The following messages are stored in message class AP_CFG_DB: .
It is part of development package COM_CFG_DB_TRANS in software component AP-CFG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product Configuration DB Transport".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Initialisation of configuration database started
002Clearance of configuration database started
003Clearance of configuration database completed
004Extraction of configuration started
005Extraction of configuration completed
006Initialisation of configuration database completed
007Initialisation of configuration database stoped
008Request of configuration database started
009Request of configuration database stoped
010Knowledge Base (ID:&1 Build:&2): successfully completed
011Knowledge Base (ID:&1 Build:&2): aborted
100Import of KB Runtime Version to configuration DB aborted!
200No KnowledgeBase Found
251Import of KB Runtime Version (&1 &2) aborted due to build difference
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