BGRFC - qRFC - der neue Hintergrund RFC

The following messages are stored in message class BGRFC: qRFC - der neue Hintergrund RFC.
It is part of development package SQRFC2 in software component BC-MID-RFC-BG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Development for bgRFC".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Scheduler (&1) &2 started
001Average throughput: &1 unit(s)/h
002Destination &1: Maximum number of connections reached
003Destination &1: Called server system has reached its resource limit
004Following parameter(s) (&1) of &2 &3 changed by &4
005Destination &1/queue &2: Unit &3 of user &4 deleted
006Destination &1: Queue &2 of user &3 deleted
007Destination &1: Lock set at start of queue &2 of user &3
008Destination &1: Lock set at end of queue &2 of user &3
009Destination &1/queue &2: Unit &3 (with errors) restarted by &4
010Destination &1/queue &2: Unit &3 unlocked by &4
011Destination &1 locked by &2
012Destination &1 unlocked by &2
013Destination &1: Queue &2 unlocked by &3
014Destination &1: Unit &2
015Instance &1: bgRFC Supervisor asynchronous deletion failed
016Call for physical deletion of units failed
018Call for deletion of table BGRFC_SRV_STATE failed
019Instance &1: Could not start bgRFC supervisor
020Instance &1: Could not start bgRFC scheduler (&2) &3
021Instance &1: bgRFC supervisor (&2) closed
022&1 &2 &3 &4
023Reset by RUN_FAILED_UNIT in program context &1 of &2
024Deleted by DELETE_FAILED_UNIT in program context &1 of &2
025Destination &1 cannot be used due to inconsistent settings
026Instance &1: &2 dialog work process(es) available
027Instance &1: &2 inbound scheduler(s) and &3 outbound scheduler(s) started
028Unit &1 started by &2 in debugger
029Destination &1/queue &2: Unit &3
030Communication error: &1 &2 &3 &4
031Communication error in load balancing of destination &1
032System error in load balancing of destination &1
033RFC system error: &1 &2 &3 &4
034Unit is in manual retry mode: &1 &2 &3 &4
035Unspecified error: &1 &2 &3 &4
036Scheduler that executed unit has terminated: &1 &2 &3 &4
037Update error: &1 &2 &3 &4
038Context ID does not exist (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
039Unit does not exist in database (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
040Context ID does not exist in database (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
041Unit has invalid status entry (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
042Communication error when finding unit status (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
043System error when finding unit status (target system): &1 &2 &3 &4
044Destination &1: Unit &2 of &3 deleted
045Destination &1: Unit &2 (with errors) of &3 reset
046Destination &1: Unit &2 of &3 unlocked
047Supervisor destination for &1 &2 changed by &3
048Unit &1 started by &2 in debugger, using own user
049Method &1 gets value &2 when called with following parameters:
050No event information for server &1 and context &2 in database
051Statement MODIFY BGRFC_EVENT_PARM gets the value &1:
052Event information for server &1 and context &2 read from database
053Transactional integrity check deactivated
054Reset in program context &1 of &2 using FREE
055Start time of bgRFC scheduler instance
056Current size of program context of bgRFC scheduler instance in KB
057Current throughput of a bgRFC Scheduler instance (units per hour)
058Average throughput of a bgRFC Scheduler instance (units per hour)
059Current number of parallel tasks for this bgRFC destination
060Error rate (%)
061Average data rate for this bgRFC destination (bytes per second)
062Unit &1 executed by &2 for runtime analysis
063Destination &1: Unit &2 locked by &3 for analysis
064Destination &1/queue &2: Unit &3 locked by &4 for analysis
065Unit &1 executed by &2 with trace
066bgRFC needs more than two dialog WPs; only &1 WP(s) currently available
067Destination &1 does not support configured protocol basXML
068basXML conversion; error in metadata collection: &1
069basXML conversion; error in conversion: &1
070Instance &1: Supervisor call locked in Autoabap
071due to resource problems in server group &1
072Ending scheduler(&1) &2
073Scheduler(&1) &2 is configuring &3
074Shutting down scheduler(&1) &2 server
075Destination &1: Unit &2 server in shutdown &3
076Server &1 in graceful shutdown; execution stopped
077Median execution time for this bgRFC destination in seconds
078Maximum execution time for this bgRFC destination in seconds
079Average time in runnable table in seconds
080&1 converting basXML to classic RFC for destination &2 on server &3
081Destination configured for basXML but not implemented on target system
082Maximum time in runnable table in seconds
083Unit locked at runtime
085Could not perform notification for unit: &1 &2 &3 &4
088Cannot create units in the upgrade system
090Instance &1 cannot be reached; status check not possible
093bgRFC Supervisor: Server group &1 does not exist
100No lock found for queue &1
101No lock found for destination &1
102Invalid queue &1
103Invalid destination &1
104No lock found for unit &1
105No destination name found
106Unit &1 deleted
107Action canceled by user
108Lock for unit &1 deleted
109Queue &1 of destination &2 locked for further units
110Queue &1 of destination &2 locked immediately
111Lock for queue &1 of destination &2 deleted
112No lock found for unit &1
113Queue &1 of destination &2 deleted
114Unit &1 restarted
115Internal error
116Invalid unit ID
117No errors in unit &1
118Lock for destination &1 deleted
119Destination &1 locked
120More than &3 units in queue &1 of destination &2
121No data for this selection
122Locks exist for queue &1 of destination &2
123More than &1 unit(s) exist(s) for your selection
124Unit &1 is being debugged
125Resource problems with server group &1; local execution
126System error with server group &1; message &2
127Communication error with server group &1; message &2
128Resource problem: &1
129Communication error: &1
130Do you want to unlock queues for destination &1 &2?
