ARS_CMP_ATC - API Release: Compatibility Checks � ATC Messages

The following messages are stored in message class ARS_CMP_ATC: API Release: Compatibility Checks � ATC Messages.
It is part of development package S_ARS_CMP_ATC in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-REL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API Release: Compatibility Checks � ATC Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000API State: Compatibility Checks for Objects Released as APIs
001Changes in &3 for &4 in comparison with release &1, by component &2:
002Exceptions for &3 while comparing with release &1, by component &2:
003Changes in &3 in comparison with release &1, by component &2:
006Program &1, include &2, line &3
010Object was changed incompatibly regarding use for custom fields (C0).
011Object was changed incompatibly regarding use for custom fields (C0).
012Object was changed incompatibly regarding use for custom fields (C0).
020Object was changed incompatibly regarding its system-internal use (C1).
021Object was changed incompatibly regarding its system-internal use (C1).
022Object was changed incompatibly regarding its system-internal use (C1).
030Object was changed incompatibly regarding its use as remote API (C2).
031Object was changed incompatibly regarding its use as remote API (C2).
032Object was changed incompatibly regarding its use as remote API (C2).
040Object was changed incompatibly regarding configuration content (C3).
041Object was changed incompatibly regarding configuration content (C3).
042Object was changed incompatibly regarding configuration content (C3).
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