BV - Kundenvermessung

The following messages are stored in message class BV: Kundenvermessung.
It is part of development package SLIM in software component BC-SRV-LIM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "System Measurement".
Message Nr
Message Text
001System data not maintained
002System measurement successful
003User type & is not active
004Use of user type &1 is not allowed
005No authorization for transaction USMM
006DDIC lock module for object &1 is not available or not activated
007Measurement data is locked for transfer
008Invalid positioning
009Could not determine running measurement number
010Measurement of &1 application(s) passed to background processing
011Additional checks passed to background processing
012Measurement of &1 is no longer up-to-date.
013Only users in the current client can be processed
014User &1 has been changed
015None of the clients in this system is a production client
016Production clients (&1) cannot be excluded
017&1 is in the past
018Measurement is still running
019Table &1 could not be locked
020You require Acrobat Reader to display the results
021Cannot display log (internal error)
022Error when processing internal table: &1
023No client selected for measurement
024No measurement data available
025Measurement data sent to SAP.
051SAPNet status cannot be set
052Could not complete all jobs correctly
053Could not read SAPNet status
054SDCC transfer locked
055Internal error: could not create the SDCCN session
056Could not determine the current transfer ID
057No transfer information available
058No data interface to the transfer system exists
059Developer check error in module: &1
088User type 11 in the same system/client is not permitted
097Measurement is currently locked
098Database Error while saving message results
099& & & &
100Database error saving measurement results
101Internal error calling function VCM_TRANSFER_STATUS_GET
102Measurement of application &1 was finished
103Database error reading table &1
104Internal error calling function VCM_TRANSFER_STATUS_GET
105&1 users that are not classified are counted as &2
106Internal error: unknown value &1 in "Period" field of table TUAPP
107A measurement of application &1 is still running
108Database error processing the job status for application &1
109Could not start job &3 for application &1
110Could not start job &3 for application &1
111Could not start job RSUVM007 for application &1
112Could not start job RSUVM008 for application &1
113Could not get print parameters
114Lock entry for application &1 does not need to be updated
115Lock entry for application &1 not found in table TUJOB
116Selection option for the period can only include intervals to "include"
117Only intervals are allowed in the select option for the period
118Measurement of application &3 terminated
119Internal error: Could not find client &1 in internal table
120Internal error: Could not find clients in internal table
121Internal error calling function VCM_GET_CUSTOMER_DATA
122&1: Could not start background job for system measurement
123The TUREP records of application &1 are from different measurements
124Unexpected error processing the job status of application &1
125Lock entry for application &1 set to status "A" (aborted)
126Could not set lock entry for application &1 to "A"
127Could not start background job for HR measurement
128Standard function modules for HR measurement do not exist
129Standard function modules for HR measurement not uniform
130Measurement job for application &1 does not have status "scheduled"
131Measurement job for application &1 does not have status "started"
132State of measurement job: &1 not yet finished, &2 canceled
133&1 measurement job(s) is/are not yet started or still running
134&1 measurement job(s) terminated
135Application &1: FM &2 does not have the requested interface
136Names of IS users in language &1 were saved
137InternalError: FORM check_and_save does not recognize value &1 for TextID
138Data saved
139Error when creating the search help (F4 help)
140You are not authorized to release background jobs
141You do not have authorization to display user data
142You are not authorized for system measurement
143You do not have authorization to change user data
144Internal error reading list of registered developers (SSCR)
145Internal error calling SAP List Viewer (ALV)
146Check the classification of &1 users with SSCR key
147Enter at least one "old user type"
148The user type "substitute" cannot be a new type
149The user type "multiclient/multisystem" cannot be a new type
150Enter a new user type
151Database error writing results to database table &
152Database error updating results in database table &
153Classification of & users changed
154No user found matching selection criteria
155Mass change of user types terminated by user
156User type &2 unknown
157Select at least one active price list
158Migrate user types after the change (See long text)
159Migration is not necessary in this client
160Internal error: Could not find lic_type &3 in selection_table
161Error during update of DB table usr06
162User type of &1 users was updated
163User type &1 does not belong to the new price list(s)
164No default setting for users who are not classified (long text)
165No default setting for users who are not classified (long text)
166&1 users are classified according to inactive price lists
167Internal error: &1 sets with REPORTTYPE = 'BP' in table TUREP
168Special versions were deleted by &1 users
169Migration works in the current client only
170No changes were made
171Data was already passed to SDCC for transport to SAP
172Data transfer: error when calling module &1
173Data has already been transferred to SAP
174No measurement data exists
175The transfer of data to SAP was terminated
176Subsystem SDCCN could not generate a session number
177Internal error: Cannot create SDCC session
178Internal error while calling a function module
179The transfer of the measurement data was scheduled
180You do not have authorization to transfer the data
181Internal error: Cannot schedule transfer
182Internal error while saving the transfer status in table TUSTAT
183&1 users inherit their user classification from reference user
184&1 users could not inherit their classification from reference user
185The classification of user &1 was deleted
186User &1 has never yet been classified (This is not an error)
187SDCC is incorrectly installed
188SDCC is incorrectly installed
189Error while locking table TUCNT
190Unknown error while consolidating object counters
191Special version of &1 users transferred from table USR14 to table USR06
192Runtime &1 HH:MM:SS
194The object counters were consolidated
195Internal error while updating the object counters
196Select at least one user
197Select the end of the interval first
198Could not store standard user type
199No standard user type defined.
