ATP_SE - Message class for ATP-Services

The following messages are stored in message class ATP_SE: Message class for ATP-Services.
It is part of development package OPS_SE_ATP in software component SD-BF-AC-SOA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service Enabling for ATP".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001You can use PAR operations only if the ATP server is not active
014Proxy data conversion failed due to incompatible data structures
020BusinesTransactionDocumentTypeCode &1 not supported (&2, &3)
021Reference mix not allowed (first document &1, second document &2)
022Reference parameter (reference item) missing: reference document &1
023Reference parameter (reference item) missing: reference document &1
024UUID conversion not possible: &1
025Time stamp conversion not possible for property: &1 &2 &3 &4
026Could not determine requirement class for &1 &2
027Requirement type &3 not available (&1, &2)
028Requirement class &3 not available (&1, &2)
029&3 requests alloc. check, but no alloc. determ. proc. provided (&1, &2)
030Requirement class &3 not allowed (no planning check allowed) (&1, &2)
031Requirement class &3 not allowed (no alloc. check allowed) (&1, &2)
032Delivery date not supplied for ProductAvailabilityReq. &1 item &2 &3
033Time stamp conversion not possible: &1 (&2, &3)
034Material must be provided &1, &2
035Location must be provided &1, &2
036Error while reading material: &3 (&1, &2) not found
037Internal error while reading material: &3 (&1, &2)
038Error while reading material/location: &3/&4 (&1, &2) not found
039Internal error while reading material/location: &3/&4 (&1, &2)
040SAP-APO product not allowed: &3/&4 (&1, &2)
041Requirement class &3 not allowed (no assembly allowed) (&1, &2)
042Unit of measure conversion not possible: &1 (only ISO codes possible)
043For material &1, conversion from BUoM &2 to BUoM &3 not possible
044Schedule line ID must be numerical; &1 conversion not possible (&2, &3)
045At least one item must be provided for PAR creation
046No document type provided; document type 'Sales order' used as a default
047No checking rule could be determined; 'S' is taken as default
048Item ID &1 used already; cannot be used twice in the same document
049Mat. avail. date not supplied for ProductAvailabilityReq. &1 item &2 &3
050Reference to predecessor request item &1 &2 not found
051Could not determine material description for &1 (&2, &3)
052Could not determine location description for &1 (&2, &3)
053Index error; index &1 missing (&2, &3)
054Could not determine scheduling information for &1 &2 &3 &4
055Outbound time stamp conversion not possible: &1 - &2 &3 &4
056Error occured for availability check in line &1 &2 &3
057Error while calculating material availability for PAR &1 item &2 &3
058Requested quantity must be greater than zero: &1 (&2, &3)
060ProductAvailabilityRequirement &1 not available
061ProductAvailabilityPreselection &1 not available
062ProductAvailabilityRequirementRequest &1 item &2 already exists
063ProductAvailabilityRequirement &1 item &2 already exists as confirmation
064ProductAvailabilityRequirement &1 item &2 does not exist as request
065Confirmation items cannot be changed or cancelled &1 item &2
066ProductAvailabilityRequirement ID could not be generated (internal error)
067Service cannot perform ATP check for the document type provided
068Document is locked by other user; processing not possible
069Document could not be locked; system error, processing not possible
070Internal error while dequeueing
071Checking group &4 for &1 &2 material &3 not available
072Enqueueing must be active in checking group &4 for &1 &2 material &3
073Cancelation was successful
074Cancelation failed
075Document saved
076Document could not be saved
080Requirement class &3 not allowed (account assignmnt not allowed) (&1, &2)
081Requirement class &3 not allowed (configuration not allowed) (&1, &2)
100Input order number &1 different from order number referenced by PAR &3
101Material &1 in PAR item &2 different from order item &3 material &4
102Plant &1 in PAR item &2 different from order item &3 plant &4
103No corresp. schedule line found for PAR item &1, mat. availab. date &2 &3
104No corresp. schedule line found for PAR item &1, delivery date &2 &3
105No scheduling results found for PAR item &1
106Language conversion not possible: &1
107Outbound conversion UUID error: &1
110Materialnumber conversion Error for &1 (&2, &3)
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