ARS_API_VERSIONS - API Release: Lifecycle Management of API Versions

The following messages are stored in message class ARS_API_VERSIONS: API Release: Lifecycle Management of API Versions.
It is part of development package S_ARS_API_VERSIONS in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-REL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API Release: Lifecycle Management of API Versions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Snapshot for software component &1, release &2(&3) does not exist.
001Software component &1 is not installed.
002Release &2(&3) of software component &1 is not installed.
003The minor release must be a number.
004Package and software component of &1 &2 could not be determined.
005Version &1 is not supported.
006API version of &1 &2 does not exist.
007Snapshot does not exist.
008API fa�ade of &1 &2 could not be extracted.
009Release contract &2 is not supported for object type &1.
010Snapshot could not be saved.
011API version could not be saved.
012Snapshot for software component &1, release &2(&3) is not active.
013The snapshot context has to be initialized first.
014Failed to generate snapshot for software component &1.
015Cannot determine target systems for software component &1.
016No snapshot configuration supplied.
017Invalid snapshot action provided.
018&1 is not a valid step.
019Snapshot context instance must not be initial.
020Snapshot contains &1 objects.
021Start of snapshot transfer failed for software component &1.
022Finalizing of snapshot transfer failed for software component &1.
023API version transfer to target system failed for object &1, &2.
024Snapshot outdating in target system failed for software component &1.
025Generation need for object &1 &2 could not be determined.
026API version of object &1 &2 in release &3(&4) was deleted.
027Processing &1 objects.
028Release: &1(&2)
029No snapshot exists for &1, release &2(&3). Skipping deletion.
030Action &1 is not supported.
031Change of job execution status from &1 to &2 is not allowed.
032Change of status from &1 to &2 is not allowed.
033Software component &1 and its target system &2 were not configured.
034Processed objects must not be notified when status is &1.
035Snapshot processing is not allowed when job execution status is &1.
036Action &1 started for software component &2, target &3.
037Action &1 completed for software component &2, target &3.
038Action &1 failed for software component &2, target &3.
039Processing of action &1 started.
040Processing of action &1 finalized successfully.
041Processing of action &1 finalized after failure.
042Software component &1 and release &2(&3) were not configured.
043Failed to update job status.
044Action &1 initialized.
045Action &1 prepared, execution mode &2.
046Failed to prepare action &1.
047Action &1 failed.
048Failed to restore a consistent job status on the database.
049Target status &1 is not allowed.
050Software component &1 is locked by another process.
051Failed to lock software component &1.
052Failed to read locks for software component &1.
053Delete Snapshot of Software Component &1 Release &2 SP-Level &3?
054Please select at least one Software Component Version.
055Please select at least one Snapshot.
056Please select at least one Target System.
057Object processing is incomplete. Total number of objects was not reached.
058Failed to delete snapshot for software component &1.
059Delete Snapshot of selected Software Component Versions?
060Failed to read software component locks.
061Failed to upload software component &1.
062Outdate Snapshot of selected Software Component Versions?
063Status for &1, target &2 not final. Setting status to failed.
064Current snapshot of software component &1 does not contain object &1 &2.
065Software component &1 of object &2 &3 is not configured.
066A snapshot for &1 release &2(&3) must exist already but does not.
067No snapshot for &1 release &2(&3) has been distributed to system &4 yet.
068Regenerating single API version of object &1 &2 by user &3.
069Single API version of object &1 &2 successfully regenerated.
070Existing snapshots will be overwritten. Do you want to continue?
071There is no active action &1 on software component &2, release &3(&4).
072Redistributing single API version of object &1 &2 by user &3.
073Single API version of object &1 &2 successfully redistributed.
074Failed to access ballog for &1 release &2(&3), target &4.
075Receiving single API version of object &1 &2.
076Single API version of object &1 &2 successfully received.
077System failure: &1 &2 &3 &4
078Communication failure: &1 &2 &3 &4
079Running in Job &1(&2).
080Object &1 &2 does not exist.
081Action &1 started for software component &2.
082Action &1 completed for software component &2.
083Action &1 failed for software component &2.
084Snapshot is received via RFC.
085Snapshot is received via file upload.
086Check-relevance &1 is not supported.
087Release independent snapshots must have a name.
088A snapshot with name &1 already exists in software component &2.
089Failed to generate API Version of object &1 &2.
090Generation of some API Versions failed.
091Release &1(&2) is not the current release of software component &3.
092A snapshot for software component &1 release &2(&3) already exists.
093Snapshot Name: &1
100You are not authorized to display snapshots for software component &1.
101You are not allowed to delete snapshots for software component &1.
102You are not allowed to generate snapshots for software component &1.
103You are not allowed to distribute snapshots for software component &1.
104You are not authorized to display snapshots.
105You are not allowed to delete snapshots.
106You are not allowed to generate snapshots.
107You are not allowed to distribute snapshots.
108You are not authorized to perform the selected activity.
109You are not authorized to perform activity for software component &1.
110The local user is not authorized to receive snapshots.
111The local user is not authorized to receive snapshots for component &1.
112No snapshots can be created for software comp. &1 in SAP cloud platform.
113Remote user is not authorized to receive snapshots for component &1.
200There is no planned action for job &1(&2).
201Failed to retrieve batch job runtime information.
202Failed to retrieve configurations for job &1(&2).
203Failed to create context instance.
204Software component must not be initial.
205Software release not fully specified.
206Target system must not be initial.
300Key range exhausted for software component &1.
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