APB_FPM_CORE - FPM messages

The following messages are stored in message class APB_FPM_CORE: FPM messages.
It is part of development package APB_FPM_CORE in software component BC-WD-CMP-FPM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Floorplan Manager (Framework)".
Message Nr
Message Text
004Unknown environment; restart not possible
005Restart in SAP GUI not possible
006System alias required
007OBN restart not possible
020Variant &1 requires a main view
021Variant &1 requires a subview
022Variant &1 requires a UIBB
023Main view &1 requires a subview
024Subview &1 requires a UIBB
025Content area requires a section
026Content area &1 requires a section
027List requires Drag-and-Drop information
028Variant &1 requires a tab
029Tab &1 requires a UIBB
030You must have at least one variant
031Variant &1 or main view &2 or main step &2 do not exist
032The substep variant &1 does not exist
033Substep &1 requires a UIBB
103Component &1 does not implement a valid interface
104Valid parameter for IF_FPM~RESUME_EVENT_PROCESSING are OK or FAILED
105Usage groups on the floorplan component are already in use
106Only 1 floorplan instance is allowed per work area
107Shared data component cannot be attached; it is already instantiated
108FPM event loop is not allowed to be resumed while running
109Call of method is not allowed at this point in time
110FPM application &1 was started with an invalid or without configuration
111FPM start event was cancelled
112No valid target content area found
113FPM Application was terminated
114No FPM event provided
115Conversion error occurred
203Variant &1 does not exist
204Subview &1 does not exist or cannot be accessed at the moment
205Changing the target subview only allowed while view-switch event
206Subroadmap &1 does not exist or cannot be accessed at the moment
207No variant is selected
208Mainview or mainstep &1 does not exist within variant &2
209Method &1 is called with invalid parameters
210The same UIBB can only be used once
211At least one visible item is necessary
212ID &1 already exists within the affected scope
213Tab &1 is invalid
214UIBB &1 was not found
215Index is out of range
216The configuration is, at this point in time, not changeable
217Configuration &1 is corrupt
218The entity with ID &1 does not exist
219You can only define one wire for each UIBB instance key
220Inconsistent API-Call: Existing action with different parameters
221Invalid Connector Class &1
222ID for content area must be unique
223Content Area has no ID
303Component &1 specified as APP_SPECIFIC_CC does not implement &2
304Configuration &1 for component &2 does not exist
305No variant is configured
306No main view for variant &1 is configured
307No subview for mainview &1 of variant &2 is configured
308No UIBB is configured for subview &1 of mainview &2 of variant &3
309No ID is configured for item of main view &2 in variant &1
310UIBB &1 can only be used once
311Component &1 does not implement &2
312Enter a valid component
313Enter a valid component for UIBB (Window Name) &1
314Component &1 of UIBB (Window Name) &2 implements an invalid interface
315Enter a valid window name for UIBB &1
316Window name &1 for component &2 does not exist
317Window name &1 of component &2 can only be configured once
318Configuration &1 of component &2 can only be configured once
319Component &1 is not allowed within GAF for UIBB (Window Name)
320Configuration name &1 does not exist
321Configuration is inconsistent
322Event cancelled due to inconsistent runtime state
323Class &1 does not implement interface &2
324No transaction handler class has been maintained
325UIBB key is not valid (Component &1, Config ID &2, Instance ID &3)
326UIBB key does not provide a feeder model (component &1, config id &2)
327Port is not valid
328Connector class &1 does not match model namespace
329Component &1 is only allowed within Confirmation Screen
330Component &1 is not allowed within OIF for UIBB (Window Name) &2
331Component &1 is not allowed within Tabbed UIBB (Window Name)
332Source and Target UIBB must be different
333Configuration type &1 is not supported
334Component &1 is not allowed within GAF for UIBB (Window Name) &2
335UIBB key (component &1 config id &2) multiple-assigned as wire target
337Selected display type is not applicable for &1
338Coordinates of window name &1 of Component &2 exceed boundaries
339Overlap in window name &1 of component &2
340Only one UIBB with Height > 1 is allowed
341UIBB can only have Height > 1 or Width > 1
342The same view &1 is not allowed to be rendered twice
343Coordinates Row 1, Column 1 should not be empty
344No UIBB on right side allowed without a UIBB on left side
345No empty row allowed between two UIBBs
346Only "Standard" layout type allows all UIBBs to be underneath each other
347Messages for &1 &2 / &3 &4
348Window &1 of component &2 and configuration &3 requires an "Instance ID"
349Component &1 does not exist
350Enter a valid configuration name
351Valid units for width are PX and EM; % is not a valid unit
352& must contain at least one UIBB
353Element & already exists in the configuration layer
354Element & restored
355Element renamed from &1 to &2
356& has been successfully re-set
357& will be re-set
358UIBB cannot refer to itself
359Configuration name & exists only on customizing level
360Context menu & does not exist
361Context menu &1 has a row action assigned in item &2
362Access key for object &1 required (See long text)
363Transient state is not allowed in conjunction with wiring
364UIBB (Window Name) &1 needs stretching; set UIBB Stretching flag
365UIBB (Window Name) &1 requires web-browser supporting HTML5 standard
