BRAIN_DEV - BRAIN messages (for use by development)

The following messages are stored in message class BRAIN_DEV: BRAIN messages (for use by development).
It is part of development package RSROA_MISC in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OLAP: Various".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Variable &2 cannot be calculated using &1 before aggregation
002No input help available
003Error while calling input help module &1
004Distribution has returned an empty set
005Characteristic value &1 of characteristic &2 has more than &3 characters
006Calculation before aggregation is not possible
007Cell &1 cannot be calculated. Filter not part of a time interval.
008Consistency of time dimension on InfoProvider &1 cannot be checked
009Time dimension on InfoProvider &1 is inconsistent
010Characteristics can't be added to queries on providers supporting input
011Characteristics can't be added to queries with non-cumulative key figures
012Add. virtual key figures cannot be defined when adding characteristics
013Unable to instantiate the HDB mediator
014Unable to obtain the request ID
015The dimension for request ID &1 has failed
016Unable to load data for InfoProvider &1
017Unable to insert new SIDs into hierarchy tables
018Memory post-processing operations have failed
019The memory entry data contains errors
020Serious error while saving
021Could not save to memory
022An untreatable error has occurred. You need to restart the process.
023Data copied from table &1 to table &2
024Variable &1[&2] has incorrect variable type &3. '1' is expected.
025Variable &1 cannot process compound values
026Database table &1 of characteristic &2 adjusted
027Cache in database cannot be used
028Error &1-&2 while repairing table &3. Rerun program &4
029Element &4: Stock coverage not compatible with free characteristic &1
030Query &1 cannot be edited in Query Designer (transient)
031Row (&1) in formula "&2" uses an operator that is not supported
032The condition applied (&1) does not return a unique result
033Input-enabledness of "&1" has been reset
034No exception aggregation in HANA/BWA because of free char. currency/unit
035Operator '&1' in formula '&3(&2)' is only allowed with constant arguments
036Query has been changed and generated after current session was started
037Session metadata of InfoProvider for input-enabled query is too old
038Exc. aggr. ref. characteristic &1 of &2 is not a total time char.
039Cache in database restricted to the application server
040Stock key figure &1 of stock coverage key figure &2 not in InfoProv &3
041Demand key figure &1 of stock coverage key figure &2 not in InfoProv &3
042CURRENT MEMBER variable "&1" cannot be used in query filter
043CURRENT MEMBER variable "&1" ignored as default value
044Element &1 contains more than one CURRENT MEMBER variable
045Selection on "&1" in element &2 not possible
046Element &4: Stock coverage not compatible with selection char. &1
047Element &4: Stock coverage not compatible with mandatory char. &1
048Characteristic &1 cannot be added due to incompatibility with element &3
049Characteristic &1 cannot be added due to incompatibility with element &3
050Element &3: CURRENT MEMBER not compatible with free characteristic &1
051Element &4: CURRENT MEMBER not compatible with mandatory char. &1
052Element &3: CURRENT MEMBER not compatible with selection char. &1
053Consistency of time dimension on InfoProvider &1 cannot be checked
054Time dimension on InfoProvider &1 is inconsistent
055Element &1: CURRENT MEMBER and stock coverage need same reference
056Element &1: Stock coverage does not allow interval with CURRENT MEMBER
057Time characteristic '&1' must be assigned identically for '&2'
058Time characteristic '&1' must be assigned identically for '&2'
059No stock key figure defined for stock coverage key figure &1
060No demand key figure defined for stock coverage key figure &1
061Stock coverage for key figure &1; number of periods not greater than 0
062CKF &1 does not redefine exception aggr. of stock coverage key figure &2
063Query uses audit characteristic '&1'; entry not possible
064Cannot input &1; &2 is a stock coverage key figure
065Key figure "&1" uses generic aggregation "&2". Only "SUM" is supported.
