BCOM_R - Business Communication: Nachrichten f�r Rule Based Routing

The following messages are stored in message class BCOM_R: Business Communication: Nachrichten f�r Rule Based Routing.
It is part of development package SBCOM_ROUTING in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Communication Rule-Based Routing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Action canceled by user
002The routing scenario does not exist in the database
003First enter the routing attribute &1 in the list for the scenario
004Server '&1' does not support any address types used in the scenario
005No destinations are assigned to the scenario
007The scenario has been changed, save before downloading
008The scenario has not been changed, therefore it is not necessary to save
009The destination '&1 (&2)' is also used in the scenario '&3'
010The scenario cannot be saved without a description
012The download was not performed due to inconsistencies in the scenario
013The agent group '&1' is already assigned to the scenario
020No connection to server '&1'
021The scenario has to be deleted on server '&1'
022The scenario does not exist on server '&1'
023The scenario is obsolete on server '&1'
024The address specifications for the scenario are incomplete on server '&1'
025Server '&1' is not in use
026At least one server must be assigned to the scenario
027The scenario must contain at least one agent group with responsibility
028Attribute &1& has the same priority as attribute &2&
029Server '&1' does not support downloading of data by RFC
030Server '&1' does not receive address data, assign internal router
031Attribute &1 is used in workflows and is not supported by the scenario
032Assign server '&1' responsible for WF routing
033Assign internal router
034Assign a priority to attribute &1
050Trace messages
051The return code of the routing server is: &1
052The following data was passed when the function was called:
053The following data was received after the function was called:
054Recipient address (parameter name DESTINATION): s. Detail
055Original address (parameter name ORIGIN): s. Detail
056Scenario ID (parameter name SCENARIO_ID): &1
057Attribute value list (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST): s. Detail
058Scenario description (parameter name DESCRIPTION): &1
059Validity period (parameter VALID_FROM / VALID_UNTIL): From &1 to &2
060List of destination addresses (parameter name DESTINATION_LIST):s. Detail
061List of routing attributes (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_LIST): s. Detail
062List of responsibilities (parameter name RESPONSIBILITY_LIST): s. Detail
063Agent group ID (parameter name AGENTGROUP_ID): &1
064Time stamp (parameter name TIMESTAMP): s. Detail
065Attribute ID (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_ID): &1
066Attribute group name (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_VALUE): &1
067Members of the group that were not deleted/added: s. Detail
068Delete all members of a group (parameter name DELETE_ALL): '&1'
069Time stamp (parameter name TS_DL_START): &1
070Existence of scenario '&2' on server '&1' cannot be checked
071&2 &3: Download of scenario '&1' and all objects involved
072Only the objects that are not current are downloaded
073All (including current) objects are downloaded
074List of servers on which the scenario is to be downloaded: s.Detail
075List of servers on which the scenario already exists: s. Detail
076Server '&1': The scenario was deleted
077Server '&1': Start of download sequence with time stamp &2
078No download because server has current version (&1) of scenario
079Download because address type &1 on server '&2' is unknown
080Download because server has obsolete version (&2) of scenario
081List of address types that the server knows: s. Detail
082List of destinations that are downloaded: s. Detail
083Scenario was downloaded on server '&1'
084Server '&1' is not included due to errors in another download
085Download sequence on server '&1' completed
086Scenarios must be deleted from servers that are no longer current
087Server '&1': Download of scenario
088Download because scenario is unknown on server
089Calculation of destination list that is downloaded
090Destination '&1' not downloaded because the address type is not supported
091End of download of scenario '&1' and all objects involved
092End of download not set as incomplete due to errors
093Entries in search table that were not deleted/added: s.Detail
094Search field ID (parameter name SEARCHKEY_ID): &1
095Deletion indicator (values see long text, parameter name DELETE_FLAG): &1
096Members to be deleted (parameter name MEMBER_LIST): s. Detail
097Search fields to be deleted (parameter name SEARCHKEY_LIST): s. Detail
098Search field ID (parameter name SEARCHKEY_ID): &1
099Time stamp table (parameter name TIMESTAMP_LIST): s. Detail
100Specify routing server
101Error when deleting table: &1
102All tables reset
103Mode saved
104Information text not found
105No obsolete objects exist, deletion not necessary
400*Message texts for integration of business routing in Workflow
401Agent determination using routers can only be started for activities
402Choose a business partner for binding for SAP_BUSINESSPARTNERGROUP
403No router is responsible for WF routing, maintain a router
404Rule contains attributes that are no longer supported in the scenario
405Unknown error when assigning agents to work item &1
406There is no routing request in the system for work item &1
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