AUTH_WIZ - Authorizations Wizard

The following messages are stored in message class AUTH_WIZ: Authorizations Wizard.
It is part of development package S_PROFGEN_OBSOLETE in software component BC-SEC-AUT-PFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Role &1 and possibly other roles are currently locked by user &2
002First choose the role which you want to edit
003Authorization field & does not exist
004The field & is already an org. level
005The field & is not an org. level
006The field & is not a user-created org. level
007Cancel: The role &1 is currently locked by user &2
008No data passed to the background job
009Background job "ASAP_ROLE_GENERATION" started -> Long text
010Could not start background job
011Role & created
012Role & deleted
013Error deleting role &
014Profile of role & generated
015Cancelled because of lock problem when generating the role
016Role & is not accepted because it is > 25 characters -> see long text
050XML conversion error
051Error opening file &
052Error writing file &
053Error editing file &
054Data for & roles written to file
055Data written to file
056Data loaded
057Error converting from XML to role format
058Error reading file &
059Invalid file type for file &
060General error reading file &
570Choose the print icon to print
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