BUP_RELATIONS - GPB: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Beziehungssegmente

The following messages are stored in message class BUP_RELATIONS: GPB: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Beziehungssegmente.
It is part of development package S_BUPA_IPI in software component BC-SRV-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Business Partner: Internal Programming Interface (Basis)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Changing key fields except for &1 is not permitted
002Change mode &1 not permitted
003Field &1 cannot be changed
004Field &1 has to be filled when creating entry
005Multiple changes to the same relationship not permitted in one round trip
006Time period has errors; there are gaps
007Time period has errors; there is overlapping
008Error in lock arguments when locking relationships
009No relationships for locking were passed
010Invalid lock mode &1 selected
011Error when retrieving relationship messages
012Error when retrieving messages; initial source ID
013Lock error; ENQUEUE_EBU_BUT050 triggers return code &1
014You are currently locking &1 between BP &2 and BP &3
015&1 between BP &2 and BP &3 is currently being processed by &4
016&1 between BP &2 and BP &3 cannot be locked
017No relationships for unlocking were passed
018Error in lock arguments when unlocking relationships
019Initial relationship category is not allowed
020Could not remove lock for relationship internally (multiple locks)
021Internal unlock: Some partial locks could not be removed
022Business partner &1 does not exist
023From-date &1 is not valid
024To-date &1 is not valid
025Specify both business partners
026Invalid edit mode &1
027Invalid value &1 as indicator for direction of a relationship
028Combination relship direction &1 and relship category &2 not permitted
029&1 between BP &2 and BP &3 was already maintained in another direction
030A &1 cannot be edited using this segment (RELT)
031Only relationships of type &2 can be maintained using segment &1
032Only shareholder relationships can be defined using the segment RELS
033Invalid data for creating a business partner relationship
034Invalid data for changing a business partner relationship
035Invalid data for deleting a business partner relationship
036Invalid field &1 in the CHANGED_FIELDS change table
037Error when transferring the fields from the table CHANGED_FIELDS
038Cannot update: Relationship between &1 and &2 already exists in timeframe
039Fatal error in the segment Relationships (source ID: &1)
040Fatal error in the segment Contact Person Relationship (source ID: &1)
041Fatal error in the segment Shareholder Relationship (source ID &1)
042Fatal error in the segment Relationship Addresses (source ID: &1)
043Error when replacing the temporary relationship numbers in the segment &1
044Business partner cat. is not designated for this relationship cat. (TBZ9)
045Internal error when reading partner data using the segment CENTRAL_DATA
046Selected relships between temp. BP IDs already set in opposite direction
047The record that is to be changed does not exist
048The record you want to create already exists
049The record you want to delete does not exist
050Initial import &1
051You are not authorized to display partner relationships
052Relationship direction &1 not permitted
053Only one standard address permitted
054One address must be flagged as the standard address
055Incorrect call; field &1 is not filled
056The standard indicator cannot be maintained (TBZ9) for a &1
057The standard indicator cannot be maintained for time constraint type &1
058More than one standard relationship not permitted for same point in time
059Time constraint category does not allow any differing validity periods
060Another relationship already exists between &1 and &2 at this time
061The relationship between &1 and &2 to be deleted does not exist
062The relationship between partner &1 and &2 to be changed does not exist
063Relationship type &1 is not provided for relationship type &2 (&3)
064Key is not unique
065&1 cannot be deleted; error when deleting workplace address
066Workplace addresses still assigned were deleted
067Relationship of type &1 between &2 and &3 does not exist
068Relationship of type &1 between &2 and &3 does not exist at present
069Relationship of type &1 between &2 and &3 to be deleted is not available
070Relationship of type &1 between &2 and &3 to be changed does not exist
071Relship of cat. &1 already exists for point in time between &2 and &3
072You are not authorized to display partner relationships
073Errors in import; no data suitable for relationship number was passed
074Special checks of &1 skipped due to severe errors
075Validity end of period has been increased from &1 to &2
076Validity end of period has been reduced from &1 to &2
077Time period from &1 to &2 has been deleted
078Validity start of period has been increased from &1 to &2
079Validity start of period has been shortened from &1 to &2
080Period from &1 to &2 has been divided
081Relationship address has been indicated as the standard address
082Indicator "Standard Address" has been deleted
083Incorrect call; fill either &1 or &2
084No relationship addresses provided for relationship type &1
085Key date must be filled for reading relationships
086Key date must be filled for reading relationships of category &1
087Key date must be filled for reading shareholding relationships
088Relationship type (RELTYP) must be specified for this read access
089Not possible to restore locks for further processing
090Relationship address &1, &2, &3 does not exist
091No relationship address exists for business partners &1 and &2
092Business partner &1 must be from the category organization or group
093BP &1 not maintained in the required role &2 for all points in time
094Not possible to maintain spec. attributes for CP rel. between persons
095Required BP category is not assigned to the business partner &1
096Error while accessing test data container &1
097Data required for add. processing of unit test is not persistent
098None of the data used for the unit test is in database table &1
099Customizing of rel cat. does not correspond to expected settings (tab &1)
100There are more data records than expected in database &1
101Internal error; exception &1 was raised
102Not possible to lock the partners required for the unit test
103Not possible to lock the relationships required for the unit test
104BAS interface could not be intialized
105Error during automatic formatting of CHANGED_FIELDS
106Error when determining the sort order for the later ASSERT
107You are not authorized to display and maintain business partner rels
108BP &1 not maintained in the required roles for all points in time
109Workplace address in connection with rel. type &1 is no longer supported
110Fatal error in service performer relationship segment (source ID: &1)
111Fatal error in segment &1 (source ID: &2)
112Time-dependent rel.attr. not allowed in conn. with time constraint cat &1
113Number of rels in the set is not checked in conn. with undirected rel.
