C0 - PP-PI: Messages for PI Sheet and Syntax Checker

The following messages are stored in message class C0: PP-PI: Messages for PI Sheet and Syntax Checker.
It is part of development package COCB_PIS in software component PP-PI-PMA-MGT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PI Sheet (ABAP List-Based)".
Message Nr
Message Text
100Message does not contain an inspection lot number
101Message does not contain an operation or phase number
102Message does not contain a characteristic number
103A message with no. & has already been posted
104An inspection lot with no. & does not exist
200- Assign a characteristic to the process instruction
201- Assign characteristic PPPI_NOTE after PPPI_BUTTON_TEXT
202- Only use characteristics defined for process parameters
203- Assign characteristic PPPI_NOTE after PPPI_BUTTON_TEXT
204- Assign all required characteristics to process instruction
205- Assign PPPI_VARIABLE before the corresponding mess. characteristic
207- Define the value to be transferred immediately after & &
208- Define the variable for the parameter value immediately after & &
209- Define a value or variable for each parameter
211- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
212- Enter a correct value for characteristic & &
213- Assign a value to characteristic & &
215- Assign the function to be called (PPPI_FUNCTION_NAME)
217- Assign PPPI_VARIABLE before the corresponding mess. characteristic
218- Assign PPPI_INPUT_REQUEST before & &
221- Assign PPPI_MESSAGE_CATEGORY only once (simple data request)
222- PPPI_DEFAULT_VARIABLE is not defined for manual value assignment
223- PPPI_EXTERNAL_VALUE is not defined for manual value assignment
224- Char. & & has not been defined for val. assigment using variables
225- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
226- Assign PPPI_INPUT_REQUEST before & &
228- Charact. & & cannot be used after PPPI_VARIABLE
229- Assign PPPI_INPUT_REQUEST before the corresponding parameter
230- Assign charact. of preceding mess. cat. before & &
231- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
232- Define output value
233- Assign PPPI_VARIABLE before the corresponding mess. characteristic
236- Define column header for value to be displayed
237- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
238- Process instructions of type 0 are not supported
250- Error in proc. instr. type & for cntrl. rec. dest. &
251PIs for control recipe destinations of type & will not be checked
252You cannot use process message subscriptions for PI sheets
253Characteristic &2 does not exist in client &1
254Process instr. type &1 not intended for use in ctrl recipe dest. type &2
298Processor or processor group: &
299Control recipe destin.& -------------------------------------------------
300Phase &, process inst. & &
301- Assign a value to characteristic & &
302- Charact. & &: Assign message category
303- Charact. & &: Message category & is not defined
304- Charact. & &: No characteristics assigned to message cat. &
305- Assign required characteristic &2 to message category &1
306- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
307- Charact. & &: Assign a variable
308- Charact. &3 &2: Define variable &1 first
309- Charact. & &: Assign variable name
310- Charact.& &: Choose a unique variable name
311- Charact.& &: Maintain maximum formula length of eight characteristics
312- Charact.& &: Error in formula "&"
313- Charact.& &: Enter larger value than for PPPI_MINIMUM_TABLE_SIZE
314- Charact.& &: Enter smaller value than for PPPI_MAXIMUM_TABLE_SIZE
315- Charact.& &: Assign function name
316- Charact.& &: Function module & expecting unallowed tables
317- Charact.& &: Error in function &
318- Charact.& &: Assign name of existing function
319- Charact.& &: Assign valid function name
320- Charact.& &: Function module & contains unpermitted exceptions
321- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
322- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
323- Error when assigning interface parameter &
324- Error when assigning interface parameter &
325- Error when assigning interface parameter &
326- Charact.& &: Assign numeric characteristic
327- Charact.& &: Assign message characteristic
328- Charact.& &: & does not belong to mess. category &
329- Charact.& &: Val. assignment type for & not permitted
330- Complete settings for parameter &
331- Complete settings for parameter &
332- Complete settings for parameter &
333- Charact.& &: Parameter & already assigned
334- Charact.& &: Parameter & already assigned
335- Charact.& &: Parameter & already assigned
336- Specify the type of data request (&)
337- Assign a message category (&)
338- Assign a message category (&)
339- Charact.& &: Error in function &
340- Assign function to be called (&)
341- Charact.&1 : Define requested characteristic for message category (&3)
342- Characteristic & & cannot be used in this position
343- Only define message characteristics as output values