066Operations in SAP HANA/BWA and calculation without high precision
067Time characteristic &1 of stock coverage key fig. &2 not in InfoProv &3
068Filter for cell &1 is too complex. Value cannot be calculated.
069Mandatory characteristic &1 (reason: &2) has high cardinality
070FIX operator in formula "&2" (&1) requires an exception aggregation
071Element &1: Selection with CURRENT MEMBER variable cannot be excluded
072Cell &1 cannot be calculated on granularity of &2
073Element &1: Unique value for fiscal variant needed in global filter
074Characteristic &1 has to be added to InfoProvider &2
075Characteristic &1 has to be mapped to &2 of PartProvider &3
076Element &1: "Constant Selection" on CURRENT MEMBER variable not possible
077No data available. Create data in transaction BC_DATA_GEN.
078BW client not specified
079Characteristic value "&1" of &2 not available in master data
080Further values of InfoProvider &1 not available in the master data
081Cache mode of partition '&1' (XWGR: 0x&2) changed from '&3' to '&4'
082Element &1: Operation &2 not supported with CURRENT MEMBER variable
083Cache inactive for Provider &1. Cache usage mode for &1 reset to default
084Cache is inactive for provider &1. Read mode 'All' impairs performance.
085Characteristic &1 should be added to InfoProvider &2
086Data integrity of Provider &1 not possible with cache usage mode
087Data integrity modes 1, 3, 9 not possible with cache usage mode 'S'
088Switching off cache usage temporarily resets the data integrity scenario
089Define a technical name for structure element &1 of structure &2
090Settings for &1 reset. See long text.
091Element &1 &2 cannot be used in formulas. See long text.
092Text variable &1 in "&3" cannot be replaced - no selection
093Element &1: CURRENT MEMBER variable not allowed for &2
094Simple linear regression with reference char. &1 cannot be calculated
095&1: multiple exception aggregation reference characteristics not allowed
096&1: multiple exception aggregation reference characteristics not allowed
097&1: "Exclude All from Reference characteristics" not allowed
098&1: "Exclude All from Reference characteristics" not allowed
099&1: exception aggregation ref. characteristic has incorrect data type
100&1: exception aggregation ref. characteristic has incorrect data type
101Unit conversion '&1' not applied for stock coverage key figure '&2'
102&1 from PartProvider &2 should be mapped in order to resolve ambiguity
103&1: Internal business volume elimination and exception aggregation on &3
104Active version of variable &1 not found. Install from Content.
105Element &1 uses quantity conversion type &2 (source unit from attribute)
106Artificial characteristic "Currency/Unit" (1CUDIM) is used
107Artificial characteristic "Currency/Unit" (1CUDIM) cannot be added
108No indexes are created for tables in SAP HANA systems
109SAP HANA exit variable &1 can only be a parameter value or formula
110Variable &1 required for SAP HANA exit of variable &2
111&1 cannot be input-ready. See long text.
112&1 cannot be input-ready. See long text.
113Navigation attribute &1 mapping does not match with mapping of &2
114Value '&2' for variable &1 invalid. No hierarchy found.
115Variable '&1' in exception '&2' must be a parameter variable
116Formula after explicit currency/unit handling is not supported
117Formula "&2" (&1) requires at least one operand without FIX operator
118Variable (replacement path) and currency/unit handling not supported
119Protocol of OLAP states before invalid state:
120&1. OLAP state: &2 / Action: &3
121Call stack of invalid OLAP state:
122&1: &2 &3 &4
123Invalid state: OLAP caller violated protocol, details in application log
124Fixed query filter is empty. Query will not return data.
125Fixed query filter is empty. Query will not return data.
126Constant characteristics in providers contradict fixed filter. No data.
127SPO partition filters contradict fixed filter; query will not return data
128Query will not return data based on booked facts (Multiprovider hint).
129Query only contains non-cumulatives, no provider matches filter. No data.
130After checking DELTAPAIRS, no partprovider is left that returns data.
