C2 - Other messages production orders

The following messages are stored in message class C2: Other messages production orders.
It is part of development package CO in software component PP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Development ERP PP Production Orders".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* ------------------
001Release carried out (Please check log)
002Release carried out
003The availability log does not contain any entries
004Sequence & Operation/Activity &:
005Material availability:
006PRT availability:
007Order &: Release despite missing part(s)
008Order &: Release despite missing PRT(s)
009Order &: Release rejected
010Release of order &:
011Operation & does not exist (Please check)
012There are no entries in the availability log for material components
013There are no entries in the availability log for PRTs
014There are no entries in the release log
015Material & not available in full quantity for order &
016No current dates exist for item & (carry out new availability check)
017No current missing parts list exists for order & (new availability check)
018Log contains no entries
019Messages regarding routing selection
020There are no entries in the deletion flag log
021Item &1 material &2 not checked (see long text)
022Item & & not checked due to final posting indicator
023No availability check for components with final posting indicator
024No availability check for deleted components (item &1, material &2)
025Material &: Production version not maintained
026No availability check for co-products (item &1, material &2))
027No availability check if requirements quantity is zero (item &1, mat. &2)
028The WM staging log is empty
029No filter profile maintained for user &
030No sort profile maintained for user &
031Profile & does not exist (check entry)
032No valid components for current filter selection
033Filtering of components terminated
034Select at least one sort criterion
035Select at least one filter criterion
036User profile & does not exit (Check entry)
037Item &1 material &2: an error occurred in the availability check
038Not all operations were released (see log)
039Release rejected (check log)
040Enter operation number and sequence
041Operation / sequence entered is not permitted
042Internal error: Object number of operation missing
043Selection of deleted operations not allowed
044Selection of alternative sequences not allowed
045The operation is already confirmed
046Dependent orders have not been read - order cannot be released
047No availability check for bulk material (item &1, material &2)
048Collective release terminated
049You did not enter any search criteria
050Procurement of material &2 from plant &1 allowed
051Material & not found in
052Withdrawal plant & not found for material &
053Operation does not have capacity requirements
054Order not locked - order changes not allowed
055Order routing and production version routing differ
056Order BOM and production version BOM differ
057Transfer date of routing not in validity period of production version
058Explosion date of BOM not in validity period of production version
059Please enter an operation number
060Revision level & does not exist for material &
061Explosion date & taken over from revision level &
062Enter a transfer date for the routing
063Enter an explosion date for the bill of material
064Production version & not found for material & plant &
065Production version & is not valid for explosion date &
066Production version & is not valid for lot size &
067No availability check for components with direct procurement (item & &)
068Refresh list of components
069Errors occurred during check (see log)
070Order & has no missing parts
071Release (of some orders) refused - See release log
072Availability check cannot be executed for capacities
073Order &: Release in spite of work centers with overload
074Start capacity availability check
075Capacity availability: Capacity available at all work centers
076Place cursor on order header, order item or order component
077Enter at least one selection criterion
078All the planned orders in the system are read
079Only select one plant
080No plant was selected
081& orders were checked
082Availability check only for information purposes (see long text)
083Incorrect planned order no. &. Replan material & plant &
084Availability check only for information purposes
085Object & is not configured
086There are no current test results for order &
087Error during deletion of purchase requisition &1 for order &2
088Serial number check - assignment:
089Order &: Release refused - Please maintain serial numbers
090Saving order not possible - maintain serial numbers
091Release not possible: Number of serial numbers not equal to order qty
092Error in serial number management (see log)
093Serial numbers cannot be maintained (see long text)
094Characteristic valuation does not exist
095There is no status management for this object type
096CO data does not exist
097No availability check for non MRP-relevant components (Item: &)
098Navigation not possible because no entry exists
099Only enter allowed descriptions (entry ignored)
100The object detail list selected is empty
101Field & in profile & can no longer be displayed
102Position cursor on desired object
103Order & is not part of a collective order
104The selected entries cannot be displayed in the detail list
105No objects were selected
106Enter a profile
107Variant & could not be used
108Enter a profile for object &
109No orders selected
110Object & should be expanded but not displayed
111Position cursor on object profile
112User filter & does not exist
113Object & should be displayed but not read from the database
114All the selection criteria were deleted
115The component list chosen contains no entries
116The pick list chosen contains no entries
117All selected reservations are locked by another user
118Item &1 material &2: manually confirmed quantity was cancelled
119No check exists for planning (item: &1, mat.: &2)
120Order & was confirmed
121Order & is partially confirmed
122Order & already printed
123Order & is partially printed
124Order & - Inspection lots were already created
125Order & already delivered
126Order & partially delivered
127Order &: Goods withdrawal carried out
128Order & purchase orders exist
129Order & goods receipt posted
130Order &: purchase orders already exist for operation &
131Order & routing cannot be read in collective order!