344- Assign characteristic to be displayed as value to characteristic &1 &2
400Unable to call up PI sheet &
401You have not selected a PI sheet
402You have reached the first PI sheet selected
403You have reached the last PI sheet selected
404Please choose an overview variant
405Error in the definition of the overview variant
500PI sheet status "&" is not defined
501PI sheet cannot be displayed due to its status (&)
502Error when transferring the control recipe data
503The PI sheet cannot be maintained due to its status (&)
504Error when transferring the control recipe data
505You cannot use this transaction to access browser-based PI sheets
506PI Sheet is supported in SAP GUI for Windows
540Batch determination /check not possible: reservation data is missing
541Batch determination/check not possible: material quantity is missing
542Batch determination/check: you have not entered a unit of measure
543System error: No batch determination/check carried out
544Batch determination/check not possible: Input field for batch is missing
545Process instruction &2, phase &1: specify batch
546Batch determination: Not all selected batches may be transferred
547No characteristics assigned to process instruction & in phase &
548Message for process instruction & in phase & cannot be created
549Batch number is assigned within QM, not in the PI sheet
550System error during number assignment (message ID)
551Message no. &: Message header cannot be found
552No message characteristics found for message cat. &
553PI sheet & has been saved
554PI sheet & has been set to "complete"
555Please check format specified for message charact. &
556Assign value to required characteristic &
557Message category & is not defined
558Assign value to required characteristic &
559Message no. &: Message header cannot be found
560No object selected, or the processing type is not valid for the object
561System error: Process instruction & in phase & not found
562First position the cursor on the text
563The text could not been saved
564Maintain process instruction no. & for phase &
565PI sheet has status "complete": Display only
566PI sheet does not exist or it has not yet been sent
567Please report all data first
568System error: Problems with message number range
569Message has been created
570Status of PI sheet & has been set to "technically complete"
571Status "technically complete" has been revoked
572Message not found
573System error: Message not found
574PI sheet status is not "technically complete"
575Change in status cannot be reported
576Required message characteristic missing in proc. instruction &, phase &
577System error when accessing the PI sheet (during locking)
578System error when creating or maintaining the message
579System error: Message not found
580This function is currently not supported
581***Scrolling not possible in this area
582Warning triggered, but no text defined for warning
583Select control instruction first
584PI sheet & is blocked by another user
585& PI sheets have been deleted
586System error when generating the comment sheet
587Complete the process step first
588***Select only one message
589***Text group with this name not defined
590***Enter text group and text name
591***A text with this name already exists
592System error: The text no longer exists
593System error when assigning text name
594***Text successfully deleted
595Phase &3, proc. instr. &4: Enter allowed value for characteristic &2
596No PI sheet matching the selection criteria has been found
597There is no data to be reported
598Specify the PI sheet
599Phase &, process instruction &: Formula too long
600Phase &, instr. &: Division by 0 in formula &
601Phase &, instr. &: Error during exponentiation in formula &
602Phase &, instr. &: Error in formula table for formula &
603Phase &, instr. &: Invalid arithmetic expression in formula &
604Phase &, instr. &: Error when taking a logarithm in formula &
605Phase &, instr. &: Invalid parameter in formula &
606Phase &, instr. &: Error when taking a root in formula &
607Phase &, instr. &: Invalid unit of measure in formula &
608Phase &, instr. &: No formula definition found
609Phase &, instr. &: Value missing for the calculation of formula &
610Error in validation rule: phase &, instr. &, char. &
611Message category missing in phase &, proc. instruction &
612Automatic value assignment not possible with characteristic &
613Characteristic & not found: phase &, instr. &, char. &
614Invalid type of data request (&): phase &, instr. &
615Charact. & is not allowed here: phase &, instr. &, charact. &
616Process instruction already active
617Process instruction already processed: Activation not possible
618Process instruction already inactive
619Process instruction already processed: Deactivation not possible
620Process instruction not active: Maintenance not possible
621Process instruction has been deactivated
