The following messages are stored in message class BKK_SEPA_LIMIT: .
It is part of development package BKK_SEPA_LIMIT in software component IS-B-BCA-AM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SEPA Mandate Limit Check".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Limits not available in ABA layer
001Dynamic call error for &1
002Error during call of &1
003Error during creation of data in method &1
004Missing authorization: &1 Account &2
005Invalid data provided (&1)
006Unknown error (RC=&1)
007Limit locked by user &1
010Missing authorization for limit utilization (bank area &1, activity &2)
014Operation only allowed for manually created limit utilizations
020Dummy message - for internal use only &1 &2 &3 &4
030Switch &1 is not active
031Account not found
032Enter an IBAN or a bank area and an account number
033Limit for account &1 and creditor ID &2 already exists
034Limit for account &1 and creditor ID &2 does not exist
035Check complete; no errors found
036Limit for creditor ID &1 and IBAN &2 deleted
037Limit for creditor ID &1 and IBAN &2 changed
038Limit for creditor ID &1 and IBAN &2 created
039Error during call of function module &1
040Limit does not exist for account &1
041No changes made
042Mandate not found (MndID: &1, CI: &2)
043Limit utilization saved
044Limit utilization deleted
045You can only change manually created utilization events
046Service is available for recipient party mandates only
049Could not determine end date for start date &1 with unit &2
050Could not determine start date on posting date &1 with unit &2
051Limit data is incomplete
052Currency &1 of limit amount does not match account currency &2
053&1 is not a valid period unit value
054Start date &1 is not permitted for period unit &2
055Start date occurs before the start of period unit &1
056Start date occurs in the past
200IBAN for bank account &1 in bank area &2 not found
201Utilization currency &1 does not match currency &2 of mandate limit
202Limit information is not available for account &2 in bank area &1
203Posting date &1 occurs before start date &2 of the account
204Event &1 does not exist
205Event of category &1 with ID &2 already exists for account &3/&4
206Mandate limit (amount) exceeded; limit: &1, utilization: &2, item: &3
207Creditor limit (amount) exceeded; limit: &1, utilization: &2, item: &3
208Mandate limit (no. of transact.) exceeded : limit: &1, utilization: &2
209Creditor limit (no. of transact.) exceeded : limit: &1, utilization: &2
210Creditor &1 does not exist in whitelist for payees of account &2
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