BPOB - Parnter-Objektbeziehung

The following messages are stored in message class BPOB: Parnter-Objektbeziehung.
It is part of development package FTBPOB in software component FS-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP BP FS: Partner-Object Relationship".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No parameters have been set for the application &1
002No data found for object & & in local memory
003Enter the assignment number
004Function module for application &1 and event &2 is not in table TPR4
005Start of relationship & is after end of relationship &
006Record not found (table &)
007Partner &1 exists twice in role &2 and at time period &3
008Internal error: Assign. cat. &1; function module for event &2 is missing
009No business partner was selected
010No business partner role was selected
011Business partner must exist in the business partner role category &1
012Cardinality of roles in role category &1 is inconsistent with Customizing
013Assign the "person responsible" roles in contract processing
014You can reset history mode with the pushbutton: date
015Enter a role type
016Role type is a required entry field for &1; default setting was applied
017Role type is a required entry field for &1
018Role cannot be substituted; postings to the contract exist
019Business partner &1 already exists in the FI customer role &2
020Business partner category &1 is unknown
021Business partner role &1 is not intended for application category &2
022Application category &1 is not intended
023No FI customer exists for the main borrower &1
024Enter a payment method for the alternative payer &1
025No assignment category has been set for the BDT application &1
027Role in role category &1 does not cover the validity area completely
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