132Application &1 for order type &2 does not exist
133Order & is released
134Order & is partially released
135Order &: transport requirements generated
136Status of released order is reverted to "Created"
137Order &: Partial network scheduling with finish date as framework date
138Order &: Subnetwork scheduled backwards
139Application & does not allow you to take production versions into account
140Order &: Sales order & is assigned
141Selection ID &1 for application &2 does not exist
142No valid production version found for material &
143The selected production version & is locked
144Specify production version
145Subnetwork for component &1 &2 cannot be created
146The production version used is not valid
147BOM alternative & for material & is not valid on &
148Specify BOM alternative
149Collective order: No valid production version found for material &
150Initiating object record &1 not found or not active
151Initiating object record &1 was copied to the list
152No procurement element was found for initiating object record &
153No production order belongs to sales order &1
154The changes have been saved
155List processing was left without saving
156Processing steps not in continuous sequence
157Please select a sales order or a change number
158Initiating object record & was already copied to the list
159First object was selected
160Last object was selected
161Simulation order does not yet exist
162No changes have so far been determined
163Order &: Assembly order can only be deleted via customer order &
164Production version selected is not allowed in quota planning
165No detailed screen available for function &1
166Internal: Error when compressing or decompressing data
167The function &1 does not support the selected function code
168Internal: Error due to repeated generation of a function selection
169Column width in profile & initial - the default width is used
170Specify column width or select original width
171Read error for function selection for &1 to &2
172Please enter either a sales order or a change number
173No reservations were found for the selection criteria
174Order &1:
175Order &1 Sequence &2 Operation &3:
176Mass processing executed - &1 log(s) created (&2)
177&1 function selections generated
178No change initiator selected
179Sales order was not selected
180Change number was not selected
181No procurement element was selected
182Production order was not selected
183Planned order was not selected
184Purchase was not selected
185No ikons found that match the preselection
186Selection profile & does not exist
187No function selected for mass processing
188Initiating object record &1 is locked by user &2
189Procurement element change record &1 is locked by user &2
190Initiating object record &1 is locked by user &2
191No change profile could be determined for order &
192Procurement element change record &1 is locked by user &2
193There is no simulation order for production order &
194Status selection profile for order & not valid
195Error or warning occurred during master data transfer (see log)
196Mass processing in background triggered
197Material & is configured in the sales order
198WM staging has been carried out for component &
199Reference order & is part of a configurable collective order
200Not all selected fields can be displayed
201Collective order (assembly orders) not completely read
202BOM assignment program executed - see log
203The log in the BOM assignment program contains no entries
204Component &1 (pos. &2) has no requirements date
205Enter production plant, MRP area or planning plant
206Serial numbers cannot be mantained
207Split order &1 cannot be archived
208Select document link
209Select sort column
210New document links: &1
211No relevant documents were found
212&1 deletion flag(s) are being set
213&1 deletion indicators are being set
214Deletion flag for order &1 can be set
215Deletion indicator in order &1 can be activated
216Order being processed: &1
217Document links to alternative sequences are not possible
218Document version &1 for date &2 not valid (current version: &3)
219No valid version exists for the document
220Function cannot be executed for order &
221Configuration for material & is inconsistent
222Characteristic change for material & does not lead to a new BOM explosion
223A valid bill of material could not be found for material &1
224The reference operation set & you selected is not valid
225Settlement rule cannot be copied
226Backflush indicator cannot be set for material &1
227No check because material &1 (item &2) exists at the suppliers
228No availability check for components without a material number
229Table &1/&2 unknown in the active archive. May not have been archived
230Settlement rule cannot be created with settlement profile &
231Storage location &1 could not be adopted for material &2
232A valid bill of material could not be found for material &1
233The configuration is inconsistent: Display is not possible.
234Change to the WBS element. Components are adjusted
235Procurement element change records still exist for order &1
236Leading order &1 has a procurement element change record
237Order &1 has the status "Change forbidden"
238Order &1 still contains plus and minus components for a change process
239Order &1 still contains plus/minus transactions for a change process
240Enter a distribution rule for &1
241Component &1 with backflush indicator cannot be reassigned
242BOM for planned order &1 not valid for orders
243No active archive information structure for &. Is read without structure
244Order & created by order split.
