ARCH_STANDARDS - Archivierungsstandardpr�fungen

The following messages are stored in message class ARCH_STANDARDS: Archivierungsstandardpr�fungen.
It is part of development package S_ARCH_STANDARD_CHECKS in software component BC-CCM-ADK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Standard Archiving Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Violation of the archiving standard. The program is being terminated.
002Program or Customizing error. The program is being terminated.
003Entered archiving objects are no longer available.
005Internal error
010Violation of the archiving standard "Usage of Selection Includes"
011Violation of archiving standard "DDIC Texts of the Selection Includes"
012Violation of the archiving standard "Archiving Session Note"
013Violation of the Archiving Standard "Maximum Length of Text Symbols"
014Violation of the Archiving Standard "Further Selection Criteria Group"
020Violation of the archiving standard "Interruption Concept"
021Violation of archiving standard "interruption concept not possible"
030Violation of the archiving standard "Delete Variant Name"
031Customizing Error: Existence of Shippable Delete Variants
032Customizing Error: Definition of Delete Variants
040Violation of the archiving standard "Reload: Availability Delta Archive"
041Archive infringement: Reload program does not generate a delta archive
050Violation of archiving standard "Indexing Techniques"
060Violation of Archiving Standard "Availability of Read Accesses"
061Violation of Archiving Standard "Availability of Read Accesses"
070Violation of archiving standard "Availability of Documentation"
071Violation of archiving standard "Availability of Documentation"
072Violation of archiving standard "Existence of Program Documentation"
073Violation of Archiving Standard "Existence of Hints"
074You cannot call up documentation for &1
075Program error: System offers a log, but the log is not output
076Violation of the Archiving Standard "Specifying Object in Log"
077Violation of the Archiving Standard "Including Message in the Log"
078Violation of the Archiving Standard "Including Object in Message"
080Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Write Prgram"
085Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Delete Program"
090Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Reload Program"
091Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Reload Program"
092Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Reload Program"
093Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Reload Program"
094Violation of the Archiving Standard "Logs in the Reload Program"
095Violation of the Archiving Standard "Significance of Delta Archive"
100Violation of the Archiving Standard: "Statistics of Processed Arch.Files"
101Violation of Archiving Standard "Completeness of Statistics"
102Violation of Archiving Standard "Completeness of Statistics"
110Violation of Archiving Standard "Output of Progress Report"
111Violation of Archiving Standard "Output of Progress Report"
112Violation of Archiving Standard "Output of 100% Progress"
113Violation of Archiving Standard "Output of Progress in Percentages"
114Violation of Archiving Standard "Output of Progress in Percentages"
120Violation of the archiving standard "Output of Selection Screen"
130Violation of the archiving standard "Object Directory Entry Exists"
140Violation of the archiving standard "Dynamic Structure Registration"
150Customizing error: Program &1 does not exist
151Customizing error: Program &1 is local and is not shipped
160Customizing error: wrong presetting for maximum file size/no. of objects
165Customizing error: Wrong presetting for the commit counter
166Customizing error: Wrong default setting for package size
500Program error: Program mode not implemented correctly
550Missing system settings. Standard "Archive Accesses" cannot be checked.
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