AXT_RUNTIME_MESSAGES - Extensibiltiy Runtime Messages

The following messages are stored in message class AXT_RUNTIME_MESSAGES: Extensibiltiy Runtime Messages.
It is part of development package AXT_RUNTIME in software component CA-GTF-EEW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Extensibility Runtime components".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a valid value for field &2 instead of &1
001Enter a shorter value for field &2 instead of &1
002Value &1 not found in table &2
003No logical key was defined
004Given logical key is invalid
005Task flag &1 is invalid
006Value &1 already exists in table &2
007No parent ID was specified for entry in table &1
008Logical key &1&2&3 already exists in table &4
009&1 is not a valid URL
010Select one entry
011BOL object &1 was not found
012&1 is not a component of the extract structure; enter correct selection
013Query cannot supply data when paging for &1
014Requested query on table &1 requires a key field name
015Implementation error; provide PARENT_IDs or OBJECT_IDs
016In a 1:1 relation, you can have only one PARENT_ID &1
017Internal error: A duplicate database key was found
018Provide at least OBJECT_ID or PARENT_ID
019Parent with ID &1 is in read-only mode; no changes allowed
020Object with ID &1 is in read-only mode; no changes allowed
021Key &1&2&3 is initial; specify at least one key field in table &4
022View &1 does not have a configuration yet; create a configuration
023Invalid key in table &1
024Object no longer exists; it might have been deleted by another user
025You do not have the authorization to &1 the table &2
026Search for &1 '&2' returned several results
027Search for &1 '&2' returned no results
028A value for &1 could not be set (see long text)
029Fill all mandatory fields before saving
030No results found for the given search criteria
031The shared memory for AET runtime handlers could not be invalidated
032The current role does not support navigation to UI object: &1 Action: &2
033The UI component has been generated by the Application Enhancement Tool
037Creation of TADIR entries failed for some objects; restart tool and retry
038To embed a transportable view, specify a transportable package in AXTSYS
039Enter a package and namespace in AXTSYS to deliver embedded views
040View is already embedded with usage &1; define another usage
041No view with usage &1 embedded; embed it first
042You can only specify a default value or a mapping, not both
043Saving has failed
044View with usage &1 is delivered as embedded by SAP; you cannot remove it
045Remove marked views from the configuration
046&1 &2
047Remove the enhancement from the following configurations first:
048Saved successfully
050&1 is not a valid e-mail
060Current view has no EXT or BASE_ENTITY; no access to enhancement possible
070Current object no longer exists
100Cannot execute the rule:
101Parameter &1 for rule &2 cannot be processed
102Parameter &1 for rule &2 is not a table; check parameter definition
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