BC - Scheduler (Terminkalender)

The following messages are stored in message class BC: Scheduler (Terminkalender).
It is part of development package SZTK in software component BC-SRV-GBT-CAL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Appointment Calendar".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No user with the name & was found
002You have & appointments today
003The editing flag & is invalid
004& insert was unsuccessful
005& change was unsuccessful
006& delete was unsuccessful
007Specify a valid time
008No appointment types were found in the language &
009Table & not in DDIC
010End date & is before start date &
011The parameter & has the invalid value & (date)
012End time & is before start time &
013The parameter & has the invalid value & (time)
014No appointment classification was found in the language &
015No initial variants were found in the language &
016Specify a factory calendar
017Specify a public holiday calendar
018Specify a substitute authorization
019Specify a substitute
020An appointment without a number can only be inserted
021The appointment end is before the beginning
022The substitute & has already been specified
023No priorities in language & were found
024Select at least one substitute for deletion
025The substitutes were saved
026Substitute and user cannot be identical
027No factory calendar was found in language &
028No holiday calendar was found in language &
029No day names were found
030No month names were found
031The appointment types of language & are not complete
032The appointment classifications of language & are not complete
033The initial variants in language & are not complete
034The factory calendar names in language & are not complete
035The holiday calendar names in language & are not complete
036The day names in language & are not complete
037The month names in language & are not complete
038The authorization names in language & are not complete
039Specify either a factory calendar or a public holiday calendar
040No substitute was found for user &
041The user & is not entered as substitute for anyone
042The authorization & is invalid
043The substitute & and the user & are identical
044Participant & has already been specified
045The user & already has a substitute authorization
046No distribution list flag was found in the language &
047Distribution list & does not exist
048Enter a valid distribution list type
049No possible entries can be displayed here
050Factory calendar & does not exist
051Holiday calendar & does not exist
052Secret appointments can only be defined by the user himself or herself
053No authorization to define private appointments
054No authorization to define public appointments
055The classification flag is invalid
056Only one dominant can be defined per day
057& is not a valid date
058& is not a valid time
059& participants were deleted
060Text could not be imported
061Customer number & does not exist
062Specify a time unit
063The chosen time period is too long
064Specify a valid time unit
065& participant(s) were deleted
066Select at least one participant for deletion
067Select an appointment
068The list to be displayed is empty
069Select one appointment only
070No free times were found in the specified time period
071Search for free times canceled
072Specify an appointment description
073Group appointment was changed (the participants have been informed)
074Group appointment was deleted (the participants have been informed)
075& group appointment was deleted
076Changing of group appointment canceled
077An appointment was created (the participants have been informed)
078& group appointments were deleted
079No group appointments found in the time period for user &
080Specify a time interval which is greater than zero
081Participant deleted
082No group appointments exist from &
083Print request created
084Printing of appointments canceled
085Priority invalid
086Insert appointment in the original time period
087Select at least one user/distribution list for deletion
088Choose a valid appointment type
089Specify a title
090Substitute authorization saved
091Editing of substitutes canceled
093Specify the appointment start time
094No error massage was output
095The error message && was not found
096This function is only supported under Windows
097A title has to be specified for the selected appointment type
098At least one participant has to be specified
099Error & converting the user name
100System error: &
101Communication error: &
102Appointments were saved
103Appointment noted
104Position the cursor on a valid row
105The appointment was flagged for deletion
106The appointment was marked for change
107Position the cursor on an appointment
108& appointments which were flagged for deletion were retrieved
109The appointment which was flagged for deletion was recovered
110No appointments are flagged for deletion
111Position the cursor on an appointment or on a day
112& appointments were flagged for deletion
113Select the appointments that are to be deleted
114You have no authorization to display the & calendar
115User & constants were saved
116Position the cursor on a day
117Position the cursor on a day or a week
118The appointment was deleted
119& appointments were deleted
120Position the cursor on an appointment
121A deleted appointment was recovered
122& deleted appointments were recovered
123The appointment was deleted
124The appointment was created
125The appointment was changed
126You have only the standard authorization for other calendars
127Position the cursor on an appointment
128The appointment was cut and copied to the clipboard
129Position the cursor on a day and (if necessary) a time
130The appointment was pasted from the clipboard
131The appointment was moved
132Position the cursor on a day or select days
133The contents of the clipboard were pasted
134The contents of the clipboard were pasted to & days
135Choose a day, a week, a month, or an appointment
136The appointment was copied to the clipboard
137Select a day with a dominant
138The dominant was deleted
139The dominant was created
