ARS_CMP_CHECKS - API Release: Compatibility Checks � Basic Checks
The following messages are stored in message class ARS_CMP_CHECKS: API Release: Compatibility Checks � Basic Checks.
It is part of development package S_ARS_CMP_CHECKS in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-REL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API Release: Compatibility Checks � Basic Checks".
It is part of development package S_ARS_CMP_CHECKS in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-REL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API Release: Compatibility Checks � Basic Checks".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Data definition &1 was removed. |
001 | Released association &1 was removed from the projection list. |
002 | Released association &1 was removed. |
003 | Element &1 was removed. |
004 | Target of association &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
005 | Key element &1 was added. |
006 | Position of key element &1 was changed. |
007 | Notation of association &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
008 | Minimum target cardinality of association &1 was changed from 1 to 0. |
009 | Maximum target cardinality of association &1 was changed from 1 to *. |
010 | CDS view entity &1 was removed from the data definition. |
011 | Notation of CDS view entity &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
012 | Key element &1 was removed. |
013 | Notation of element &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
014 | Type of &4 &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
015 | Length of &2 &1 was decreased. |
016 | Integer places of &2 &1 decreased due to increase of decimal places. |
017 | Length of &2 &1 was changed. |
018 | Number of decimal places of &2 &1 was changed. |
019 | Number of decimal places of &2 &1 was decreased. |
020 | Parameter &1 was removed. |
021 | Notation of parameter &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
022 | Parameter &1 was added. |
023 | Position of parameter &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
024 | Annotation &1 was removed from element &2. |
025 | Annotation &1 was added to element &2. |
026 | Target element of annotation &1 at element &2 was changed from &3 to &4. |
027 | Position of element &1 was changed for view of data category &2. |
028 | Target &2 of exposed association &1 is no longer released. |
029 | Header annotation &1 was removed. |
030 | Value of header annotation &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
031 | Conversion routine of &4 &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
032 | Output length of &2 &1 was decreased. |
033 | Sign indicator &2 &1 was changed. |
034 | On-clause of association &1 was changed. |
035 | Header annotation &1 was added. |
036 | Value of annotation &1 at element &2 was changed from &3 to &4. |
037 | Maximum target cardinality of association &1 was changed from * to 1. |
038 | Client-dependency of CDS view entity &1 was changed. |
039 | Type of association &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
040 | CDS view entity &1 is no longer a root view. |
041 | Value &2 was added to header annotation &1. |
042 | Value &2 was removed from header annotation &1. |
043 | Value &3 was added to annotation &1 at element &2. |
044 | Value &3 was removed from annotation &1 at element &2. |
045 | New element &1 changed the structure kind from &2 to &3. |
100 | Method &1 in class &2 was removed. |
101 | Method &1 in interface &2 was removed. |
102 | Parameter &1 of method &2 in class &3 was removed. |
103 | Parameter &1 of method &2 in interface &3 was removed. |
104 | New parameter &1 of method &2 in &3 must not be mandatory. |
105 | Type of parameter &1 of method &2 in &3 was changed. |
106 | Type &1 defined in class/interface &2 was removed. |
107 | Component &1 was removed from type &2 in class/interface &3. |
108 | Data element &1 was removed. |
109 | Fixed value &1 of data element &2 was removed. |
110 | Visibility of method &1 in class/interface &2 was reduced. |
111 | Level (static/instance) of method &1 in class/interface &2 was changed. |
112 | Preferred parameter required for method &1 in class/interface &2. |
113 | Table kind of table type &1 in class/interface &2 was changed. |
114 | Line type of table type &1 in class/interface &2 was changed. |
115 | Type of component &1 in type &2 of class/interface &3 was changed. |
116 | Key &1 of table type &2 of class/interface &3 was changed. |
117 | Key &1 of table type &2 of class/interface &3 was removed. |
118 | Component &1 in key &2 of table type &3 in class/int.face &4 was removed. |
119 | Case sensitivity of data element &1 was changed. |
120 | Conversion exit of data element &1 was changed. |
121 | An interval for the value ranges of data element &1 was removed. |
122 | Attribute or constant &1 was removed from &2 |
123 | Exception &1 was added to method &2 in class/interface &3. |
124 | Exception &1 was removed from method &2 in class/interface &3. |
125 | Visibility of event &1 in class/interface &2 was reduced. |
126 | Level (static/instance) of event &1 in class/interface &2 was changed. |
127 | Event &1 in class/interface &2 was removed. |
128 | Parameter &1 of event &2 in class/interface &3 was removed. |
129 | Type of parameter &1 of event &2 in class/interface &3 was changed. |
130 | New parameter &1 of event &2 in &3 must not be mandatory. |
131 | Field &1 was removed. |
132 | Released super class &1 was removed. |
133 | Customer Namespace Reservation &2 of key component &1 must not be added. |
134 | Customer Namespace Reservation &2 of component &1 must not be added. |
135 | Component &1 can no longer be addressed through group &2. |
136 | Key component &1 must not be added. |
137 | Key component &1 must not be removed. |
138 | Component &1 must not be removed. |
139 | Position of key component &1 must not be changed. |
140 | Position of component &1 must not be changed. |
141 | Typing method of component &1 must not be changed. |
142 | Customer Namespace Reservation &2 of key component &1 must not removed. |
143 | Customer Namespace Reservation &2 of component &1 must not be removed. |
144 | Delivery class must not be changed. |
145 | Referenced type of component &1 was changed from &2 to &3. |
146 | Referenced type of component &1 must not be removed. |
147 | Data type of component &1 must not be replaced by a referenced type. |
148 | Optional parameter &1 of method &2 (&3) must not become mandatory. |
149 | Preferred parameter &1 in method &2 (&3) must not become non-preferred. |
150 | New component &2 changed the complexity of &1 from &3 to &4. |
151 | New component &1 changed the complexity of &2 from &3 to &4. |
200 | New parameter &1 of function module &2 must not be mandatory. |
201 | Type of parameter &1 of function module &2 was changed from &3 to &4. |
202 | Optional parameter &1 of function module &2 must not become mandatory. |
203 | Typing of parameter &1 of function module &2 must not change. |
204 | Parameter &1 of function module &2 must not be deleted. |
205 | RFC enablement of function module &1 must not be removed. |
206 | Update enablement of function module &1 must not be removed. |
207 | BaseXML support in function module &1 must not be removed. |
208 | Exception &1 must not be added to function module &2. |
209 | Non-classed based exception &1 must not be removed from function mod. &2. |
210 | Type properties of parameter &1 in function module &2 must nor change. |