select a transport request
049Source configuration & does not exist
050&1 already exists; enter another Element ID
051Invalid element ID '&'
052&1 ID invalid and automatically changed from '&2' to '&3'
053Application with a namespace cannot be created as a local object
054Form does not satisfy current UI guidelines; use another form GUIBB
055Value & does not fit the specified CSS sizes
056Dragging element &1 to this toolbar is not permitted
057Selected hotkey already exists for another toolbar element
058Parameter &1 already exists; choose another parameter name
059Position conflict with element &1
060Not yet implemented
061No target page required for event FPM_CALL_DEFAULT_EDIT_PAGE
062Enter a valid value
063Active delegation enhancement & exists
064Error at instantiation of component &1 with config ID &2
065Exception occured in program/class &1 include/method &2 line &3
066This adaptation hides the UIBB; no configuration content provided
067Configuration &1 for component &2 has been successfully created
068Creation of configuration &1 has been canceled
069Field &1 is not available in feeder definition
070There is no default page for page type &
071Stacked panels must have a default UIBB
072Customizing for configuration &1 has been deleted
073Count Attribute &1 in General Settings is not valid
074Page Master can contain only one UIBB
075No title specified for page &1
076No title specified for UIBB key (Component &1, Config ID &2)
077Edit mode disabled. Original language is &
078Edit mode disabled via BAdI implementation
079Table model should be based on standard table type
080Configuration &1 is already associated with another component
081Hi, &!
082Please select at least one configuration to be converted
083Enter a valid property name and value
084Sum of all widths is &1 and should be equal to 100
085Component FPM_CHART_UIBB is deprecated
086Style variable & already exists
087Invalid style input. Choose the format <variable>:<value>
088Exposable action properties were not retrieved
089Exposable action properties were not retrieved for UIBB Config ID &
090Header Group "&" is empty
091Each column should be assigned to a Header Group
092Feeder class definitions are not available
093Configuration is built dynamically by the feeder and cannot be adapted
099***************** Messages for BO Model Based ACT ****************
100&1 is not a valid floorplan
101Enter a valid "WD Application"
102"WD Application" cannot start with a numeric character
103WD configurations are not supplied
104Enter a valid "WD Configuration Type"
105Web Dynpro configuration type &1 is not valid
106Enter a valid "GUIBB Type"
107Enter a valid feeder class for GUIBB
108Feeder class &1 does not exist
109Feeder class does not implement the required interface
110Enter a valid "Variant ID"
111Main view details are not supplied
112Enter a valid "Main View ID"
113Subview details are not supplied
114Enter a valid "Subview ID"
115UIBB details are not supplied
116Main step details are not supplied
117Enter a valid "Main Step ID"
118Enter a valid "Substep Variant ID"
119Substep details are not supplied
120Enter a valid "Substep ID"
121Enter a valid "Content Area ID"
122Section details are not supplied
123Enter a valid "Section ID"
124You are not authorized to create component configurations
125You are not authorized to create application configurations
126Enter a valid floorplan
127Configurations with same name cannot be created (&1)
128Incorrect drop position; no configurations added
129Layout UIBBs can be placed only in INIT or CONF
130Button row cannot be added to the field repository
131Element cannot be added to the button repository
132Web Dynpro application &1 could not be created
133Web Dynpro configuration &1 could not be created
134Attributes could not be saved for Web Dynpro configuration &1
135Component configuration &1 could not be attached to applicat. config. &2
136Enter all required data for adaptation
137Enter valid data for application toolbar
138WD configuration contains invalid characters
139Adaptation schema does not exist
140Field &1 is not defined in feeder class (method GET_DEFINITION)
141Configuration is built dynamically by feeder class &
142Action &1 is not defined in feeder class (method GET_DEFINITION)
143Please enter distinct values
199***************** Messages for CBA Based ACT ****************
200FPM application configuration &1 does not exist
201Schema &1 could not be set in adaptation configuration &2
202Web Dynpro application &1 could not be changed
203Several application configurations exist within affected FPM application
204&1 is an adapted FPM application configuration
205Web Dynpro application configuration successfully adapted
206Floorplan configuration has already been adapted for context &1
299************* Messages for Text Tool
300You do not have sufficient authorization to open the OTR Editor
301Feeder class &1 does not exist (configuration &2)
302Feeder class &1 has syntax errors (configuration &2)
303Feeder class &1 cannot be initialized (configuration &2)
304Method GET_DEFINITION failed (feeder &1, configuration &2, component &3)
305Configuration &1 has no feeder class
306Configuration &1 with unsupported component &2
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