245Quality notification &2 still exists for order &1
246Goods receipt taking place => Settlement rule cannot be changed
247Settlement rule cannot be changed as is already being used
248Change settlement rule, as automatic change is not possible
249Residence time 2 for order &1 (order type &2) has not yet expired
250Error as stock/reqmts situation was being read: Material & ignored
251Sales order/item &1/&2 does not exist (see long text)
252Batch &1 was deleted from split record for material &2 (see long text)
253Charge was changed, check availability for material &1
254The routing selection was ended manually
255The BOM selection was ended manually
256Planned order &1 cannot be converted - order network incomplete
257Material &1 is not copied due to mat.status &2 (&3)
258No check for advance procurement and leg (item &1, material &2)
259Order &1 not found, may have been deleted by parallel run
260Operation &1 for order &2 sequence &3 has dependent objects
261Sub-operation &1 for order &2 sequence &3 operation &4 selected also
262Component &1 item &2 for order &3 operation &4 was selected also
263PRT &1 for order &2 operation &3 was also selected
264Purchase requisition &1 &2 for order &3 operation &4 was selected also
265Network was not read completely - configuration can only be displayed
266Purchase order available for operation &
267Planning order & requires stock transfer
268WBS element &1 of the order is not the same as WBS element &2
269Sales order &1 item &2 of the order is not in selection criteria
270Change to control key not allowed: Operation has been confirmed
271No control key has been maintained for operation &1 of order &2
272Batch assignment in order & is not sufficient
273Copying link to document &1, document part &2, version &3
274Material withdrawal already posted for order
275Transfer requirements aready exist for order
276Goods receipt posted: You cannot add a co-product
277Goods receipt posted: Co-product is added as a by-product
278Change to the WBS element: Collective order not completely imported
279WM-relevant component &1 cannot be reassigned
280Order &1: Reservations are no longer MRP-relevant
281Negative quantity not allowed for externally-procured component &1
282Max. of &1 select. conditions possible. You have maintained &2 conditions
283Master data in order &1 are no longer current
284Master data in reference order are no longer current
285No batch determination for directly-produced components (item & &)
286Component &1 with backflush indicator cannot be reassigned
287Backflush: Control key & should allow confirmation
288Assembly order: Import total collective order
289Updating superordinate reservation with changed data
290Material &1/&2: Components and operations can only be copied together
291Order &1, sequence &2 exists twice in operation &3 &4
292Selection of production version in the batch input
293Order &1 is already technically completed
294It was not possible to select a routing automatically
295Unexpected COMMIT WORK
296Archiving was terminated because of errors
297The print program should support PDF output for PDF form &1
298No SAPscript form defined for list &1 (ref. order type &2, report &3)
299No PDF form defined for list &1 (reference order type &2, report &3)
300Status text for object & in order & could not be determined
301Number of displayed orders limited to &1 (&2 orders selected)
302Collective availability check cancelled (error while resetting)
303A previously used distribution rule already exists
304Configuration in order & is invalid for current date
305Order &1 is assigned to account of order &2
306Balance is not zero for order &
307You have not entered a PDF-based form
308Planned order &1 does not contain any reservations for phantom assemblies
309First execute planning run (multi-level) for material &1
310WBS element & not (partially) released / technically completed
311Component & item & cannot be deleted (see long text)
312No more free item numbers (Please check)
313User status & prohibits scheduling. Enter a date
314Component &1 item &2 must not be deleted (+/- components)
315Routing & is flagged for deletion
316Choose the object 'components'
317User status prevents deletion of inspection lot &2
318Number of selected planned orders restricted to 9999
319Registration for configuration is not possible for order & and object &
320Production scheduling profile &1 is already being used
321Scheduling terminated: Total commitment date does not exist
322No data in archive for instance &
323Settlement rule contains errors and has not been saved
324Order &1 still has open deliveries
325Error occurred during creation of purchase requisition for operation &
326There are open deliveries for material &1 item &2
327Inconsistent data: &1, duplicate entry &2
328Order was not saved
329Final order number is determined before save
330Apportionment structure &2 automatically determined for material &1
331Parallel processing not possible for this function
332Parallel processing not confirmed: Function possibly not executed
333Picking performed, successful: &1, unsuccessful: &2
334Transaction terminated, picking not saved
335In operation & of sequence & work center & in plant & is locked
336Errors during plan explosion; transaction terminated
337Plan was not exploded due to errors!
338Operation &1/seq. &2: Work center &3 (plant &4) is flagged for deletion
339A purchase order with parts already exists for operation &
340The activity types for work centers &1 and &2 are different
341WBS element &1 is assigned to order &2
342Network &1 is assigned to order &2
343Network activity &1 &2 is assigned to order &3
344Object &1 &2 is assigned to order &3
345The system was unable to create the settlement rule
346Comp. &1 deleted because material &2 is locked (discontinuation group &3)
347Purchase requisition could not be created during mass conversion
348For OCM read order task list and BOM
349Long text will be overwritten with standard text
350Error during generation of settlement rules for co-products
351No storage location maintained for order item &2
352Plant/storage location combination &3/&4 not assigned to a warehouse no.
