BANK_CHDOC_TOOL - �nderungsbelegtool FS

The following messages are stored in message class BANK_CHDOC_TOOL: �nderungsbelegtool FS.
It is part of development package BANK_CHDOC_TOOL in software component CA-GTF-TS-CD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Change Document Tool IBS FS".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Entered 'from date' is before proposed 'from date'
002Entered 'from time' is before proposed 'from time'
003'From date' is after 'to date'
004'From time' is after 'to time'
005Entered 'To Date' is greater than suggested 'To Date'
006Entered 'To Time' is greater than suggested 'To Time'
050Description of table &1 not found in ABAP Dictionary
051Histories are not passed in an internal table with a flat structure
052Structure &1 has no key definition
053Field &2 in structure &1 has output length 0
054Field &2 is missing in structure &1
055Table &1 not found in change document object &2
099Internal error: Unexpected EXCEPTION in function module &1
100Change document: &1 &2
101Change document: &1 table &2 not defined
102Change document: &1 work area of table &2 passed as a table
103Change document: &1 work area of table &2 passed as a structure
106Error in method call: &1
107Incorrect/invalid value &2 in/for parameter &1
108Parameter &1 supplied with initial value only
110Parameters are incomplete - specify worklist
111Parameters are incomplete - specify descriptions
112Change documents not found
113Termination: Action could not be carried out
114An internal error has occurred
115Error converting system time to local time
116& & & &
117A system error has occurred
118Function not supported in batch mode
119Termination; function is no longer supported
120There is additional data for the selection conditions -> select again
121Place your cursor on a valid item
130No change documents can be displayed for selected field
131No change documents created for selected field
200Period details reset to standard values
201You cannot specify "Start from 1st of period" when specifiying days
202Specifiying '0' only displays change documents for the current day
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