622No process instruction selected or function not possible
623Process instruction has been activated
624Phase &, proc. instruction &: Error in formula &
625You do not have a display authorization for plant & , address &
626You do not have a delete authorization for plant &, address &
627You do not have the authorization to delete PI sheets
628You do not have a maintenance authorization for plant &, address &
629You do not have a change authorization for plant & address &
630You do not have an archiving authorization for plant & address &
631Message category & in phase &, process instruction & not defined
632Error when editing the archiving/print parameters
633***Error when accessing the archive
634You do not have the authorization to archive PI sheets
635You are not authorized to create messages
636Comment sheet for the PI sheet could not be read
637Text for phase &, instr. & could not be read
638You do not have the authorization to create messages in plant &
639Creation of long texts in tables is not permitted
640Please specify an operation/a phase in proc. instr. & for phase &
641Inspection results will be saved when the PI sheet is saved
642Processing of inspection characteristics in simulation is not possible
643Current position: phase &, instruction &
644Signature missing: Data for the processing step cannot be reported
645Data has been reported
646PI sheet set to "technically complete"
647Changing parameter & is not defined
648Changing parameter & is missing in the function call
649Function name missing in dyn. function call: phase & instr. &
650Import parameter & missing in function call
651Export parameter & missing in function call
652Function module &: Invalid table parameters expected
653Function module &: Invalid exceptions defined
654Invalid name of function module & to be called
655Called function module & is not defined
656System error when accessing function module &
657Export parameter & is not defined
658Import parameter & is not defined
659Variable & is not defined
660Invalid characteristic sequence in function call (charact. no. &)
661Invalid use of characteristic in function call (charact. no. &)
662Characteristic no. & is invalid for this process instruction
663Called function & has triggered exception &
664Function cannot be carried out now; try again later
665Parameter & has been defined twice
666Error in definition of process instruction
667Invalid definition for table
668Maintain the headings of characteristic &
669Characteristic not defined for long text assignment
670PI sheet & is blocked by another user
671System error: PI sheet & could not be locked
672Select a characteristic first
673Internal error while accessing a digital signature
674You are not authorized to set the PI sheet to "Technically complete"
675Phase &, proc. instr. &: & is greater than &
676Invalid use of global variable &1
677You may not delete PI sheet &1
678System error when deleting browser-based PI sheets
680A problem occurred: Please check display log
681A problem occurred: Please check calculation log
682A problem occurred: Please check maintenance log
683A problem occurred: Please check loading log
685No display log exists
686No maintenance log exists
687No calculation log exists
688No loading log exists
690Assigned message numbers are within the critical range
691The last message number within the number range has been assigned
692There are more message numbers required than left in number range
694No signature found for input value you selected
695Phase &, instruction &: No variable defined for characteristic &
696Phase &, instruction &: Variable & is not defined
697Phase &, instruction &: No value could be assigned to charact. &
699System error: message cannot be created
700You have not entered a signature: Your entry is rejected
701No authorization for entering the signature: Entry rejected
702User could not be identified: Entry is rejected
703Message category & is not defined
704Position cursor on a line containing a message characteristic
705System cannot continue processing
706Unable to display message(s)
707The text could not be edited
708The text could not be read
709System could not scroll
710Error during char. value assignment: Enter different value
711System error: Value assignment in display mode
712System error: Characteristic not found
713System error: Characteristic is locked
714System error: internal error when setting the characteristic value
715Multiple value assignment not possible with this characteristic
716Invalid value
717System error: Characteristic cannot be selected
718System error when deleting a characteristic value
719System error: Value assignment terminated
720System error: No characteristics intended for processing
721Function may not be called in display mode
722Confirmation recording impossible; display only
723Unable to find status object & for order &
724Function module & not active
725Object characteristic "&1" not allowed - message is not created
