ARS_DEP_CHECKS - Dependency and Basic Release Checks � Check Messages

The following messages are stored in message class ARS_DEP_CHECKS: Dependency and Basic Release Checks � Check Messages.
It is part of development package S_ARS_DEP_CHECKS in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-REL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Dependency and Basic Release Checks � Check Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Deprecation not supported for object type &1.
001Data definition &1 is a private view and must therefore not be released.
002&1 is an extension include view and must therefore not be released.
003Referenced data element &1 of element &2 is not released.
004Releasing of database tables is not supported.
005CDS view &1 is already released for use as remote API (contract C2).
006CDS view &1 is already released for system-internal use (contract C1).
007Referenced data element &1 of parameter &2 is not released.
008Use of annotation &1 is not allowed.
009Referenced type &3 of attribute &1 of class &2 is not released.
010Referenced type &3 of attribute &1 of interface &2 is not released.
011Referenced type &3 of constant &1 of class &2 is not released.
012Referenced type &3 of constant &1 of interface &2 is not released.
013Referenced type &4 of parameter &1 of method &2 in &3 is not released.
014Referenced type &4 of parameter &1 of event &2 in &3 is not released.
015Changing of release state is not supported in your environment.
016Referenced view &1 of association &2 is not released.
017Referenced data element &1 in parameter &2 is not released.
018Referenced type &2 of field &1 is not released.
019Successor &1 of type &2 is not allowed for this object.
020Referenced row type &1 is not released.
021It is not allowed to release database tables.
022Annotation &1 is missing for deprecated element or association &2.
023Successor &1 for deprecated association &2 does not exist.
024No successors for deprecated &1 &2.
025Target view &1 for successor &2 of association &3 is not released.
026Successor &1 must be element or association.
027Releasing of data definitions is restricted to CDS views.
028Successor &1 &2 does not exist.
029Successor &1 &2 is not released.
030Use of annotation &1 is not allowed in views released for use in SCP.
031Annotation &1 must always be set locally in the released view
032Deprecated objects must not be visible for &1.
033&1 is not an allowed successor type for type &2.
034&1 &2 from software component &3 must not be visible for &4.
035Line type &1 of table type &2 in &3 is not released.
036Line type of table type &1 should be defined in &2.
037Inconsistent release data for API key &1 &2 &3 &4.
038A feature toggle must be assigned.
039The feature toggle &1 is does not exist.
040The feature toggle &1 has a not supported release state "&2"
041Data definitions of this type must not be released.
042It is not allowed to release this object type.
043The feature toggle &1 is not system wide.
050Referenced type &1 is only released with feature toggle &2.
051Referenced data element &1 of parameter &2 is not released correctly.
052Type &3 of attribute &1 of class &2 is not released correctly.
053Type &3 of attribute &1 of interface &2 is not released correctly.
054Type &3 of constant &1 of class &2 is not released correctly.
055Type &3 of constant &1 of interface &2 is not released correctly.
056Type &4 of parameter &1 of method &2 in &3 is not released correctly.
057Type &4 of parameter &1 of event &2 in &3 is not released correctly.
058Referenced view &1 of association &2 is not released correctly.
059Referenced data element &1 in parameter &2 is not released correctly.
060Referenced type &2 of field &1 is not released correctly.
061Referenced type &1 is only released with feature toggle &2 correctly.
062Referenced row type &1 is not released correctly.
063Target view &1 for succ. &2 of association &3 is not released correctly.
064Successor &1 &2 is not released correctly
065Line type &1 of table type &2 in &3 is not released correctly.
066Typing method "Type ... boxed" must not be used by field &1.
067It is not allowed to release database structures.
068Changes are valid.
069Table &1 not part of SAP CP delivery or a custom object in SAP CP.
070Table &1 is not client dependent.
071Delivery class must be C, E or G.
072Class &1 should be final.
073Instance creation of class &1 should be private.
074Non-class based exception &1 should not be used in method &2.
075Views with implicit select list (SELECT *) must not be released.
076Annotation &2 is missing for association &1 to deprecated view &3.
077Enhancement category of structure must be "Cannot be enhanced".
078Class &1 is an AMDP class and must not be released.
079Interface &1 is an AMDP interface and must not be released.
080Search helps must not be released.
081Message classes must not be released.
082Type groups must not be released.
100Type &1 of parameter &2 of function module &3 is not released.
101Visibility �Use in Key User Apps� is not permitted for function modules.
150Views of type &1 ('&2') are not supported for C3 API release.
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