366Element & cannot be of data type Measure
367Add at least one element of data type Dimension
368Add at least one element of data type Measure
369Axis Index cannot be greater than &
370UIBB (Window Name) &1 requires installation of SAP Visual Business client
371Application &1 is not valid
372At least one Dimension should have Axis Index value of &
373An error with configuration &1 occurred
374Value &1 is invalid
375Dual quickview assignment at field &1
376Invalid image field assignment &1 at field &2
377Enter a valid window name for Quickview &1
378Column &1 uses fixed values but is sorted by internal values
379Column &1 uses enumeration and has display type Input Field
380Column &1 is fixed and will be ignored (Fit to Table Width is active)
381Column exists without Column ID
382The feeder class is not notified of every selection change
383Messages for &1 &2
384Styles have been adapted
385New element for node &1 with semantic primary attribute in enhancement
386Application &1 (3D scenario) can only be displayed using native client
387& has hidden content only
388Please enter percent value including sign '%'
389Wire Model cannot not be resolved, since Source UIBB & belongs to a loop
390Graphical Wire Editor not started due to errors in the Wire Model
392Invalid Scope
503Item ID &1 does not exist
504Item &1 cannot be changed
505Invalid format of path &1
506Invalid path &1
507Guided activity floorplan does not have a ticket area
508Key does not exist or is marked for deletion
509Application ID does not exist within the navigation object
603Controller reference is initial in method &1
604Message &1 is not reported with mapping to context
607&1 &2 &3&4
608&1&2 &3&4
609&1 &2 &3 &4
610&1&2 &3 &4
611&1&2&3 &4
612&1 &2&3&4
613&1 &2&3 &4
703Class &1 does not implement feeder interface &2
704Field catalog has no structure
705The selected configuration is not a valid GUIBB configuration
706An action exists already
707Enter valid feeder class parameters
708Selected element cannot be deleted
709Feeder class &1 has no visible parameters
710Feeder class data has been changed
711Invalid elements have been removed
712The description of the field &1 given by the feeder class is ambiguous
713The field &1 has no description given by the feeder class
714Action name &1 contains unallowed characters
715Field properties: the special group &1 is not defined
716Field properties: the field &1 is not in the feeder catalog
717&2: The action &1 is not defined by the feeder class
718&2: the field &1 is not in the feeder catalog
719Field &1 is used multiple times as input-capable field
720Field &1 is a technical field and cannot be configured
721&1: Display type &2 not allowed here
722&1: Separator cannot have any action assigned
723&1: Button choice has only one action assigned
724&1: Only button choice can have multiple actions assigned
725&1: Toolbar element or a button-like element has no action assigned
726Fields with no description given by the feeder class exist
727Button set does not exist
728Mandatory parameter &1 is not set
730Enter a valid namespace
731Enter a valid message context
732Invalid Original Message
733Invalid Alternate Message
734Record already exists
735Entry cannot be overridden
736Enter a valid "Message Category"
737Either "Role" or "Instance" field is empty: enter valid value
738Enter a valid launchpad
739Problem with Message Mapper Logging BADI Implementation
740Enter a valid feeder class
741Number of selected components exceeds number of available placeholders
742Position overlap: Group &1 and label &2
743Position overlap: Group &1 and field &2
744Position overlap: Group &1 and group &2
745Position overlap: Label &1 and label &2
746Position overlap: Label &1 and field &2
747Position overlap: Label &1 and group &2
748Position overlap: Field &1 and label &2
749Position overlap: Field &1 and field &2
750Position overlap: Field &1 and group &2
751Invalid position: Label &1 - field &2
752Invalid position: &1
753Field &1: enter an action
754Button no. &1 of button row &2: enter an action
755Button &1: enter an action
756Drop is not possible without a group line item
757Button row element cannot be added to the melting group
758Button row element cannot be added to the melting group element
759Master column cannot be moved
760Master column cannot be removed
761Insertion of Tabbed UIBB inside Composite UIBB not allowed
762Nesting of Composite UIBBs not allowed
763Search Group has no ID; enter a Search Group ID
764Search Group &1 contains no Search Criteria; add Search Criteria
765Search Criteria &1 is not assigned to a Search Group; enter a Group ID
766Group ID for Search Criteria &1 does not exist; enter a valid Group ID
767Search Group ID &1 already exists; enter another Group ID
768Search Group &1 does not have a title; enter a Group Title
769More than &1 attributes is not recommended
770Group field &1 is not allowed
771Schema &1 is not allowed
772Search Help &1 for field &2 does not have the field &3 as a column
773Search Help &1 for field &2 is a collective search help; see long text.
774Collective Search &1 for &2 does not have search &3 as search included
775Field &1: Please select a Search Help text or deselect flag Enable Tokens
776Selection mode '&1' and 'Export selected rows only' does not match
780Chart Type &1 (&2) cannot be used for the selected dimensions / measures
790Reference Field "&1" is invalid
800Invalid class name &1
801Configurations selected: &1, configurations analyzed: &2
803No inconsistencies found
811Neither the group header text nor the field reference is configured
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