140The dominant was changed
141The appointments diary was updated
142Position the cursor on a day
143No text available for &
144Text for & saved
145The specified factory calendar does not exist
146The specified holiday calendar does not exist
147No data was found for the specified key & &
148Select a week or a dominant
149Specify the number of days to be printed
150Specify the number of weeks to be printed
151Printing of daily overview canceled
152Printing of weekly overview canceled
153Printing of monthly overview canceled
154Printing of 12-weekly overview canceled
155The dominant was copied to the clipboard
156The dominant was cut and copied to the clipboard
157Specify the number of 12-week intervals to be printed
158User &1 may not substitute for user &1
159Select the end time later than the start time
160"Create Appointment" canceled
161"Change Appointment" canceled
162"Create Dominant" canceled
163"Change Dominant" canceled
164Periodic appointments were created
165Document & not found
166Periodic group appointments were created
167Periodic dominants were created
168You do not have the authorization to delete a periodic appointment
169The dominant was deleted
170& dominants were deleted
171& appointments and & dominants were deleted
172One appointment and one dominant were deleted
173A group appointment was deleted (participants have been informed)
174Group appointment and dominant were deleted (participants were informed)
175& appointments and & dominants were deleted (participants were informed)
176& appointments were deleted (participants were informed)
177A parameter in text & was not correctly delimited
178Select at least one distribution list
179Group and participant appointment was changed (participants were informd)
180Period assignment not applied
181"Copy Appointment" canceled
182"Cut Appointment" canceled
183The appointment was inserted
184The appointment was inserted & times
185The dominant was inserted
186The dominant was inserted & times
187The group appointment was inserted (participants were informed)
188The group appointment was inserted & times (participants were informed)
189Function canceled
190No appointment was found for the specified key
191The specified appointment & is not a group appointment
192The group appointment was moved (participants were informed)
193The dominant was moved
194Select one day only when moving an appointment
195Periodic appointments may only be moved within a day
196The appointment was changed (participants were informed)
197Position the cursor on a valid period
198The week names of language & are not complete
199The weekdays of language & are not complete
200Exception & when calling appointments btween & and &
201Exception & with & in SCHEDULE_AUTHORITY_CHECK function module
202Exception & with & & when calling the function module &
203Internal error: User & does not exist
204The specified user has not been assigned a workplace
205Internal user name conversion error
206Exception & with & when calling the FM APPOINTMENT_CREATE_DIALOG
207No group appointments exist from &
208No week name found in language &
209Operation not allowed for this appointment type
210You have no authorization for appointments diary management
211Unable to find relation type for role types &1 and &2
212This operation is not allowed for appointments of type &
213You cannot delete the selected entry
214You cannot delete the selected & entries
215You cannot delete this entry
216The appointment type exit has completed the process
217An individual appt. participant cannot have the reply status 'declined'
218Adding an entry with this key is not allowed
219No secret appointments can be created for other participants
220Appointment not changed
221Distribution list & is empty
222Appointment data not determined correctly, refresh display
250******** Messages from reports *******
251The changes to the user constant values have been made
300******** Dialog function module messages **********
301Specify a user
302There are no participants
304Specify more information for appointment type &
305Participant does not exist
306Enter at least one participant
307Appointments for other persons can be only be public or private
308Periodic appointments lasting multiple days are not currently supported
309Appointment on &1 at &2 created
310Appointment is being used by user &
311Authorizations already processed by user &
350Tasks = General
351Tasks = Not general
400No valid rule exists for rule ID
401Error in rule structure: Invalid parent rule
402Error in rule structure: Invalid rule type
403Error in rule structure: Parent rule missing
405Invalid start date
406Invalid end date
407Start date is after end date
408Invalid conflict type
409Error: Simultaneous use of public holiday calendar and factory calendar
410Invalid factory calendar
411Invalid public holiday calendar
412Forbidden or invalid rule type
413Maximum number of permitted rules exceeded
414Invalid rule structure
415Invalid content in parenthesized rule
416Inconsistency between parenthesized rule and child rules
420Error in daily rule: Invalid number of days
421Error in weekly rule: Invalid number of weeks
422Error in monthly rule: Invalid number of days
423Error in monthly rule: Invalid day, month, or week specified
424Error in weekly rule: Invalid selection of week day
425Invalid start time
426Invalid end time
427Invalid time zone
428Invalid overflow
430Unnecessary start date, end date, or conflict handling specified
431Invalid time description
435Incorrect day and month specified
700****** Messages for object repository *****************
702Attributes for user & not found
703Not yet implemented
704Error in parameter &
705You are not authorized to change the appointment
706You are not authorized to display the appointment
707You do not have authorization for this appointment
800****** Test transaction message ******************
801The appointment was checked and applied
802The appointments were saved
803Dates were deleted
850Settings saved
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