BUP_CONSISTENCY_CHCK - BP Consistency Messages

The following messages are stored in message class BUP_CONSISTENCY_CHCK: BP Consistency Messages.
It is part of development package BUPA in software component AP-MD-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Business Partner".
Message Nr
Message Text
001BP &1 with addr.no. &2; BUT020 entry does not exist, BUT021_FS exists
002BP &1 with addr.no. &2; validity of BUT021_FS does not match BUT020
003BP &1 with addr.no. &2; validities overlap in BUT021_FS for XXDEFAULT
004BP &1 with addr.no. &2; multiple use disabled (see long text)
005BP &1 with addr.no. &2; multiple use enabled (see long text)
006BP &1 with addr.no. &2; standard addr. with inconsistent validities
007BP &1 with addr.no. &2; std. addr. usage not maintained (see long text)
008BP &1 with addr.no. &2; duplicate addr. GUID exists in table BUT020
009BP &1 with addr.no. &2; in ADRCOMC; highest consnumber reached
010BP &1 with addr.no. &2; table ADRC entry does not exist
011BP &1 with addr.no. &2; table ADRV entry does not exist
012BP &1 with addr.no. &2; table BUT020 entry does not exist
013BP &1 with pers.no. &2; table ADRP entry does not exist
014BP &1 with pers.no. &2; table ADRP entry does not exist
015BP &1 with pers.no. &2; pers.no. does not exist in table BUT000
016BP &1 with pers.no. &2; table ADRVP entry does not exist
017BP &1 with addr.ind.communic.no. &2; table ADRC entry does not exist
018BP &1 with addr.no. &2 and pers.no. &3; table ADCP entry does not exist
019BP &1 with addr.ind.communic. &2; table ADRCOMC entry does not exist
020BP &1 with addr.no. &2; see long text
021BP &1 with addr.ind.communic.no. &2; see long text
022BP &1 with addr.no. &2; communic.flag &3 not set in ADRC, but in table &4
023BP &1 for addr.no. &2; communic.flag &3 set in ADCP but &4 does not exist
024BP &1 for addr.no. &2; communic.flag &3 not set in ADCP, but &4 entry ex.
025BP &1 with addr.no &2 in table &3; communic. usage missing
026BP &1 with addr.n &2 in table &3; communic. usage AD_HOME missing
027BP &1 with addr.no &2 in table &3; communic usage AD_NMBDEFA missing
028BP &1 with addr.no &2 in tbale &3; communic usage AD_MBDEFAU missing
029BP &1 with Acc no &2, country/region key missing in table BUT0BK
030BP &1 with bank details, duplicate entries in table BUT0BK
031BP &1 with card no. &2 exists in BUT0CC, but CCARD entry does not exist
032BP &1 with card GUID &2 exists in BUT0CC, but PCA_MASTER does not exist
033Role validity period for BP &1 missing in table BUT100
034BP &1 with role details exists in BUT100, but BUT000 entry does not exist
035BP &1 with bank details in BUT0BK exists, but table BUT000 does not exist
051BP &1; match code name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
052BP &1; title in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
053BP &1; first or last name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
054BP &1; middle name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
055BP &1; birth name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
056BP &1; academic title in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
057BP &1; royal name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
058BP &1; full name in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
059BP &1; nick name in BUT000 does not match with in ADRP
060BP &1; search term in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
061BP &1; prefix in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
062BP &1; name format in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
063BP &1; name country/ region in BUT000 does not match with ADRP
064BP &1 with pers.no. &2; match code does not match with BUT000
065BP &1 of type 2; match code does not match with BUT000
066BP &1 of type 3; match code does not match with BUT000
067BP &1 from validity 01.01.0001 not maintained
068BP &1 to validity 31.12.9999 not maintained
069BP &1; overlap exists in BUT000_TD table
070BP &1 with pers.no. &2 contains organization attributes
071BP &1 with pers.no. &2 contains group attributes
072BP &1 of type 2 contains person number
073BP &1 of type 2 contains group names
074BP &1 of type 3 contains person number
075BP &1 of type 3 contains organization names
076BP &1 entry does not exists in BUT000, but is exists in BUT0ID
077BP &1,ID number must be entered in upper case letters
078BP with GUID &1 exists in FRG0061, but does not exist in BUT000
079BP &1 has rule ID in FRG0061, but rule ID does not exist in SCRULES
080BP &1 with GUID &2 exists in CRMM_BUT_FRG0061, but rule ID is empty
081Pers.no. &1; GUID &2 exist in MOM052, but entry does not exist in BUT000
082BP &1 addr. &2 exists in MOM052, but entry does not exist in ADRC
083BP &1 addr. &2 exists in MOM052, but entry does not exist in ADCP
084BP &1 addr. &2 exists in MOM052, but BP link to USR21 for WA missing
085BP &1 addr &2 exists in MOM052, but entry is missing in ADRVP
086BP &1 pers.no. &2 exists in MOM052 and BUT000, but not in ADRP
087BP &1 pers.no. &2 exists in MOM052 and BUT000, but not in ADCP
088BP &1 pers.no. &2 exists in MOM052 and BUT000, but not in ADRVP
089BP &1 pers.no. &2 exists in MOM052 and BUT000, but not in USR21
090BP for GUID &1 does not exist in BUT000 and USR21
101ORGBP &1 with relation &2 with BP &3 exist in BUT050, missing in BUT000
102BP &1 with relation &2 with ORGBP &3 exist in BUT050, missing in BUT000
103ORGBP &1 with relation &2 with BP &3 exist in BUT051, missing in BUT000
104BP &1 with relation &2 with ORGBP &3 exist in BUT051, missing in BUT000
105ORGBP &1 with relation &2 with BP &3 exist in BUT052, missing in BUT000
106BP &1 with relation &2 with ORGBP &3 exist in BUT052, missing in BUT000
107BP &1 with relation &3; communic.flag TEL set in ADCP, missing in BUT051
108BP &1 with relation &3; comm.flag TEL not set in ADCP, BUT051 entry exist
109BP &1 addr.dep. data exists in BUT052, missing in ADCP pers.no. &2
110BP &1 with pers.no. &2 REL &3 entry exist for relation missing in ADRVP
111BP &1 with per.no. &3 exists in ADRVP ADDRNUM &2 missing in BUT052
112BP &1 with relation &2 pers.no. &3 exists in BUT052, missing in ADCP
113BP &1 with addr.no. &2 does not exist in BUT052, but in ADCP
114BP &1 with relation &3; communic.flag FAX set in ADCP, missing in BUT051
115BP &1 with relation &3; comm.flag FAX not set in ADCP, BUT051 entry exist
116BP &1 with relation &3; comm.flag MAIL set in ADCP, missing in BUT051
117BP &1 with relation &3; comm.flag MAIL not set in ADCP, BUTO51 entry exis
120BP &1; there is overlap in tables BUT000 and BUT000_TD
121BP &1; VALID_FROM or VALID_TO date does not match with BUT000
122Business partner range should be empty, do not pass partner range
123Time dependency is disabled for BUT000
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