200Classification(s) for &1 user(s) deleted
201No default setting for users who are not classified (long text)
202Internal error when rolling the table control
203Select at least one active price list
204You are authorized to change the &1 users
205Internal error occurred while searching internal table IT_USR06_RAW
206You are not authorized to change data for user group &1
207You are not authorized to change &1 users
208Cannot classify &1 users from other clients
209Cannot classify &1 users with empty names
210You are not authorized to change &1 users
211All selected users have not yet been classified; this is not an error
212Internal error: Unknown exception received from FM VCM_GET_MEAS_DATA
213Internal error: Cannot set new transfer status
214Internal error: Multiple measurements are locked
215Internal error: Multiple measurements are locked
216Internal error saving time data for data transfer to SDCC
217Measurement data was passed to transaction SDCC
218Internal error: Cannot read transfer status
219Internal error occurred while saving transfer time
220Measurement of application &1 ("&2")
221&1 users that are not classified are counted as &2
222Determining the top ten users of application &1 ("&2")
223User type 92 "External Contact" is no longer valid (&1 users)
224Determining the developer application &1 ("&2")
225Collecting the EHR users of application &1 ("&2")
226DB error sysubrc &1 during measurement &2
227Collecting the mobile devices users &1 ("&2")
228Measurement module &1 of application &2 ("&3") does not exist
229Could not store the transfer data in table TULTRANS
230First measurement data for client &1 comes from &2
231Could not temporarily store the transfer data
232Data transfer to SAP is currently locked
233Error when locking table TULTRANS
234No data for transfer temporarily stored in table TULTRANS
235Measurement of client &1 started
236Measurement of client &1 is not currently possible
237Could not determine calculation relevance for user type &1
238Log records deleted
239Error when deleting from table "&1"
240Triggering measurement of applications
249Specification of a country surcharge for user type &1 is not permitted
250User type &1 is unknown
251Special version &1 is unknown
252Specification of a special version is not permitted for user type &1
253Special version and country surcharge are not permitted simultaneously
254The country surcharge cannot be less than -100%
255The country surcharge cannot be greater than 999%
256Specify the period of the substitution
257The period for the substitution is invalid
258Specify "&1" as the system of the substituted user
259Specify "&1" as the client of the substituted user
260Substitued user &1 does not exist
261The name of the system with the chargeable user is missing
262The client with the chargeable user in system &1 is missing
263Specify the user ID of the chargeable user
264Data missing for system &1; check only in child system
265User type &1 is not active in child system &2
266User type &1 is unknown in child system &2
267No system-specific user classification: license data not "global"
268Invalid CUA model
269System &1 is not assigned to the user or not part of the CUA landscape
270Substituted user &1 does not exist in logical system &2
271Specification of a special version is not permitted for user type &1
272Special version &1 is unknown in child system &2
273Child system &1 does not support global user classification
274License Measurement: Multiple entries for system &1
275License Measurement: Multiple entries for central system &1
276No system-specific user classification in a standalone system
277No system-specific user classification in a CUA child system
278No system-specific user classification: Not a central system
279The system-specific user classification is not yet available
280Could not delete the log records
281No log records exist in the database
282No log records exist for developers
283No system-specific user classification: No CUA
284Parameter &1 must not be filled for this user type
285Maintain user classification only in the central system
286Error when consolidating the CPU data
287The CPU data was consolidated
288Internal error when updating the CPU data
289Error when locking table TUL_CPU
290Unknown error when consolidating the CPU data
292&1 data records stored
293&1 users inherit their user classification through their roles
294&1 users could not inherit their classification through their roles
295No user name specified or password entries do not match
296RFC destination &1 created
297Initialization is already running; try again later
298Could not determine the version of the SDCC system
301Canceled by user
302Error when creating file: &1
350Client measurement: incorrect entry in table TUCON
401The RFC destination for LAW center is not yet maintained
403&1: User &2 missing required authorizations in LAW center &3
404LAW central system &1 (release &2) does not yet support this function
405&1: Communication error during RFC to LAW Center &2: &3
406&1: System error during RFC to LAW Center &2: &3
407&1: Measurement data was transferred to LAW center &2
408&1: Data transfer was requested by qRFC
409New RFC destination for LAW center was saved
410&1: E-mail sent
411&1: E-mail could not be sent
412&1: Last measurement was not successful (see USMM)
413No file name selected for the download
414&1: System status (PROD, DEV, TEST, ...) is not maintained (see USMM)
415&1: No measurement exists
416&1: Last measurement &2 days old, should not be more than &3 days old
417&1: Test communication to LAW system &2
418&1: Request &2 received from LAW center
419&1: Measurement started, job = &2
420&1: Measurement ended, job = &2
421&1: Unknown request &1
422Measurement job &1 was scheduled
423&1: Wait time for job end expired, job &2, status &3
424&1: Could not transfer of measurement data
425&1: No meas. start, since a meas. is already running (SAP Note 750243)
426Could not reach LAW central system by RFC: &1
427No background job generated (exception = &1)
429Code page &1 is not supported.
430&1: input error with &2 &3
431Measurement data was transferred to LAW central system
560You are not authorized to change &1 roles.
561Error when updating the database table agr_flags
562User type of &1 roles updated
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