APERB - Fehlermeldungen zum periodischen Buchungslauf
The following messages are stored in message class APERB: Fehlermeldungen zum periodischen Buchungslauf.
It is part of development package AA_POST in software component FI-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Accounting: Posting".
It is part of development package AA_POST in software component FI-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Accounting: Posting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Not all documents were updated in last run |
002 | Not enough numbers are available in number range &1 |
003 | Errors occurred during the posting run (see the log) |
004 | System error - contact your system administrator |
005 | &2 line items were already directly posted in company code &1 |
006 | Company code &1 allows enhanced periodic posting |
007 | Create document number range &1 with external number assignment |
008 | Serious error occurred during repeat run |
009 | Company code &1, depreciation area &2, fiscal year &3, account group &4 |
010 | G/L document &1 is posted in company code &2 |
011 | Ledger document &1 is generated for accounting principle &2 in year &3 |
012 | Document creation for source company code &1 |
013 | Selections conditions are not allowed in a test run of a restart |
014 | All documents were updated successfully, restart is not allowed |
015 | Document type &1 allows cross-company posting |
016 | Document &3 is split (subdocument &4) |
017 | Document &1 was created successfully for Asset Accounting |
018 | System error: Entry &1 not found in internal table &2 |
019 | Incorrect option for log display selected |
020 | Company code &1 asset &2-&3 |
021 | Enter revaluation percentage rate |
022 | Program &1 is obsolete, use program &2 |
023 | Revaluation data does not agree with date of depreciation posting |
024 | Required data is missing in upload file |
025 | New asset value not entered (company code &1 asset &2-&3) |
026 | Group &1 does not exist for evaluation groups |
027 | Depreciation not completely posted for asset &1 |
028 | Asset &2-&3 (company code &1) was already revalued |
029 | Base area for revaluation missing in table &1 (asset &2 &3-&4) |
030 | Excel files can only be processed using PC upload |
031 | Depreciation area &1 in company code &3 fiscal year &2 not closed |
032 | &1: dep.calculation method of key &2 is not percentage from useful life |
033 | &1:multilevel mthd with net book val. as base val. not found;see lng text |
034 | &1: At least 1 multilevel method of key &2 is incorrect; see long text |
035 | Error when writing upload file to the INDX memory |
036 | Error when loading upload file from the INDX memory |
037 | &1 data records in the upload file, file read completely, INDX deleted |
038 | Wait until the job started first releases the INDX table |
039 | Amount rounded up to &1 decimal places (Please check) |
040 | Last day of fiscal year differs (processing is canceled) |
041 | Revaluation area &2 is not posted by transaction type &1 |
042 | Caution: not all data records in input file were processed! |
043 | Revaluation area &1 was created for asset &2-&3 in company code &4 |
044 | Customer enhancement &2: value &3 in field &1 is not allowed |
045 | Inconsistent Customizing in chart of depreciation &1 |
046 | Transaction &1 is obsolete - use transaction &2 |
047 | Transaction &1 cannot be used with the new general ledger |
048 | Status reset in company code &1 in fiscal year &2 (&3) |
049 | Reset is not allowed in company code &1 |
050 | Create document number range &1 with internal number assignment |
051 | Reference document &1 is generated in co.code &2 for fiscal year &3 |
052 | V2 update canceled; document posted by APC values posting program |
053 | &1: Year of revaluation measure does not match posting date |
054 | Number range object FIAA-BELNR is not allowed to be buffered |
055 | Revaluation at start of fiscal year not possible; see long text |
200 | --- EhP6 Flexible Fiscal Year Variant with Parallel Ledgers --- |
201 | Enter a ledger group |
202 | Enter a valid ledger group |
203 | Ledgers have different fiscal year variants |
204 | Indicator for differing fiscal year variants not set in CoCd &1 |
205 | Enter a ledger group |
206 | CoCds &1 and &2 have different fiscal year variants in ledger &3 |
207 | No accounting principle is assigned to depreciation area &1 |
208 | Unexpected system behavior - contact your system administrator |
209 | Different fiscal year variant in ledger group &1 |
210 | Restart required in period &1 &2 in ledger group &3 |
211 | Repeat run is not possible |
212 | Differing fiscal year variants maintained for depreciation areas |
213 | Indicator for differing fiscal year variants not set in CoCd &1 |
214 | No posting run found; try entering another ledger group |
215 | Enter a ledger group |
216 | Company codes &1 and &2 have different fiscal year variants |
217 | For depreciation simulation use program RASIMU_ALV01 |
218 | Ledger group could not be determined |
219 | Report during year for posted deprec. from derived area &1 not possible |
220 | No posting depreciation area could be determined |
221 | Non-calendar fiscal years in company code &1 |
222 | Differing fiscal year variant in ledger group &2 |
223 | In CoCd &1 base and revaluation area have different ledger groups |
224 | Specify a company code |
225 | Company code &1 does not use a ledger approach for FI-AA |
226 | Indicator for differing fiscal year variants not set in CoCd &1 |
227 | CoCd &1: different ledger group in base area and derived area |
228 | CoCd &1: derived area of same base area has different ledger group |
229 | Incorrect entry for alternative depreciation area for area &1 |
230 | Areas of chart of depreciation &1 have different fiscal year variants |
231 | Depreciation area &1 is not defined in chart of depreciation &2 |
232 | Enter a depreciation area |