ARC_DAS_CON - XML-DAS Konnektor: Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class ARC_DAS_CON: XML-DAS Konnektor: Nachrichten.
It is part of development package S_ARC_DAS_CON in software component BC-CCM-ADK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API for XML DAS Connector".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No suitable path extension found
002Multiple suitable path extensions were determined
003Error while system tried to determine the routing structure
004Store type file system cannot be used
005Assigned archive store &1 does not meet the ILM Conformity requirements
006The name of the collection &1 contains the characters '/' or '\'
007URI &1 is not present or does not point to an archive file
008HTTP connection to XML DAS is not maintained
009Collection name does not follow naming convention for attachments
010Collection name &1 contains invalid character &2
011Collection name &1 ends with the character '.'
012Collection name &1 corresponds to example [...].xml/bin
013URI &1 contains an '/' at the end
014Invalid value &1 of parameter &2 for method &3
015Archive file &1 has not yet been stored in storage system
016Structure descriptor could not be generated
017Error in conversion of the expiration date
018Error when setting the legal hold case for archive file &1
019Parameter combination &1 and &2 not supported
020Collection name &1 of origin &2 contains blanks
021Cannot delete collection &1
100Process terminated due to previous critical error
101BOR type &1 removed from worklist
102Processing BOR type &1 (source system &2)
103&1: test run
104&1: live run
105IRM is not active, the process has been terminated
106BOR type &1 has been deleted from selection as it is an archive object
107Invalid objects (archive objects) selected
108No BOR type selected
109Worklist empty for action &1 for &2
110No reference exists for BOR type &1 and object &2
111Legal hold &1 could not be propagated to BOR type &2 for object &3
112No reference exists for BOR type &1 and report &2 of print list &3
113Legal hold &1 could not be propagated to BOR type &2 for report &3
114Reference does not exist; see the application log
115No TOAXY table found
116Insert in table &1 failed
117Legal hold not propagated; see the application log
118BOR type &1 does not have any of the selected document types
119Worklist for action &1 determined for &2
120Archive store &1 does not conform to ILM_AL (BOR type &2 / doc. type &3)
121Archive store &1 does not support legal hold (BOR type &2 / doc. type &3)
122WebDAV store &1 does not support legal hold
123Legal hold &1 f. BOR type &2 and obj. &3 not supported by arc. store &4
124No WebDAV archive store is maintained for the rule for BOR type &1
125Problem during rule determination for BOR type &1 and document type &2
126Canceling processing of BOR type &1
127No migration possible from &1 to &1 for BOR type &3 and doc. type &4
128Period cannot be shortened for BOR type &1 and document type &2
129Processing of BOR type &1 complete
130No BOR type selected
131No (further) data was found with this selection
132No BOR types or reports selected
140Attachment &1 exists, but could not found in WebDAV store
141ArchiveLink references created; for details see job log
142ArchiveLink references can be created; for details see job log
143Errors occurred during creation of AL references. See job log for details
144No min. retention period specified for BOR type &1 and document type &2
200There are no stored files for archiving object &1
201Archiving object &1 is not assigned to an ILM object
202Index for alternative search paths was created
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