BCOM_R - Business Communication: Nachrichten f�r Rule Based Routing
The following messages are stored in message class BCOM_R: Business Communication: Nachrichten f�r Rule Based Routing.
It is part of development package SBCOM_ROUTING in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Communication Rule-Based Routing".
It is part of development package SBCOM_ROUTING in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Communication Rule-Based Routing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Action canceled by user |
002 | The routing scenario does not exist in the database |
003 | First enter the routing attribute &1 in the list for the scenario |
004 | Server '&1' does not support any address types used in the scenario |
005 | No destinations are assigned to the scenario |
007 | The scenario has been changed, save before downloading |
008 | The scenario has not been changed, therefore it is not necessary to save |
009 | The destination '&1 (&2)' is also used in the scenario '&3' |
010 | The scenario cannot be saved without a description |
012 | The download was not performed due to inconsistencies in the scenario |
013 | The agent group '&1' is already assigned to the scenario |
020 | No connection to server '&1' |
021 | The scenario has to be deleted on server '&1' |
022 | The scenario does not exist on server '&1' |
023 | The scenario is obsolete on server '&1' |
024 | The address specifications for the scenario are incomplete on server '&1' |
025 | Server '&1' is not in use |
026 | At least one server must be assigned to the scenario |
027 | The scenario must contain at least one agent group with responsibility |
028 | Attribute &1& has the same priority as attribute &2& |
029 | Server '&1' does not support downloading of data by RFC |
030 | Server '&1' does not receive address data, assign internal router |
031 | Attribute &1 is used in workflows and is not supported by the scenario |
032 | Assign server '&1' responsible for WF routing |
033 | Assign internal router |
034 | Assign a priority to attribute &1 |
050 | Trace messages |
051 | The return code of the routing server is: &1 |
052 | The following data was passed when the function was called: |
053 | The following data was received after the function was called: |
054 | Recipient address (parameter name DESTINATION): s. Detail |
055 | Original address (parameter name ORIGIN): s. Detail |
056 | Scenario ID (parameter name SCENARIO_ID): &1 |
057 | Attribute value list (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST): s. Detail |
058 | Scenario description (parameter name DESCRIPTION): &1 |
059 | Validity period (parameter VALID_FROM / VALID_UNTIL): From &1 to &2 |
060 | List of destination addresses (parameter name DESTINATION_LIST):s. Detail |
061 | List of routing attributes (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_LIST): s. Detail |
062 | List of responsibilities (parameter name RESPONSIBILITY_LIST): s. Detail |
063 | Agent group ID (parameter name AGENTGROUP_ID): &1 |
064 | Time stamp (parameter name TIMESTAMP): s. Detail |
065 | Attribute ID (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_ID): &1 |
066 | Attribute group name (parameter name ATTRIBUTE_VALUE): &1 |
067 | Members of the group that were not deleted/added: s. Detail |
068 | Delete all members of a group (parameter name DELETE_ALL): '&1' |
069 | Time stamp (parameter name TS_DL_START): &1 |
070 | Existence of scenario '&2' on server '&1' cannot be checked |
071 | &2 &3: Download of scenario '&1' and all objects involved |
072 | Only the objects that are not current are downloaded |
073 | All (including current) objects are downloaded |
074 | List of servers on which the scenario is to be downloaded: s.Detail |
075 | List of servers on which the scenario already exists: s. Detail |
076 | Server '&1': The scenario was deleted |
077 | Server '&1': Start of download sequence with time stamp &2 |
078 | No download because server has current version (&1) of scenario |
079 | Download because address type &1 on server '&2' is unknown |
080 | Download because server has obsolete version (&2) of scenario |
081 | List of address types that the server knows: s. Detail |
082 | List of destinations that are downloaded: s. Detail |
083 | Scenario was downloaded on server '&1' |
084 | Server '&1' is not included due to errors in another download |
085 | Download sequence on server '&1' completed |
086 | Scenarios must be deleted from servers that are no longer current |
087 | Server '&1': Download of scenario |
088 | Download because scenario is unknown on server |
089 | Calculation of destination list that is downloaded |
090 | Destination '&1' not downloaded because the address type is not supported |
091 | End of download of scenario '&1' and all objects involved |
092 | End of download not set as incomplete due to errors |
093 | Entries in search table that were not deleted/added: s.Detail |
094 | Search field ID (parameter name SEARCHKEY_ID): &1 |
095 | Deletion indicator (values see long text, parameter name DELETE_FLAG): &1 |
096 | Members to be deleted (parameter name MEMBER_LIST): s. Detail |
097 | Search fields to be deleted (parameter name SEARCHKEY_LIST): s. Detail |
098 | Search field ID (parameter name SEARCHKEY_ID): &1 |
099 | Time stamp table (parameter name TIMESTAMP_LIST): s. Detail |
100 | Specify routing server |
101 | Error when deleting table: &1 |
102 | All tables reset |
103 | Mode saved |
104 | Information text not found |
105 | No obsolete objects exist, deletion not necessary |
400 | *Message texts for integration of business routing in Workflow |
401 | Agent determination using routers can only be started for activities |
402 | Choose a business partner for binding for SAP_BUSINESSPARTNERGROUP |
403 | No router is responsible for WF routing, maintain a router |
404 | Rule contains attributes that are no longer supported in the scenario |
405 | Unknown error when assigning agents to work item &1 |
406 | There is no routing request in the system for work item &1 |