131Intersection of fixed validity and fixed time filters empty for CSID &1
132Intersection of fixed time filters is empty for CSID &1
133Intersection of dynamic validity with filters is empty for CSID &1.
134Intersection of dyn time filter with fixed filter/val is empty. CSID &1.
135Too much data requested; Add filter or remove drilldown characteristic.
136The formula "&1"(&2) contains different exception aggregations: &3, &4
137&1: exception aggregation ref. characteristic is compounded
138&1: exception aggregation ref. characteristic is compounded
139Hierarchy class &1 not allowed for characteristic &2
140Master data read class &1 not allowed for characteristic &2
141Formula &1 with variable &2 cannot be calculated before aggregation
142Class has been released. FREE method will be called by: '&1' '&2' '&3'.
143Element &1: Incorrect use of CURRENT MEMBER variable. Reason: &2.
144The query properties are inconsistent. Will be corrected when saving.
145Query '&1': Properties have been updated successfully.
146Query '&1': Properties have not been updated.
147Setting &1 is not allowed for this query.
148Setting &1 is not allowed due to a dependency on setting &2.
149Only values between 1 and 255 are allowed.
150Variable "&1": &2 is not a valid number with &3 digits and &4 decimals
151Setting &1 can't be changed for this query.
152The cache will be used despite virtual characteristics / key figures
153Element &1 should not use the 'Data Extension' setting
154Data integrity scenario 'G Guaranteed Stable Data' reduced to 'S'
161Invalid state: LAYER_CURR caller violated protocol
169Unexpected exception in &1=>&2 (line &3)
170Unexpected exception in include &1 program &2 (line &3)
171System error: &1=>&2-&3-
173Artificial characteristic &1 is not supported by tuple filters
174Characteristic &1 is used in the slicer and the tuple filter
175Char. &1 used in the tuple filter has an active display hierarchy
176Char. &1 used in the tuple filter is involved in current member
177Tuple filter is not supported because query contains planning
178A hierarchy is set in the tuple filter for characteristic &1
188Inconsistent hierarchy settings for &1: filter changed
190For characteristic &1 only one hierarchy with key date derivation allowed
191Display hierarchy can't be changed for characteristic &1
194Conditions calculated in SAP HANA and exception aggregation CNT/CN0
195Value help for characteristic &1 might not return exact set of values.
196Default query for CDS views not supported
197Query cannot be extended at runtime
198InfoObject &1 cannot be added at runtime
201Data integrity has been adapted from &3 to &1 because of profile &2.
300Ambiguities for key figure &1 cannot be resolved. Remodelling required.
626Enter a valid value for characteristic &
627Value '&2' is not valid for variable &1 or does not exist
628Value '&2' is not valid for characteristic &1
643Value '&3' is not valid for variable &2
644Value '&3' is not valid for variable &2
645Query contains non-cumulative key figures and incompatible formulas
646MultiProvider with compounding problem - no exception aggregation in HANA
647No PartProvider with HANA persistency - no exeption aggregation in HANA
648No exception aggregation in HANA/BWA due to stock coverage key figure
649Formula &1 &2 contains discontinued feature formula before aggregation
650No exception aggregation in HANA/BWA due to CURRENT MEMBER variable
652Number of elements in structure &2 exceeds limit &1
653Number of helper elements in structure &2 exceeds limit &1
654Total number of structure element combinations exceeds allowed limit
655FIRST/LAST with non-convex time filters can produce unexpected results
656Virtual key figure &1 depends on non-matching key figure &2
657InfoProvider fill states have been auto-refreshed
658Ongoing data deletion in InfoProvider &1. Subsequent refreshes failed.
659&1 is marked as cell-unique, but it is missing/not unique in drilldown
700Duplicate technical name (mapname) &1 exists in &2 and &3.
705Selection &1 on inputable function &2 switched to read-only due to &3.
800Break point "Execute Planning Function" reached
801Break point "Disaggregate" reached
803Insufficient authorization. Query is switched to display mode.
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