751Select one entry
752Select one entry only
754&1 of &2 entries you have selected were deleted
755Maximum number of selected entries was reached
756Select at least one status
757Selection range was restricted to & PI sheets
758Selection range restricted to & entries. No PI sheet selected
759Max. number of orders exceeded. Restrict your selection
800- Characteristic & not created or not released
802You cannot enter a long text for this characteristic
803You cannot delete message characteristics
804Select a group
805The maximum number of lines must be greater than the minimum number
806Select a message category to continue processing
807Use sort number & only once
808Enter a validation formula first
809Enter a text for each entry
810You have reached the first entry
811You have reached the last entry
812Select the desired line
813Assign the unit of measure to one characteristic only
814Internal error when accessing the characteristic data
815Further processing not possible (contact system administrator)
816Further processing not possible (contact system administrator)
817PI assistant does not support process instruction type &
818Text exceeds field length. Text is truncated
819Internal error when executing the function
820Internal error: long text not found
821No long text has been maintained for this characteristic
822Unable to find function module & (check your entry)
823Only use function modules without table parameters
824Function module & not active
825Internal error when converting the characteristic overview
826Internal error when calling the error log
827You cannot insert text symbol here
828Field not long enough to accommodate entire text symbol
829Output value of characteristic was adjusted
830Default value of input characteristic adjusted
831Default value for input value is used as output value
832Output value of the characteristic is used as default value
833Variable name "&" already used in the process instruction
834Only use characeteristics whose value is assigned autom. in the order
835Message category &3 not available in plant &1 (check your entry)
836No errors found
838- & &
839- Formula contains variable &
840- Text symbol &1: Invalid reference to control characteristic &2
841- Unable to assign a characteristic to text symbol &
842- Unable to find characteristic &2 assigned to text symbol &1
843- More than one message category is allocated to the data request
844- ==> Data request type is changed from "simple" to "repeated"
845- Repeated data request: Define at least one input value
846- Assign a variable to parameter &
847- Assign a value to the required parameter &
848- You cannot use characteristic &1 for process instructions of type &2
849- ==> All connected characteristics are ignored
850- No characteristics assigned to characteristics group &
851- No description for characteristic &1 in language &2
852- Unable to assign characteristic &. Characteristic is ignored.
853- Function name missing -> Unable to assign parameter &
854- You cannot use characteristic & here. Characteristic is ignored.
855- Internal error: Unknown data type allocated to parameter &
856- Error occurred when converting formula: unable to split formula
857- Enter a message category. Otherwise, characteristics will be lost
858- Characteristic & is not created/released. Characteristic is ignored.
859- You cannot use characteristic &1 as a text symbol
860- A long text has been assigned to char. &. Long texts are not supported
861- Unable to find message characteristics for message category &
862- Required message characteristic & has no value or initial value
863- ==> An input field is generated when the PI sheet is maintained
864- Characteristic & has no value or initial value
865- Unable to check characteristic values
866- No errors found when checking characteristic value assignment
867- Allocate a function module to the process instruction
868- Unable to calculate characteristic & as it is not numeric
869- ==> Unable to continue processing. Correct the error
870Reading characteristic data from classification system...
871Checking process instruction &1 (type &2)...
872Creating and checking characteristic structure...
873Checking characteristic value assignment...
874Checking text symbols...
875Checking formula(s)...
876The process message with number & was created
880Characteristic & is locked and cannot be changed
881You may not be able to "copy" process instruction changes
882Locked characteristic & was changed in the PI assistant
883Unable to copy process instruction
890Characteristics added to char. list because message category was changed
891Check characteristic values
892You cannot use fct &1 as a check function as it contains no exceptions
893Caution: You can only use asyn. signature process at the end of PI sheet
894Characteristic & is not correct for this process instruction type
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