353Warehouse number &4 in order item &3 is not EWM-managed
354Order & contains no or too many items
355Reservation item &1: Direct production not possible in order network
356Reservation number &1: Direct procurement not possible
357Reservation item &1: By-products not possible
358Reservation item &1: Backflushing not possible
359No storage location maintained for reservation item &1
360Plant/storage location combination &3/&4 not assigned to a warehouse no.
361Warehouse number in reservation item &1 not correct
362Requirement dates/times of components in order &1 do not match up
363Operation &1: Automatic goods receipt not possible
364Operation &1: Parts provided (subcontracting components) not supported
365Operation &1: Non-supported trigger points assigned
366Operation release not possible in case of kit-to-stock orders
367Order &1 is part of an order network
368WM staging cannot be carried out for order &1
369Open delivery item &2 &3 still exists for order &1
370Open outbound delivery &2 still exists for order &1
371Planned order &1 fixed (firmed)
372Fixing (firming) in planned order &1 reversed
373Data for plant &4 incompletely maintained
374Outbound delivery for kit-to-stock order &1 not yet created
375Error generating delivery (Inform system administrator)
376Delivery &2 created for order &1
377Order &1: Automatic goods receipt not possible
378Outbound delivery &1 for kit-to-stock order &2 not yet distributed
379There are no productive PI sheets
380Dependent delivery &1 can only be cancelled in SAP EWM
381There is at least one active handling unit for order &1
382No automatic change to backflush indicator
383Postprocessing records exist for delivery &1
384No automatic change of storage location
385Order &1 could not be released
386& orders have been released
387Business area required to release order &1
388No routing found for production version &1 of material &2 in plant &3.
389Item &1: Shortage of &2: &3 (Operation &4)
390Material Number &1 does not exists
391Plant &1 does not exists
392RA Key &1 is for Event-Based Posting, but not Costing Sheet &2
393Costing Sheet &2 is for Event-Based Posting, but not RA Key &1
394RA Key &1 is for Event-Based Posting, but not Costing Sheet &2
395Collective orders are not supported by Event-Based Posting
396Result Analysis Key &1 is not for Event-Based Posting
397Costing Sheet &1 is not for Event-Based Posting
398Result Analysis Key &1 is for Event-Based Posting
399Co-products are not supported by Event-Based Posting
400By-products are not supported by Event-Based Posting
401Sales order or project stock are not supported by Event-Based Posting
402Orders without finished material are not supported by Event-Based Posting
403Product Cost Collector and Event-Based Posting is not supported
404Settlement Rule not supported by Event-Based Posting
405Event-Based Posting requires full Settlement of Order Costs to Material
406Project stock is not supported by Event-Based Posting
407Warnings occurred during cost calculation for order &1
408Batch / Valuation type must not be changed
409Deactivate change of cost element with change of purchasing data
410Mass processing executed - &1 log(s) with severity levels (&2)
411Production order for order type &1 cannot be created
412Deactivate transfer of open quantity to batch totals line
413Insertion of routing &1/&2 between operations &3 and &4 failed
414Operation &1 in order &2 already exists
415Suboperation &1 of operation &2 in order &3 already exists
416Routing &1 version &2 is not valid according to selection criteria
417Business area required for order &1
418Positive values for offset may lead to invalid date in the future
419Default rule &1 is not supported by Event-Based Posting
420No Advance shipment for deleted components (item &1, material &2)
421Inserting co-products are not supported by Event-Based Posting
422Quality notification exists for order &1
423Quality notification exists for operation &2 in order &1
424Event-based result analysis key &1 is not allowed
425Planned costs are not available yet. To display costs save order first
426Planned costs are not yet up to date. Save the order first
497No authorization for work centers in plant &
498Inspection lot &1 for order &2 does not have necessary status
499The sales order item &1 &2 is closed
500*** Archiving
501Order & is archivable
502Order & not archivable - order hierarchy not complete LOEKZ
503Network Activity is not released
504No entry for material &1 and serial number &2
505Corresponding Reservation not found
506&1 data inserted into genealogy table
507Error in genealogy data creation
508Input correct WBS element
509&1 reservation yet to be considered
510Material not supplied
511WBS element not supplied
512Material is not installation kit
513Demand not found
514Material type is not valid
515BOM is not version-controlled
516Predecessor Activity is not released
517Network do not have parameter effectivity
518Network have different parameter effectivity
519You are not authorized to execute report &
520Material does not have BOM
521BOM not found
522BOM is not released
523BOM version does not exist
524BOM alternative does not exist
525Component is not assigned to network
526BOM is not released for &
527Network already linked to another Major Assembly
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