BSP_WD_TOOLS - Messages for BSP WD Tools

The following messages are stored in message class BSP_WD_TOOLS: Messages for BSP WD Tools.
It is part of development package CRM_BSP_WD_TOOLS in software component CA-WUI-WKB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Development Tools for WEBCUIF Applications".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001View &1 copied successfully to &2
002Action canceled
003Action failed
004Controller &1 does not exist
005Model for component set &1 could not be loaded
006Controller definition &1 copied successfully to &2
007View &1 successfully created in &2
008Controller and context class successfully derived
009Method &1 successfully redefined
010Implementation class successfully changed in &1
011Enhancement log table updated successfully
012New context node class &1 created successfully
013Context node &1 successfully added to context class &2
014Context node &1 successfully added to controller class &2
015Page attribute &1 successfully added to view layout &2
016BSP page &1 successfully copied to &2
017Context node class derived successfully
018Context &1 successfully adapted for derived context node &2
019Class &1 already exists
020New attribute methods successfully created in context node class &1
021New context node attribute created successfully on &1
022Type of page attribute &1 successfully changed in &2
023Page attribute &1 not found -> No adjustment
024Model of BSP application &1 could not be loaded
025No URL could be determined for the runtime repository
026Class &1 belongs to BSP view &2
027No BSP view found for class &1
028Page layouts &1 regenerated, but with syntax errors
029Runtime framework profile &1 could not be loaded
030Error when interpreting the runtime repository
031Error during analysis of method &1 of class &2
032Context class in &1 cannot be replaced
033Error while loading the runtime repository via HTTP
034BSP application &1 does not exist or is not active
035Runtime repository was not loaded
036View &1 is not defined in the runtime repository that was loaded
037&1 method(s) generated
038New GET_I methods successfully created in context node class &1
039No initial page defined for the application; Testing is not possible
040Controller &1 was successfully copied to &2
041Controller class &1 is cannot be extended
042Context class & cannot be extended
043Context node class &1 cannot be extended
044Controller &1 in &2 was created successfully
045The associated SICF node &1 could not be created automatically.
046Window &1 has not been defined in the loaded Runtime Repository
047BSP application &1 is not a component
048BSP application &1 is not startable
049New Getter created successfully
050Enhancement set &2 does not contain an enhancement for component &1
051An error has occurred during parsing of the Runtime Repository XML: '&'
052BSP page &1 already exists as a MIME object; Use a different name
053Component &1 successfully created for enhancement
054Enhancement definition for component &1 could not be saved
055Runtime repository cound not be copied to the enhancement
056Could not create BSP application &1
057Customer controller &1 cannot be enhanced
058Window &1 cannot be enhanced
059Component controller cannot be enhanced
060View &1 could not be enhanced
061Application controller could not be enhanced
062Component &1 cannot (yet) be enhanced in enhancement set &2
063Enhancement was prepared successfully
064Window &1 successfully entered in runtime repository
065View set &1 successfully entered in runtime repository
066An error occurred while deleting class &1
067An error occurred while deleting view &1
068An error occurred while deleting controller &1
069View set &1 could not be deleted from the runtime repository
070Event handler &1 created successfully in &2
071Plug &1 created successfully in &2
072GETTER and SETTER methods for attribute &1 created successfully
073GETTER and SETTER methods for attribute &1 already exist
074Generation of GETTER and SETTER methods failed
075Could not determine BOL object for context node &1
076Configuration data of view &1 could not be deleted
077Window &1 could not be deleted from the runtime repository
078Controller & was not deleted from enhancement set &2 of component &3
079Enhancement set &1 does not exist
080BOL component set &1 does not exist; check runtime repository
081Not possible to generate context node binding
082Endless binding loop - context node type for &1 cannot be determined
083Component &1 is already enhanced in enhancement set &2
084Component enhancement was deleted successfully
085Component &1 is not enhanced in enhancement set &2
086BSP application &1 could not be deleted
087Runtime repository &1 could not be deleted
088Enhancement to component &1 could not be deleted
089Enhancement of component &1 is not empty and cannot be deleted
090Enhancement set &1 already exists
091Enhancement set &1 was created
092Enhancement set &1 contains component enhancements and cannot be deleted
093Enhancement set &1 was deleted
094Context cannot be enhanced
095Only attribute methods were created; context node is bound
096Component &1 already exists
097No permission to change BSP application &1
098No permission to delete BSP application &1
099BSP application name must not be the component name itself
101View &1 was deleted
102Custom controller &1 was deleted
103Window &1 was deleted
104Attribute &1 was deleted
105Attribute &1 could not be deleted
106Class &1 was deleted
107BSP view &1 was deleted
108BSP controller &1 was deleted
109Attribute &1: Setter and getter were deleted
110Context node class &1 was activated
111Error activating context node class &1
112Could not determine the implementation class for &1
113Enhancement for custom controller &1 was deleted
114Attribute &1: Data Definition was deleted
115To view &1, choose Show Obsolete button
116BSP object &1 does not exist or is not active
200You are not allowed to delete this node
201Choose an existing BSP application
202Choose a BSP application
203You are not allowed to delete the last target node
204Enter an ID
205Choose an outbound plug
206Choose an outbound plug of view '&'
207Choose an inbound plug
208Choose an inbound plug of view '&'
209Select an existing component set
210Enter either a reference or an interface view
211Choose a view of BSP application '&'
212Select a view
213No window plugs could be found for view '&1'
214Runtime repository XML contains dynamic parts; Display only possible
215RT repository editor could not be loaded. Browser will be used instead
216Not possible to lock runtime repository
217&1 is not an interface view of component &2
218Window &1 does not exist in BSP application &2
219View &1 of component &2 will not be embedded
220Remove invalid character '&' from the ID
221Runtime Repository was saved successfully
222Switch &1 to edit mode
223Source view '&2' in navigational link '&1' is not assigned
224Target view '&3' in navigational link '&2' is not assigned
225Multiple usage of view '&' is not allowed
226Error in XML: Node '&1' does not have parent node '&2'
227Error in XML: Node '&1' does not have parent node '&2' or '&3'
228XML was not saved. Correct the error.
229No inconsistencies found
230Window name &1 does not have a prefix
231A window of the same name does not exist for interface view '&1'
232Embedded view '&1' is invalid
233Window &1 was defined more than once
234Interface view &1 with usage &2 is not used
235Enter a component
236Interface view ID '&1' of usage '&2' ends with a space
237Default view '&1' of view area '&2' in view '&3' was switched
238Applying all changes leads to errors in the repository; use 'Check'
240BSP application &1 for enhanced objects does not exist or is not active
241BSP application &1 is already enhanced in enhancement set &2
250Switch ID &1 Not Available
300There is already a configuration for these parameters
301Role &1 does not exist
302Object type &1 does not exist
303Subobject type without object type is not valid
304Subobject type &1 is not valid for object type &2
305No authorization to change this configuration
306This is default configuration for cloud usage
307Action is not supported in cloud
350Context node &1 not available in view enhancement
351Attribute &2 of context node &1 not available in view enhancement
352View &1 does not exist in the component
353Model assignment missing in runtime repository
354Page attributes of view enhancement do not contain context node &1
355Page attribute &1 not available in view enhancement
356Are you sure that you want to convert this context node to a mixed node?
357The application name you have chosen has &1 characters. Only 15 allowed
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