131Do you want to delete queues for destination &1 &2?
132Do you want to unlock type T units for destination &1 &2?
133Do you want to delete type T units for destination &1 &2?
134System error when determining resources: &1
135Communications error when determining resources: &1
136No resources in resource cache
137No gateway resources exist
138Incorrect group name in function call for determining resources
139Server group does not get resources (may be incorrectly configured)
140Incorrect information in function call for determining resources
141Unit size is too big (see SAP Note 2772500)
200Requested object &1 currently locked by user &2
201Requested object &1 currently locked by your own transaction
203No destination selected; function not possible
204Select at least one unit type
205Select at least one procedure
206Unit display not supported for chosen node
207No authorization to display destination
208No authorization for cross-client display
209Select at least one scenario
250Error in scheduler information query: &1
300bgRFC Supervisor: Logical destination &1 cannot have reference to &2
301Error when creating supervisor destination &1
302Supervisor destination &1 created
303bgRFC Supervisor: No load balancing can be defined for destination &1
304bgRFC Supervisor: Destination &1 cannot have a system number
305bgRFC Supervisor: No server can be entered for destination &1
306bgRFC Supervisor: No user entered for destination &1
307bgRFC Supervisor: No password entered for destination &1
308bgRFC Supervisor: No client entered for destination &1
309bgRFC Supervisor: System error when testing destination &1
310User &1 is unknown
311bgRFC Supervisor: User &1 does not have sufficient authorization
312Compression has incorrect value
313Error when saving system-wide customizing settings
314System-wide customizing settings saved
315Cannot check RFC server name of application server &1
316Queue prefix contains invalid characters
317Inbound destination name cannot be empty or 'NONE'
318Queue prefix &1 is already used
319Check class &1 returns the following for destination &2: &3
320Destination &1 already exists
321Cannot lock configuration table &1
322Cannot delete queue prefix &1
323Configuration entries saved
324Error when querying server groups
325Error when querying servers
326Error when querying dialog work processes for server &1
327bgRFC Supervisor: Authorization check for user &1 only in client &2
350Destination name can include syntactical characters only
351Server group &1 is not defined
352Destination &1 saved to database
353Error when saving destination &1 to database
354Server &1: Number of schedulers &2 is incorrect
355Server &1: Number of possible connections &2 is incorrect
356Server &1: Share of gateway resources &2 must be between 1 and 100
357Server &1: Idle time for scheduler &2 must be greater than 60 seconds
358Server &1: Invalid number of destinations &2 (see long text)
359Server &1: Expiration time for load balancing entries &2 is incorrect
360Invalid application server &1
361Number of restarts must be greater than zero
362Invalid wait time between restarts of unit (long text)
363Invalid wait between restart attempts for destination (see long text)
364Invalid processing time for destination (see long text)
365Destination &1 not entered
366Not authorized to edit destination &1
367Internal error in destination &1
368Incorrect bgRFC version for destination &1
369Invalid deletion time for processed units
370Internal error on application server &1
371Application server &1 is not active
372Logon group &1 not entered
373Error when querying logon group &1
374Incorrect lifetime for logging
375Incorrect compression
376Incorrect number of message entries for each segment, at least 100
377Inbound destination &1 not entered
378Too few dialog work processes configured on application server &1
379Configure a sufficient number of dialog work processes (see long text)
380A check class must implement interface &1
381Cannot create user &1; user already exists
382Cannot delete inbound destination &1; &2 units exist
383Error when creating user &1
384bgRFC Supervisor: User &1 does not exist; this user must exist
385&1: Enqueue not set; no changes possible
386Server &1: Cannot reset configuration
387Server &1: Configuration does not exist
388Server &1: Configuration already exists; cannot be created again
389bgRFC Supervisor: Could not clean up user: &1
390bgRFC Supervisor: Password too long
391bgRFC Supervisor: Internal error in password check
392bgRFC Supervisor: Password formally incorrect: &1
393bgRFC Supervisor: Error when saving destination &1.
394bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Queues with prefix &2 not empty
395bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Units still exist
396bgRFC Inbound Destination: qRFC LUWs still exist for queue prefix &2
397bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Queue prefix &2 contains invalid characters
398bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Queue prefix &2 does not exist
399bgRFC Supervisor: System error occurred: &1
400Scheduler runs under user &3 and client &4, not &1 and &2
401Scheduler runs on a server other than &1
402Enqueue error (when scheduler debugging requested)
403Scheduler number not found
404Debug event sent to scheduler &1
405bgRFC Supervisor: Communication error occurred: &1
406bgRFC Supervisor: Miscellaneous error occurred
450Cannot create connection to destination &1: &2
451&1: &2 units with errors
452Destination &1 is locked
453Number of units executed in the last five minutes: &2 (&1)
454Number of executable units in the last five minutes: &2 (&1)
455Max. and average time in executable state: &2 and &3 (&1)
456&1 units exist with basXML to RFC protocol conversion errors
457&1 inbound and &2 outbound schedulers are running
458Server &1: Configured inbound schedulers &2, currently available &3
459Server &1: Configured outbound schedulers &2, currently available &3
460&1: Unexpected exception: &2 &3 &4
461Destination &1 does not have enough resources for a unit size of &2 bytes
462Destination &1 is locked due to errors
463No authorization to run health checks
464User does not have authorization &1 for RFC destination &2
500Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
501Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
502Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
503Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
504Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
505Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
506Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
507Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
508Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
509Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
510Not authorized to edit bgRFC configuration (see long text)
511Not authorized to display bgRFC configuration (see long text)
512Not authorized to edit inbound destinations (see long text)
513No authorized to display inbound destinations (see long text)
514Not authorized to edit supervisor destination of bgRFC (see long text)
515No authorization to create entry in NW bgRFC configuration
516No authorization to create entry in NW bgRFC configuration
517No authorization to create entry in NW bgRFC configuration
518No authorization to create entry in NW bgRFC configuration
519No authorization to create an inbound destination
520No authorization to create entry in NW bgRFC configuration
521No authorization to edit scheduler settings for destination &1
522No authorization to delete entry in bgRFC configuration
523No authorization to delete entry in bgRFC configuration
524No authorization to delete entry in bgRFC configuration
525No authorization to delete entry in bgRFC configuration
526No authorization to delete inbound bgRFC destination
527No authorization to display bgRFC system settings
528No authorization to display bgRFC server configuration
529No authorization to delete bgRFC server configuration
530No authorization to change the bgRFC supervisor destination
531No authorization for bgRFC configuration transaction &1
532bgRFC Supervisor: Destination &1 does not exist
533bgRFC Supervisor: Destination &1 has an incorrect type
534bgRFC Supervisor: Could not check user &1: &2
535bgRFC Supervisor: Could not create user &1
536bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Cannot edit entry
537bgRFC Inbound Destination &1 does not exist and cannot be edited
538bgRFC Inbound Destination &1 already exists; it cannot be created again
539bgRFC Inbound Destination &1: Name contains invalid characters
540No authorization to change destination configurations
541bgRFC dest. config. &1: Incorrect value for application check activation
542bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for automatic unit check &2
543bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for max. processing time &2
544bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for max. unit retries &2
545bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for max. dest. wait time &2
546bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for no. of schedulers &2.
547bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for max. no. of connections &2
548bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect value for unit history activation &2
549bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect time between two automatic retries &2
550bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Check class &2 must implement interface &3
551bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Entry is invalid and cannot be edited
552bgRFC Dest. Config.: Destination name cannot be empty
553bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Destination does not exist
554No authorization to display bgRFC destination configuration
555bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Error when creating configuration instance
556bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Incorrect qRFC version
557bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Destination has an incorrect type
558bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Error when reading destination: &2
559bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Dest. config. does not exist and cannot be edited
560bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Dest. config. exists and cannot be created again
561Server &1: Too few dialog WPs. &2 are required and &3 are available
562bgRFC Supervisor Destination not created
563bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Appl. check and appl. check active wrong comb.
564bgRFC System Config: No display authorization
565bgRFC System Config: No change authorization
566bgRFC Dest. Config. &1: Check class &3 registers errors: &2
567bgRFC dest. config. &1: Callback class &2 must implement interface &3
600No authorization to analyze bgRFC database
601No authorization to repair bgRFC database
650Error in bgRFC Scheduler Monitor
651No scheduler with this ID found
652Status of the user from the supervisor destination
653Status of bgRFC schedulers
654Number of running inbound schedulers
655Number of running outbound schedulers
656Time stamp of the oldest bgRFC units
657Time stamp of the oldest bgRFC unit in the inbound scenario
658Time stamp of the oldest bgRFC unit in the outbound scenario
659Application Server
660Number of dumps in the inbound scenario
661Number of dumps in the outbound scenario
662User name from the supervisor destination
663Status of bgRFC authorization check from supervisor destination
664Lock status of user from supervisor destination
665Last five bgRFC dumps
666bgRFC destination
667Number of bgRFC units in runnable table
668Average time of a bgRFC unit in the runnable table
669Maximum time of a bgRFC unit in the runnable table
670Average execution time of a bgRFC unit
671Maximum execution time of a bgRFC unit
672Ratio between inbound and processed bgRFC units
700BGRFC_DEST_SHIP called without unit ID
701bgRFC UCON RFC rejected
800Destination &1 already has an enqueue lock
801System error when creating enqueue lock for destination &1
802Conversion job is already running
899Central user administration is active; create user &1 manually
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