The following messages are stored in message class BS_ANLY_CHART: .
It is part of development package BS_ANLY_CHART in software component CA-EPT-ANL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Suite Analytics: Charting".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Feeder class is not correctly defined
002Chart Customizing file &1 does not exist
003File &1 does not exist or is not an XML file
004Enter a valid transport request
005File &1 was saved successfully
006The file &1 could not be saved
007The file name &1 must not start with 'SAP*'
008Class &1 does not implement feeder interface IF_BS_ANLY_GUIBB_CHART
009A tooltip should be provided to support accessibility
010Enter a value for the height and width of the graphics
011Change your chart Customizing file: chart type &1 is not supported
012The file name &1 must not start with 'SAP*'
013The chart Customizing file &1 is not correctly defined
014Enter a chart Customizing file
015The display type separator cannot be assigned to the action &1
016The toolbar contains a separator without subsequent elements
017No display type is assigned to the action &1
018The action &1 is not defined in the feeder class
019The action &1 is used several times in the toolbar
020No action text is defined for the action &1
021Select at least one row
022The selected elements cannot be moved
023The toolbar contains a separator as the first element
024Select a valid feeder class
025Parameters cannot be displayed; select a valid feeder class first
026Import not possible: the chart Customizing file is marked as final
027Select a row first (lead selection)
028The action &1 does not support parameters
029File &1 was imported correctly
030The display type button choice cannot be assigned to the action &1
031File &1 has been opened by another application
032Launchpad parameters not correct or Launchpad not found
033The chart contains no data
034The feeder class &1 does not have any parameters
042Error occurred during upload of file &1
043Error occurred during download of file &1
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