APPL_MM_PUR_MCOND - Master Conditions Messages

The following messages are stored in message class APPL_MM_PUR_MCOND: Master Conditions Messages.
It is part of development package APPL_MM_PUR_MASTER_COND in software component MM-PUR-GF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Layer for Master Conditions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Period from &1 to &2 overlaps with another period
002Condition type &1 is not valid
003Please fill in all keys for condition creation
004Period is inconsistent from &1 to &2
005No Authorization for Conditions Maintenance
006"Valid To" date is before the "Valid From" date of period from &1 to &2
007Condition Currency is initial
008Net price must be greater than 0
009Info record cannot be saved. Enter a condition first
010Condition could not be saved. Assign an order unit for this info record
011Mentioned Validity Period already exists
012Validity period for base and supplementary conditions cannot be different
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