114Check of enhanced relationships not allowed using this segment (RELT)
115Business hours still assigned were deleted
116&1 cannot be deleted; error while deleting business hours
117OP_HOURS interface could not be initialized
118Initial value not allowed as indicator of the direction of a rel.
119Error in unit test: Could not create temporary partner
120Reading relationships for key date only possible in READ_ONLY edit mode
121Invalid data for creating a business partner relationship address
122Invalid data for changing a business partner relationship address
123Invalid data for deleting a business partner relationship address
124Time restriction of relationship addresses is not possible (&1)
125Multiple changes to a relationship address in a round trip not permitted
126Only category &2 relnship addresses can be maintained using segment &1
127Incorrect call; &1 and &2 not filled
128Time-dep. rel. attributes not permitted for rel. cat. &1 and direction &2
129Time-dependent attribute &1 cannot be maintained using segment &2
130Function OBSOLETE - adjust calls
131Time-dependent relship attributes not permitted for relship category &1
132Rel. between &1 and &2 does not exist; time-dep. rel.attrib. not possible
133Cannot change 'From' date of the first time-dependent relship data record
134Cannot change 'To' date of the first time-dependent relship data record
135Validity of time-dep. relship attrib. restricted by validity of relship
136Last data record time-dependent relationship attributes cannot be deleted
137Multiple validities not possible with relationship attributes
138Validity of associated time-dep. relship attributes has been shortened
139Associated time-dependent relationship attributes &1-&2 have been deleted
140Associated time-dependent relationship attributes &1-&2 have been created
141Validity of associated time-dependent rel. attributes has been extended
142Validity of associated time-dep. relship attributes has been adjusted
143First time-dependent relationship data record must not be deleted
144Last time-dependent relationship data record must not be deleted
145Multiple changes to time-dep. relship record not permitted (roundtrip)
146Standard flag for relationships (&1) has been set
147Cross-relationship network checks skipped due to sever error
148Enter a specific address when creating second workplace address
149Obsolete rel. cat. &1; read with intention to change no longer permitted
150Obsolete relship category &1; create/change/delete no longer permitted
151Registration of test data container with relship customizing not possible
152Not possible to determine system informationen / software component
153Sum of person references read does not match expected number
154Program may only be executed in systems with software component &1
155Program must not be executed in systems with software component &1
156Creation of CTDF data not possible: BP already exists (&1)
157Creation of CTDF data incomplete: Rejected changes (&1, &2)
158Termination when creating CTDF data: Error when saving (&1, &2)
159CTDF data created and saved (&1, &2)
160Deletion of CTDF data not complete: Rejected changes (&1, &2)
161Termination when deleting CTDF Data: Error when saving (&1, &2)
162CTDF data initialized/deleted (&1, &2)
163DO access cannot be initialized
164Address key in CHANGED_FIELDS with address defaulting not permitted
165Passed address keys and CHANGED_FIELDS do not match (&1)
166Specify validity when creating time-dependent relationship data
167No input data for test variant &1; unit test will be skipped
168Reading rel.ship data with BEFORE_IMAGE only in edit mode READ_ONLY
169Relationship category (RELTYP) needs to be specified to access data
170Obsolete relationship category &1; access for modification not permitted
171&1 between BP &2 and BP &3 cannot be locked (shared lock BP &4)
172BP &1 does not exist; shared lock for relationship not possible
173Authorization f. BP maint. missing; shared lock f. rel.ship not possible
174BP &1 already has max. no. of rel.ships possible for rel.ship category &2
175Max. no of relationships (&1) of category &2 exceeded in relationship set
176&1: Error in TEARDOWN due to locks for nonexistent relationships
177&1 between BP &2 and BP &3 has been changed in parallel session
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