AR - Meldungen Funktionsbausteine SSRV

The following messages are stored in message class AR: Meldungen Funktionsbausteine SSRV.
It is part of development package BF_BANK in software component CA-BK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank Master Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Messages from RA reporting ....................................
001Country/region key & is not defined
002Region &2 is not defined for country/region &1
003Postal code must be of length &
004Postal code may only contain numbers
005Postal code cannot contain blanks
006Postal code was not specified
007Specify a P.O. box
008& must have the length & or &
009Hyphen in the bank account number must be at position &
010A digit is expected in position &
011Position & can only contain letters
012At position &, character '&' is expected
013Specify the postal code of the PO box
014Bank account number may not contain more than one hyphen
015Do not enter a bank control key
016Enter country/region
017In &, position & must contain character '&'
018& must have the length & or &
019There is no provincial tax code for region &
020No PO box was specified
033No errors found
034Enter an account number or IBAN
035You cannot use a SEPA bank with only an IBAN and no account number
036Enter a bank key or SWIFT/BIC
037Length of the IBAN could not be checked
038IBAN &4 is already assigned to bank details &1 &2 &3
039Bank &1 &2 and account number do not match
040There is no bank key for bank &1 &2
041IBAN is not correct; check the IBAN entered
042Acct numbers with more than &2 digits are not permitted for cntry/reg. &1
098Enter in the form &
099Field & contains invalid characters
100& from position & to & can only contain numbers
101Length of field & is zero
102&1 &3 must have length &2
103&1 &3 is longer than &2 characters
104&1 &2 must contain only numbers
105&1 &2 must not contain any gaps
106In field &, a letter is expected in position & or &
107In & a space must replace &
108The mask for & has the length zero
109& has the wrong length
110In & a number must replace &
111In & a letter must replace &
112In &, & must be replaced by the character '&'
113Post office bank current account number contains invalid characters
114Postal office bank branch & is not defined
115Invalid post office bank current account number
116Post office bank current account number contains invalid characters
117Hyphen is in incorrect position in post office bank current acct no.
118For & at the position & must be the letter '&'
119Enter bank control key
120Bank control key is invalid
121Bank account number contains invalid characters
122Only 2 hyphens allowed in the bank account number
123Hyphen is missing in bank account number
124Bank account number is not valid
125Bank key contains invalid characters
126Bank control key and bank account number do not match
127Invalid character in the field tax code 2
128Tax code 2 is not valid
129Tax code 1 is not valid
130Tax code 2 is not valid
131PBC number must have 8 digits
132PBC number can only contain digits
133Specified PBC number is not correct
134Enter the account number and bank number
135Bank account number contains invalid characters
136After '-', you must enter three digits
137Tax code 1 contains invalid characters
138Enter branch (from position 5) without leading zeros
139Country/region key & is not defined
140Cannot check bank account/bank number
141Enter a valid bank account number
142Bank control key and bank key do not match
143Enter bank control key
144Tax code 1 must be numerical
145Specify the bank number
146Bank control key contains characters not permitted
147Bank control key must be two characters long
148Do not enter a bank key
149Bank key is invalid
150POR reference number contains characters not permitted
151Hyphen '-' is missing or is set incorrectly for POR subscriber number
152POR reference number is invalid
153POR subscriber number is missing
154POR reference number is missing
155POR: Cash discount not allowed
156Technical error in POR reference number
157POR: Amounts greater than 9.999.999,99 are not allowed
158POR subscriber number contains characters not permitted
159POR: Amounts greater than 99.999.999,99 are not allowed
160POR check digit may only contain 1 digit here
161POR check digit is incorrect
162POR subscriber number is invalid
163Technical error in POR subscriber number
164Do not enter a PBC/POR number for country/region &
165POR subscriber number may only contain digits apart from '-'
166POR check digit contains characters not permitted
167ESR Participant number may contain numbers only, but no zeros
168The bank contorl key must be one character
169Check the provincial tax code in tax code 1 (nnnnnnnxxxn)
170Check the provincial tax code in tax code 2 (nnnnnnnxxxn)
171Tax code 1 is incomplete
172Bank key, bank account and control key do not match
173The account number cannot be checked
174Enter tax number (up to 20 characters) for category &
175Enter a valid GST number
176Enter a valid QST number
177Unique form identifier & is invalid
179International location number & & & is invalid
180Company number & with check digit & is not valid
181Company number & with supplement & and check digit & is not valid
182Hyphens in incorrect position (only permitted in 4th and 12th place)
183Specify VAT registration number
184Bank number or account number length is incorrectly defined
185D-U-N-S number contains invalid characters
186The first hyphen in the D-U-N-S number is not in position &
187The second hyphen in the D-U-N-S number is not in position &
188The specified D-U-N-S number is incorrect
189Specify a D-U-N-S number
190VAT registration number is invalid
191ISO code & is not correct in the VAT registration number
192Position & and & can only contain hyphens of the D-U-N-S number
193The last two digits of the VAT may not be '00'
194Enter the country/region key of the bank
195Enter the bank key
196VAT registration number contains invalid characters
197VAT registration number is invalid
198Check the bank key
199For a check digit check, a different bank key format is expected
201SWIFT code &1 is not valid
202SWIFT code &1 must be of length 8 or 11
203SWIFT code &1 contains invalid characters
204First four characters of the SWIFT code &1 must be letters
205ISO code &1 in the SWIFT code &3 is not correct for country/region &2
206No check digit procedure is planned for bank numbers with & digits
212Bank account number or bank number are not of valid length
213Enter long tax number in Tax Code field 1
220Bank master data is still being used in table &1
221Length of tax number 2 should be 11 characters
222Length of tax number 2 should be 10 characters
223Tax code 5 is not valid
501Invalid BSN Number
502Invalid BECON number
503Invalid JMBG number
504Invalid PIB number
602Invalid national insurance number (NINO)
603Invalid company registration number (CRN)
604Invalid unique tax reference (UTR)
900Program error: Window does not fit on screen
901Rounding indicator '&' is not permitted
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