BEI_MSG_CLS - Message class for Behavioral Insights

The following messages are stored in message class BEI_MSG_CLS: Message class for Behavioral Insights.
It is part of development package BEI_BASE in software component IS-PS-BEI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Behavioral Insights Application base entities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& Prediction values inserted.
001Scenario is marked as inactive in Behavioral Insights.
002The provided scenario does not exist in Intelligent Scenarios.
003Scenario configuration is not maintained in Behavioral Insights.
004The scenario configuration is incomplete in Intelligent Scenarios.
005Not authorized to perform this action.
006The system did not find any records that match the selection criteria.
007Parts of the requested data is blocked. It is not displayed.
008Customer Event RecordID &1 already exists. Please re-enter a unique ID.
009Invalid External Event ID &1.
010External Event ID or Event Number is mandatory. Please enter either value
011Business Partner ID is mandatory.
012Invalid Event Number &1. Please enter an accurate Event Number.
013Invalid Business Partner ID. Please enter an accurate Business Partner ID
014Invalid Account Number &1. Please enter an accurate Account Number.
015Check for Customer Master Data is successful. &1 records found.
016Customer Master Data is not available.
017Check for event '&1' is successful. &2 records found.
018The data for event '&1' is not available.
019An instance of the report for this scenario is currently active.
020An exception was raised. Please check the BEI object application logs.
022The data for event '&1' is not available.
023The data for event '&1' is not available.
024Check for target data is successful. &2 true and &3 false records found.
025Target values for all records are false.
026Target values for all records are true.
027Prediction data set is empty.
028Check for prediction data set is successful. &2 records found.
029Insufficient records in the training data set. &2 records found.
031No�data�found�for�the selected�scenario�and�export�category.
033Communication failure. Please check your HTTP connection.
034&1 batches of export data created.
035Ensure that you select a range.
036Ensure that you select a scenario.
037Check for Basic Settings data is successful
038Company Code is not maintained
039Select a valid scenario.
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